Changelog for ICAClient- :

* Sun May 07 2023 ecsos - Update to version - ctxlogd is named ctxwalogd now.
* Sun May 07 2023 ecsos - Insert rpmlintrc to build Tumbleweed also.
* Wed Jan 04 2023 ecsos - Update to versoin
* Mon Oct 24 2022 ecsos - Update to versoin + Changes:
* Wed Jul 20 2022 ecsos - Update to version + Changes:
* Wed May 18 2022 ecsos - Add BuildRequires: ca-certificate and openssl.
* Fri May 13 2022 Update to version + Changes:
* Tue Mar 15 2022 Update to version + Changes:
* Mon Feb 14 2022 Update to version + Changes:
* Tue Dec 14 2021 Update to version + Changes:
* Sat Nov 27 2021 Update to version + Changes: Version + Changes:
* Tue Aug 17 2021 Update to version + App protection - The app protection feature is now fully functional. - App protection requires that you install an add-on license on your License Server. A Citrix Virtual Desktops license must also be present. For information on Licensing, see the Configure section in the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops documentation. - The app protection feature supports apps and desktop sessions and is enabled by default. However, you must configure the feature in the AuthManConfig.xml file to enable it for authentication manager and Self-Service plug-in interfaces. - Starting with this release, you can launch protected resources from Citrix Workspace app while Mozilla Firefox is running. - For more information, see App protection. + Audio configuration enhancement - Previously, the default value of the VdcamVersion4Support attribute in the module.ini file was set to True. With this release, the default is set to False. As a result, only the default audio device with the name Citrix HDX Audio appears in the session. This enhancement aims to minimize the audio issues that occur when the attribute is set to True. - To enable this feature, do the following: Navigate to the \\/config/ folder and open the module.ini file. Go to the clientaudio section and add the following entry: VdcamVersion4Support=True Restart the session for the changes to take effect.
* Fri Jun 25 2021 Update to version + Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) for Browser Content Redirection - CEF-based browser content redirection is now fully functional. The feature is enabled by default. Note: This feature is not supported on the armhf platform. For more information, see Enabling CEF-based BCR. + Battery status indicator - The battery status of the device now appears in the notification area of a Citrix Desktop session. Note: The battery status indicator does not appear for server VDAs. For more information, see Battery status indicator. + Service continuity (Public Technical Preview) - Note: This feature is in public Technical Preview. To sign up, use the following Podio form: Sign up: Service continuity Tech Preview for Citrix Workspace. Service continuity removes or minimizes the dependency on the availability of components that are involved in the connection process. Users can launch their virtual apps and desktops regardless of the health status of the cloud services. - Note: Supported for the Citrix Workspace app in native app only. Not supported for workspace app for Web. Browser extensions that support service continuity are available in technical preview. See Support for service continuity in browser (Technical Preview). - For information on requirements that support service continuity on Citrix Workspace app, see System Requirements. - For information on installing Service Continuity with Citrix Workspace app, see Installing Service Continuity. - For more information, see the Service continuity section in the Citrix Workspace documentation. + App protection enhancement - Previously, the authentication manager and the Self-Service plug-in dialogs were not protected even when app protection was installed and enabled. - Starting with this release, Citrix Workspace app introduces an option to let you configure the anti-keylogging and anti-screen-capturing functionalities separately for both the authentication manager and Self-Service plug-in interfaces. - For more information, see App protection. + User Interface enhancement - Previously, the settings menu was available from the Preferences option in the Desktop Viewer. - Starting with this release, the settings menu appears in-line with the Self-Service plugin. The menu options are now improved to align with the look and feel of the native Citrix Workspace. This results in a seamless and a better user experience. - Note: This enhancement is available by default in Citrix Workspace app Version 2106 in cloud deployments. - To switch to the native and old style appearance, do the following: Navigate to $ICAROOT/config/AuthManConfig.xml and set the value of WebUISettings to false. + Microsoft Teams enhancement - You can now configure the preferred network interface for media traffic. - Navigate to \\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\Citrix\\HDXMediaStream and create a key by the name of NetworkPreference (REG_DWORD). - Select one of the following values as required: 1- Ethernet 2- WiFi 3- Cellular 4- VPN 5- Loopback 6- Any - By default, the WebRTC media engine choses the best available route.
* Wed Apr 28 2021 Update to version + App protection support on Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) experimental feature - App protection is now supported on the RPM version of Citrix Workspace app. - For more information, see App protection. + Microsoft Teams Optimization - With this release, the echo cancellation feature is disabled by default. We recommend that you not use your built-in speakers and microphone for calls. Use headphones instead. - This fix aims to address choppy audio issues noticed on thin clients. + Service continuity (Technical Preview) - This feature is in Technical Preview. Citrix recommends using this feature only in non-production environments. To sign up, use the following Podio form: Sign up: Service continuity Tech Preview for Citrix Workspace. - Service continuity removes or minimizes the dependency on the availability of components that are involved in the connection process. Users can launch their virtual apps and desktops regardless of the health status of the cloud services. - For more information, see Service continuity section in the Citrix Workspace documentation.- What’s new in 2103 + Pinning multi-monitor screen layout - With this release, you can save the selection for multi-monitor screen layout. The layout is how a desktop session is displayed. Pinning helps to relaunch a session with the selected layout, resulting in an optimized user experience. - As a prerequisite, you must enable this feature in the AuthManConfig.xml file. Navigate to $ICAROOT/config/AuthManConfig.xml and add the following entries to enable the pinning screen layout feature: ScreenPinEnabled true - Only after adding the key above, you can see the Screen Layout option in the App indicator. - This feature is not available on the web launch of Citrix Workspace app. - For more information, see Pinning multi-monitor screen layout. + Increase in the number of supported virtual channels - In earlier versions of the client, sessions supported up to 32 virtual channels. - With this release, you can use up to 64 virtual channels in a session. + Microsoft Teams enhancements - The VP9 video codec is now disabled by default.
* Thu Feb 04 2021 Deleted supplied certificates in source package and linked to certificates from package ca-certificates.
* Wed Feb 03 2021 Fixed missing executable bit for shared libraries.
* Thu Jan 28 2021 Update to version + Client drive mapping (CDM) enhancement - With this release, access to mapped drives comes with an additional security feature. - You can now select the access level for the mapped drive for every store in a session. - To stop the access level dialog from appearing every time, select the Do not ask me again option. The setting is applied on that particular store. - Otherwise, you can set the access levels every time a session is launched. + App protection support on Debian package experimental feature - App protection is now supported on the Debian version of Citrix Workspace app. - For silent installation of the app protection component, run the following command from the terminal before installing Citrix Workspace app: export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=\"noninteractive\" sudo debconf-set-selections <<< \"icaclient app_protection/install_app_protection select no\" sudo debconf-show icaclient
* app_protection/install_app_protection: no sudo apt install -f ./icaclient_._amd64.deb + Microsoft Teams enhancements - The Citrix Workspace app installer is now packaged with the Microsoft Teams ringtones. - Support for Dual-Tone Multifrequency (DTMF) signaling interaction with telephony systems (for example, PSTN) and conference calls in Microsoft Teams. This feature is enabled by default. - Audio output switches automatically to newly plugged-in audio devices, and an appropriate audio volume is set. - HTTP proxy support for anonymous authentication.
* Mon Dec 07 2020 Update to version + Client drive mapping (CDM) enhancement - Previously, your setting for file access through CDM was applied on all configured stores. - Starting with this release, Citrix Workspace app allows you to configure per-store CDM file access. Note: The file access setting isnt’ persistent across sessions when using workspace for web. It defaults to the Ask me each time option. - For more information, see Map client drives. + App protection experimental feature Note: This feature is supported only when Citrix Workspace app is installed by using the tarball package. Also, x64 and armhf are the only two supported packages. This feature is supported only on on-premises deployments of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops. - App protection is an add-on feature that provides enhanced security when you use Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops. The feature restricts the ability of clients to be compromised by keylogging and screen capturing malware. App protection prevents exfiltration of confidential information such as user credentials and sensitive information displayed on the screen. The feature prevents users and attackers from taking screenshots and from using keyloggers to glean and exploit sensitive information. - For information about how to configure app protection on Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops, see the App protection section in the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops documentation. - For more information about app protection in Citrix Workspace app, see App protection. + Authentication enhancement experimental feature - We now present the authentication dialog inside Citrix Workspace app and show store details on the logon screen for a better user experience. We encrypt and store authentication tokens so that you don’t need to reenter credentials when your system or session restarts. Note: This authentication enhancement is available only in cloud deployments. This authentication enhancement is not available on armhf platform. - Prerequisite: You must install the libsecret library. This feature is disabled by default. For more information, see Authenticate. + Audio configuration enhancement - Starting with this release, the default value of the VdcamVersion4Support attribute in the module.ini file is set to True. - For more information, see Audio.
* Fri Oct 30 2020 Update to version + Enhanced audio redirection - Previously, only the default audio device was mapped in a session even when many devices were available on the machine. The mapped device commonly appeared as Citrix HDX Audio. - With this release, Citrix Workspace app for Linux displays all local audio devices that are available in a session. Instead of Citrix HDX Audio, they now appear with their respective device names. You can switch to any of the available devices dynamically in a session. Unlike in earlier releases, now you don’t need to select the default audio device before launching the session. Sessions update dynamically when you plug in or remove audio devices. For more information, see Audio. - Additionally, this release addresses issues to improve the Multi-Stream ICA feature.
* Thu Sep 17 2020 Update to version + Enhancement to logging - In earlier releases, the debug.ini and module.ini files were used to configure logging. As of Version 2009, you can configure logging using one of the following methods: + Command-line interface + Graphical user interface Also as of Version 2009, the debug.ini configuration file is removed from the Citrix Workspace app installer package. Logging captures the Citrix Workspace app deployment details, configuration changes, and administrative activities to a logging database. A third-party developer can apply this logging mechanism by using the logging SDK, which is bundled as part of the Citrix Workspace app Platform Optimization SDK. You can use the log information to: + Diagnose and troubleshoot issues that occur after any changes. The log provides a breadcrumb trail. + Assist change management and track configurations. + Report administration activities.
* Tue Jun 30 2020 Update to version + Optimization for Microsoft Teams - Optimization for desktop-based Microsoft Teams using Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops and Citrix Workspace app. Optimization for Microsoft Teams is similar to HDX RealTime Optimization for Microsoft Skype for Business. The difference is that, we bundle all necessary components for Microsoft Teams optimization into the VDA and the Workspace app for Linux. - Citrix Workspace app for Linux supports audio, video, and screen sharing features with Microsoft Teams optimization. - Note: Microsoft Teams optimization is supported only on x64 Linux distributions. - For information on how to enable logging, follow the steps mentioned under Logging for Microsoft Teams. - For information on system requirements, see Microsoft Teams Optimization. - For more information, see Optimization for Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Teams redirection. + Support for NetScaler App Experience (NSAP) virtual channel - Previously available as an experimental feature, the NetScaler App Experience (NSAP) virtual channel feature is now fully supported. All HDX Insight data is sourced from the NSAP virtual channel exclusively and sent uncompressed. This approach improves scalability and performance of sessions. The NSAP virtual channel is enabled by default. To disable it, toggle the VDNSAP flag VDNSAP=Off in the module.ini file. - For more information, see HDX Insight in the Linux Virtual Delivery Agent documentation, and HDX Insight in the Citrix Application Delivery Management service documentation. + Update to Citrix Analytics Service - Citrix Workspace app is instrumented to transmit data to Citrix Analytics Service from ICA sessions that you launch from a browser. - For more information on how Citrix Analytics uses this information, see Self-Service for Performance and Self-service search for Virtual Apps and Desktops. + TLS version update - In earlier releases, the minimum TLS version supported was 1.0, and the maximum TLS version supported was 1.2. Starting with this release, the minimum and maximum TLS version supported is 1.2. To configure a different value for MinimumTLS, see TLS. + CryptoKit update - CryptoKit Version 14.2 is integrated with the OpenSSL 1.1.1d version.
* Mon Apr 20 2020 Update to version + Language support - Citrix Workspace app for Linux is now available in the Italian language. + Improved UI experience - With this enhancement, cloud users will notice their apps enumerating significantly faster. + Audio optimization for Microsoft Teams [experimental] - As an experimental feature, Citrix Workspace app provides audio optimization for Microsoft Teams running within a Citrix Virtual Desktop session. By default, we bundle all necessary components for optimization for Microsoft Teams into the Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) and the Workspace app for Linux. - For more information, see the Optimization for Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Teams redirection sections in the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops documentation. + Support for NetScaler App Experience (NSAP) virtual channel [experimental] - As an experimental feature, all HDX Insight data is sourced from the NSAP virtual channel exclusively and sent uncompressed. This approach improves scalability and performance of sessions. The NSAP virtual channel is enabled by default. To disable it, toggle the VDNSAP flag VDNSAP=Off in the module.ini file.