Changelog for python38-astroid-2.5.6-2.1.noarch.rpm :

* Fri May 07 2021 Ben Greiner - Update to 2.5.6
* Fix retro-compatibility issues with old version of pylint Closes PyCQA/pylint#4402
* Fixes the discord link in the project urls of the package. Closes PyCQA/pylint#4393
* The packaging is now done via setuptools exclusively. doc, tests, and Changelog are not packaged anymore - reducing the size of the package greatly.
* __pkginfo__ now only contain __version__ (also accessible with astroid.__version__), other meta-information are still accessible with import importlib;metadata.metadata(\'astroid\').
* Added inference tip for typing.Tuple alias
* Fix crash when evaluating typing.NamedTuple Closes PyCQA/pylint#4383
* COPYING was removed in favor of COPYING.LESSER and the latter was renamed to LICENSE to make more apparent that the code is licensed under LGPLv2 or later.
* Takes into account the fact that subscript inferring for a ClassDef may involve class_getitem method
* Reworks the collections and typing brain so that pylint`s acceptance tests are fine. Closes PyCQA/pylint#4206
* Use inference_tip for typing.TypedDict brain.
* Fix mro for classes that inherit from typing.Generic
* Add inference tip for typing.Generic and typing.Annotated with __class_getitem__ Closes PyCQA/pylint#2822
* Detects import numpy as a valid numpy import. Closes PyCQA/pylint#3974
* Iterate over Keywords when using ClassDef.get_children Closes PyCQA/pylint#3202- Use github archive for tests
* Sun Mar 21 2021 Ben Greiner - Update to 2.5.1
* The context.path is reverted to a set because otherwise it leads to false positives for non `numpy` functions.
* Don\'t transform dataclass ClassVars
* Improve typing.TypedDict inference
* Fix the `Duplicates found in MROs` false positive.- Release 2.5.0
* Adds `attr_fset` in the `PropertyModel` class.
* Remove support for Python 3.5.
* Remove the runtime dependency on six. The six brain remains in astroid.
* Enrich the brain_collection module so that __class_getitem__ method is added to `deque` for python version above 3.9.
* The context.path is now a dict and the context.push method returns True if the node has been visited a certain amount of times.
* Adds a brain for type object so that it is possible to write `type[int]` in annotation.
* Add __class_getitem__ method to subprocess.Popen brain under Python 3.9 so that it is seen as subscriptable by pylint.
* Adds `degrees`, `radians`, which are `numpy ufunc` functions, in the `numpy` brain. Adds `random` function in the `numpy. random` brain.
* Fix deprecated importlib methods
* Fix a crash in inference caused by `Uninferable` container elements
* Add `python 3.9` support.
* The flat attribute of numpy.ndarray is now inferred as an numpy.ndarray itself. It should be a numpy.flatiter instance, but this class is not yet available in the numpy brain.
* Fix a bug for dunder methods inference of function objects
* Fixes a bug in the signature of the ndarray.__or__ method, in the module.
* Fixes a to-list cast bug in starred_assigned_stmts method, in the` module.
* Added a brain for hypothesis.strategies.composite
* The transpose of a numpy.ndarray is also a numpy.ndarray
* Added a brain for sqlalchemy.orm.session
* Separate string and bytes classes patching
* Prevent recursion error for self referential length calls
* Added missing methods to the brain for mechanize, to fix pylint false positives
* Added more supported parameters to subprocess.check_output
* Fix recursion errors with pandas
* Added exception inference for `UnicodeDecodeError`
* `FunctionDef.is_generator` properly handles `yield` nodes in `If` tests
* Fixed exception-chaining error messages.
* Fix failure to infer base class type with multiple inheritance and qualified names
* Fix interpretation of six.with_metaclass class definitions.
* Reduce memory usage of astroid\'s module cache.
* Remove dependency on `imp`.
* Do not crash when encountering starred assignments in enums.
* Fix a crash in functools.partial inference when the arguments cannot be determined
* Fix a crash caused by a lookup of a monkey-patched method
* is_generator correctly considers `Yield` nodes in `AugAssign` nodes This fixes a false positive with the `assignment-from-no-return` pylint check.
* Corrected the parent of function type comment nodes. These nodes used to be parented to their original ast. FunctionDef parent but are now correctly parented to their astroid.FunctionDef parent.- Drop part_rm_dep_imp.patch fixed upstream- Drop unpin-deps.patch unpinned upstream
* Sat Dec 05 2020 Benjamin Greiner - Fix python_sitelib usage for possibly multiple python3 flavors gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66
* Tue Jun 23 2020 Matej Cepl - Add part_rm_dep_imp.patch to replace missing `imp` package (gh#PyCQA/astroid#686).
* Tue Jun 16 2020 Steve Kowalik - Update to 2.4.2:
* `FunctionDef.is_generator` properly handles `yield` nodes in `While` tests
* Properly construct the arguments of infered property descriptors
* Thu May 07 2020 Steve Kowalik - Update to 2.4.1:
* Handle the case where the raw builder fails to retrieve the ``__all__`` attribute
* Restructure the AST parsing heuristic to always pick the same module
* Changed to work with [distlib](
* Do not crash with SyntaxError when parsing namedtuples with invalid label
* Protect against ``infer_call_result`` failing with `InferenceError` in `Super.getattr()`
* Expose a ast_from_string method in AstroidManager, which will accept
* ``BoundMethod.implicit_parameters`` returns a proper value for ``__new__``
* Allow slots added dynamically to a class to still be inferred
* Allow `FunctionDef.getattr` to look into both instance attrs and special attributes
* Infer qualified ``classmethod`` as a classmethod.
* Prevent a recursion error to happen when inferring the declared metaclass of a class
* Raise ``AttributeInferenceError`` when ``getattr()`` receives an empty name
* Prevent a recursion error for self reference variables and `type()` calls.
* Do not infer the first argument of a staticmethod in a metaclass as the class itself
* ``NodeNG.bool_value()`` gained an optional ``context`` parameter
* Pass a context argument to ``astroid.Arguments`` to prevent recursion errors
* Better inference of class and static methods decorated with custom methods
* Reverse the order of decorators for `infer_subscript`
* Prevent a recursion error when inferring self-referential variables without definition
* Numpy `datetime64.astype` return value is inferred as a `ndarray`.
* Skip non ``Assign`` and ``AnnAssign`` nodes from enum reinterpretation
* Numpy ``ndarray`` attributes ``imag`` and ``real`` are now inferred as ``ndarray``.
* Added a call to ``register_transform`` for all functions of the ``brain_numpy_core_multiarray``
* Use the parent of the node when inferring aug assign nodes instead of the statement
* Added some functions to the ``brain_numpy_core_umath`` module
* Added some functions of the ``numpy.core.multiarray`` module
* All the ``numpy ufunc`` functions derived now from a common class that
* ``nodes.Const.itered`` returns a list of ``Const`` nodes, not strings
* The ``shape`` attribute of a ``numpy ndarray`` is now a ``ndarray``
* Don\'t ignore special methods when inspecting gi classes
* Added transform for ``scipy.gaussian``
* Add suport for inferring properties.
* Added a brain for ``responses``
* Allow inferring positional only arguments.
* Retry parsing a module that has invalid type comments
* Scope the inference to the current bound node when inferring instances of classes
* Add support for inferring exception instances in all contexts
* Add more supported parameters to ``subprocess.check_output``
* Infer args unpacking of ``self``
* Clean up
* Handle StopIteration error in infer_int.
* Can access per argument type comments for positional only and keyword only arguments.
* Relax upper bound on `wrapt`
* Properly analyze CFFI compiled extensions.- Refresh unpin-deps.patch
* Thu Nov 14 2019 Matej Cepl - Update to 2.3.3:
* Update six version to 1.13.- Update unpin-deps.patch
* Fri Nov 01 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 2.3.2:
* All type comments have as parent the corresponding `astroid` node
* Pass an inference context to `metaclass()` when inferring an object type
* Fri Oct 04 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to not use pinned dependencies and to work in our distro:
* unpin-deps.patch
* Thu Oct 03 2019 Marketa Calabkova - Update to 2.3.1
* A transform for the builtin `dataclasses` module was added.
* Add a brain tip for ``subprocess.check_output``
* Remove NodeNG.nearest method because of lack of usage in astroid and pylint.
* Allow importing wheel files.
* Dropped support for Python 3.4.
* Add support for Python 3.8\'s `NamedExpr` nodes, which is part of assignment expressions.
* ...and more.
* Mon Mar 11 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 2.2.5:
* The last except handler wins when inferring variables bound in an except handler.
* Wed Mar 06 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 2.2.4:
* Many changes inside, see ChangeLog
* Mon Dec 31 2018 Martin Pluskal - Correct conditional for older distros- Update filelist to work on SLE-12
* Thu Dec 06 2018 Tomáš Chvátal - Version update to 2.1.0:
* Many changes around, see ChangeLog file
* Tue Sep 18 2018 Jan Engelhardt - Trim future goals and history lesson from description. Use noun phrase in summary.
* Fri Sep 14 2018 Tomáš Chvátal - Version update to 2.0.4:
* only supports python3.0+
* Many many changes see ChangeLog fixes
* Mon Jul 16 2018 Version update to 1.6.5:
* Many various bugfixes making the pylint tests pass
* For details see ChangeLog
* Wed Jan 24 2018 Version update to 1.6.1:
* Various fixes for python3
* Various pylint issues fixes
* For detailed log see ChangeLog- Disable tests for now as they seem to fail, upstream knows
* Mon Feb 27 2017 update for singlespec- update to 1.4.9
* classes can now know their definition-time arguments
* getitem() now accepts node objects
* explicit namespace package support
* see more details in ChangeLog- update to 2.0-pre-release git version for python 3.6 support (boo#1026174)- enable test suite for all pythons
* Wed Feb 10 2016 Added missing dependencies on python-lazy_object_proxy and python-wrapt- Update to version 1.4.4
* unpack_infer raises InferenceError if it can\'t operate with the given sequences of nodes.
* Support accessing properties with super().
* Enforce strong updates per frames.
* Wed Jan 13 2016 Update to version 1.4.3
* pkg_resources brain tips are a bit more specific, by specifiying proper returns.
* Standard library modules are properly detected by is_standard_module. This should fix issues such as Update to version 1.4.2
* The slots() method conflates all the slots from the ancestors into a list of current and parent slots. We\'re doing this because this is the right semantics of slots, they get inherited, as long as each parent defines a __slots__ entry.
* Revert to using printf-style formatting in as_string, in order to avoid a potential problem with encodings when using .format. Closes issue #273.
* assigned_stmts methods have the same signature from now on. They used to have different signatures and each one made assumptions about what could be passed to other implementations, leading to various possible crashes when one or more arguments weren\'t given. Closes issue #277.- update to version 1.4.1:
* Add support for handling Uninferable nodes when calling as_string Some object, for instance List or Tuple can have, after inference, Uninferable as their elements, happening when their components weren\'t couldn\'t be inferred properly. This means that as_string needs to cope with expecting Uninferable nodes part of the other nodes coming for a string transformation. The patch adds a visit method in AsString and \"accept\" on Yes / Uninferable nodes. Closes issue #270.- update to version 1.4.0:
* Class.getattr(\'__mro__\') returns the actual MRO. Closes issue #128.
* The logilab-common dependency is not needed anymore as the needed code was integrated into astroid.
* Add \'assert_equals\' method in\'s brain plugin.
* Generated enum member stubs now support IntEnum and multiple base classes.
* Add brain tips for multiprocessing.Manager and multiprocessing.managers.SyncManager.
* Add brain tips for multiprocessing post Python 3.4+, where the module level functions are retrieved with getattr from a context object, leading to many no-member errors in Pylint.
* The Generator objects inferred with `infer_call_result` from functions have as parent the function from which they are returned.
* Understand partially the 3-argument form of `type`. The only change is that astroid understands members passed in as dictionaries as the third argument.
* Improve the inference of Getattr nodes when dealing with abstract properties from the abc module. In astroid.bases.Instance._wrap_attr we had a detection code for properties, which basically inferred whatever a property returned, passing the results up the stack, to the igetattr() method. It handled only the builtin property but the new patch also handles a couple of other properties, such as abc.abstractproperty.
* UnboundMethod.getattr calls the getattr of its _proxied object and doesn\'t call super(...) anymore. It previously crashed, since the first ancestor in its mro was bases.Proxy and bases.Proxy doesn\'t implement the .getattr method. Closes issue #91.
* Don\'t hard fail when calling .mro() on a class which has combined both newstyle and old style classes. The class in question is actually newstyle (and the __mro__ can be retrieved using Python). .mro() fallbacks to using .ancestors() in that case.
* Class.local_attr and Class.local_attr_ancestors uses internally a mro lookup, using .mro() method, if they can. That means for newstyle classes, when trying to lookup a member using one of these functions, the first one according to the mro will be returned. This reflects nicely the reality, but it can have as a drawback the fact that it is a behaviour change (the previous behaviour was incorrect though). Also, having bases which can return multiple values when inferred will not work with the new approach, because .mro() only retrieves the first value inferred from a base.
* Expose a implicit_metaclass() method in Class. This will return a builtins.type instance for newstyle classes.
* Add two new exceptions for handling MRO error cases. DuplicateBasesError is emitted when duplicate bases are found in a class, InconsistentMroError is raised when the method resolution is determined to be inconsistent. They share a common class, MroError, which is a subclass of ResolveError, meaning that this change is backwards compatible.
* Classes aren\'t marked as interfaces anymore, in the `type` attribute.
* Class.has_dynamic_getattr doesn\'t return True for special methods which aren\'t implemented in pure Python, as it is the case for extension modules. Since most likely the methods were coming from a live object, this implies that all of them will have __getattr__ and __getattribute__ present and it is wrong to consider that those methods were actually implemented.
* Add `igetattr` method to scoped_nodes.Function.
* Add support for Python 3.5\'s MatMul operation: see PEP 465 for more details.
* NotImplemented is detected properly now as being part of the builtins module. Previously trying to infer the Name(NotImplemented) returned an YES object.
* Add proper grammatical names for `infered` and `ass_type` methods, namely `inferred` and `assign_type`. The old methods will raise PendingDeprecationWarning, being slated for removal in astroid 2.0.
* Add new AST names in order to be similar to the ones from the builtin ast module. With this change, Getattr becomes Attributes, Backquote becomes Repr, Class is ClassDef, Function is FunctionDef, Discard is Expr, CallFunc is Call, From is ImportFrom, AssName is AssignName and AssAttr is AssignAttr. The old names are maintained for backwards compatibility and they are interchangeable, in the sense that using Discard will use Expr under the hood and the implemented visit_discard in checkers will be called with Expr nodes instead. The AST does not contain the old nodes, only the interoperability between them hides this fact. Recommandations to move to the new nodes are emitted accordingly, the old names will be removed in astroid 2.0.
* Star unpacking in assignments returns properly a list, not the individual components. Closes issue #138.
* Lambdas found at class level, which have a `self` argument, are considered
* Add annotation support for function.as_string(). Closes issue #37.
* Add support for indexing bytes on Python 3. BoundMethods when accessing them from instances of their class.
* Add support for inferring subscript on instances, which will use __getitem__. Closes issue #124.
* Understand metaclasses added with six.add_metaclass decorator. Closes issue #129.
* Add a new convenience API, `astroid.parse`, which can be used to retrieve an astroid AST from a source code string, similar to how ast.parse can be used to obtain a Python AST from a source string. This is the test_utils.build_module promoted to a public API.
* do_import_module passes the proper relative_only flag if the level is higher than 1. This has the side effect that using `from .something import something` in a non-package will finally result in an import-error on Pylint\'s side. Until now relative_only was ignored, leading to the import of `something`, if it was globally available.
* There\'s a new separate step for transforms. Until now, the transforms were applied at the same time the tree was being built. This was problematic if the transform functions were using inference, since the inference was executed on a partially constructed tree, which led to failures when post-building information was needed (such as setting the _from_names for the From imports). Now there\'s a separate step for transforms, which are applied using transform.TransformVisitor. There\'s a couple of other related changes: + astroid.parse and AstroidBuilder gained a new parameter `apply_transforms`, which is a boolean flag, which will control if the transforms are applied. We do this because there are uses when the vanilla tree is wanted, without any implicit modification. + the transforms are also applied for builtin modules, as a side effect of the fact that transform visiting was moved in AstroidBuilder._post_build from AstroidBuilder._data_build. Closes issue #116.
* Add a new node, DictUnpack, which is used to represent the unpacking of a dictionary into another dictionary, using PEP 448 specific syntax ({1:2,
*{2:3}) This is a different approach than what the builtin ast module does, since it just uses None to represent this kind of operation, which seems conceptually wrong, due to the fact the AST contains non-AST nodes. Closes issue #206.
* Add a new type of node, called
*inference objects
*. Inference objects are similar with AST nodes, but they can be obtained only after inference, so they can\'t be found inside the AST tree. Their purpose is to handle at astroid level some operations which can\'t be handled when using brain transforms. For instance, the first object added is FrozenSet, which can be manipulated at astroid\'s level (inferred, itered etc). Code such as this \'frozenset((1,2))\' will not return an Instance of frozenset, without having access to its content, but a new objects.FrozenSet, which can be used just as a nodes.Set.
* Add a new
*inference object
* called Super, which also adds support for understanding super calls. astroid understands the zero-argument form of super, specific to Python 3, where the interpreter fills itself the arguments of the call. Also, we are understanding the 2-argument form of super, both for bounded lookups (super(X, instance)) as well as for unbounded lookups (super(X, Y)), having as well support for validating that the object-or-type is a subtype of the first argument. The unbounded form of super (one argument) is not understood, since it\'s useless in practice and should be removed from Python\'s specification. Closes issue #89.
* astroid.utils.ASTWalker and astroid.utils.LocalsVisitor were moved to pylint.pyreverse.utils.- update to version 1.3.8:
* Backport of 40e3176, which fixes issue #84.- update to version 1.3.7:
* Improve the inference of six.moves, especially when using `from ... import ...` syntax. Also, we added a new fail import hook for six.moves, which fixes the import-error false positive from pylint. Closes issue #107.
* Mon Mar 16 2015 Update to 1.3.6:
* Class.slots raises NotImplementedError for old style classes. Closes issue #67.
* Add a new option to AstroidManager, `optimize_ast`, which controls if peephole optimizer should be enabled or not. This prevents a regression, where the visit_binop method wasn\'t called anymore with astroid 1.3.5, due to the differences in the resulting AST. Closes issue #82.
* Add the ability to optimize small ast subtrees, with the first use in the optimization of multiple BinOp nodes. This removes recursivity in the rebuilder when dealing with a lot of small strings joined by the addition operator. Closes issue #59.
* Obtain the methods for the nose brain tip through an unittest.TestCase instance. Closes Pylint issue #457.
* Fix a crash which occurred when a class was the ancestor of itself. Closes issue #78.
* Improve the scope_lookup method for Classes regarding qualified objects, with an attribute name exactly as one provided in the class itself. For example, a class containing an attribute \'first\', which was also an import and which had, as a base, a qualified name or a Gettattr node, in the form \'module.first\', then Pylint would have inferred the `first` name as the function from the Class, not the import. Closes Pylint issue #466.
* Implement the assigned_stmts operation for Starred nodes, which was omitted when support for Python 3 was added in astroid. Closes issue #36.
* Wed Feb 18 2015 Update to 1.3.4:
* Get the first element from the method list when obtaining the functions from Closes Pylint issue #448.
* Restore file_stream to a property, but deprecate it in favour of the newly added method By using a method instead of a property, it will be easier to properly close the file right after it is used, which will ensure that no file descriptors are leaked. Until now, due to the fact that a module was cached, it was not possible to close the file_stream anywhere. file_stream will start emitting PendingDeprecationWarnings in astroid 1.4, DeprecationWarnings in astroid 1.5 and it will be finally removed in astroid 1.6.
* Add inference tips for \'tuple\', \'list\', \'dict\' and \'set\' builtins.
* Add brain definition for most string and unicode methods
* Changed the API for Class.slots. It returns None when the class doesn\'t define any slots. Previously, for both the cases where the class didn\'t have slots defined and when it had an empty list of slots, Class.slots returned an empty list.
* Add a new method to Class nodes, \'mro\', for obtaining the the method resolution order of the class.
* Add brain tips for six.moves. Closes issue #63.
* Improve the detection for functions decorated with decorators which returns static or class methods.
* .slots() can contain unicode strings on Python 2.
* Add inference tips for
* Mon Dec 08 2014 Update to 1.3.2:
* Fixed a crash with invalid subscript index.
* Implement proper base class semantics for Python 3, where every class derives from object.
* Allow more fine-grained control over C extension loading in the manager.
* Fixed a crash issue with the pytest brain module.
* Fri Nov 21 2014 Update to 1.3.0:
* Fix a maximum recursion error occured during the inference, where statements with the same name weren\'t filtered properly. Closes pylint issue #295.
* Check that EmptyNode has an underlying object in EmptyNode.has_underlying_object.
* Simplify the understanding of enum members.
* Fix an infinite loop with decorator call chain inference, where the decorator returns itself. Closes issue #50.
* Various speed improvements. Patch by Alex Munroe.
* Add pytest brain plugin. Patch by Robbie Coomber.
* Support for Python versions < 2.7 has been dropped, and the source has been made compatible with Python 2 and 3. Running 2to3 on installation for Python 3 is not needed anymore.
* astroid now depends on six.
* modutils._module_file opens in binary mode. Closes issues #51 and #13.
* Only C extensions from trusted sources (the standard library) are loaded into the examining Python process to build an AST from the live module.
* Path names on case-insensitive filesystems are now properly handled. This fixes the stdlib detection code on Windows.
* Metaclass-generating functions like six.with_metaclass are now supported via some explicit detection code.
* astroid.register_module_extender has been added to generalize the support for module extenders as used by many brain plugins.
* brain plugins can now register hooks to handle failed imports, as done by the gobject-introspection plugin.
* The modules have been moved to a separate package directory, ` develop` now works correctly.
* Tue Nov 04 2014 Update to 1.2.1:
* Fix a crash occurred when inferring decorator call chain. Closes issue #42.
* Set the parent of vararg and kwarg nodes when inferring them. Closes issue #43.
* namedtuple inference knows about \'_fields\' attribute.
* enum members knows about the methods from the enum class.
* Name inference will lookup in the parent function of the current scope, in case searching in the current scope fails.
* Inference of the functional form of the enums takes into consideration the various inputs that enums accepts.
* The inference engine handles binary operations (add, mul etc.) between instances.
* Fix an infinite loop in the inference, by returning a copy of instance attributes, when calling \'instance_attr\'. Closes issue #34 (patch by Emile Anclin).
* Don\'t crash when trying to infer unbound object.__new__ call. Closes issue #11.- Use upstream zip for packaging as .tar.gz is no longer provided
* Tue Aug 12 2014 Update to 1.2.0
* Function nodes can detect decorator call chain and see if they are decorated with builtin descriptors (`classmethod` and `staticmethod`).
* infer_call_result called on a subtype of the builtin type will now return a new `Class` rather than an `Instance`.
* `Class.metaclass()` now handles module-level __metaclass__ declaration on python 2, and no longer looks at the __metaclass__ class attribute on python 3.
* Function nodes can detect if they are decorated with subclasses of builtin descriptors when determining their type (`classmethod` and `staticmethod`).
* Add `slots` method to `Class` nodes, for retrieving the list of valid slots it defines.
* Expose function annotation to astroid: `Arguments` node exposes \'varargannotation\', \'kwargannotation\' and \'annotations\' attributes, while `Function` node has the \'returns\' attribute.
* Backported most of the logilab.common.modutils module there, as most things there are for pylint/astroid only and we want to be able to fix them without requiring a new logilab.common release
* Fix names grabed using wildcard import in \"absolute import mode\" (ie with absolute_import activated from the __future__ or with python 3). Fix pylint issue #58.
* Add support in pylint-brain for understanding enum classes.
* Thu Jul 10 2014 Update to 1.1.1
* `Class.metaclass()` looks in ancestors when the current class does not define explicitly a metaclass.
* Do not cache modules if a module with the same qname is already known, and only return cached modules if both name and filepath match. Fixes pylint Bitbucket issue #136.- Update to 1.1.0
* All class nodes are marked as new style classes for Py3k.
* Add a `metaclass` function to `Class` nodes to retrieve their metaclass.
* Add a new YieldFrom node.
* Add support for inferring arguments to namedtuple invocations.
* Make sure that objects returned for namedtuple inference have parents.
* Don\'t crash when inferring nodes from `with` clauses with multiple context managers. Closes #18.
* Don\'t crash when a class has some __call__ method that is not inferable. Closes #17.
* Unwrap instances found in `.ancestors()`, by using their _proxied class.
* Thu Nov 28 2013 Rename to python-astroid to match new upstream name.- Initial version 1.0.1
* Wed Jun 19 2013 Use upstream URL
* Fri May 31 2013 update to 0.24.3:
* #124360 [py3.3]: Don\'t crash on \'yield from\' nodes
* #123062 [pylint-brain]: Use correct names for keywords for urlparse
* #123056 [pylint-brain]: Add missing methods for hashlib
* #123068: Fix inference for generator methods to correctly handle yields
* #123068: Make sure .as_string() returns valid code for yields in expressions.
* #47957: Set literals are now correctly treated as inference leaves.
* #123074: Add support for inference of subscript operations on dict literals.
* pylint-brain: more subprocess.Popen faking (see #46273)
* #109562 [jython]: java modules have no __doc__, causing crash
* #120646 [py3]: fix for python3.3 _ast changes which may cause crash
* #109988 [py3]: test fixes
* #106191: fix __future__ absolute import w/ From node
* #50395: fix function fromlineno when some decorator is splited on multiple lines (patch by Mark Gius)
* #92362: fix pyreverse crash on relative import
* #104041: fix crash \'module object has no file_encoding attribute\'
* #4294 (pylint-brain): bad inference on
* #46273 (pylint-brain): bad inference subprocess.Popen.communicate
* Thu Apr 26 2012 Add python 3 package- Change license to LGPL 2.1+
* Sat Feb 18 2012 update to version 0.23.1
* #62295: avoid \"OSError: Too many open files\" by moving .file_stream as a Module property opening the file only when needed
* Lambda nodes should have a `name` attribute
* only call transformers if modname specified
* Thu Oct 06 2011 make it build on old distros
* Sun Sep 25 2011 Don\'t remove logilab/ on SLE, where it is not existing.
* Wed Sep 21 2011 Update to version 0.22.0:
* added column offset information on nodes (patch by fawce)
* #70497: Crash on AttributeError: \'NoneType\' object has no attribute \'_infer_name\'
* #70381: IndendationError in import causes crash
* #70565: absolute imports treated as relative (patch by Jacek Konieczny)
* #70494: fix file encoding detection with python2.x
* py3k: __builtin__ module renamed to builtins, we should consider this to properly build ast for builtin objects- Run testsuite- Removed outdated stuff from spec file (%clean section, authors, ...)- Set license to GPL-2.0+ (SPDX style)
* Tue Apr 12 2011 update to 0.21.1:
* python3: handle file encoding; fix a lot of tests
* fix #52006: \"True\" and \"False\" can be assigned as variable in Python2x
* fix #8847: pylint doesn\'t understand function attributes at all
* fix #8774: iterator / generator / next method
* Fri Jan 07 2011 update to 0.21.0:
* python3.x: first python3.x release
* fix #37105: Crash on AttributeError: \'NoneType\' object has no attribute \'_infer_name\'
* python2.4: drop python < 2.4 support - 0.20.4:
* fix #37868 #37665 #33638 #37909: import problems with absolute_import_activated
* fix #8969: false positive when importing from zip-safe eggs
* fix #46131: minimal class decorator support
* minimal python2.7 support (dict and set comprehension)
* important progress on Py3k compatibility
* Wed Sep 29 2010 update to 0.20.3:
* fix #45959: AttributeError: \'NoneType\' object has no attribute \'frame\', due to handling of __class__ when importing from living object (because of missing source code or C-compiled object)
* fix astng building bug: we\'ve to set module.package flag at the node creation time otherwise we\'ll miss this information when infering relative import during the build process (this should fix for instance some problems with numpy)
* added __subclasses__ to special class attribute
* fix Class.interfaces so that no InferenceError raised on empty __implements__
* yield YES on multiplication of tuple/list with non valid operand
* fix licensing to LGPL
* add ALL_NODES_CLASSES constant to nodes module
* nodes redirection cleanup (possible since refactoring)
* bug fix for python < 2.5: add Delete node on Subscript nodes if we are in a del context
* Wed Apr 07 2010 update to 0.20.0 (bnc#555993):
* fix #20464: raises “TypeError: \'_Yes\' object is not iterable” on list inference
* fix #19882: pylint hangs
* fix #20759: crash on pyreverse UNARY_OP_METHOD KeyError \'~\'
* fix #20760: crash on pyreverse : AttributeError: \'Subscript\' object has no attribute \'infer_lhs\'
* fix #21980: [Python-modules-team] Bug#573229 : Pylint hangs; improving the cache yields a speed improvement on big projects
* major refactoring: rebuild the tree instead of modify / monkey patching
* fix #19641: \"maximum recursion depth exceeded\" messages w/ python 2.6 this was introduced by a refactoring
* Ned Batchelder patch to properly import eggs with Windows line endings. This fixes a problem with pylint not being able to import setuptools.
* Winfried Plapper patches fixing .op attribute value for AugAssign nodes, visit_ifexp in nodes_as_string
* Edward K. Ream / Tom Fleck patch closes #19641 (maximum recursion depth exceeded\" messages w/ python 2.6), see
* fix #18773: inference bug on class member (due to bad handling of instance / class nodes \"bounded\" to method calls)
* fix #9515: strange message for non-class \"Class baz has no egg member\" (due to bad inference of function call)
* fix #18953: inference fails with augmented assignment (special case for augmented assignement in infer_ass method)
* fix #13944: false positive for class/instance attributes (Instance.getattr should return assign nodes on instance classes as well as instance.
* include spelling fixes provided by Dotan Barak
* Wed Sep 16 2009 fix build on SLE10 by not including %{py_sitedir}/
*egg-info in the filelist there
* Wed Sep 16 2009 update to 0.19.1 2009-08-27 -- 0.19.1
* fix #8771: crash on yield expression
* fix #10024: line numbering bug with try/except/finally
* fix #10020: when building from living object, __name__ may be None
* fix #9891: help(logilab.astng) throws TypeError
* fix #9588: false positive E1101 for augmented assignment- adjusted sip-c-instance-fix.diff
* Mon Sep 07 2009 build as noarch
* Sun Aug 09 2009 use new python macros
* Thu Aug 06 2009 apply fix from Derek Harland to handle python-sip C instance methods correctly
* Wed Aug 05 2009 Update to version 0.19.0:
* fixed python 2.6 issue (tests ok w/ 2.4, 2.5, 2.6. Anyone using 2.2 / 2.3 to tell us if it works?)
* some understanding of the decorator
* inference: introduce UnboundMethod / rename InstanceMethod to BoundMethod 2009-03-19 -- 0.18.0
* major api / tree structure changes to make it works with compiler
* python >= 2.5 _ast module
* cleanups and refactoring on the way 2008-11-19 -- 0.17.4
* fix #6015: filter statements bug triggering W0631 false positive in pylint
* fix #5571: Function.is_method() should return False on module level functions decorated by staticmethod/classmethod (avoid some crash in pylint)
* fix #5010: understand python 2.5 explicit relative imports
* Fri Sep 12 2008 Update to version 0.17.3:
* fix #5889: astng crash on certain pyreverse projects
* fix bug w/ loop assigment in .lookup
* apply Maarten patch fixing a crash on TryFinalaly.block_range and fixing \'else\'/\'final\' block line detection
* Fri Aug 22 2008 Update to version 0.17.2:
* \"with\" statement support, patch provided by Brian Hawthorne
* fixed recursion arguments in nodes_of_class method as notified by Dave Borowitz
* new InstanceMethod node introduced to wrap bound method (eg Function node), patch provided by Dave Borowitz
* Mon Jul 16 2007 update to version 0.17.1:
* fix a few crashes
* lambda has no pytype- changes from 0.16.3 to 0.17.0
* various bugfixes with inference
* list vs function mixup
* handle setattr class modification- changes from 0.16.2 to 0.16.3
* fix simple inference for subscription and loop assignments- changes from 0.16.1 to 0.16.2
* compatibility with python2.3 and logilab-common 0.21
* Tue Sep 26 2006 update to version 0.16.1
* python 2.5 support, patch provided by Marien Zwart
* fix [Class|Module].block_range method (this fixes pylint\'s inline disabling of messages on classes/modules)
* handle class.__bases__ and class.__mro__ (proper metaclass handling still needed though)
* drop python2.2 support: remove code that was working around python2.2
* fixed generator expression scope bug
* patch transformer to extract correct line information- changes from 0.15.1 to 0.16.0
* fix living object building to consider classes such as property as a class instead of a data descriptor
* fix multiple assignment inference which was discarding some solutions
* added some line manipulation methods to handle pylint\'s block messages control feature (Node.last_source_line(), None.block_range(lineno)- changes from 0.15.0 to 0.15.1
* fix avoiding to load everything from living objects...
* fix a possible NameError in Instance.infer_call_result- changes from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0
* fix possible infinite recursion on global statements and in various other cases...
* fix locals/globals interactions when the global statement is used
* multiple inference related bug fixes
* associate List, Tuple and Dict and Const nodes to their respective classes
* new .ass_type method on assignment related node, returning the assigment type node (Assign, For, ListCompFor, GenExprFor, TryExcept)
* more API refactoring... .resolve method has disappeared, now you have .ilookup on every nodes and .getattr/.igetattr on node supporting the attribute protocol
* introduced a YES object that may be returned when there is ambiguity on an inference path (typically function call when we don\'t know arguments value)
* builder try to instantiate builtin exceptions subclasses to get their instance attribute
* Tue Feb 28 2006 updated to reflect python changes due to #149809
* Sat Jan 28 2006 Update to version 0.14:
* refactoring and inference improvements, changed API.
* Many new features and bugfixes.
* Wed Jan 25 2006 converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
* Thu Dec 22 2005 Initial creation of package.- Version 0.13.1:
* Fixes: Class.ancesotrs(), self_resolve(), local dicts __path__, python2.2 compatibility.
* .__contains__ .has_key link (speedup)
* GenExpr and GenExprFor support for python 2.4+- Version 0.13:
* This package has been forked of python-logilab-common 0.12.
* Fixes: lambda, Compare.as_string, manager.astng_from_module_name
* .locals and .globals on scoped node handle now a list of references to each assigment statements instead of a single reference to the first assigment statement.