Changelog for ruby3.2-rubygem-mongoid-9.0.0-1.6.i586.rpm :

* Fri Jun 21 2024 Dan Čermák - 9.0.0: Mongoid 9.0 is a new major update to the Mongoid ODM. It includes many bug fixes, updates, improvements, and new features. Significant new features include the following:
* You can now create and manage Atlas search indexes directly from Mongoid, by specifying your search index definitions directly on the relevant models. (MONGOID-5601)
* You can now declare a transaction with a block, using syntax that should be familiar to Rails programmers. (You must still be using a MongoDB topology that supports transactions, like a replica-set or sharded topology.) Along with this new syntax, support has also been added for `after_commit` and `after_rollback` callbacks. (MONGOID-5530, MONGOID-5531 and MONGOID-5708)
* Around callbacks on embedded documents are now disabled by default, for performance reasons. If a parent document has a large number (hundreds) of embedded documents, it is possible for the stack to be exhausted while processing \"around\" callbacks for those embedded documents. If you need around callbacks for your embedded documents, and you are confident that you will not have large numbers of embedded documents in a single parent, you can enable around callbacks with the `Mongoid.around_embedded_document_callbacks` configuration option. (MONGOID-5658)
* A new serializer has been added to allow `BSON::ObjectId` instances to be serialized and deserialized by ActiveJob. (MONGOID-5611)
* If you specify custom storage options when loading a model (e.g. overriding its collection name, database name, or the named client), you will not need to explicitly specify those same options when saving the model. The model will remember the storage options that were active when it was loaded. (MONGOID-5472)
* Support for \"sandbox mode\" in the Rails console has been added. As long as you are using a supported topology (replica-set or sharded, for example), when you specify `--sandbox` when starting the Rails console, your console session will be wrapped in a transaction. (MONGOID-4901)
* You can now enjoy [Client-Side Field Level Encryption]( (CSFLE) in Mongoid with supported database server versions. Declare your CSFLE schemas in your documents, configure your encryption in `mongoid.yml` or `config.rb`, and generate new data keys via `rake`. (MONGOID-5585, MONGOID-5587, MONGOID-5589, MONGOID-5592, MONGOID-5613, MONGOID-5615.) Many other changes are included as well, including the following:
* Support for Rails 2.6 and Rails 5 have been dropped. (MONGOID-5574)
* Support has been added for JRuby 9.4, and BSON 5. (MONGOID-5575, MONGOID-5739, RUBY-2846)
* Added `Mongoid.reconnect_clients` in conjunction with improving documentation about working with forking webservers. (MONGOID-5758)
* Saving a model in a session other than the one that loaded it will now result in a warning message (as this is generally considered a bug.) (MONGOID-5552)
* Eager loading now works with embedded associations. These associations cannot actually be eager loaded, but this allows you to chain eager loading through embedded associations, for example with has-and-belongs-to-many associations. (MONGOID-5052)
* For embedded associations, the default is now `touch: true`. This means that when you update an embedded document, its parent is automatically touched (or saved, with the timestamps updated) as well. (MONGOID-5016)
* You can now prevent Mongoid from type-casting a given value in a query by wrapping it with `Mongoid::RawValue`. This makes it easier to deal with legacy data that does not conform to an expected type. (MONGOID-5408)
* The Rails generator for Mongoid (`rails g mongoid:config`) now additionally generates a default `config/initializers/mongoid.rb`. (MONGOID-5439)
* When calling `#touch` on a model, Mongoid now clears the \'changed\' state of the model. Previously, `#touch` left the model in a \'changed\' state, even though it had been persisted by the touch operation. (MONGOID-5504)
* Mongoid\'s `db:mongoid:create_indexes` rake task was not always loading all models before creating the indexes, resulting in some missing indexes. This is now fixed. (MONGOID-5547)
* Added support for `$min`, `$max`, and `$mul` operators (via `set_min`, `set_max`, and `mul`), as well as `$setOnInsert` when doing an upsert (via a new `:set_on_insert` option to `#upsert`). (MONGOID-5442)
* A timezone configured in your app (via ``) will now be used when typecasting dates for time-valued fields. (MONGOID-5488)
* Typecasting strings for numeric fields now correctly converts the strings into `BigDecimal` values. (MONGOID-5484)
* Field aliases are now honored in index specifications. (MONGOID-5314)
* Fixed an issue where an empty list in a HABTM association needed special handling (instead of blindly using an empty list with `$in`). (MONGOID-5164)
* Attempting to call `estimated_count` when a default scope is active on a collection now raises a dedicated exception (`Mongoid::Errors::InvalidEstimatedCountScoping`) (MONGOID-4960)
* Mongoid now raises `Mongoid::Errors:AttributeNotLoaded` when a program attempts to access a field that is defined on the model, but which was excluded by the query\'s projection. Previously, `ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError` was raised in this situation. (MONGOID-5467)
* When assigning an array of Hashes to a field, the hashes are always converted to a `BSON::Document`. This makes the behavior consistent with how those fields are loaded from the database. (MONGOID-5410) Additionally, a number of methods that were monkey-patched onto core modules have been deprecated, including the following:
* `Array#multi_arged?` (MONGOID-5669)
* `BigDecimal#__to_inc__` (MONGOID-5662)
* `Hash#__consolidate__` (MONGOID-5654)
* `Hash#__mongoid_unsatisfiable_criteria?` (MONGOID-5671)
* `Hash#__nested__` (MONGOID-5653)
* `Hash#delete_id` (MONGOID-5670)
* `Hash#extract_id` (MONGOID-5670)
* `Hash#to_criteria` (MONGOID-5677)
* `Integer#unconvertable_to_bson?`
* `Object#__find_args__` (MONGOID-5665)
* `Object#__mongoize_fk__` (MONGOID-5675)
* `Object#__setter__` (MONGOID-5664)
* `Object#__sortable__` (MONGOID-5663)
* `Object#__to_inc__` (MONGOID-5662)
* `Object#blank_criteria?` (MONGOID-5671)
* `Object#do_or_do_not` (MONGOID-5673)
* `Object#regexp?` (MONGOID-5674)
* `Object#you_must` (MONGOID-5673)
* `String#mongoid_id?` (MONGOID-5668)
* `String#unconvertable_to_bson?` (MONGOID-5667)
* `Symbol#mongoid_id?` (MONGOID-5668)
* `Time#configured` (MONGOID-5676) Also, `Criteria#for_js` has been deprecated (MONGOID-5651), and `Mongoid::QueryCache` (which was previously deprecated) has been removed (MONGOID-5625). 8.1.5: This patch release includes the following fixes: MONGOID-5704: By default, associations (like `belongs_to`) are validated when a document is saved. However, Mongoid was aggressively loading persisted associations and validating them, which led to a significant performance regression in Mongoid 8+ (versus Mongoid 7.x). This patch fixes this regression by only validating associations that are (1) currently in-memory, and (2) either unpersisted or modified. MONGOID-5709: has_and_belongs_to_many associations on embedded docments were broken, and attempting to use them would result in an \"InvalidPath\" exception. This patch release fixes that bug.
* Tue Nov 28 2023 Dan Čermák - 8.1.4: This is a patch release in 8.1.x series fixes the following issue:
* [MONGOID-5700 Remove non-functional callbacks](
*We strongly recommend to upgrade to this version if you use 8.1.3.
* This release also adds the following improvement:
* [MONGOID-5608 allow using `#exists?` with args on relations](
* Fri Nov 03 2023 Dan Čermák - 8.1.3: This is a patch release in 8.1.x series that adds support for Rails 7.1. The following issues were fixed:
* [MONGOID-5658 Fix callbacks for embedded](
* [MONGOID-5686 Fix array operations in update_all](
* [MONGOID-5647 Allow #count to be used with #for_js]( 8.0.7: This is a patch release in 8.0.x series that adds support for Rails 7.1. The following issues were fixed:
* [MONGOID-5658 Fix callbacks for embedded](
* [MONGOID-5686 Fix array operations in update_all](
* [MONGOID-5647 Allow #count to be used with #for_js]( 8.1.2: Mongoid 8.1.2 is a patch release in the 8.1 series, addressing the following issues:
* [MONGOID-5631 Resolve Mongoid compatibility issues with bson-ruby deserializing decimal128 to BigDecimal](
* [MONGOID-5642 Queryable::Selector#merge! does not properly handle :$in/:$nin keys](
* [MONGOID-5632 update_all does not map :as option of the field properly](
* [MONGOID-5624 Error when using store_as after upgrade to Ruby 3.2.2 & Rails 7.0](
* [MONGOID-5643 Storable#add_field_expression add values with same operator keys using $and when value is a hash with symbol operator key]( The following issue was also done, affecting only a clean-up of old documentation:
* [MONGOID-5648 Remove release notes for archived versions]( 8.0.6: Mongoid 8.0.6 is a patch release in the 8.0 series, addressing the following issues:
* [MONGOID-5631 Resolve Mongoid compatibility issues with bson-ruby deserializing decimal128 to BigDecimal](
* [MONGOID-5642 Queryable::Selector#merge! does not properly handle :$in/:$nin keys](
* [MONGOID-5632 update_all does not map :as option of the field properly](
* [MONGOID-5624 Error when using store_as after upgrade to Ruby 3.2.2 & Rails 7.0](
* [MONGOID-5643 Storable#add_field_expression add values with same operator keys using $and when value is a hash with symbol operator key]( The following issue was also done, affecting only a clean-up of old documentation:
* [MONGOID-5648 Remove release notes for archived versions]( 8.1.1: Mongoid 8.1.1 is a patch release in the 8.x series. It fixes the following issue:- [MONGOID-5622 #reload after mutating embeds_many field does not reset internal state]( It also corrects the following documentation error:- [MONGOID-5629 Docs: 8.1 Release notes have an error under \"Add :replace option to #upsert\"]( 8.0.5: Mongoid 8.0.5 is a patch release in the 8.0 series with one bug fix:- [MONGOID-5622 #reload after mutating embeds_many field does not reset internal state]( 8.1.0: Mongoid 8.1.0 is a feature release in 8.x series with the following significant new functionality:
* [MONGOID-5370 API for creating time series collections](
* [MONGOID-4528 Support for \'saved_change_to_attribute\', \'attribute_before_last_save\' and \'will_save_change_to_attribute\'](
* [MONGOID-5293 Add Rails-style defaults & `config.load_defaults.`](
* [MONGOID-5445 Concurrent query execution](
* [MONGOID-5596 Deprecate Mongoid::QueryCache in favor of Mongo::QueryCache]( The following issues were fixed:
* [MONGOID-5542 Prevention of double calls in callbacks](
* [MONGOID-5600 Mongoid 8 breaks \"build\"](
* [MONGOID-5520 Criteria ordering fails for non-numeric values (ex: { \'$meta\' => \'textScore\' })](
* [MONGOID-5582 Support shard keys based on subdocument fields](
* [MONGOID-5474 Raise Mongoid::Errors::ReadonlyDocument when saving readonly documents](
* [MONGOID-5417 Memory leak when using with()](
* [MONGOID-5539 Find requires Pipeline aggregation to be coerced into an array](
* [MONGOID-5547 rake db:mongoid:create_indexes fails for models that are stored outside of /app/models.](
* [MONGOID-3834 unable to access parent when setting child attribute](
* [MONGOID-5441 Thread.current[:session] is not prefixed](
* [MONGOID-5436 legacy_triple_equals used incorrectly]( The following additional improvements were made:
* [MONGOID-5465 Single-value .in should convert to .where (resolve deprecated .in scalar value behavior)](
* [MONGOID-5620 delete_one on embeds_many is callable and is not consistent with delete](
* [MONGOID-5617 Improve performance of _matches?()](
* [MONGOID-5595 Forward explain options to driver](
* [MONGOID-5590 Shard keys do not support fields with \".\" in their name](
* [MONGOID-5509 Deprecate feature flags which were introduced in Mongoid 7.x](
* [MONGOID-5226 Allow setting \"store_in collection\" on document subclass](
* [MONGOID-4698 Warn about attempts to define text_search scope (and others?)](
* [MONGOID-5458 Document fallbacks option on localized fields](
* [MONGOID-4403 Support Dirty Tracking changed from /to](
* [MONGOID-5438 Implement local override for i18n parameters](
* [MONGOID-5437 Extract fallback enabling logic into macro](
* [MONGOID-5334 Review mongoization/demongoization/evolution behavior for localized fields](
* [MONGOID-5490 Deprecate and remove use_activesupport_time_zone (should always be true)](
* [MONGOID-5228 Allow _ids to be modified in embedded documents](
* [MONGOID-5453 Add .none_of query method](
* [MONGOID-5363 Change #upsert to perform updating upsert rather than replacing upsert](
* [MONGOID-5281 Respect aliases in embedded documents when querying](
* [MONGOID-5100 ActiveRecord parity: allow selector arguments for .exists?](
* [MONGOID-5264 Add some way to strip out blank localized values before saving model](
* [MONGOID-5422 Mongoid.configure should allow arg-less block](
* [MONGOID-4979 Add :touch option to model save method](
* [MONGOID-5418 AR Feature Parity first!/last!/second etc.]( 8.0.4: Mongoid 8.0.4 is a patch release in 8.0 series with a few bug fixes:- [MONGOID-5520 Criteria ordering fails for non-numeric values (ex: { \'$meta\' => \'textScore\' })]( [MONGOID-5539 Find requires Pipeline aggregation to be coerced into an array]( [MONGOID-5582 Support shard keys based on subdocument fields]( [MONGOID-5600 Mongoid 8 breaks \"build\"]( The following additional improvements were made:- [MONGOID-5465 Single-value .in should convert to .where (resolve deprecated .in scalar value behavior)]( [MONGOID-5590 Shard keys do not support fields with \".\" in their name]( [MONGOID-5560 delete_one on embeds_many is callable and is not consistent with delete]( [MONGOID-5617 Improve performance of _matches?()]( 8.0.3: This patch release in the 8.0 series fixes the following issues:- [MONGOID-5417 Memory leak when using with()]( [MONGOID-5456 New \"uncastable\" behavior does\'t work with ActiveSupport::Duration]( [MONGOID-5441 Thread.current[:session] is not prefixed]( The the following minor improvement were added:- [MONGOID-4698 Warn about attempts to define text_search scope (and others?)]( [MONGOID-5334 Review mongoization/demongoization/evolution behavior for localized fields]( [MONGOID-5433 Rails 7 deprecates Time#to_s(format) and replaces it with Time#to_fs(format)]( [MONGOID-5437 Extract fallback enabling logic into macro](
* Thu Aug 04 2022 Stephan Kulow updated to version 8.0.2 see installed
* Thu Apr 28 2022 Stephan Kulow updated to version 7.4.0 see installed
* Thu Mar 03 2022 Stephan Kulow updated to version 7.3.4 see installed
* Tue Jan 25 2022 Stephan Kulow updated to version 7.3.3 see installed
* Mon Jul 26 2021 Stephan Kulow updated to version 7.3.1 see installed
* Thu Jun 24 2021 Stephan Kulow updated to version 7.3.0 see installed
* Wed Jan 20 2021 Stephan Kulow updated to version 7.2.0 see installed