Changelog for
lv2-PolarDesigner-2.1.0-14.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Sun Aug 06 2023 Update to version 2.1.0 (aa-embiq-merge branch):
* fix: undo start transaction when preset windows open.
* Add star to preset label when slider or button moved.
* Add undo preset button.
* Add select preset with keyboard arrows and return key.
* Undo preset after preset windows close button pressed.
* Fix keep band stat when endless slider out of chart and band disabled.
* Add Undo Manager for preset preview.
* Keep values of each band slider when trim slider reaches the min/max value in the chart.
* Set precision of endless slider return value.
* Endless slider modification - adjust scrollwheel.
* fix aquiring target repeat two times.
* Fix terminator control group name grayed out after zero delay not active.
* change terminator description font for smaller.
* ios: change to determine OS on runtime.
* ios: change clickable area of dir pattern buttons and polar visualizers
* ios: change clickable area of band divider path and holders.
* ios: change bandKnobs clickable area.
* Fix drawing frequency labels.
* Enable only one band on zero delay mode.
* Make EQ dir chart bottom margin relative.
* Make gain slider text box permanent.
* Fix EQ buttons change after AB layer change.
* Fix enable polarVis after band nr change.
* Fix band knob dissapear.
* Fix double click gain slider issue.
* Disable terminator control in zero delay mode.
* Change Austrian Audio logo.
* AB button set init state to enable A.
* Modify positioning polar Visualizers and gain sliders.
* Make scalable directional buttons size.
* Point middle in endless slider.
* Change mute/solo button size.
* Add hiding text box in vertical slider when mouse out of component,
* Adjust gain slider flexbox.
* Change gain slider positioning and hitTest.
* Update jucer with GainSlider.
* Add new gain slider class. Add max and min editor width.
* Change hitTest of polarVis.
* Change hitTest area for polar Visualizers.
* Fix show knobs after zero delay change.
* Fix band knob tooltip
* Add label for band knob.
* fix update nr band button when preset load.
* Fix zero latency button.
* Change solo button color.
* Add trim slider center pointer.
* Change only enabled bands with trim slider.
* Add scroll wheel event.
* Add increment/decrement trim/slider. Fix bug.
* Add gradient to endless slider and change size.
* Endless slider init version.
* Change directivity labels for buttons.
* Add new patterms .svg
* Fix drag when mouse down of band holder.
* Remove test setMainAreaEnabled.
* Modify band limit holder shape.
* Init version of band limit dividers handler.
* Fix polar vis on/off header.
* Fix polar visualizers switch on/off.
* Change main background color and group background color.
* Fix eq path colors.
* Modify dir paths style on EQ chart.
* Fix memory leaking in slider.
* Modify freq labels font.
* Modify vertical slider text box.
* Add style to mute solo buttons.
* Add vertical slider placeholder.
* Modify polarVis behaviour.
* Add clickable polar visualizers.
* Add drawing check signs when terminator stage completed.
* Add colors for disabled components.
* Adjust lines in terminator flow maxtospill
* Add line to terminator max-to-spill flow.
* Change fonts and add enabled actions to terminate.
* Implement full max-to-spill flow
* Add maximize stage to max-to-spill
* Init version of max to spill flow ui.
* Change maximize target - stop tracking with maximize.
* Add maximize target behaviour.
* Add second line to animated label.
* Adjust terminator animation.
* Init version of label animation.
* Simplify aquiring signal window behaviour.
* Modify terminator control panel behaviour.
* Add animated label class.
* Add proximityOnOff as plugin vts parameter.
* Add termination control waveform.
* Modify preset list component + change eq check sign location.
* Add eye drop image.
* Change syn channel buttons color.
* Add new color to slider and stroke thumb path.
* Add background to eq buttons.
* Show selected preset name in Preset Label.
* Add loading preset by clicking on listbox.
* Add adding factory presets to list.
* Remove arrow icon from listbox header.
* Add custom scroll bar.
* Add load saved presets from file.
* Modify ListBox component.
* Add init hover functionality for ListBox row.
* Add custom list components fro presets.
* Add buttons and list placeholders for preset list component.
* Add empty preset list component.
* fix: toggle button proximity control
* Add new colors for sync channel buttons.
* Add terminate control buttons with icons.
* Change svg eqFieldCheckSign
* Add enabling disabling slider with toggle button.
* Add proximity On Off parameter.
* Add scaling custom toggle button.
* Add custom toggle button.
* Change buttons background and outline color.
* Add Custom slider drawing.
* Change MultiTextButton behaviour.
* Change sync channel buttons number.
* Add missing tmbSyncChannelButton
* And terminator control and proximity group.
* Change font size in LaF.
* Add sync channel group component.
* Add EQ Control component.
* Remove tbSetNrBands.
* Customize text for GroupComponent.
* Add Custom GroupComponent background shape.
* Add multibutton bands number component to flexbox with group.
* Change subflexboxes proportions in main component.
* fix: TextButton return if empty.
* Change c++ standard to 20.
* Add font scaling in custom buttons text.
* Add Save and Load buttons with svg icon.
* Remove downloadArrow.svg
* Add loadArrow.svg
* Add Save File button and modify style.
* Add zero latency button to title bar.
* Change compare title text justification.
* Add custom text button Look and Feel.
* Add MultiTextButton custom component.
* Modify title bar custom components.
* Change main background color.
* Add main Look and feel class.
* Remove sync channel change after number of bands change.
* Change ComboBoxe for radio buttons in syncchannel and nrbands.
* Add syncChannel and bandNumber flexbox
* merge aa lab source with embiq
* fix Assets/ in .jucer for MacOS/iOS, add ParameterID
* Merge saft-dev, parameter versions
* EMBIQ patch merged: patches/change_method_of_resizing_components_for_flexbox.patch
* Update
* Update
* Update
* Update
* - updated to include PolarDesigner demo videos
* DSP Flow diagram added to Documentation/
* Wed Jan 18 2023 Update to version 2.1.0:
* README: fix formatting
* v2.1.0: updated screenshot
* v2.1.0: updated screenshot
* v2.1.0: updated screenshot
* PROJUCER: bump project to v2.1.0
* BUGFIX: PolarPatternVisualizers should be set visible/invisible properly when # bands is changed
* trimSlider: fix responsiveness with transform, increment/decrement values, adjust UI size to be more \'hittable\'
* Add trim Slider to UI
* iOS: adapatations to make PolarDesigner UI more functional on iOS, including refactoring of PolarPatternVisualizer.h (was \'FirstOrderDirectivityVisualizer\')
* Documentation: DSP Flow diagram added to repository.