Changelog for
photoqt-3.4-lp154.1.2.x86_64.rpm :
* Fri Oct 13 2023 update to 3.4:
* add: resvg support for rendering SVG files
* add: thumbnails/filedialog: show thumbnails of very small images at the original size
* add: notification when deleting image without confirmation
* add: cmake flag to disable webp support (webp suport is enabled by default)
* add: missing settings elements to connect PhotoQt with account
* improve: shortcuts: duplicate shortcuts automatically reasigned with undo button
* improve: remove all modal popups
* improve: update imgur element with updated element from qt6 port
* improve: relace unavailable element with notification element from qt6 port
* improve: port qt6 element to export images to different format to qt5 version
* improve: Windows: allows any file to be set as wallpaper
* fix: map explorer: clicking on images to focus on their location
* fix: setting internal commands as part of custom shortcut commands
* fix: fileview: delete image through rightclick without selecting first
* fix: thumbnail provider caches thumbnail images properly
* fix: Windows: white flashing window on startup mitigated
* fix: Windows: loading of storage devices now happens properly
* Sun Jul 02 2023 update to 3.3:
* add: all new shortcuts engine
* add: floating element to show location of current image on map
* add: map explorer to show all images in current folder with location data on interactive map
* add: reset button to restore initial stage of main image
* add: setting to switch to moving the image by mouse wheel instead of using it for shortcuts
* add: shortcut actions to move image left/right/up/down
* add: shortcut actions to got to edges of current image
* add: setting to adjust autohide of mouse cursor
* add: allow wheel left/right movement as mouse gestures for shortcut
* add: allow selection of OpenGL backend in settings
* add: option to load PDF documents with QtPDF instead of poppler
* add: animate arrows and add small click animation on startup
* improve: unify look and feel of various elements throughout application
* improve: startup default to mixed setup (integrated and popped out) as default option
* improve: support any image format as icon for context menu entry
* improve: listening to global mouse movements, fixes overloading event system
* improve: don\'t show context menu entry to add location to favorites without pugixml available
* improve: Escape key in file dialog with files selected only removes selection
* improve: installing pychromecast with cmake is now opt-in option
* improve: crash prevention when scanning for chromecast devices with pychromecast
* fix: finding/linking against (optional) mpv source files
* fix: proper url encoding for favorite locations
* fix: compilation with Exiv 0.28.0
* Windows: fix fullscreen application window
* Fri May 12 2023 update to 3.2:
* add: advanced sorting by dates stored in exif meta data
* add: more options for highlighting thumbnails in thumbnail bar
* add: option to disable thumbnail tooltips
* add: file dialog: looping thumbnails of images inside subfolders
* add: file dialog: select files and folders, add file operations using global clipboard (incl. shortcuts)
* add: file dialog: thumbnails are by default shown scaled and cropped to fit
* add: file dialog: typing a string finds next matching file
* improve: more aggressive freeing of memory when resetting PhotoQt
* improve: validation check also checks directories
* improve: detect mouse leaving application window and hide elements (main menu, meta data, etc.)
* improve: reliability of loading and displaying image resolution
* improve: trash handling on Linux following standard
* improve: enable MPV support by default, prefer MPV over QtMultimedia by default
* improve: Exiv2: managing BMFF support
* improve: file dialog: folder follows main image folder when image opened from command line
* improve: file dialog: do not select first entry by default after new folder has been loaded
* improve: file dialog: elide long filenames in the middle
* improve: file dialog: when mouse cursor leaves fileview reset current index
* improve: find and link to \'Concurrent\' module
* improve: Windows: window handling when window decoration disabled keeps window accessible
* fix: handling of Escape key
* fix: execution of external shortcuts
* fix: caching thumbnails of images inside archives
* fix: correctly removing old animated images from model (freeing up memory)
* fix: double click on image no longer triggers background action
* fix: window manager titles in wallpaper element were unclickable
* fix: Windows: disable Trash feature when using Qt < 5.15
* fix: Windows: deleting/moving animated images avoiding file locking issues
* Sun Mar 19 2023 update to 3.1:
* add: \'scale and crop\' preview images in file dialog
* add: \'scale and crop\' thumbnails to fill thumbnail square
* add: option to blur elements in background
* add: option to reset session when hiding to system tray
* add: option to always load images at actual scale (incl. shortcut to toggle setting)
* add: option to automatically hide status info and/or window buttons if not needed
* add: enable BMFF meta format in Exiv2 if available and enabled
* improve: handling of mouse wheel
* improve: uniform context menus
* improve: managing external shortcuts
* improve: managing custom context menu entries
* improve: file count in file dialog when folder icon is very light
* improve: make splitview handle in file dialog stand out more
* improve: breadcrumbs dropdown folder list
* improve: file dialog layout when window is small
* improve: specify better default Windows font
* fix: sorting of files/folders in file dialog
* fix: visual glitches in file dialog
* fix: specifying font sizes throughout interface
* Thu Feb 02 2023 Dirk Müller
- update to 3.0:
* add: shortcut: load random image in folder
* add: filedialog: forward/backward mouse button navigates through history
* add: filedialog: access settings manager
* improve: file dialog: use native path separators
* improve: file dialog: improve subfolder listing
* improve: file dialog: breadcrumbs handling
* improve: file dialog: up/down arrows in icon view moves rows up/down
* improve: right click and context menus
* improve: custom menu entries (icons, path, etc.)
* improve: histogram: support for images other than 32bit
* improve: face tagger: use click-and-draw instead of click-then-draw to mark new faces
* improve: face tagger: preserves other meta data
* improve: performance and resilience for RAW images
* improve: structure and rendering of SVG icons
* fix usage of file URI scheme
* many more bug fixes and improvements- drop photoqt-fix-building-with-raw.patch (upstream)
* Tue Jan 24 2023 Carsten Ziepke - Update to 2.9.1
* fix: language files missing
* fix: network path handling on Windows- Changes in 2.9:
* add/improve: new status information labels
* improve: always attempt loading of Exiv2 data
* improve: option to move meta data back behind screen edge
* improve: replace PNGs icons by SVGs for better scaling
* improve: new filetype and backup icons
* improve: small interface updates
* improve: switch from deprecated appdata to metainfo
* new shortcuts: __fullscreenToggle, __fitInWindow
* fix: sorting of files in file and folder model
* fix: selection of certain localizations
* fix: calculation of size of pixmap cache
* fix: visibility of slideshow controls
* other smaller bug fixes and improvements- Changes in 2.8:
* file dialog: preview image can be blurred and/or its colors muted
* file dialog: preview image can be loadedin low (fast) and high (slower) resolution
* file dialog: option to hide tooltip with file details
* file dialog: reworked context menu of fileview
* file dialog: tooltip with file details
* slideshow: fix next/prev buttons during slideshow when slideshow paused
* slideshow: controls turned into floating buttons at bottom center
* shortcuts: support for double clicks
* navigation: add navigation buttons to window buttons
* navigation: add zoom to/from setting
* navigation: add min/max zoom range
* navigation: option to enable/disable window decoration by clicking outside visible image
* main menu: restyled and regrouped, complementary to context menu
* context menu: restyled and regrouped, complementary to main menu
* metadata: turn into floating element, not hiding behind edge anymore
* file formats: support for Adove Illustrator (AI) file format
* startup: validate values of some settings, ensuring they fall within a valid min/max range
* interface: pause animated image when element opened on top
* interface: raise window properly when needed
* interface: startup background text message font size follows window size
* interface: option to automatically pop out elements if window is too small
* interface: option to set different overlay color in fullscreen
* general UI updates and color adjustments- Changes in 2.7:
* add: support for libvips image library
* add: support for libmpv video library
* add: advanced sorting by luminosity
* add: obtain configuration visually (About) and through command line (--show-info)
* improve: reworked main menu with collapsible sections
* improve: better performance of obtaining image size info
* fix: mimetypes where never checked
* fix: hiding of viewer mode button when shortcut used
* various improvements and fixes under the hood- Changes in 2.6:
* add new image formats: ani, dfont, g4, heic/heif, otf, pfa/pfb, pgx, qoi, sixel
* add: new transitions: explosion, implosion, rotation, random
* add: advanced sorting (including shortcuts) by: resolution, dominant color, average color
* add: more filter options: file name/extension, resolution, file size
* add: print support
* add: option to always show \'closing x\'
* improve: general performance improvements
* remove no longer supported image formats: cgm, fig, fpx, flif, gv, sid
* fix: update with GraphicsMagick caused crash
* fix: fully hide labels if none are set to be shown- Add BuildRequires pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)- Add photoqt-fix-building-with-raw.patch, make raw loader work when libraw is compiled without rawspeed support- Drop post/postun- Use ImageMagick instead of GraphicsMagick [bsc#1206620]
* Mon Jan 24 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 2.5:
* add: chromecast support (using pychromecast)
* add: new startup checks
* add: new dialog informing user of new install/update
* add: convert settings, shortcuts, and contextmenu from file based to database based
* add: command line option to check and attempt to fix configuration
* add: command line option to reset settings/shortcuts to defaults
* add: dialog to show debug/log messages
* add: second desktop file for standalone mode
* improve: better handling of threading for loading images
* improve: scrolling by mouse no longer flicks view resulting in better handling
* improve: handling of imageformats
* improve: use image providers for setting background image
* improve: reorder mainmenu entries
* improve: copying of image to clipboard
* improve: default startup message, don\'t show file dialog automatically
* improve: context menu now standalone window and thus not confined to PhotoQt window
* improve: graceful fail when ffmpegthumbnailer not available for video files
* improve: filename inside archives shown on labels in mainview
* improve: enable build with Exiv 0.25
* improve: \'Escape\' by default calls __open
* fix/improve: export/import of old and new backup files
* fix: settingsmanager, handling of modal windows
* fix: picking color did not handle the absence of transparency well
* fix: external shortcuts close PhotoQt when \'close\' option set
* fix: zoom-to-position failed in multi-monitor setup when last-left monitor is not used
* fix: executing external app by shortcut failed handling placeholders
* fix: slideshow with many images in many subfolders
* fix: escape html tags in filenames shown on tooltips/labels
* add: zoom/pinch to position
* add: click on left/right half of empty area around image can load prev/next image
* add: option to exclude directories from caching/preloading
* add: custom filetype icons
* improve: switch default shortcuts for __copy and __clipboard
* improve: script to generate data (filetype icons, windows installer script, etc.)
* fix: loading of metadata
* fix: replacing placeholders in external shortcuts
* fix: handling of --thumbs/--no-thumbs at startup
* fix: reacting to changes to current folder/image
* fix: change wheel up/down to proper directions
* windows: make videos playback work on Windows
* windows: add to software section in settings
* windows: fix loading userplaces
* windows: new installer
* add: context menu (subset of mainmenu options), assign right button to it (if not already in use)
* add: new shortcuts manager
* add: command line option to enable/disable system tray
* add: new internal shortcuts: __viewerMode, __showThumbnails, __showMainMenu, __showMetaData, __quickNavigation, __showFaceTags, __keepMetaData, __contextMenu
* add: restore default configuration, accessible via \'advanced\' button in settings manager
* add: support of JPEG XL format (if qt plugin installed)
* improve: calling PhotoQt without command line arguments when hidden assumes \'--show\'
* improve: use arrows to indicate direction in mouse gestures
* improve: closing \'x\' hidden unless fullscreen or window decoration disabled
* improve: new format for saving shortcuts
* improve: handling of command line options
* improve: keeping track of mouse position
* fix: load translations for command line help message
* fix: artifacts in rendered text for scale<1
* fix: loading rar archives with unrar with non-Latin characters in filenames
* fix: wrong datatype used for PixmapCache property (was bool but should be int)
* fix: mirror property of scaled down versions follows main image
* add: viewer mode for documents/archives, activated through button near top left corner of screen
* add: quick navigation buttons (added with touchscreens in mind)
* add: show filename in window title
* add: show rotation angle in quick info labels
* add: new button to enter/exit fullscreen mode near top right corner of screen
* add: show \'unsupported\' feedback when trying to tag faces in unsupported file type
* add: show \'nothing found\' message when filter returns nothing
* add: new PQButton element
* add/improve: various touch ups and improvements in file dialog, new \'go up a level\' button
* add/improve: Windows build shows \'unsupported\' message instead of doing nothing
* improve: reworked file/folder model, faster and more consistent than before
* improve: window decoration always visible by default
* improve: checkbox uses tickmark instead of \'x\' for showing checked state
* improve: limit number of subfolder in slideshows (if enabled) to 100 to avoid getting stuck
* improve: Windows build no longer depends on QtWinExtras
* fix: handling of command line options
* fix: some caching locations pointed to wrong directory
* fix: handling of single quotation marks in filenames
* fix: Windows build properly handles drive letters
* fix: Windows build properly cleans path
* various smaller bug fixes and improvements all over the place
* fix: revert default from ImageMagick back to GraphicsMagick (as it was before 2.1)
* fix: sort images in folder when path passed on to PhotoQt via command line
* fix: under certain circumstances the directory itself would be added as final \'image\'
* fix: first entry in history of file dialog was always set to home directory
* fix: crypt key (used e.g. for handling Imgur authentication) now based off hostname
* fix: back button for history in file dialog barely clickable
* improve: image format handling (sqlite based)
* improve: loading of image files
* improve: startup speed when PhotoQt has not been either updated or freshly installed
* improve: handling of popout states
* improve: shortcut handling when popout window activated
* improve: make it easier to hit \'close\' button top right of main interface without triggering menu
* improve: files in a folder are filtered more efficiently
* improve: detection of previously chosen languages
* improve: reorganizing of handling methods
* add: welcome screen
* add: ImageMagick support (choice between GraphicsMagick and ImageMagick possible)
* add: small buttons to quickly toggle popout status of elements
* add: proper window titles for popout windows
* add: slideshow can include images in subfolders
* add: element to convert images into different format
* fix: memory leak when loading images with Qt
* fix: caching images
* fix: sometimes thumbnail would be loaded instead of full image
* fix: image are loaded asynchronously, without blocking main interface
* Complete re-write, minimum Qt version now 5.9
* add: more image transitions
* add: pop out elements
* add: hide cursor when not moved
* add: video support
* add: support for AVIF file format
* add: sort images by timestamp stored in exif meta data
* add: better threading of thumbnail creation
* improve: rewritten image engine
* improve: raw thumbnails are loaded from metadata (where available)
* improve: new element to open files
* improve: new settings manager with cleaner interface
* improve: new \'loading\' indicator
* improve: fewer/no workarounds necessary due to re-write- drop 0001-Switch-to-FindLibExiv2-from-ECM-5.53.0.patch 0002-Fix-build-with-exiv2-0.27.patch photoqt-1.7-link.patch: obsolete
* Mon Apr 08 2019 Christophe Giboudeaux - Add patches to fix build with Exiv2 0.27: 0001-Switch-to-FindLibExiv2-from-ECM-5.53.0.patch 0002-Fix-build-with-exiv2-0.27.patch
* Wed Jun 06 2018 Update to 1.7.1:
* Fix: Animated images would not load
* Fix: The more images in a directory the slower PhotoQt would load first image
* Fix: Deleting an image would lead to infinite \'loading\' indicator
* Fix: List of releases in appdata file was in reverse order
* Add: Show \'busy\' cursor while loading a Loader item
* Fri May 25 2018 Use constant CRYPTKEY to make build reproducible (boo#1062303)
* Wed May 16 2018 Update to 1.7:
* Add: proper support for formats supported by KDE image plugins
* Add: FreeImage image library
* Add: DevIL image library
* Add: Poppler (for: PDF (inline or document viewer mode))
* Add: libarchive (for: comic book archives, ZIP, RAR, 7ZIP, TAR)
* Add: unrar (Unix-only) (for: better RAR support)
* Add: Detect images also by MIME type and not only by file ending
* Add: Detect, display and manage people tags (stored in XMP metadata)
* Add: Current Zoom level to quick info label
* Add: Setting to adjust step size of zoom
* Add: Basic Window Management (using quick info labels)
* Improve: GraphicsMagick speed
* Improve: Usability of PhotoQt on small screens
* Improve: More efficient and compact fileformats handling
* Improve: overall speed and responsiveness
* Fix: Trash for files on removable drive
* Fix: Masking image display shown when needed
* Fix: many small bugs- Fix build with freeimage (photoqt-1.7-link.patch)- Add dependencies: extra-cmake-modules, pkgconfig(libarchive), pkgconfig(poppler-qt5), pkgconfig(IL), freeimage-devel- Spec file cleanup
* Wed Feb 21 2018 Update to 1.6:
* see: /usr/share/doc/packages/photoqt/CHANGELOG
* Wed May 10 2017 Ensure neutrality of description.
* Wed Jan 18 2017 Update to 1.5.1:
* see: /usr/share/doc/packages/photoqt/CHANGELOG
* Thu Jan 12 2017 Update to 1.5:
* see: /usr/share/doc/packages/photoqt/CHANGELOG
* Fri Nov 04 2016 Update to
* see: /usr/share/doc/packages/photoqt/CHANGELOG- Add support libraw- Update the icon theme cache- Drop photoqt-1.2_invalid-desktopfile.patch
* Sat Jun 20 2015 Update to 1.2.1:
* see: /usr/share/doc/packages/photoqt/CHANGELOG
* Tue May 12 2015 Initial release