Changelog for steamtinkerlaunch-11.11~0-4.16.noarch.rpm :

* Wed Oct 26 2022 Update to version 11.11~0:
* v11.11
* improved settings menu for Steam Deck Desktop Mode #590
* Fix logic for fetching MO2 and Vortex version GitHub changed how assets are loaded on the releases page, they are loaded after the page with lazy loading, so we can\'t wget on the releases page and get the executable. Instead, we can get the latest tag version from the release tags page and get the release executable name from the expanded_assets page for that version. On this page, we can use the previous logic to get the setup executable name. This solution uses a generic function that works for both MO2 and Vortex. This function only changes how we fetch the latest version for these tools, the actual download logic is the same since that URL did not change.
* enable window scaling for desktop mode on Steam Deck - untested - for #590
* added some more logging for #589
* Update README installation section to include ProtonUp-Qt
* bump
* improved initial language loading #565
* Sun Oct 16 2022 Imo Hester - Update to version 11.11
* polish translation update by AATTFaalagorn
* readme overhaul by AATTsonic2kk
* update Vortex game names for \'Halo: The Master Chief Collection\' and \'Dragon\'s Dogma: Dark Arisen\' by AATTsonic2kk
* rename \'Tags\' to \'Collections\' in Add Non-Steam Game Menu by AATTsonic2kk
* fix Non-Steam Proton Games not launching by AATTsonic2kk
* change from obs-vkcapture to obs-gamecapture to allow capturing OpenGL and Vulkan titles by AATTzany130
* show Non-Steam Game Categories as a list in the Categories Dropdown by AATTsonic2kk
* added automatic download/install of cabextract for the Steam Deck (for example required by Winetricks)
* fix mangoapp - escaping backslash to preserve double-quote my AATTgu1ll0me
* improved initial language loading
* fixed partially broken wait for game exit
* automatically update the custom protonlist if newly added proton versions are possibly missing
* improved launch of additional commands coming from steam, accept and log verb runs generally
* several minor fixes and improvements
* fix logic for fetching MO2 and Vortex version by AATTsonic2kk
* differentiate between running in Game Mode and Desktop Mode when running on Steam Deck- Update to version 11.0
* french translation update by AATTtl-pierre
* polish translation update by AATTFaalagorn
* chinese translation added by AATTling0412
* rewrite of the launch command concatenation
* added logging of game launch commands
* added PrimeRun option
* added option to automatically bump the used official Proton version per game (wiki)
* added Gamescope option for NVIDIA Image Scaling v1.0.2 by AATTsonic2kk again :)
* added option to manually refresh the Proton list via tray icon and command line
* added multiple flatpak improvements thanks to all contributing to flatpak support especially AATTHanPrower and AATTTheEvilSkeleton
* updated and fixed automatic game detection and activation in Vortex
* added temporary (un)skip options for the Wait Requester
* add DXVK Framerate Limiter option to Game Menu by AATTsonic2kk
* fixed replay sorcery check by AATTzany130
* DXVK HUD Options menu fixed
* added Ubuntu wiki by AATTFornball
* added Flatpak support thanks to AATTHanPrower and AATTTheEvilSkeleton
* Steam Deck - Add ability to choose specific version of innoextract and downgrade innoextract from latest to 1.9-5 by AATTdamian-anlauf
* added an innoextract minimal version check for the MO2 installer
* stdout/stderr of external programs is now logged to /dev/shm/steamtinkerlaunch/
* Cheat Engine + default version is 7.4 + default download url is from the ScoopInstaller project now + no longer requires innoextract, but 7z
* added DXVK and MangoHud config files to Game Files list by AATTsonic2kk
* improved internal dxvk config handling
* added option for new FSR options added in GE-Proton7-24 and up by AATTsonic2kk elaborated together with AATTzany130
* removed pressure vessel options
* major SpecialK rewrite
* added MangoApp support
* renamed \"Steam Category\" to \"Steam Collection\" everywhere
* update old Reshade detection of dll conflicts between dxgi.dll and d3d9.dll by AATTBananaman
* use proton bundled winecfg.exe directly without relying on separate winecfg script
* Fall back to xdg-open in general for EDITOR or BROWSER for #519 by AATTHanPrower
* Fix WINE_FSR_CUSTOM_RESOLUTIONS 1080p Performance resolution by AATTHanPrower
* chinese translation update by AATTling0412
* fixed game start using native wine
* added geo-11 support (including automatic geo-11 sbs VR mode)
* workaround Origin games crashing when too many env vars exist #508
* improved Origin integration #508
* added an option to wait for the custom command before continuing with starting the game
* added an option to start the game through obs-vkcapture
* fixed MangoHud arguments
* fixed installing Steamworks Shared on the very first game run - even with zero config- Update to version 10.0 + added initial Steam Deck support + see Steam Deck Wiki for Steam Deck specific functions + added pretty solid, but optional steam controller controls for Steam Deck + multiple new gamescope features and options - thanks AATTsonic2kk for all of them! + change Integer Scaling flag to reflect updated gamescope code #435 + the default FSR strength value is now 2 + added FSR option to Gamescope + added option for Nearest Neighbor filtering to Gamescope + added Gamescope FSR sharpness numberbox + added option for Steam integration with -e flag, for working around a Gamescope bug + brand new Gamescope wiki
* added Zink support - thanks AATTsonic2kk for testing
* fixed Shader Repo window glitch
* removed useless Steam Deck default window resolutions
* find renamed GE proton as compatibility tool
* get correct latest GE-Proton with two-digits
* polish translation update by AATTFaalagorn
* multiple improvements for Mod Organizer 2 and Vortex + custom STL proton removed as requirement for installing DotNet + several installer enhancements + high speed MO2 auto installation/configuration - DotNet is not even required for MO2 (confirmation welcome) and therefore no longer installed - MO2 can be optionally installed using innoextract (used when installed) + both Vortex and Mod Organizer 2 install and auto-configure without any configuration on the Steam Deck
* added Side-by-Side ReShade and native support for 3D monitors (see #443)
* added support for winesync - thanks AATTMoonl1ghter
* added option for creating user-customized ENV Variables
* comprehensive MangoHud re-implementation - thanks AATTsonic2kk for testing and the new wiki!
* fixed steamwebhelper toggle (#456) - thanks AATTzany130 for continous testing and reporting
* better use of absolute game exe path - helps f.e. with ReShade/Shader-Management
* added dxvk-async support
* added flatpak helper thanks AATTTheEvilSkeleton for working on flatpak support!- Update to version 9.2
* add app name to default notifier - thanks AATTsonic2kk for the contribution!
* bump ReShade to v5.0
* french translation update by AATTtl-pierre
* polish translation update by AATTFaalagorn
* fix a possible duplicate waitforexitandrun
* multiple fixes for vortex mod installpath issues - f.e. for Fallout New Vegas, SkyrimSE, others
* added game fixes for Giana Sisters games (223220) and (246960)
* enhanced SteamGridDB downloads by AATTLucki
* fixed possible duplicates in listAppManifests, which could have causes several problems #422
* launcher menu for installed games are no longer based on menus for steam tags #422
* fixed ugly bug in createDesktopIconFile #422 - thx AATTwing798213 for testing- Update to version 9.0
* added support for CheatEngine 7.2 using the wayback machine - thanks AATTSaifRushdHadad for the contribution!
* fixed usage of multiple DXVK options and added DXVK_SCALE option
* added support for PEV - PE32 file analysis
* existing gameconfigs retrieve their missing options now from the default config when being updated
* (so not only if is created from scratch)
* added a checksum check for already downloaded Proton archives where available
* hide the annoying wget-1.21.2 SSL_INIT stderr bug
* added French translation by AATTtl-pierre
* added support for self-rolled yad AppImage using yad 10.90
* added more options for using Yad AppImages
* added initial support for debugging with Gdb
* several minor fixes
* added support for DLSS
* added support for Raytracing - thx AATTBananaman for testing DLSS+Raytracing
* added all Vkd3d configuration options
* recheck configured Yad path to see if it changed
* removed unused and confusing ReShade preset functions
* rewrote Shader-Management - thx AATTBananaman for testing + now whole shader repos can be en/de activated per game + shaders and textures are no longer copied but symlinked + shaders are installed into an own reshade-shaders subdirectory in the game dir + shader repos can be (de-)activated from Command Line
* added Notifier command line options and Command Line option to test it
* removed helper function for stl->steamtinkerlaunch transition
* improved ReShade toggling
* added option to configure the resolution of the Wine-Virtual-Desktop
* fix symlinks not generating when steamlibrary has spaces or the target directories are also links by AATTMattSturgeon
* some SpecialK enhancements
* added Standalone-Launcher support for non-steam linux and windows games
* updated Polish translation by AATTFaalagorn
* replace real config paths with placeholders in all configs- Update to version 8.0
* added options to enable winecfg and winetricks for Vortex
* added support for FlawlessWidescreen - thx AATTundeadbydawn for testing
* added steamtinkerlaunch vortex url command by AATTMattSturgeon
* added dynamic status windows for + X64dbg installation + Dependencies-Program installation + Vortex installation + Mod-Organizer 2 installation + DotNet installation + ReShade shader updates + Custom Proton download/installation + Custom Wine download/installation + CheatEngine download + Conty download + OpenVR-FSR installation
* replaced bloated Proton bump with a simplified and better Proton-GE autobump option
* fixed two Mod-Organizer 2 regressions. recreating the compatdata might be required
* added download progress for all downloads (and removed old wgetgui option)
* added checksum checks for several downloads (where the checksum is available upstream) + Custom Proton + FlawlessWidescreen + Vortex + Conty
* migrated the main executable stl to steamtinkerlaunch (see here)
* (when downgrading from v8.0 to a previous version, be aware that you have to take care of downgrading your ~/config/steamtinkerlaunch/ configs yourself manually)
* better logging
* removed the One-Time-Proton function- Update to version 7.0
* added Depressurizer support
* added option to easily delete the compatdata on game launch, so Steam recreates an updated fresh one
* replaced writelog stdout with one closing note pointing to the logfile
* improved parsing used steampaths by sourcing an initial autogenerated temp file
* fixed a regression where the list of the available proton versions possibly has been created too often
* enhanced Appinfo parsing - extracting, storing and reusing now full binary data file per game
* getting the SteamAppID for all owned games (offline!) is now possible
* better SteamUserID detection
* simplified several init routines
* added PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI checkbox
* extract lots of data from Appinfo into own Metadata
* added support for the debugger \'Dependencies\'
* simplified and improved internal (re-)initialization of proton variables
* hardcoded read-only Game-Command-Line-Arguments coming from steam/the game can now be modified
* minor proton version bumps are auto-fixed in both the game- and the template config
* added metacritic and game manual to the Help-Url menu if provided by Appinfo/Metadata
* added metacritic score and oslist to the Help-Url tooltip
* improved regedit Registry implementation
* xdg-open Game Files easily via menu
* moved some game infos from the mainmenu into the Game Files tooltip
* added Download Custom Proton options for latest proton-tkg
* added initial manual Steamworks-Shared installer
* added Mod-Organizer 2 support
* added MangoHud configuration options
* added automatic support for Luxtorpeda (Runtime)
* downloading a custom wine build now also has a \"latest\" option
* added SpecialK support
* ReShade DLLS and Shader-Management shaders are now automatically copied into the
* absolute game exe path and not into the top level game directory (useful for games where the game exe is in a relative subdirectory)
* major rewrite of Vortex Mod Manager support
* added British English to the languages thanks AATTjake770321
* updated Installation manual (also for Yad)
* removed the duplicate of the current selection in all dropdown menus
* fully updated Italian language thanks AATTStefino76
* removed \'which\' dependency, so only using \'command -v\' now (finally)
* \'gawk\' should no longer be required as \'mawk\' should work as well (reports welcome)
* improved game OS detection by no longer relying completely on incoming variables which can be wrong/misleading
* removed optdepend openssl
* added option to forcefully use (previous) Steam Linux Runtime and Steam Reaper although none was provided by command line (might be useful in certain constellations)
* fully updated Polish language thanks AATTFaalagorn
* added desktop shortcut for the settings menu
* the list of available Proton versions is now updated for the running session, when Download Custom Proton was launched from the Main Menu Extra Button
* added partial Dutch translation thanks AATTJSvanVeen
* added option to extract Custom Proton into the Steam Compatibility Tool directory compatibilitytools.d
* added Reddit, Matrix and Discord platforms to the README (Please be nice and help others if you can!)
* Wed Sep 01 2021 Imo Hester - Update to version 6.15
* added automatic download for OpenVR-FSR
* using newly introduced libraryfolders.vdf now to find additional SteamLibrary directories
* no longer wait for proton to finish when using Proton GE or TKG, but directly for the wineserver it started
* major rewrite of checking, separating and configuring the start mode
* added option to automatically Fix outdated Symlinks
* added option to automatically Unsymlink Proton files
* updated the function and the wiki of the Proton Kill-Switch
* skip OneTime Proton for the current session, if Proton version updated
* removed usage of an external program for Appinfo, by using an own implementation now
* Thu Jun 10 2021 Imo Hester - Thanks to AATTpodiki for initially migrating the Steam Tinker Launch ReadMe into a Wiki (fixes 176)- removed yad 9.0 hotfix, fix was shipped with 9.1 (fixes #196)- Added CheatEngine md5sum check and notifier for those who can\'t read logs or create useful bugreports - DL url still 404 - see #200- Added option to automatically create a GameTitle symlink from a Proton WINEPREFIX for easier finding (fixes #201)- Added inital support for the 32bit container Conty (fixes #202)- Added Auto-Update for Conty and improved its download function- Added Playtime counter in seconds - might be used for further functions later- Added optional Playtime Logging per game- Last Played info in Main and Settings window- Window sizes are now saved per game by default - using gui.conf as template (fixes #204)- Custom scripts with bat suffix are started with proton now- Added option to directly restart the game with different settings when the playtime was too short (CrashGuess)- removed DOS:2 tweak (fixed in Proton 6.3)- Systemwide Yad installation no longer mandatory - Added easy to use option to use AppImage or Conty instead- Added initial advanced Steam First Time Setup Integration (fixes #209)- The SteamGameID and the Game Title can be found by command line with the counterpart as argument- Fixed Launch of Origin Urls (#fixes #211)- Added Setup support for installers from the gamedir - f.e. Origin (see #210)- The compdata and the Game Dir can be found by command line providing either SteamGameID or Game Title- Added option to just open a wineconsole instead of the game - option also as Steam Category- Restructured configs for the Gui Resolutions - see Gui Window Size (fixes #213)- Removed the dotnet warn requester for the recently closed winehq bug 49897- fixed SteamGridDB Download before starting the game and start the download in the background- Removed self-maintaining function- Added some editable gamescope options as dropdown menu- The Crash Guess Requester now has the option to open a customizable Help-Url in the browser- the CrashGuess Requester is skipped now, when stl started a game outside Steam (caused fork based false triggers)- Re-Create Compdata and Wineprefix (including First Time Setup) for the game on the fly easily- The original \'First Time Setup\' can be replaced by an own custom or complemented by an own additional one- Custom \'First Time Setup\' scripts can be created with a few clicks (as replacement or as addition installfile) and installed immediately- Automatically change the Game Screen Resolution before game starts and switch back to the previous resolution when it ends- fix regression for SteamAppID being \'0\' from Steam (non-steam games)- return back to previous menu when creating a First Run Setup file from extra buttons menu- Execute startscript before custom command- Disabled CheatEngine 7.2 download (404) and added Cheat Engine upstream Info in the wiki (closes #200)- fixed saving the question and wget requester resolution- Added Helper-Url for Editor Dialog, CrashGuess (fixes #215)- The default path for the custom exe file requester is now the gamedir if custom exe is empty- Added complete Polish translation and English fixes thanks to AATTFaalagorn- Opened discussion board on the project page- Replaced submenus with buttons directly in the main menu (part of #217, #222)- Added ReShade Steam Category- Moved all bundled tweaks into the separate steamtinkerlaunch-tweaks repo (part of #217)- Removed Lutris and Protonfixes tweak import and added autoimported tweaks to steamtinkerlaunch-tweaks (part of #217)- Added option to Pause-Unpause steamwebhelper processes on game start and continue when game exists (fixes #219)- Help-Url selection can be also opened via button and commandline- Added CRT Royale ReShade Shader-Management support- Wine Debug Options can now be configured in a Gui (fixes #223)- Favorites selection menu is sorted alphabetically now (part of #217)- major rewrite of window resolution handling (per resolution: global template, local template, per game, per window) (part of #217)- Category sort order for all menus can now be changed via drag&drop menu (part of #217)- Winetricks packages for silent install can now easily be selected from a builtin menu (part of #217)- improved Vortex installation and its wine/proton handling- Steam First Run Setup packages can now be installed directly on the fly- One Time Run - Option to run a custom program (with selected proton) \'once\' directly (fixes #221)- Added GameScope Settings Gui (fixes #220)- Added ProtonDB-Rating - Short form (Rating Trend) in Wait Requester and Main Menu, additional info (Confidence, Score, Total Votes, Rating Trend, Best Rating) is a tooltip on the Help-Url Extra Button (fixes #224)- Added option to select a specific proton version for direct on the fly package installation using Winetricks (fixes #226 and helps dotnet install problem f.e. in #216)- Added extra Vortex Settings Gui and extra Vortex Install Gui- removed line-based column calculation (-> \'bc\' no longer required) in favor of customizable Gui-Columns- removed Global Menu split- Added support for downloading custom tar.xz Proton Archives and added a tarbomb check to support newer proton_tkg packages- Fixed Side by Side VR for Custom Programs (Trine 1-3 tweaks do work again as expected in Stereo3D)- Huge Rewrite of the current Wiki- Added support for Custom Wine packages by Kron4ek- Removed support for custom lutris wine packages (might be re-added later)- multiple fixes and improvements (part of #217)- outsourced the Kill Switch function to a /dev/shm/stl/KillSwitch script which can be called from anywhere (yay, a StreamDeck Proton-Kill-Switch)- fixed a Vortex stages bug- Standalone-Proton: easily start any exe using a custom proton in its own compdata and WINEPREFIX without steam- Download-Custom-Proton Command Line now has an option to download the latest custom Proton version:- The command line stl dcp l will download and extract the lastest available custom Proton and integrate it into the list of available proton version in Steam Tinker Launch- Screen resolution is detected now for the 2nd monitor on a dual-head setup, when the mouse position is there