Changelog for speed-dreams-devel-2.3.0-lp156.1.19.noarch.rpm :

* Mon Mar 20 2023 Carsten Ziepke - Update to version 2.3.0
* Added tire temperature and degradation in Supercars, 67GP, MPA11 and MPA12 categories, in addition to the existing MP1.
* New widgets for the HUD in OSG, such as tires, forces, delta or controls, in addition to the existing ones.
* New sounds in the game menus, as well as in the gear shift, tire skid or some car engines.
* New options in sound menu, and In-game volume adjustment.
* New interiors and animated drivers in some Supercars models, like the Boxer 96, Cavallo 360, FMC GT4, and the Kanagawa Z35 GT-S.
* Now is possible to change the car setup inside the game. Also you can also choose the initial fuel and steering wheel rotation degrees displayed on the game screen.
* New cars like the Mango MS7 and the Murasama 37A, both in the \"1967 Grand Prix\" category
* New cars and robots in MPA12 category: Deckard and Spirit added to existing Murasama cars
* New track based on the Melbourne circuit.
* Added lots of new skins for various cars, especially in the LS-GT1 category
* A huge work on trackeditor with tons of new features, corrections and optimizations
* Added temperature in wheel widget in SSG graphic engine.
* Lots of fixes and optimizations on the tire model. Now is more easy to get the tires on optimal temp
* Lots of new robots in many categories
* Better braking on shadow and dandroid robots
* Better support for multi-display systems.
* New official website and domain:
* Start-up of the new masterserver. It is necessary to register again to be able to use it and send our best times.
* Lots of Fixes, optimizations and of course, code cleanup- Rebase use_gcc_builtins_for_all_archs.patch- Add BuildRequires pkgconfig(SDL2_mixer)
* Wed Nov 23 2022 Stefan Brüns - Fix incorrect RUNPATHs in driver libraries.
* Tue Feb 15 2022 Stefan Brüns - Update OpenScenegraph build dependency, SD 2.2.3 is compatible with OSG 3.4 and later.
* Fri Nov 26 2021 Carsten Ziepke - Add copyright line dropped by spec-cleaner- Increase disk _constraints to 16 GByte to fix arm builds
* Sat Nov 20 2021 Carsten Ziepke - Update to version 2.2.3 - Fixed a lot of bugs and made multiple optimisations on code - added the following new features to this project: - Grand Prix track, Sao Paulo, based on the José Carlos Pace circuit, or more commonly known as \"Interlagos\". - \"Monoposto 1\" (MP1) category and car collection based on the 2005 Formula 1 single-seaters. - \"1967 Grand Prix\" (67GP) category and cars collection, based on the 1967 Formula 1. - New models in the Supercars category, the Deckard Rabbit RR (based on the 2010 Chevrolet Camaro SS) and the Kanagawa Z35 (based on the Nissan 350z). - Added support for tyre wear and degradation, currently only avaliable on Monoposto 1. - New \"shadow\" AI robots in multiple categories. They are faster and risk braking later than other robots. - Updated the code of AI robots \"dandroid\" and \"USR\". - Real time weather can be configured on the tracks based on the current weather in the different locations (e.g. if it is raining in Sao Paulo at the current time, the game will check the real weather in that area and apply it in the game). - \"Setups\" section in the garage menus to configure the different possible options in the mechanics of the cars.- Run spec-cleaner- Update project URL- Drop fix_bad_char_assignments.patch, fixed upstream- Drop speed-dreams-2.1.0-gcc6-isnan.diff, fixed upstream- Rebase use_gcc_builtins_for_all_archs.patch
* Tue Jul 24 2018 Specify OpenSceneGraph BuildRequires: in a way resolvable by the OBS
* Sun Jul 01 2018 Use OpenSceneGraph < 3.6 for building, as OSG 3.6 is not API compatible.
* Fri Mar 30 2018 Fix build, add fix_bad_char_assignments.patch- Fix build on Arm, use_gcc_builtins_for_all_archs.patch- Increase disk _constraints to 12 GByte- Package appdata
* Sat Jul 30 2016 Update description and license field. Use shorter source URLs.
* Tue Jul 26 2016 new upstream release 2.2.1 (see CHANGES.txt)
* Sun Jun 26 2016 Removed my speed-dreams-2.1.0-gcc-isnan.diff.- Added speed-dreams-2.1.0-gcc6-isnan.diff from upstream instead.- Added _constraints to prevent \"error: Unable to write payload\".
* Thu Jun 23 2016 Added speed-dreams-2.1.0-gcc-isnan.diff to prevent error: \'isnan\' was not declared in this scope.
* Mon May 18 2015 2.1.0 release:
* see CHANGES.txt More pkgconfig() to avoid unresolvable state.- Let make be verbose.