Changelog for ruby3.0-rubygem-rake-12.2.1-1.45.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Oct 26 2017 updated to version 12.2.1 see installed History.rdoc === 12.2.1 ==== Bug fixes
* Fixed to break Capistrano::Application on capistrano3. === 12.2.0 ==== Enhancements:
* Make rake easier to use as a library Pull request #211 by AATTdrbrain
* Fix quadratic performance in FileTask#out_of_date? Pull request #224 by AATTdoudou
* Clarify output when printing nested exception traces Pull request #232 by AATTurbanautomaton ==== Bug fixes
* Account for a file that match 2 or more patterns. Pull request #231 by AATTstyd
* Mon Sep 11 2017 updated to version 12.1.0 see installed History.rdoc === 12.1.0 ==== Enhancements:
* Added did_you_mean feature for invalid rake task. Pull request #221 by AATTxtina-starr
* Enabled to dependency chained by extensions. Pull request #39 by Petr Skocik.
* Make all of string literals to frozen objects on Ruby 2.4 or later. ==== Bug fixes
* Typo fixes in rakefile.rdoc. Pull request #180 by Yuta Kurotaki.
* Fix unexpected behavior of file task with dryrun option. Pull request #183 by AATTaycabta.
* Make LoadError from running tests more obvious. Pull request #195 by Eric Hodel.
* Fix unexpected TypeError with hash stayle option. Pull request #202 by Kuniaki IGARASHI.
* Wed Dec 07 2016 updated to version 12.0.0 see installed History.rdoc === 12.0.0 ==== Compatibility Changes
* Remove arguments on clear #157 by Jesse Bowes
* Removed `rake/contrib` packages. These are extracted to `rake-contrib` gem.
* Removed to deprecated warnings for `last\\_comment`. ==== Enhancements:
* Re-use trace option on `cleanup` task. #164 by Brian Henderson
* Actions adore keyword arguments #174 by Josh Cheek
* Rake::TaskArguments#key? alias of #has_key? #175 by Paul Annesley
* Wed Sep 21 2016 updated to version 11.3.0 see installed History.rdoc === 11.3.0 / 2016-09-20 Enhancements:
* Remove to reference `Fixnum` constant. Pull request #160 by nobu
* Sun Jun 12 2016 updated to version 11.2.2 see installed History.rdoc === 11.2.2 / 2016-06-12 Bug fixes:
* Fix unexpected behavior with multiple dependencies on Rake::TestTask === 11.2.1 / 2016-06-12 Bug fixes:
* Fix regression of dependencies handling on Rake::TestTask. Report #139 === 11.2.0 / 2016-06-11 Bug fixes:
* Fix unexpected cut-out behavior on task description using triple dots and exclamation. Report #106 from Stephan Kämper and Pull request #134 by Lee
* Fix empty argument assignment with `with_defaults` option. Pull request #135 by bakunyo
* Ignore to use `hwprefs` on Darwin platform. Use sysctl now. Report #128 Enhancements:
* Spawn options for sh Pull equest #138 by Eric Hodel.
* Allow to specify dependencies(prerequisites) for Rake::TestTask Pull request #117 by Tim Maslyuchenko
* Use Bundler task instead of hoe for gem release.
* Remove explicitly load to rubygems for Ruby 1.8.
* Unify to declare `Rake::VERSION`.
* Support xz format for PackageTask.
* Wed Apr 06 2016 updated to version 11.1.2 see installed History.rdoc === 11.1.2 / 2016-03-28 Bug fixes:
* Remove `-W` option when Rake::TestTask#verbose enabled. It\'s misunderstanding specification change with Rake 11. Partly revert #67
* Mon Mar 14 2016 updated to version 11.1.1 see installed History.rdoc === 11.1.1 / 2016-03-14 Bug fixes:
* Use `-W` instead of `--verbose` when Rake::TestTask#verbose enabled. JRuby doesn\'t have `--verbose` option.
* Fri Mar 11 2016 updated to version 11.1.0 see installed History.rdoc
* Thu Mar 10 2016 updated to version 11.0.1 see installed History.rdoc === 11.0.0(dev) / 2016- Bug fixes:
* Correctly handle bad encoding in exception messages. Pull request #113 by Tomer Brisker
* Fix verbose option at TestTask. Pull request #67 by Mike Blumtritt Enhancements:
* Make FileList#exclude more analogous to FileList#include.
* Use instead of Open3.popen3 for CPU counter.
* Make Rake::Task#already_invoked publicly accessible. Pull request #93 by Joe Rafaniello
* Lookup prerequisites with same name outside of scope instead of matching self. Pull request #96 by Sandy Vanderbleek
* Make FileList#pathmap behave like String#pathmap. Pull request #61 by Daniel Tamai
* Add fetch method to task arguments. Pull request #12 by Chris Keathley
* Use ruby warnings by default. Pull request #97 by Harold Giménez Compatibility Changes:
* Removed to support Ruby 1.8.x
* Removed constant named `RAKEVERSION`
* Removed Rake::AltSystem
* Removed Rake::RubyForgePublisher
* Removed Rake::TaskManager#last_comment. Use last_description.
* Removed Rake::TaskLib#paste
* Removed Top-level SshDirPublisher, SshFreshDirPublisher, SshFilePublisher and CompositePublisher from lib/rake/contrib/publisher.rb
* Removed \"rake/runtest.rb\"
* Wed Jan 13 2016 updated to version 10.5.0 see installed History.rdoc === 10.5.0 / 2016-01-13 Enhancements:
* Removed monkey patching for Ruby 1.8. Pull request #46 by Pablo Herrero.
* Inheritance class of Rake::FileList returns always self class. Pull request #74 by Thomas Scholz