Changelog for
python311-flake8-bugbear-24.2.6-41.7.noarch.rpm :
* Mon Mar 25 2024 Dirk Müller
- update to 24.2.6:
* B902: Remove decorators named validator and root_validator from B902 checks
* B038: Change B038 to B909 and make it optional
* Sat Jan 20 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 24.1.17:
* B038: Restrict rule to mutation functions only- update to 24.1.16:
* B036: Fix crash on ``raise`` statements raising something other than- update to 24.1.15:
* B038: Add check for mutations of loop iterator
* B037: Add check for yielding or returning values in __init__()
* B017: make B017 also apply to BaseException
* B036: Add check for except BaseException without re-raising
* Mon Dec 04 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 23.12.2:
* B018: to detect useless-statements at all levels (#434)
* B018: Add classname to b018 useless-expression output (#433)
* B018: Include tuples in b018 useless-statement check (#432)- update to 23.11.28:
* B035: Fix false positive when named expressions are used (#430)- update to 23.11.26:
* B035: add check for static keys in dict-comprehension (#426)
* B902: Add exceptions for standard library metaclasses (#415)
* B017: Modify to no longer have a false negative when raises() is imported directly from pytest (#424)
* B026: Fix bug where the check was not triggered for calls where the caller is an attribute (#420)
* Mon Sep 18 2023 Daniel Garcia - update to 23.9.16:
* add --classmethod-decorators (#405)
* fix name collision for node_stack on python 3.12 (#406)
* Use pypa/build to build the package (#404)
* Tue Jul 11 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 23.7.10:
* Add B034: re.sub/subn/split must pass flags/count/maxsplit as keyword arguments.
* Fix a crash and several test failures on Python 3.12, all relating to the B907
* check.
* Declare support for Python 3.12.
* Sun Jun 11 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 23.6.5:
* Include tox.ini in for sdist.
* Improve B033 (duplicate set items)
* Thu May 18 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 23.5.9:
* Add B033: Detect duplicate items in sets
* Add B908: Detect assertRauses like contexts only has top level statements that could throw
* Add B028: Allow stacklevel to be explicitly assigned as a positional argument
* Remove more < 3.8 checks / assertions
* Fri Apr 28 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 23.3.23:
* flake8-bugbear is now >= 3.8.1 project like flake8>=6.0.0
* This has allowed some more modern AST usage cleanup and less CI running etc.
* B030: Fix crash on certain unusual except handlers (e.g. ``except a[0].b:``)
* B950: now ignores \'noqa\' and \'type: ignore\' comments.
* B005: Do not flag when using the ``strip()`` method on an imported module.
* B030: Allow calls and starred expressions in except handlers.
* Wed Feb 15 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 23.2.13:
* B906: Add visit_Bytes, visit_Num and visit_Str to the list of visit_
* functions that are ignored by the B906 check.
* B016: Warn when raising f-strings.
* Add B028: Check for an explicit stacklevel keyword argument on the warn method from the warnings module.
* Add B029: Check when trying to use ``except`` with an empty tuple i.e. ``except: ()``.
* Add B032: Check for possible unintentional type annotations instead of assignments.
* B024: now ignores classes without any methods. (#336)
* B017: Don\'t warn when ``pytest.raises()`` has a ``match`` argument. (#334)
* B906: Ignore ``visit_`` functions with a ``_fields`` attribute that can\'t contain ast.AST subnodes. (#330)
* Rename B028 to B907, making it optional/opinionated.
* Add B906: ``visit_`` function with no further calls to a ``visit`` function. (#313)
* Add B028: Suggest ``!r`` when formatted value in f-string is surrounded by quotes. (#319)
* Thu Dec 15 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 22.12.6 (bsc#1206225):
* Add B905: `zip()` without an explicit `strict=` parameter. (#314)
* B027: ignore AATToverload when typing is imported with other names (#309)
* Thu Oct 27 2022 Martin Liška - Update to 22.10.27:
* B027: Ignore AATToverload decorator (#306)
* B023: Also fix map (#305)
* B023: Avoid false alarms with filter, reduce, key= and return. Added tests for functools (#303)
* Wed Oct 26 2022 Martin Liška - Update to 22.10.25:
* Make B015 and B018 messages slightly more polite (#298)
* Add B027: Empty method in abstract base class with no abstract decorator
* Multiple B024 false positive fixes
* Move CI to use tox (#294)
* Move to using PEP621 / pyproject.toml package (#291)
* Tested in 3.11
* Fri Aug 26 2022 Martin Liška - Update 22.8.23:
* Add B024 error code to message for B024 (#276)
* Add B024: abstract base class with no abstract methods (#273)
* Implement late-binding loop check (#265)
* late-binding closures are a classic gotcha.
* Don\'t crash when select / extend_select are None (#261)
* Ignore lambda arguments for B020 (#259)
* Fix missing space typos in B021, B022 error messages (#257)
* Ignore black formatting for b013 test case (#251)
* B010 Fix lambda flase positive (#246)
* B008 Fix edge case with lambda functions (#243)
* B006 and B008: Detect function calls at any level of the default expression (#239)
* B020: Fix comprehension false postives (#238)
* Tweak B019 desc (#237)
* B022: No arguments passed to contextlib.suppress (#231)
* B021: f-string used as docstring. (#230)
* B020: ensure loop control variable doesn\'t overrides iterable it iterates (#220)
* B019: check to find cache decorators on class methods (#218)
* Fix crash on long empty string (#223)
* B018: Ignore JoinedStr (#216)
* Build universal Python 3 wheels (#214)
* B950: Add same special cases as E501 (#213)
* B018: Disable strings from check for now (#209)
* B904: ensure the raise is in the same context with the except (#191)
* Add Option to extend the list of immutable calls (#204)
* Update B014: binascii.Error is now treated as a subclass of ValueError (#206)
* add simple pre-commit config (#205)
* Test with 3.10 official
* Add B018 check to find useless declarations (#196, #202)
* Fix crash on call in except statement in _to_name_str (#187)
* Update B006: list, dictionary, and set comprehensions are now also disallowed (#186)
* Update B008: Whitelist more immutable function calls (#173)
* Remove Python Compatibility Warnings (#182)
* Add B904: check for raise without from in an except clause (#181)
* Add Python 3.10 tests to ensure we pass (#183)
* Verify the element in item_context.args is of type ast.Name for b017
* Add another hasattr() check to b017 visit for .func
* Add B017: check for gotta-catch-em-all assertRaises(Exception)
* Fix crash on tuple expansion in try/except block (#161)
* Fix grammar in B015 (#150)
* Make sure float infinity/NaN does not trigger B008 (#155)
* Handle positional-only args in class methods (#158)
* Support exception aliases properly in B014 (#129)
* Add B015: Pointless comparison (#130)
* Remove check for # noqa comments (#134)
* Ignore exception classes which are not types (#135)
* Introduce B016 to check for raising a literal. (#141)
* Exclude types.MappingProxyType() from B008. (#144)