Changelog for
ruby3.1-rubygem-rest-client-2.1.0-150400.28.6.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon Feb 10 2020 updated to version 2.1.0 see installed [#] 2.1.0 - Add a dependency on http-accept for parsing Content-Type charset headers. This works around a bad memory leak introduced in MRI Ruby 2.4.0 and fixed in Ruby 2.4.2. (#615) - Use mime/types/columnar from mime-types 2.6.1+, which is leaner in memory usage than the older storage model of mime-types. (#393) - Add `:log` option to individual requests. This allows users to set a log on a per-request / per-resource basis instead of the kludgy global log. (#538) - Log request duration by tracking request start and end times. Make `log_response` a method on the Response object, and ensure the `size` method works on RawResponse objects. (#126) - `# => 200 OK | text/html 1270 bytes, 0.08s` - Also add a new `:stream_log_percent` parameter, which is applicable only when `:raw_response => true` is set. This causes progress logs to be emitted only on every N% (default 10%) of the total download size rather than on every chunk. - Drop custom handling of compression and use built-in Net::HTTP support for supported Content-Encodings like gzip and deflate. Don\'t set any explicit `Accept-Encoding` header, rely instead on Net::HTTP defaults. (#597) - Note: this changes behavior for compressed responses when using `:raw_response => true`. Previously the raw response would not have been uncompressed by rest-client, but now Net::HTTP will uncompress it. - The previous fix to avoid having Netrc username/password override an Authorization header was case-sensitive and incomplete. Fix this by respecting existing Authorization headers, regardless of letter case. (#550) - Handle ParamsArray payloads. Previously, rest-client would silently drop a ParamsArray passed as the payload. Instead, automatically use Payload::Multipart if the ParamsArray contains a file handle, or use Payload::UrlEncoded if it doesn\'t. (#508) - Gracefully handle Payload objects (Payload::Base or subclasses) that are passed as a payload argument. Previously, `Payload.generate` would wrap a Payload object in Payload::Streamed, creating a pointlessly nested payload. Also add a `closed?` method to Payload objects, and don\'t error in `short_inspect` if `size` returns nil. (#603) - Test with an image in the public domain to avoid licensing complexity. (#607)
* Tue May 23 2017 updated to version 2.0.2 see installed [#] 2.0.2 - Suppress the header override warning introduced in 2.0.1 if the value is the same. There\'s no conflict if the value is unchanged. (#578)
* Mon Feb 20 2017 updated to version 2.0.1 see installed [#] 2.0.1 - Warn if auto-generated headers from the payload, such as Content-Type, override headers set by the user. This is usually not what the user wants to happen, and can be surprising. (#554) - Drop the old check for weak default TLS ciphers, and use the built-in Ruby defaults. Ruby versions from Oct. 2014 onward use sane defaults, so this is no longer needed. (#573)
* Mon Jul 04 2016 updated to version 2.0.0 see installed [#] 2.0.0 This release is largely API compatible, but makes several breaking changes. - Drop support for Ruby 1.9 - Allow mime-types as new as 3.x (requires ruby 2.0) - Respect Content-Type charset header provided by server. Previously, rest-client would not override the string encoding chosen by Net::HTTP. Now responses that specify a charset will yield a body string in that encoding. For example, `Content-Type: text/plain; charset=EUC-JP` will return a String encoded with `Encoding::EUC_JP`. (#361) - Change exceptions raised on request timeout. Instead of `RestClient::RequestTimeout` (which is still used for HTTP 408), network timeouts will now raise either `RestClient::Exceptions::ReadTimeout` or `RestClient::Exceptions::OpenTimeout`, both of which inherit from `RestClient::Exceptions::Timeout`. For backwards compatibility, this still inherits from `RestClient::RequestTimeout` so existing uses will still work. This may change in a future major release. These new timeout classes also make the original wrapped exception available as `#original_exception`. - Unify request exceptions under `RestClient::RequestFailed`, which still inherits from `ExceptionWithResponse`. Previously, HTTP 304, 401, and 404 inherited directly from `ExceptionWithResponse` rather than from `RequestFailed`. Now _all_ HTTP status code exceptions inherit from both. - Rename the `:timeout` request option to `:read_timeout`. When `:timeout` is passed, now set both `:read_timeout` and `:open_timeout`. - Change default HTTP Accept header to `
*` - Use a more descriptive User-Agent header by default - Drop RC4-MD5 from default cipher list - Only prepend http:// to URIs without a scheme - Fix some support for using IPv6 addresses in URLs (still affected by Ruby 2.0+ bug, with the fix expected to be backported to 2.0 and 2.1) - `Response` objects are now a subclass of `String` rather than a `String` that mixes in the response functionality. Most of the methods remain unchanged, but this makes it much easier to understand what is happening when you look at a RestClient response object. There are a few additional changes: - Response objects now implement `.inspect` to make this distinction clearer. - `Response#to_i` will now behave like `String#to_i` instead of returning the HTTP response code, which was very surprising behavior. - `Response#body` and `#to_s` will now return a true `String` object rather than self. Previously there was no easy way to get the true `String` response instead of the Frankenstein response string object with AbstractResponse mixed in. - Response objects no longer accept an extra request args hash, but instead access request args directly from the request object, which reduces confusion and duplication. - Handle multiple HTTP response headers with the same name (except for Set-Cookie, which is special) by joining the values with a comma space, compliant with RFC 7230 - Rewrite cookie support to be much smarter and to use cookie jars consistently for requests, responses, and redirection in order to resolve long-standing complaints about the previously broken behavior: (#498) - The `:cookies` option may now be a Hash of Strings, an Array of HTTP::Cookie objects, or a full HTTP::CookieJar. - Add `RestClient::Request#cookie_jar` and reimplement `Request#cookies` to be a wrapper around the cookie jar. - Still support passing the `:cookies` option in the headers hash, but now raise ArgumentError if that option is also passed to `Request#initialize`. - Warn if both `:cookies` and a `Cookie` header are supplied. - Use the `Request#cookie_jar` as the basis for `Response#cookie_jar`, creating a copy of the jar and adding any newly received cookies. - When following redirection, also use this same strategy so that cookies from the original request are carried through in a standards-compliant way by the cookie jar. - Don\'t set basic auth header if explicit `Authorization` header is specified - Add `:proxy` option to requests, which can be used for thread-safe per-request proxy configuration, overriding `RestClient.proxy` - Allow overriding `ENV[\'http_proxy\']` to disable proxies by setting `RestClient.proxy` to a falsey value. Previously there was no way in Ruby 2.x to turn off a proxy specified in the environment without changing `ENV`. - Add actual support for streaming request payloads. Previously rest-client would call `.to_s` even on RestClient::Payload::Streamed objects. Instead, treat any object that responds to `.read` as a streaming payload and pass it through to `.body_stream=` on the Net:HTTP object. This massively reduces the memory required for large file uploads. - Changes to redirection behavior: (#381, #484) - Remove `RestClient::MaxRedirectsReached` in favor of the normal `ExceptionWithResponse` subclasses. This makes the response accessible on the exception object as `.response`, making it possible for callers to tell what has actually happened when the redirect limit is reached. - When following HTTP redirection, store a list of each previous response on the response object as `.history`. This makes it possible to access the original response headers and body before the redirection was followed. - Follow redirection consistently, regardless of whether the HTTP method was passed as a symbol or string. Under the hood rest-client now normalizes the HTTP request method to a lowercase string. - Add `:before_execution_proc` option to `RestClient::Request`. This makes it possible to add procs like `RestClient.add_before_execution_proc` to a single request without global state. - Run tests on Travis\'s beta OS X support. - Make `Request#transmit` a private method, along with a few others. - Refactor URI parsing to happen earlier, in Request initialization. - Improve consistency and functionality of complex URL parameter handling: - When adding URL params, handle URLs that already contain params. - Add new convention for handling URL params containing deeply nested arrays and hashes, unify handling of null/empty values, and use the same code for GET and POST params. (#437) - Add the RestClient::ParamsArray class, a simple array-like container that can be used to pass multiple keys with same name or keys where the ordering is significant. - Add a few more exception classes for obscure HTTP status codes. - Multipart: use a much more robust multipart boundary with greater entropy. - Make `RestClient::Payload::Base#inspect` stop pretending to be a String. - Add `Request#redacted_uri` and `Request#redacted_url` to display the URI with any password redacted. [#] 2.0.0.rc1 Changes in the release candidate that did not persist through the final 2.0.0 release: - RestClient::Exceptions::Timeout was originally going to be a direct subclass of RestClient::Exception in the release candidate. This exception tree was made a subclass of RestClient::RequestTimeout prior to the final release.
* Tue Mar 24 2015 updated to version 1.8.0 - Security: implement standards compliant cookie handling by adding a dependency on http-cookie. This breaks compatibility, but was necessary to address a session fixation / cookie disclosure vulnerability. (#369 / CVE-2015-1820) Previously, any Set-Cookie headers found in an HTTP 30x response would be sent to the redirection target, regardless of domain. Responses now expose a cookie jar and respect standards compliant domain / path flags in Set-Cookie headers.
* Fri Feb 20 2015 updated to version 1.7.3 Security: redact password in URI from logs (#349 / OSVDB-117461)
* Wed Nov 12 2014 updated to version 1.7.2 - Ignore duplicate certificates in CA store on Windows [#] 1.7.1 - Relax mime-types dependency to continue supporting mime-types 1.x series. There seem to be a large number of popular gems that have depended on mime-types \'~> 1.16\' until very recently. - Improve urlencode performance - Clean up a number of style points [#] 1.7.0 - This release drops support for Ruby 1.8.7 and breaks compatibility in a few other relatively minor ways - Upgrade to mime-types ~> 2.0 - Don\'t CGI.unescape cookie values sent to the server (issue #89) - Add support for reading credentials from netrc - Lots of SSL changes and enhancements: (#268) - Enable peer verification by default (setting `VERIFY_PEER` with OpenSSL) - By default, use the system default certificate store for SSL verification, even on Windows (this uses a separate Windows build that pulls in ffi) - Add support for SSL `ca_path` - Add support for SSL `cert_store` - Add support for SSL `verify_callback` (with some caveats for jruby, OS X, #277) - Add support for SSL ciphers, and choose secure ones by default - Run tests under travis - Several other bugfixes and test improvements - Convert Errno::ETIMEDOUT to RestClient::RequestTimeout - Handle more HTTP response codes from recent standards - Save raw responses to binary mode tempfile (#110) - Disable timeouts with :timeout => nil rather than :timeout => -1 - Drop all Net::HTTP monkey patches
* Wed Oct 22 2014 Made it really aware of new macros
* Mon Oct 13 2014 adapt to new rubygem packaging style
* Fri Mar 28 2014 regenerate with new template