Changelog for
ruby2.7-rubygem-fog-google-1.24.1-1.6.i586.rpm :
* Fri Jun 21 2024 Dan Čermák
- ## 1.24.1 [#]## User-facing [#]### Fixed- #629 Fix IAM scope for storage requests [stanhu] [#]# 1.24.0 [#]## User-facing [#]### Added- #613 Spruce up attaching and detaching disks on running servers [rchekaluk]- #621 Added support for discard_local_ssd when stopping an instance [rchekaluk] [#]## Development changes [#]### Added- #618 Deprecated Ruby-2.0 support [temikus]- #624 Migrated the Integration tests to new ARC runners [temikus]- #625 Fixed \'Ostruct\' errors in storage tests [temikus]- #627 Added concurrency groups to integration test workfows [temikus] [#]### Fixed- #604 Updated pry requirement from = 0.13.0 to = 0.14.2 [dependabot]- #619 Updated google-cloud-env requirement from ~> 1.2 to >= 1.2, < 3.0 [dependabot]- #620 Bump actions/stale from 8 to 9 [dependabot]- #622 Updated fog-core requirement from < 2.3 to < 2.5 [dependabot]
* Mon Jan 29 2024 Dan Čermák - ## 1.23.0 [#]## User-facing [#]### Fixed- #609 Fixed missing paging on all models [agrare]- #608 Fixed `Fog::Compute::Google::Servers#all` paging [agrare] [#]## Development changes [#]### Fixed- #606 Use `Minitest::Test` instead of `MiniTest::Test` [chubchenko]- #605 Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 [dependabot]- #602 Bump actions/stale from 6 to 8 [dependabot]
* Fri Nov 03 2023 Dan Čermák - ## 1.22.0 [#]## User-facing [#]### Added- #600 - Add uniform attr to inserting file [cwjenkins] [#]## Development changes [#]### Fixed- #601 Remove deprecated ruby versions from unit tests [temikus] [#]# 1.21.1 [#]## User-facing [#]### Fixed- \\#597 loosen dependencies to avoid conflict [#]## Development changes [#]### Fixed- bump actions/checkout from 2.4.0 to 3.1.0- fixes and refinements for integration tests [#]# 1.21.0 [#]## User-facing [#]### Fixed- \\#592 use Addressable for escaping paths when generating urls- test workflow refinements [#]## Development changes [#]### Fixed- bump actions/checkout from 2.4.0 to 3.1.0- fixes and refinements for integration tests [#]# 1.20.0 [#]## User-facing [#]### Fixed- update google client dependencies- \\#591 only create new RSA keys if needed for faster signing [#]## Development changes [#]### Fixed- bump actions/checkout from 2.4.0 to 3.1.0- fixes and refinements for integration tests
* Thu Aug 04 2022 Stephan Kulow updated to version 1.19.0 see installed [#]# 1.19.0 [#]## User-facing [#]### Fixed - \\#561 Add ruby 3.1 to testing - \\#566 remove execute permission from network.rb - \\#571 replace usage for Ruby 3
* Tue Feb 15 2022 Stephan Kulow updated to version 1.18.0 see installed [#]# 1.18.0 [#]## User-facing [#]### Fixed - \\#556 Correct conflicting Ruby version info in readme [gdubicki] - \\#557 Update current images projects list [gdubicki] - \\#558 Fix page iteration when using #files with block [jgigault] - \\#562 Loosen fog-core dependency
* Tue Jan 25 2022 Stephan Kulow updated to version 1.17.0 see installed [#]# 1.17.0 [#]## User-facing [#]### Added - \\#550 Add support for instance display device [dcode] [#]# 1.16.1 [#]## User-facing [#]### Fixed - \\#545 Avoid duplicate GET requests when retrieving body [stanhu] - \\#547 Remove exec bit from non_scripts [kbrock] [#]# 1.16.0 [#]## User-facing [#]### Fixed - \\#540 Bring back integration tests for Fog-Google and fix an array of small bugs/regressions [temikus] [#]## Development changes [#]### Added - \\#532 Add Truffleruby head to CI [gogainda]
* Thu Jun 24 2021 Stephan Kulow updated to version 1.15.0 see installed [#]# 1.15.0 [#]## User-facing [#]### Fixed - \\#534 Fix get_object not working with binary files [stanhu] [#]# 1.14.0 [#]## User-facing [#]### Added - \\#520 Support passing object properties to #copy_object [mshibuya] [#]### Fixed - \\#530 Unescape slashes in urls [krokodaxl] - \\#528 Fix Ruby 3.0 kwargs error in `#copy_object` [deeeki] - \\#521 Unlink file temp file immediately [stanhu] - \\#527 \\#523 Fix Ruby 3.0 kwargs failures [stanhu] [#]## Development changes [#]### Fixed - \\#525 - Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 2.3.4 - \\#524 - Bump actions/stale from 3 to 3.0.18 [#]# 1.13.0 [#]## User-facing [#]## Fixed fix deprecated URI.escape usage to support Ruby 3.0 fix apply_client_options def to support Ruby 3.0 [#]## Development Changes Add github actions config and dependabot Drop travis usage [#]## Added [#]# 1.12.1 [#]## User-facing [#]### Fixed \\#513 - support passing other request options `StorageJSON#copy_object` [yosiat] [#]## Development changes [#]### Added \\#514 - Update .travis.yml to support PPC architecture testing [nageshlop] [#]# 1.12.0 [#]## User-facing [#]### Added - \\#509 Add ShieldedInstanceConfig support to `Server#insert` [lcy0321] [#]### Fixed - \\#508 Fix GoogleXML::File#save incorrectly passing body to headers [stanhu] - \\#506 Add Trufferuby head to CI [gogainda] [#]## Development changes [#]### Fixed - \\#510 Upgrade CI docker image to Ubuntu 18.04 [temikus]
* Fri Sep 25 2020 Stephan Kulow updated to version 1.11.0 see installed [#]# 1.11.0 [#]## User-facing [#]### Added - \\#503 - Add fallback URL signing mechanism via IAM SignBlob API [temikus] [#]### Fixed - \\#498 Add `:idempotent` flag to Fog::Storage::GoogleXML::Real#head_object, fixing `Excon::Error::Socket: end of file reached (EOFError)` in certain scenarios, see \\#416 [temikus] - \\#500 Set default options automatically if missing in `Pubsub#pull_subscription` [#]## Development changes [#]### Fixed - \\#501 DRY\'ed up the retry methods in monitoring tests [temikus] - \\#500 Cleanup unneeded constants in Server model, fix flaky PubSub tests [temikus]
* Thu May 07 2020 Stephan Kulow - updated to version 1.10.0 see installed [#]# 1.10.0 [#]## User-facing [#]### Added - \\#480 Add label support to `Disk` model [militarpancho] - \\#485 Add a `Server#set_server_machine_type` request [gscho] - \\#490 Add RHEL SAP cloud image project [kgaikwad] - \\#491 Add `exclude_projects` option to exclude any global project [kgaikwad] - \\#495 Add support to perform Windows passwords reset procedure through Fog [dvanbrug] [#]### Fixed - \\#455 Fix metadata format for `Server#add_ssh_key()` [kgaikwad] - \\#452 Fix `Address.{associate,disassociate}` methods [temikus] - \\#486 Fix `Monitoring#create_time_series` method [temikus] - \\#493 Add sync/async support to `Google::SQL::SslCert` model init [temikus] [#]## Development changes [#]### Added - \\#474 Added a manually-triggered pipeline to build from HEAD [temikus] - \\#470 Added tests for `Server#add_ssh_key()` [kgaikwad] - \\#461 Added dependabot integration [temikus] - \\#458 Add, outlining the lib security policy [icco] - \\#457 Added Ruby 2.6 to travis, switch to default distro [icco] - \\#453 Implemented worker-side caching of dependencies between jobs [temikus] - \\#452 Increase `Address` model test coverage [temikus] [#]### Fixed - \\#469 Zone/Monitoring test logging/style improvements [icco] - \\#465 Stopped counting non-implemented mocks in code coverage [temikus] - \\#463 Fixed SQL tests broken by the API change [temikus] - \\#476 Re-enabled Stackdriver pagination tests [temikus] - \\#488 Tiny fix to ssh key tests to remove a race condition [temikus] - \\#493 Removing SQLv1 API support from tests [temikus]
* Fri Mar 29 2019 Stephan Kulow - updated to version 1.9.1 see installed [#]# 1.9.1 [#]## User-facing [#]### Fixed - \\#448 Add `:google_application_default` as recognized argument in Fog::Compute::Google client [mavin] [#]## Development changes [#]### Added - \\#449 Add a helper rake task to populate changelog [temikus] [#]# 1.9.0 [#]## User-facing [#]### Added - \\#442 Add support for Application Default credentials [mavin] - This change allows the use of Application Default Credentials so that end users can authenticate without a service account for development, testing, and one-off interactions by using `:google_application_default`client option. See README for more details. [#]## Fixed - \\#444 Remove deprecated `google_client_email` option from client parameters [temikus] - \\#446 Updating service parameters to avoid \"unrecognised parameter\" warnings when initializing Fog client with application default auth [temikus] [#]## Development changes [#]### Fixed - \\#441 Update CI pipeline to Concourse V4 [temikus] - \\#444 Rework client authentication workflow [temikus] - Separate different auth streams into private helper methods - Add a fallback auth option - Google Application Default credentials - Minor fixes and performance optimizations