Changelog for webtrees-2.1.20-lp155.8.1.noarch.rpm :

* Fri Aug 30 2024 ecsod - Update to 2.1.20 - No changelog from upstream found. - Fix an SELinux issue.
* Mon Nov 27 2023 ecsos - Update to 2.1.18 - No changelog from upstream found.
* Mon Sep 11 2023 ecsos - Update to 2.1.17 - No changelog from upstream found.
* Thu May 18 2023 ecsos - Update to 2.1.16
* Fixes: Concurrent edits for different record types could create duplicate XREFs Add MegaIndex and Seekport to the bad-bot list Compatibility issue with SQL-Server Compatibility issue with PostgreSQL Missing HUSB:AGE on divorce events Family residence lable not translated Numeric surnames break individual list Wrong order for ADDR subtags Place names not sorted correctly for some languages
* Changes: Initial support for GEDCOM 7 INDI:NO and FAM:NO tags Show timestamps for last check-for-update Performance tweak when creating first XREF in a new tree Slideshow pauses when the tab/window is hidden- Update to 2.1.15
* Fixes: The NAME editor is not linked to GIVN and SURN.- Update to 2.1.14
* Fixes: Change family members removes all children. Email notifications for new releases of webtrees sent in the wrong language. Cannot enter empty row into census-assistant. Adding XDEBUG parameters during setup causes the base_url to be wrongly detected. Incorrect collation rules for surnames on the individual list. Missing totals in tag-cloud lists. Expand/collapse edit fields wrongly connected. Old entries in wt_names table cause errors in the individual list.
* Updates and new features: Read-only NAME records are styled as disabled, to encourage users to use GVIN/SURN fields. Missing API keys for map-providers now gives a helpful message. Editing an empty NAME record will now initialise it from the GIVN/SURN parts. Block more bad robots: DataForSeoBot, wp_is_mobile. More compatibility updates for SQL-Server. Data from edit fields in modal windows are now formatted the same as full-page editors. Statistics for common surnames now uses the same logic as the individual list.- Update to 2.1.13
* Fixes: Cannot save tree-preferences without contact details. Provide select-options for NAME:FONE/ROMN:TYPE. HTML error prevents privacy rules from saving. Interactive tree not updating in full-screen mode.
* Updates and new features: ‘Ugly’ URLs are redirected to pretty ones, for SEO. Dutch historic events. Support for GEDCOM7 versions of INDI/FAM:RESI which allow a value. The FAQ page now uses the default tree by default.- Update to 2.1.12
* Fixes: It fixes a compatibility issue with PHP 7.4. It also blocks two new aggressive crawlers, serpstatbot and linabot.- Update to 2.1.11
* Fixes: It removes validation of HTTP headers. Some web-hosts are adding GEO_IP headers containing placenames with invalid encoding.- Update to 2.1.10 It fixes a bug in the auto-upgrade code that exists in 2.1.8 and 2.1.9. If you are using either of those versions, you need to apply a manual patch before using the auto-upgrade. See here for details.
* Bug fixes Robots that request disabled languages and then visit unauthorized pages cause errors in the logs Wrong statistic shown for lastEventPlace Wrong date order MDY for en-GB and en-AU. Fix validation errors that break various edit pages. Fact-level restrictions not matching upper/lower case.
* Changes webtrees will now use the first NAME record for an individual, even it is a married name. Block more bad robots and verify others.- Update to 2.1.9
* Fixes: + It fixes a few small bugs that were introduced in 2.1.8 Cannot delete unused locations Cannot create/save journal entries Cannot replace all data-fixes
* Changes: There is one small change In upgrade notification emails, the site URL is now a link- Update to 2.1.8
* Bug-fixes: Not all images were shown on the slideshow Should not save empty names, containing only “//” Error when generating 405 responses for robots Add verification for more search robots GOV IDs can be 14 characters, not 12 INDI:_MILI is a fact, not an event FAM:NCHI is not valid in GEDCOM 5.5.1, only GEDCOM 7.0 Wrong sub-tags for ORDN Strict-type errors with PHP 8 Folder names not sorted in auto-complete Notes containing links wrongly described as shared notes Remove config options for full-sources and level-2 sources - these are now part of the tag configuration SOUR:PUBL, SOUR:TITL and SOUR:AUTH should allow multi-line text Error when adding new individuals without any facts Various compatibility errors with SQL-Server Wrong element type for INDI:NAME:ROMN INDI:NAME:ROMN and INDI:NAME:FONE not populated from subtags, like INDI:NAME Fix inconsistent spacing around footers Fix error when failed upload of geographic data Wrong order of surnames in surname list Re-order children can fail if broken links exist Checkboxes initialised in wrong state Private shared notes shown on some public pages Wrong plural rules for Farsi Allow empty slugs in URLs Various HTML errors Fact delete confirmation dialog malformed Deleted research tasks shown on home page
* Changes: Add logging of searches Add fullscreen mode for maps Add fullscreen mode for the interactive tree Add edit links for location in place-hierarchy Allow notes to be added to research tasks 404 image placeholders now include an error message in the headers Improve support for _RUFNAME Add compatibility with PHP 8.2 Support more custom tags from Aldfaer, RootsMagic, MyHeritage and ProGen Update google-analytics module to support latest version Allow note/source/media when creating new individuals The statistics charts were removed from the individual/family lists as they use Google charts, and hence Google tracking Validate more robots; NeevaBot, IonCrawl and Amazonbot Block more bad robots; Amazonbot, SEOkicks, SiteKiosk, netEstate Handle LS and PS characters, as created by Update to 2.1.7 There are a number of bug-fixes, including:
* Bug-fixes: Missing date on _TODO events Notes on CHAN events were lost when editing. Wrong lines in descendancy chart if children in the wrong order. Last-change timestamp logic fails for arabic/persian. Ignore 0 _TASK records created by Ages. Broken HTML layout in new-media modal. HTML error in statistics block. Level 1 shared notes wrongly shown as links. Wrong sorting for _FSFTID tags. Wrong element type for INDI:FACT/EVEN. Only delete one-person families when there are no significant facts. SEX X breaks the individual list. List of media folders not sorted. FAM:MARR:TYPE not visible for new records. INDI:EDUC:AGNC not visible for new records. Trees with all-numeric names break site logs. Ignore trailing newlines when editing raw GEDCOM. Don’t show file format on media list. Wrong formatting for place names ending in commas.
* New features: Can now add/edit NAME:FONE and NAME:ROMN structures. When adding new individuals, the panels for each fact remember whether they were expanded or collapsed. Support for more media mime types. Show the internal error code on the error-check page. Allow notes in source citations. Allow shared notes in _TODO facts. Allow INDI:_NMAR to be added.- Update to 2.1.6
* Bug-fixes: Fixes for Slovak, Czech and Hungarian alphabets. Adoptions create multiple events of close relatives. Display of SOUR:EVEN:ROLE tags. Missing EMAIL/WWW/PHON/FAX fields for FAM:EVEN. Missing spaces in multiline footnotes in reports. Add “Multiple” role for associates - for twins, triplets, etc. Browser error when language set to certain languages _GODP, _WITN, ADOP not formatted correctly in events of close relatives. SOUR:PUBL can now contain multi-line text. Error when file extensions longer than 4 characters. Unfriendly error when file-upload is empty. Improved display of inline sources. Wrong error message for FAM records containing too many HUSB/WIFE. Add many missing subtags to facts and events.
* New features: The error checker allows you to hide each type of error. Support for more tags created by Aldfaer and Généatique.
* There is one privacy-related fix: Pending changes were wrongly being shown to visitors.- Update to 2.1.5
* Bug-fixes: GEDCOM-L allows _LOC:EVEN:PLAC:_LOC Styling error in stories Styling error for empty chart boxes Missing CAUS/AGNC/RELI subtags on FAM:MARR Detect integer overflow on 32bit systems Data entry of recording dates: SOUR:DATA:DATE Cannot search for media objects by filename Links from geographic data go to wrong tree Untranslated text for close button Family sources shown on individual facts tab Long words in user-generated text can break page layout Formatting of notes with line-breaks GOV IDs can be upper or lower case FAM:CHAN should not appear on individual facts page Inline media references converted with wrong level for TITL
* New features: Support for tags created by Aldfaer, Legacy and GEDCOM 7 New column in module list for data-fixes 1950 US census
* There is one security fix: GEDCOM imports containing errors and HTML displayed unescaped.- Update to 2.1.4
* Bug fix: Fix: HUSB/WIFE/CHIL tags wrongly showing on individual-facts page- Update to 2.1.3
* Bug-fixes: Fix: wrong relationship name for maternal great-grandmothers Fix: detect truncated requests caused by sever limitations Fix: layout of notes and shared notes Fix: notes containing \" could have their titles corrupted Fix: hourglass chart won’t run without the spouses parameter Fix: family facts missing when adding a new spouse to a family Fix: wrong HUSB/WIFE tag when creating a one-parent family Fix: don’t show user links to non-admins on individual page Fix: wrong label for notes in research tasks Fix: name of shared notes with multiple lines Fix: CEME tag not recognised in burials for close relatives Fix: research tasks not showing on 32 bit builds of PHP Fix: cannot add NATI tag Fix: do not show filenames for media files with titles Fix: better error handling when email is not configured Fix: pending changes in the HEAD not handled in the error check Fix: privacy feedback broken Fix: autocompletion for source-citations Fix: not setting any “quick add facts” causes display glitch Fix: family sources shown on individual tab. Fix: cannot add ROLE to source-citations Fix: do not warn of upper/lower case mismatches, as these are not relevant until GEDCOM 7.0
* New features: Edit and edit-raw is available for media objects webtrees can now email you when a new version is available FAM:FACT can be added (as it will be part of GEDCOM 7.0)- Update to 2.1.2
* Bug-fixes: Fix: wrong name for multi-line notes. Fix: _RUFNAME created an additional name record. Fix: arrows broken on re-order tabs/menus page. Fix: multi-selects only allow the last entry to be removed. Fix: exclude family _UID tags from the individual page. Fix: autocomplete for placenames broken. Fix: PHON/EMAIL/WWW missing from INDI:RESI and FAM:RESI Fix: Media objects with large number of media files breaks the page layout. Fix: Broken captcha prevents user registration. Fix: RESN privacy breaks the page layout Fix: Invalid HEAD record for new trees Fix: Media type lost when editing files
* New features: TIME can be added to BIRT:DATE and DEAT:DATE. Support for some Aldfaer custom tags A datafix for _WT_OBJE_SORT tags- Update to 2.1.1
* Bug-fixes: Do not report duplicate media files within the same media object Fix spouses parameter on family book chart Date entry on research tasks Error on pages of unknown record types Button styling - add new fact Custom tags are warnings, not errors AGE field values are lower case BURI:PLAC not initially visible OBJE:FILE:FORM case mismatch Custom tags from MyHeritage Cannot create new repository Sitemap dtd uses http not https Better handling when base_url and dbtype missing from config.ini.php Cannot delete user-messages Error when bulk-uploading media files
* New feature: Media files can now be re-ordered within a media object- Update to 2.1.0 There are two changes relating to the new GEDCOM 7.0 standard. In GEDCOM 5.5.1, a record/fact may only have one RESN tag. Howerver, there are two types of restriction - displaying and editing. webtrees 2.0 resolves this conflict by allowing multiple tags. For example 0 AATTX1AATT INDI 1 RESN privacy 1 RESN locked The GEDCOM 7.0 specification says that multiple values should be combined in a single tag. For example 0 AATTX1AATT INDI 1 RESN privacy, locked webtrees 2.1 now uses this new format. If you were using both restrictions together, you will need to update your data, as only the first RESN tag will now be used. Secondly, in GEDCOM 5.5.1, upper and lower case values are equivalent. For example, these records are treated the same. 1 NAME 2 TYPE married 1 NAME 2 TYPE MARRIED 1 NAME 2 TYPE mArRiEd In GEDCOM 7.0, these values must be in upper case. webtrees 2.1 will continue to support values in upper or lower case - but will create new values using upper case only. The main change in 2.1 is that webtrees has a much better knowledge of GEDCOM data. Instead of just tags and labels, webtrees now understands their context and structure. For example, INDI:NAME contains different data to REPO:NAME. This allows us to remove a lot of “special case” code, and the result is much easier to maintain and develop. All valid GEDCOM 5.5.1 tags should now be supported. A number of modules have been created, which provide support for custom tags created by some popular desktop applications. This also means that support for your own custom tags can easily be created. This change leads to a slight reversal in the control panel. Instead of specifying which GEDCOM tags to use/show, we now support all tags, and you would specify which ones you wish to hide.
* Fri Dec 11 2020 Arjen de Korte - Revert back to releases source directory as the archive doesn\'t contain language files- Put Apache configuration in subpackage
* Fri Dec 11 2020 Arjen de Korte - Don\'t Require: mod_php_any as this creates a hard dependency on apache2-prefork (use php-session instead)
* Wed Dec 09 2020 Arjen de Korte - Webtrees 2.0.10
* Updates and fixes
* New translations- Use system apache rpm macros- Update source link and remove script (no longer needed)- Upstream changed license to GPL-3.0- Require PHP >= 7.1
* Sat Jun 20 2020 Johannes Weberhofer - Webtrees 2.0.6
* Updates and fixes
* Mon Dec 30 2019 Johannes Weberhofer - Webtrees 2.0.1
* Updates and fixes
* New translations
* Mon Dec 16 2019 Johannes Weberhofer - Webtrees 2.0.0
* Complite rewrite of webtrees
* Please read
* On openSUSE, the package has been moved from /usr/share to /usr/share/php7
* Sat Dec 07 2019 Arjen de Korte - Change BuildRequires to PHP independent packages
* Thu Apr 04 2019 Johannes Weberhofer - Version 1.7.13
* compatibility fixes for PHP 7.3- Build for PHP7 on Leap 15+
* Sat Sep 15 2018 Cleaned up spec file
* Sat Sep 15 2018 Updated download locations- Version 1.7.11
* adds compatibility for MySQL 8.0, and PHP 7.1 and 7.2
* updates to language files
* minor security fixes
* Wed Jan 11 2017 Version 1.7.9
* Bug fixes and updated translations
* New German census templates
* Improvements to the relationship calculator. You can now search for relationships via direct ancestors only, which is much faster on large/complex trees
* Sun Oct 02 2016 Version 1.7.8
* bug fixes and updated translations
* Fri Jun 17 2016 Version 1.7.5:
* Translations, bug fixes, and it restores compatibility with PHP 5.3.2 - 5.3.8
* fixed a number of problems with the Google Maps module
* New Albanian translation
* charts have been integrated into the module system, so that you can now disable those that you don\'t use
* Sun Mar 20 2016 Version 1.7.4: bug-fixes, updated translations and more census definitions.- New languages: ln and sw
* Wed Jan 20 2016 Version 1.7.3: a number of bug-fixes and an update to the census assistant tool
* Sun Sep 06 2015 Version 1.7.2: bug-fixes and updated translations
* Tue Jul 14 2015 Version 1.7.1: This release addresses issues realated to servers running PHP5.3
* Mon Jul 13 2015 Version 1.7.0: major rewrite and modernisation of backend code- Languages: webtrees now has support for 60 languages -- a new administration option allows for easier management. There is also a new online translation server ( which makes it even easier to contribute to translations.- Mobile phone support: If you use Google webmaster tools, you may have received warnings about mobile support. We\'ve made some changes to improve this, and have completely rewriten the administration area (now called \"Control panel\") to use a mobile-friendly layout.- Administration: There are a few additions to the administration functions; a renumbering and merging family trees and a function to help you find duplicate records after a merge. webtrees checks for updates every 24 hours, so next time you log in to your site, you should be prompted to upgrade. An update to the robots.txt file has been made.- Performance: There are a few performance enhancements. For example, we have reduced the number of database calls by fetching all family members in one operation.- Themes: The theme system has been completely redesigned. Previously, if you wanted to make just a small modification, you needed to create and update an entire theme. Now, you only need to code the differences from an existing theme. So, if you simply want to change the header or some menus, that\'s all you need to do. Updates to the core code should be much less likely to require changes to the themes. For a complete descriptions of this release see: openSUSE: Use HTML Purifier\'s Pear package.
* Sat Apr 11 2015 Simplifed apache\'s config file
* Mon Mar 30 2015 Fedora based distributions must require http but not httpd2
* Mon Mar 30 2015 media and config file is now always located in /var/lib/webtrees. old placements in /srv/www/webtrees will be automatically moved.- Do not longer include /etc/apache2/conf.d in directory list- Improve configuration to support apache 2.2 and apache 2.4 allow/deny syntax
* Fri Mar 27 2015 Build requires xz instead of unzip
* Thu Mar 26 2015 Moved the program-sources to /usr/share/webtrees and the data to /(var/lib|/srv/www)/webtrees. This should allow installation on openSUSE and Fedora.- Package source in tar.xz format, don\'t use original zip file. Improved the script to download the sources matching the spec file\'s version.- Added some PHP security constaints to the apache configuration.- Added SELinux configuration for CentOS installations.- Zend dependencies have been temporarily disabled. Must be reviewed.- Cleaned up spec.
* Mon Feb 09 2015 For CentOS 7 (SELinux), install to separate /var/www/webtrees for read-only content and /var/lib/webtrees for read-write data- On non-SLES (CentOS 7) remove php-ZendFramework requires which is no longer in the distro (php-ZendFramework2 is distributed now)- On non-SLES use original webtrees zip which contains small subset of ZendFramework version 1.
* Mon Dec 22 2014 Upgrade to version 1.6.2: bug fixes- Recompress zipped source to a tar.bz2 files not containing the Zend library seperately installed by RPM tool.- Improved and cleaned up apache configuration
* Tue Nov 18 2014 Upgrade to version 1.6.1: bug fixes- moved several .htaccess rules into apache configuration
* Wed Nov 05 2014 Upgrade to version 1.6.0
* bug fixes
* translation updates
* code optimizations
* performance improvements
* new feature: merge entire trees