Changelog for python310-nltk-3.8.1-47.5.noarch.rpm :

* Fri Jul 26 2024 Daniel Garcia - Add CVE-2024-39705.patch upstream patch to fix unsafe pickle usage. (CVE-2024-39705, gh#nltk/nltk#3266, bsc#1227174).- Drop CVE-2024-39705-disable-download.patch as it\'s not needed anymore.
* Mon Jul 01 2024 Matej Cepl - Use tarball from GitHub instead of the Zip archive from PyPI, the latter has very messy combination of CRLF and LF EOLs, which are hard to patch.- Refresh all patches from the original locations.- Add CVE-2024-39705-disable-download.patch to make a crude workaround around CVE-2024-39705 (gh#nltk/nltk#3266, bsc#1227174).
* Thu Mar 21 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 3.8.1
* Resolve RCE & XSS vulnerabilities in localhost WordNet Browser
* Add Python 3.11 support- Update nltk_data archive- Drop port-2to3.patch- Add nltk-pr3207-py312.patch for Python 3.12 support
* gh#nltk/nltk#3207
* Tue Mar 28 2023 python-six is not required
* Fri Jan 06 2023 Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - Update to 3.8
* Refactor dispersion plot (#3082)
* Provide type hints for LazyCorpusLoader variables (#3081)
* Throw warning when LanguageModel is initialized with incorrect vocabulary (#3080)
* Fix WordNet\'s all_synsets() function (#3078)
* Resolve TreebankWordDetokenizer inconsistency with end-of-string contractions (#3070)
* Support both iso639-3 codes and BCP-47 language tags (#3060)
* Avoid DeprecationWarning in Regexp tokenizer (#3055)
* Fix many doctests, add doctests to CI (#3054, #3050, #3048)
* Fix bool field not being read in VerbNet (#3044)
* Greatly improve time efficiency of SyllableTokenizer when tokenizing numbers (#3042)
* Fix encodings of Polish udhr corpus reader (#3038)
* Allow TweetTokenizer to tokenize emoji flag sequences (#3034)
* Prevent LazyModule from increasing the size of nltk.__dict__ (#3033)
* Fix CoreNLPServer non-default port issue (#3031)
* Add \"acion\" suffix to the Spanish SnowballStemmer (#3030)
* Allow loading WordNet without OMW (#3026)
* Use input() in for Jupyter support (#3022)
* Fix edit_distance_align() in (#3017)
* Tackle performance and accuracy regression of sentence tokenizer since NLTK 3.6.6 (#3014)
* Add the Iota operator to semantic logic (#3010)
* Resolve critical errors in WordNet app (#3008)
* Resolve critical error in CHILDES Corpus (#2998)
* Make WordNet information_content() accept adjective satellites (#2995)
* Add \"strict=True\" parameter to CoreNLP (#2993, #3043)
* Resolve issue with WordNet\'s synset_from_sense_key (#2988)
* Handle WordNet synsets that were lost in mapping (#2985)
* Resolve TypeError in Boxer (#2979)
* Add function to retrieve WordNet synonyms (#2978)
* Warn about nonexistent OMW offsets instead of raising an error (#2974)
* Fix missing ic argument in res, jcn and lin similarity functions of WordNet (#2970)
* Add support for the extended OMW (#2946)
* Fix LC cutoff policy of text tiling (#2936)
* Optimize ConditionalFreqDist.__add__ performance (#2939)
* Add Markdown corpus reader (#2902)
* Mon Dec 26 2022 Matej Cepl - Complete nltk_data.tar.xz for offline testing- Fix failing tests (gh#nltk/nltk#2969) by adding patches: - port-2to3.patch - skip-networked-test.patch- Clean up the SPEC to get rid of rpmlint warnings.
* Tue Mar 22 2022 Matej Cepl - Update to 3.7 - Improve and update the NLTK team page on (#2855, [#2941]) - Drop support for Python 3.6, support Python 3.10 (#2920)- Update to 3.6.7 - Resolve IndexError in `sent_tokenize` and `word_tokenize` (#2922)- Update to 3.6.6 - Refactor `gensim.doctest` to work for gensim 4.0.0 and up (#2914) - Add Precision, Recall, F-measure, Confusion Matrix to Taggers (#2862) - Added warnings if .zip files exist without any corresponding .csv files. (#2908) - Fix `FileNotFoundError` when the `download_dir` is a non-existing nested folder (#2910) - Rename omw to omw-1.4 (#2907) - Resolve ReDoS opportunity by fixing incorrectly specified regex (#2906, bsc#1191030, CVE-2021-3828). - Support OMW 1.4 (#2899) - Deprecate Tree get and set node methods (#2900) - Fix broken inaugural test case (#2903) - Use Multilingual Wordnet Data from OMW with newer Wordnet versions (#2889) - Keep NLTKs \"tokenize\" module working with pathlib (#2896) - Make prettyprinter to be more readable (#2893) - Update links to the nltk book (#2895) - Add `CITATION.cff` to nltk (#2880) - Resolve serious ReDoS in PunktSentenceTokenizer (#2869) - Delete old CI config files (#2881) - Improve Tokenize documentation + add TokenizerI as superclass for TweetTokenizer (#2878) - Fix expected value for BLEU score doctest after changes from [#2572] - Add multi Bleu functionality and tests (#2793) - Deprecate \'return_str\' parameter in NLTKWordTokenizer and TreebankWordTokenizer (#2883) - Allow empty string in CFG\'s + more (#2888) - Partition `` module into `tree` package + pickle fix (#2863) - Fix several TreebankWordTokenizer and NLTKWordTokenizer bugs (#2877) - Rewind Wordnet data file after each lookup (#2868) - Correct __init__ call for SyntaxCorpusReader subclasses (#2872) - Documentation fixes (#2873) - Fix levenstein distance for duplicated letters (#2849) - Support alternative Wordnet versions (#2860) - Remove hundreds of formatting warnings for (#2859) - Modernize `` pages (#2856) - Fix Bleu Score smoothing function from taking log(0) (#2839) - Update third party tools to newer versions and removing MaltParser fixed version (#2832) - Fix TypeError: _pretty() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given in sem/ (#2854) - Replace `http` with `https` in most URLs (#2852)- Update to 3.6.5 - modernised website - addressed issues - support ZWJ sequences emoji and skin tone modifer emoji in TweetTokenizer - METEOR evaluation now requires pre-tokenized input - Code linting and type hinting - implement get_refs function for DrtLambdaExpression - Enable automated CoreNLP, Senna, Prover9/Mace4, Megam, MaltParser CI tests - specify minimum regex version that supports regex.Pattern - avoid re.Pattern and regex.Pattern which fail for Python 3.6, 3.7- Update to 3.6.4 - deprecate `nltk.usage(obj)` in favor of `help(obj)` - resolve ReDoS vulnerability in Corpus Reader - solidify performance tests - improve phone number recognition in tweet tokenizer - refactored CISTEM stemmer for German - identify NLTK Team as the author - replace travis badge with github actions badge - add Update to 3.6.3 - Dropped support for Python 3.5 - Run CI tests on Windows, too - Moved from Travis CI to GitHub Actions - Code and comment cleanups - Visualize WordNet relation graphs using Graphviz - Fixed large error in METEOR score - Apply isort, pyupgrade, black, added as pre-commit hooks - Prevent debug_decisions in Punkt from throwing IndexError - Resolved ZeroDivisionError in RIBES with dissimilar sentences - Initialize WordNet IC total counts with smoothing value - Fixed AttributeError for Arabic ARLSTem2 stemmer - Many fixes and improvements to lm language model package - Fix bug in nltk.metrics.aline, C_skip = -10 - Improvements to TweetTokenizer - Optional show arg for FreqDist.plot, ConditionalFreqDist.plot - edit_distance now computes Damerau-Levenshtein edit-distance- Update to 3.6.2 - move test code to nltk/test - fix bug in NgramAssocMeasures (order preserving fix)- Update to 3.6 - add support for Python 3.9 - add Tree.fromlist - compute Minimum Spanning Tree of unweighted graph using BFS - fix bug with infinite loop in Wordnet closure and tree - fix bug in calculating BLEU using smoothing method 4 - Wordnet synset similarities work for all pos - new Arabic light stemmer (ARLSTem2) - new syllable tokenizer (LegalitySyllableTokenizer) - remove nose in favor of pytest
* Thu Apr 23 2020 John Vandenberg - Update to v3.5
* add support for Python 3.8
* drop support for Python 2
* create NLTK\'s own Tokenizer class distinct from the Treebank reference tokeniser
* update Vader sentiment analyser
* fix JSON serialization of some PoS taggers
* minor improvements in grammar.CFG, Vader, pl196x corpus reader, StringTokenizer
* change implementation <= and >= for FreqDist so they are partial orders
* make FreqDist iterable
* correctly handle Penn Treebank trees with a unlabeled branching top node
* Sat Mar 14 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Fix build without python2
* Mon Oct 14 2019 Matej Cepl - Replace %fdupes -s with plain %fdupes; hardlinks are better.
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