Changelog for
python312-pytest-asyncio0.21-0.21.1-3.11.noarch.rpm :
* Tue Mar 05 2024 Ben Greiner
- Copy to legacy package pytest-asyncio0.21 for test suites not compatible with 0.23
* Tue Nov 07 2023 Dirk Müller - remove unnecessary dependency on async_generator
* Tue Oct 17 2023 Markéta Machová - Add hypothesis-health-check.patch to fix tests
* Mon Jul 24 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 0.21.1:
* Output a proper error message when an invalid ``asyncio_mode`` is selected.
* Extend warning message about unclosed event loops with additional possible cause.
* Previously, some tests reported \"skipped\" or \"xfailed\" as a result. Now all tests report a \"success\" result.
* Thu May 04 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 0.21.0:
* Drop compatibility with pytest 6.1. Pytest-asyncio now depends on pytest 7.0 or newer.
* pytest-asyncio cleans up any stale event loops when setting up and tearing down the event_loop fixture.
* Fri Apr 21 2023 Dirk Müller - add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
* Thu Apr 13 2023 Matej Cepl - Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
* Fri Dec 09 2022 Daniel Garcia - Update to 0.20.3:
* Prevent DeprecationWarning to bubble up on CPython 3.10.9 and 3.11.1. #460
* Wed Nov 30 2022 Daniel Garcia - Update to 0.20.2:
* Fixes an issue with async fixtures that are defined as methods on a test class not being rebound to the actual test instance. #197
* Replaced usage of deprecated AATTpytest.mark.tryfirst with AATTpytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True) #438- 0.20.1 (22-10-21)
* Fixes an issue that warned about using an old version of pytest, even though the most recent version was installed. #430- 0.20.0 (22-10-21)
* BREAKING: Removed legacy mode. If you\'re upgrading from v0.19 and you haven\'t configured asyncio_mode = legacy, you can upgrade without taking any additional action. If you\'re upgrading from an earlier version or you have explicitly enabled legacy mode, you need to switch to auto or strict mode before upgrading to this version.
* Deprecate use of pytest v6.
* Fixed an issue which prevented fixture setup from being cached. #404
* Fri Aug 05 2022 John Vandenberg - Update to 0.19.0
* BREAKING: The default ``asyncio_mode`` is now
* Removes `` since all relevant configuration is present `setup.cfg`.
* Declare support for Python 3.11
* Wed Jul 06 2022 Steve Kowalik - Inject multibuild to defeat a build loop
* Tue Jun 28 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to 0.18.3
* Adds pytest-trio to the test dependencies
* Fixes a bug that caused pytest-asyncio to try to set up async pytest_trio fixtures in strict mode. #298- Release 0.18.2
* Fix asyncio auto mode not marking static methods. #295
* Fix a compatibility issue with Hypothesis 6.39.0. #302- Release 0.18.1
* Fixes a regression that prevented async fixtures from working in synchronous tests. #286- Release 0.18.0
* Raise a warning if AATTpytest.mark.asyncio is applied to non-async function. #275
* Support parametrized event_loop fixture. #278
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to 0.17.2
* Require typing-extensions on Python<3.8 only. #269
* Fix a regression in tests collection introduced by 0.17.1, the plugin works fine with non-python tests again. #267- Release notes for 0.17.1
* Fixes a bug that prevents async Hypothesis tests from working without explicit asyncio marker when --asyncio-mode=auto is set. #258
* Fixed a bug that closes the default event loop if the loop doesn\'t exist #257
* Added type annotations. #198
* Show asyncio mode in pytest report headers. #266
* Relax asyncio_mode type definition; it allows to support pytest 6.1+. #262- Release notes for 0.17.0
* pytest-asyncio no longer alters existing event loop policies. [#168], #188
* Drop support for Python 3.6
* Fixed an issue when pytest-asyncio was used in combination with flaky or inherited asynchronous Hypothesis tests. #178 #231
* Added flaky to test dependencies
* Added unused_udp_port and unused_udp_port_factory fixtures (similar to unused_tcp_port and unused_tcp_port_factory counterparts. #99
* Added the plugin modes: strict, auto, and legacy. See documentation for details. #125
* Correctly process KeyboardInterrupt during async fixture setup phase #219
* Sun Oct 17 2021 Ben Greiner - Update to 0.16.0
* Add support for Python 3.10- Drop 0001-removed-support-for-python-3.5.patch not required by fakeredis 1.6.0 anymore
* Mon Jul 05 2021 Antonio Larrosa - Add patch to revert a change in 0.15.1 that removed async_generator support in upstream together with python 3.5 support. This revert is needed by python-fakeredis 1.5.2
* 0001-removed-support-for-python-3.5.patch
* Thu Jun 03 2021 Antonio Larrosa - Update to 0.15.1
* Hotfix for errors while closing event loops while replacing them. #209 #210- Update to 0.15.0
* Add support for Python 3.9
* Abandon support for Python 3.5. If you still require support for Python 3.5, please use pytest-asyncio v0.14 or earlier.
* Set unused_tcp_port_factory fixture scope to \'session\'. #163
* Properly close event loops when replacing them. #208