Changelog for ruby3.3-rubygem-simple_form-5.3.1-1.6.i586.rpm :

* Fri Jun 21 2024 Dan Čermák - ## Unreleased [#]# 5.3.1
* Revert \"Speed up input mapping lookup by avoiding rescuing exceptions\" from v5.3.0, it caused a regression on dev/test environments with custom inputs.
* Try a slightly different approach to input lookups, without relying on regexp, to see if that helps with performance as originally intended.
* Add support to Ruby 3.3. (no changes required.)
* Fri Nov 03 2023 Dan Čermák - ## 5.3.0
* Add support for Rails 7.1. (no meaningful changes required.)
* Add `SimpleForm.deprecator` to integrate with new application deprecators in Rails 7.1.
* Remove test files from the gem package. [AATTorien](
* Speed up input mapping lookup by avoiding rescuing exceptions. [AATTmeanphil]( [AATTkriom]( [AATTegeek]( [#]# 5.2.0
* Add support for Rails 7.0 and Ruby 3.1/3.2 (no changes required)
* Fix escaping issue on boolean input with `include_hidden: false` and custom wrapper.
* Update Bootstrap install generator version 5. [AATTmhw](
* Accept proc as `group_method` for grouped collection select
* Honor `include_hidden` option on inline boolean inputs [AATTyboulkaid](
* Fix deprecation error when using country_select input.
* Thu Jun 24 2021 Stephan Kulow updated to version 5.1.0 see installed [#]# 5.1.0
* Remove `I18nCache` module entirely. It was added complexity for very little gain in some translations, and caused extra trouble upgrading to Ruby 3. If you need that level of caching consider looking into I18n caching as a whole.
* Add support for Ruby 3.0, drop support for Ruby < 2.5.
* Add support for Rails 6.1, drop support for Rails < 5.2.
* Move CI to GitHub Actions.
* Wed Jan 20 2021 Stephan Kulow updated to version 5.0.3 see installed
* Mon Feb 10 2020 Stephan Kulow - updated to version 5.0.2 see installed [#]# 5.0.2
* Sat Dec 08 2018 Stephan Kulow - updated to version 4.1.0 see installed [#]## Enhancements
* Guess input type more carefully. [AATTsringling](
* Allow custom error on forms without model. [AATTvictorperez](
* Do not support Ruby < 2.3 anymore. [AATTgssbzn](
* Add color inout type. [AATTgssbzn]( [#]## Bug fix
* Improve disabled option to input_field. [AATTbetelgeuse](
* Memoize `input_html_classes` in `SimpleForm::Inputs::Base`. [AATTRigoTheDev](
* Fix column type citext HTML5 input type bug. [AATTbrucew](
* Use form attribute in the nested boolean hidden field when it is given. [AATTfeliperenan](
* Fri May 18 2018 updated to version 4.0.1 see installed [#]# 4.0.1 [#]## Bug fix
* Do not support Rails 4 anymore. [AATTrafaelfranca](
* Add missing comma. [AATTvill](
* Wed Apr 11 2018 updated to version 4.0.0 see installed [#]# 4.0.0 [#]## Enhancements
* Add bootstrap v4.1 generator template. [AATTm5o](
* Add Rails 5.2 support. [AATTgobijan](
* Add API to register custom components.[AATTfeliperenan](
* Allow custom errors classes to inputs.[AATTfeliperenan](
* Remove support from Rails 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2. [AATTfeliperenan](
* Add support for citext, hstore, json & jsonb column types. [AATTswrobel](
* Add :valid_class on input wrapper when value is present and valid [AATTaeberlin](, [AATTm5o](
* Allow :valid_class to inputs when value is present and valid. [AATTm5o](
* Allow validation classes on input_field. [AATTfeliperenan](
* Add basic ActiveStorage support. [AATTmurb]( [#]## Bug fix
* Fix horizontal form label position, from right to text-right. [AATTcavpollo](
* Add base error display alongside existing errors. [AATTbluefalcon26](
* Silent deprication warning for placeholder_text. [AATTmoofkit](
* Use custom i18n scope for label required html. [AATTtvdeyen](
* Tue Feb 27 2018 updated to version 3.5.1 see installed [#]# 3.5.1 [#]## Enhancements
* Exclude hidden field when unchecked_value: false. [AATTfschwahn](
* Add frozen_string_literal magic comment to several files. [AATToniofchaos](
* Try convert AATTobject to model in case we got decorated object [AATTtimurvafin](
* Code cleanup [AATTFornacula]( [#]## Bug fix
* Fix error when the scope from association has parameter. [AATTfeliperenan](
* Only call `where` on associations when they respond to it. [AATTanicholson](
* require \'action_pack\' before using it. [AATTetagwerker](
* Check if Rails.env is defined. [AATTetagwerker](
* Fix minlength. [AATTmameier](
* Make errors_on_attribute return [] when not present. [AATTredrick](
* Fix boolean inputs in nested style for label non-string. [AATTfeliperenan](
* Tue May 23 2017 updated to version 3.5.0 see installed [#]# 3.5.0
* Updated gem dependency to support Rails 5.1.x.