Changelog for ruby3.2-rubygem-webmock-3.23.1-5.6.i586.rpm :

* Fri Jun 21 2024 Dan Čermák - New upstream release 3.23.1, see bundled
* Fri Nov 03 2023 Dan Čermák - # 3.19.0
* When passing a Proc or lambda as response body to `to_return_json`, the body is evaluated at the time of request and not at the time of `to_return_json` method invocation. Thanks to [Jason Karns]( for reporting.
* Do not alter real (non-stubbed) request headers when handling em-http-request requests. Thanks to [Yoann Lecuyer](
* Fix matching stubs with HashExcludingMatcher Thanks to [Lucas Arnaud](
* Remove development and test files from the gem package Thanks to [Orien Madgwick](
* Fix supported http client gem version checks. Thanks to [Marc Rohloff]( and [Roman Stražanec](
* Non-string body passed to #to_return_json is now converted to JSON string. Thanks to [inkstak](
* `[::1]` is recognised as localhost e.g when passing `allow_localhost` option to `disable_net_connect!` Thanks to [Yuki Inoue](
* Optimized `normalize_headers` for performance Thanks to [Brandon Weaver](
* Added Frozen string literal to files to optimise memory usage Thanks to [Josh Nichols](
* Fri Aug 26 2022 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 3.18.1 [#] 3.18.1
* Reverted simplified connection handing in Net::HTTP adapter due to [#] 3.18.0
* Net::BufferedIO is not replaced anymore. Thanks to [Ray Zane](
* Simplified connection handing in Net::HTTP adapter. Thanks to [Ray Zane]( [#] 3.17.1
* Fixed Syntax Error Thanks to [Mark Spangler]( [#] 3.17.0
* Minimum required Ruby version is 2.3 Thanks to [Go Sueyoshi](
* When using Net::HTTP, stubbed socket StubSocket#close and StubSocket#closed? behave more like the real sockets. Thanks to [Ray Zane](
* Added `peeraddr`, `ssl_version` and `cipher` methods to stubbed sockets used by Net::HTTP. Thanks to [Ray Zane](
* Added support for matching top-level array in JSON request body. E.g. ```` stub_request(:post, \'\').with(body: [{a: 1}]) ```` Thanks to [Cedric Sohrauer]( [#] 3.16.2
* Minimum required Ruby version is 2.0.
* Thu Aug 04 2022 Stephan Kulow updated to version 3.16.0 see installed [#] 3.16.0
* Fix leaky file descriptors and reuse socket for persistent connections. Thanks to [Ray Zane](
* Allow specifying for what URIs or hosts, Net::HTTP should connect on start. Thanks to [Ray Zane]( [#] 3.15.0
* fixed async-http adapter on Windows Thanks to [Pavel Rosický](
* Support for http.rb >= 5.0.2 Thanks to [ojab](
* Curb adapter supports headers with `:` character in the header value Thanks to [Giorgio Gambino](
* Support for matching body of JSON or application/x-www-form-urlencoded requests with content type header including charset. Thanks to [Timmitry](
* Prevent double-wrapping http.rb features on non-stubbed requests Thanks to [Michael Fairley](
* Wed Aug 25 2021 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 3.14.0
* Bump Addressable from 2.3.6 to 2.8.0 Thanks to [Eduardo Hernandez](
* Tue Jun 01 2021 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 3.13.0 [#] 3.13.0
* Support http.rb 5.x Thanks to [Will Storey]( [#] 3.12.2
* Fixed em-http-request adapter to avoid calling middleware twice. Thanks to [Alex Vondrak]( [#] 3.12.1
* Fixed handling of URIs with IPv6 addresses with square brackets when in Net::HTTP adapter. Thanks to [Johanna Hartmann]( [#] 3.12.0
* Added support for handling custom JSON and XML content types e.g. \'application/vnd.api+json\' [#] 3.11.3
* Fixed async-http adapter to only considered requests as real if they are real. Thanks to Thanks to [Tony Schneider]( and [Samuel Williams]( [#] 3.11.2
* Fix for Manticore streaming mode Thanks to [Oleksiy Kovyrin](
* Wed Jan 20 2021 Stephan Kulow updated to version 3.11.1 see installed [#] 3.11.1
* Compatibility with async-http 0.54+ Thanks to [Jun Jiang]( [#] 3.11.0
* Added support for `features` in http.rb adapter. Thanks to [Carl (ce07c3)]( [#] 3.10.0
* Added option to global stubs to have lower priority than local stubs. WebMock.globally_stub_request(:after_local_stubs) do { body: \"global stub body\" } end stub_request(:get, \"\").to_return(body: \'non-global stub body\') expect(http_request(:get, \"\").body).to eq(\"non-global stub body\") Thanks to [Marek Kasztelnik]( [#] 3.9.5
* Prevent overwriting `teardown` method in Test::Unit Thanks to [Jesse Bowes]( [#] 3.9.4
* More intuitive error message when stubbed response body was provided as Hash Thanks to [Ben Koshy]( [#] 3.9.3
* Make httpclient_adapter thread-safe Thanks to [Adam Harwood]( [#] 3.9.2
* Made global stubs thread-safe Thanks to [Adam Harwood](
* Fri Sep 25 2020 Stephan Kulow updated to version 3.9.1 see installed [#] 3.9.1 Fixed support for passing `URI` objects as second argument of `stub_request` Thanks to [Ryan Kerr]( [#]# 3.9.0
* Allow using a \"callable\" (like a proc) as URI pattern stub_request(:any, ->(uri) { true }) Thanks to [John Hawthorn](
* Added stubbed IO on stubbed socket in Net::HTTP adapter. Thanks to [Thilo Rusche](
* When \'webmock/rspec\' is required, reset WebMock after all after(:each/example) hooks Thanks to [Andrew Stuntz](
* Fixed `net_connect_allowed?` when invoked with no arguments, when there were any allowed URIs passed to `disable_net_connect?`. Thanks to [Lucas Uyezu](
* Fixed async-http adapter which caused Async::HTTP::Client or Async::HTTP::Internet to hang and never return a response. Thanks to (Bruno Sutic)[] and [Samuel Williams](
* Fixed warning when using async-http adapter Thanks to (Bruno Sutic)[]
* Dropped support for Ruby 2.3 - EOL date: 2019-03-31
* Dropped support for Ruby 2.4 - EOL date: 2020-03-31
* Handling matching of Addressable::Template patterns that have an ip address without port and patterns that have ip address and don’t have schema and path. Thanks to (Rafael França)[] and (guppy0356)[]
* Thu May 07 2020 Stephan Kulow - updated to version 3.8.3 see installed [#]# 3.8.3
* Fixed problem introduced in version 3.4.2, which caused matching against Addressable::Template representing host part of the URI to raise an error. Thanks to [Vesa Laakso]( [#]# 3.8.2
* Support correct encoding parameter for HTTP.rb 2.x and earlier Thanks to [Alex Coomans](
* Mon Feb 10 2020 Stephan Kulow - updated to version 3.8.1 see installed [#]# 3.8.1
* Added support for mocking non-ASCII bodies when making requests with HTTP.rb Thanks to [Patrik Ragnarsson]( [#]# 3.8.0
* Fixed options handling when initialising Async::HTTP::Client Thanks to [Samuel Williams](
* Ruby 2.7 support. Thanks to [Ryan Davis]( and [Brandur]( [#]# 3.7.6
* Suppressed keyword argument warnings in Ruby 2.7 in async-http adapter. Thanks to [Koichi ITO]( [#]# 3.7.5
* Suppress Excon warning generated by extra key Thanks to [Marco Costa]( [#]# 3.7.4
* Resetting memoized response fields in Curb adapter. Thanks to [Andrei Sidorov]( [#]# 3.7.3
* Fix for http.rb. Allow passing an output buffer to HTTP::Response::Body#readpartial Thanks to [George Claghorn](
* Fixed Manticore adapter to invoke Manticore failure handler on stubbed timeout Thanks to [Alex Junger](
* Added project metadata to the gemspec Thanks to [Orien Madgwick]( [#]# 3.7.2
* Fixed handling of non UTF-8 encoded urls Thanks to [Rafael França](
* Fixed \"shadowing outer local variable\" warning Thanks to [y-yagi]( [#]# 3.7.1
* Fixed Async::HTTP::Client adapter code to not cause Ruby warning Thanks to [y-yagi]( [#]# 3.7.0
* Support for Async::HTTP::Client Thanks to [Andriy Yanko]( [#]# 3.6.2
* Fixed Patron adapter to handle HTTP/2 status line. Thanks to [Fábio D. Batista]( [#]# 3.6.1
* Fixed issue with matching Addressable::Template without a period in the domain Thanks to [Eike Send](
* Support for `write_timeout` in Net::HTTP Thanks to [Claudio Poli](
* Fixed issue with handling urls with \":80\" or \":443\" in the path. Thanks to [Csaba Apagyi]( for reporting and to [Frederick Cheung]( for fixing the issue.