Changelog for ruby3.3-rubygem-faker-3.4.1-lp155.5.3.x86_64.rpm :

* Fri Jun 21 2024 Dan Čermák - ## [v3.4.1]( (2024-05-28) [#]## What\'s changed
* Performance: Sample arrays instead of performing shuffle and slice by AATTalextaujenis in
* Performance: Reduce the time complexity of `Faker::Crypto` generators by AATTalextaujenis in
* Remove tzinfo dependency by AATTstefannibrasil in [#]## Bug fixes
* Fix invalid IANA time zone identifier for `Atlantic/Cape_Verde` by AATTandrelaszlo in
* Fix entry in by AATTmatthewmayer in
* Docs: add absolute links to CONTRIBUTING from README by AATTmatthewmayer in
* Fix: `Faker::Number.hexadecimal` should include characters within the range of `[0-9a-f]` by AATTalextaujenis in
* Username splits names by space and doesn\'t regex match them by AATTkeshavbiswa in [#]## Features
* Add animals, desserts, foods, hobbies, house, and k-pop translations to the Korean locale file by AATTconnie-feng in
* Add adjectives to Korean locale file by AATTconnie-feng in
* Add emotions, movies, Pokemon, and Studio Ghibli to the Korean locale by AATTconnie-feng in
* Add Japanese translations for `Faker::Sports::Football`. by AATTyamat47 in [#]## Update local dependencies
* Bump rake from 13.1.0 to 13.2.1 by AATTdependabot in
* Bump i18n from 1.14.4 to 1.14.5 by AATTdependabot in
* Bump minitest from 5.22.3 to 5.23.1 by AATTdependabot in
* Bump rubocop from 1.63.4 to 1.64.0 by AATTdependabot in [#]# New Contributors
* AATTconnie-feng made their first contribution in
* AATTandrelaszlo made their first contribution in
* AATTmatthewmayer made their first contribution in
*Full Changelog
*: [#]# [v3.3.1]( (2024-04-02) [#]## Bug fixes
* Fix bug on phone number generator for `en-US` locale caused by incorrect `.yml` file structure by AATTaprescott in [#]## What\'s Changed
* Added docs for Deprecator in by AATTkeshavbiswa in
* Rename Faker::show to Faker::Theater by AATTkeshavbiswa in
* renamed nhs to national_health_service by AATTkeshavbiswa in [#]## New Contributors
* AATTaprescott made their first contribution in
*Full Changelog
*: [#]# [v3.3.0]( (2024-03-25) [#]## Bug Fixes
* Remove the duplicate method Faker::Commerce.material description by AATTmmarusyk in [#]## Features
* Add Kenya to supported countries by AATTAndrewNduati in
* Benchmarking loading JSON file vs YML file by AATTsalochara in [#]## What\'s changed
* Fix/Deprecate `Faker::IDNumber` to `Faker::IdNumber` to be more consistent with other generator\'s naming convention. by AATTJamal-A-Mohamed in
* Fix/Deprecate FmaBrotherhood Generator by AATTkirkkwang in
* Fix/Deprecate Faker::Australia to Faker::Locations::Australia by AATTkeshavbiswa in
* Add note about EOL dependencies by AATTstefannibrasil in [#]## Update local dependencies
* Bump test-unit from 3.6.1 to 3.6.2 by AATTdependabot in
* Bump i18n from 1.14.1 to 1.14.4 by AATTdependabot in
* Bump rubocop from 1.60.2 to 1.62.1 by AATTdependabot in
* Bump yard from 0.9.34 to 0.9.36 by AATTdependabot in
* Bump minitest from 5.22.2 to 5.22.3 by AATTdependabot in [#]## New Contributors
* AATTAndrewNduati made their first contribution in
* AATTJamal-A-Mohamed made their first contribution in
* AATTmmarusyk made their first contribution in
*Full Changelog
*: [#]# [v3.2.3]( (2024-01-12) [#]## What\'s Changed Happy 2024 with a new faker-ruby release. This version includes bug and documentation fixes, and some changes on the contributing guides. [#]## faker-ruby is is not accepting new features proposals As we [discussed here](, we want to improve faker\'s performance and organization. There hasn\'t been to many bug reports and most of the open issues are related to performance and confusion around using faker. As we have limited time to invest in faker, reviewing _new_ generators and locales prevent us from focusing on the big picture work. With this decision, we hope to make the necessary changes for faker to go to the next level. Please read the Contributing guides for ways to help us get there. [#]## Bug fixes
* Fix Phone number long number and other updates by AATTstefannibrasil in
* Favor \'The Room\' instead of \'Room\' by AATTkirkkwang in
* Limit generated Discover cards to 19 digits by AATTjamie in
* Fix Typo in README Link: Update to by AATThatsu38 in
* Fix country names and codes in address by AATTsudeeptarlekar in
* fixed typo for README. Faker::JapaneseMedia::CowboyBebop by AATTjacoyutorius in
* Fix typo in `Faker::Movies::HarryPotter.location` (Castelobruxo) by AATTleomartins1999 in
* Fix flaky spec on `TestFakerFile#test_file_name` by AATTkeshavbiswa in
* Update `Internet#username` separator param to match with the example by AATTAlexandreL0pes in
* fix polish bban_pattern by AATTartur1313 in [#]## What\'s Changed
* Add benchmark by AATTsalochara in
* Freeze new generator and locales by AATTstefannibrasil in
* Remove deprecate safe_email and free_email methods by AATThatsu38 in
* Update contribution guidelines and PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE by AATTstefannibrasil in
* Remove unmaintained `` by AATTy-yagi in
* Adds Ruby 3.3 to the CI matrix by AATTm-nakamura145 in [#]## Update local dependencies
* Bump rubocop from 1.58.0 to 1.59.0 by AATTdependabot in
* Bump rubocop-minitest from 0.34.3 to 0.34.4 by AATTdependabot in
* Bump minitest version by AATTstefannibrasil in [#]## New Contributors
* AATTkirkkwang made their first contribution in
* AATTjamie made their first contribution in
* AATThatsu38 made their first contribution in
* AATTsalochara made their first contribution in
* AATTjacoyutorius made their first contribution in
* AATTleomartins1999 made their first contribution in
* AATTkeshavbiswa made their first contribution in
* AATTy-yagi made their first contribution in
* AATTAlexandreL0pes made their first contribution in
* AATTm-nakamura145 made their first contribution in
* AATTartur1313 made their first contribution in
*Full Changelog
*: [#]# [v3.2.2]( (2023-11-03) Happy November with a new faker-ruby release. This version:- adds generators- fixes bugs- updates dev and dependencies- updates docs [#]## Features
* feat: add danish country code by AATThoshy in
* Add `zh-CN` translations for Bank names by AATTguxiaobai in
* Add Code Scanning by AATTstefannibrasil in
* Add Japanese for Games Touhou by AATTshiroemons in
* Added Faker::Company.indian_gst_number fixed #2823 by AATTankitkhadria in
* Adds Smashing Pumpkins to the Music module by AATTredconfetti in [#]## Bug fixes
* Delete doc/default/ by AATTjmromer in
* Fix typo in `lib/locales/` by AATTBelaBartok39 in [#]## What\'s Changed
* Update contributing and maintaining guides by AATTstefannibrasil in
* Changed tests from x.times loop to deterministically_verify helper. #2813 issue by AATTfernandomenolli in
* Improve `#deterministically_verify` helper by AATTerichmachado in [#]## Update local dependencies
* Bump minitest from 5.19.0 to 5.20.0 by AATTdependabot in
* Bump rake from 13.0.6 to 13.1.0 by AATTdependabot in
* Bump rubocop-minitest from 0.32.2 to 0.33.0 by AATTdependabot in
* Bump rubocop from 1.57.1 to 1.57.2 by AATTdependabot in
* Bump timecop from 0.9.6 to 0.9.8 by AATTdependabot in [#]# New Contributors
* AATTBelaBartok39 made their first contribution in
* AATTfernandomenolli made their first contribution in
* AATThoshy made their first contribution in
* AATTshiroemons made their first contribution in
* AATTerichmachado made their first contribution in
* AATTjmromer made their first contribution in
* AATTguxiaobai made their first contribution in
* AATTredconfetti made their first contribution in
* AATTankitkhadria made their first contribution in
*Full Changelog
* Fri Mar 01 2024 Leendert Meyer - 3.2.3- Build for ruby3.2 and ruby3.3
* Mon Jan 29 2024 Dan Čermák - 3.2.3: [#]# What\'s Changed [#]# [v3.2.3]( (2024-01-12) Happy 2024 with a new faker-ruby release. This version includes bug fixes, docs typos fixes, and some changes on the contributing guides. [#]# faker-ruby is is not accepting new features proposals As we [discussed here](, we want to improve faker\'s performance and organization. There hasn\'t been to many bug reports and most of the open issues are related to performance and confusion around using faker. As we have limited time to invest in faker, reviewing new generators and locales prevent us from focusing on the big picture work. With this decision, we hope to make the necessary changes for faker to go to the next level. Please read the Contributing guides for ways to help us get there. [#]# Bug fixes
* Fix Phone number long number and other updates by AATTstefannibrasil in
* Favor \'The Room\' instead of \'Room\' by AATTkirkkwang in
* Limit generated Discover cards to 19 digits by AATTjamie in
* Fix Typo in README Link: Update to by AATThatsu38 in
* Fix country names and codes in address by AATTsudeeptarlekar in
* fixed typo for README. Faker::JapaneseMedia::CowboyBebop by AATTjacoyutorius in
* Fix typo in `Faker::Movies::HarryPotter.location` (Castelobruxo) by AATTleomartins1999 in
* Fix flaky spec on `TestFakerFile#test_file_name` by AATTkeshavbiswa in
* Update `Internet#username` separator param to match with the example by AATTAlexandreL0pes in
* fix polish bban_pattern by AATTartur1313 in [#]# What\'s Changed
* Add benchmark by AATTsalochara in
* Freeze new generator and locales by AATTstefannibrasil in
* Remove deprecate safe_email and free_email methods by AATThatsu38 in
* Update contribution guidelines and PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE by AATTstefannibrasil in
* Remove unmaintained `` by AATTy-yagi in
* Adds Ruby 3.3 to the CI matrix by AATTm-nakamura145 in [#]# Update local dependencies
* Bump rubocop from 1.58.0 to 1.59.0 by AATTdependabot in
* Bump rubocop-minitest from 0.34.3 to 0.34.4 by AATTdependabot in
* Bump minitest version by AATTstefannibrasil in [#]# New Contributors
* AATTkirkkwang made their first contribution in
* AATTjamie made their first contribution in
* AATThatsu38 made their first contribution in
* AATTsalochara made their first contribution in
* AATTjacoyutorius made their first contribution in
* AATTleomartins1999 made their first contribution in
* AATTkeshavbiswa made their first contribution in
* AATTy-yagi made their first contribution in
* AATTAlexandreL0pes made their first contribution in
* AATTm-nakamura145 made their first contribution in
* AATTartur1313 made their first contribution in
*Full Changelog
* Tue Nov 14 2023 Dan Čermák - ## [v3.2.1]( (2023-08-11) Happy August with a new Faker release! 🎉 This version:- adds generators- fixes bugs- updates dev dependencies This version fixes a bug with setting the locale in multi-threaded environments. It\'s now possible to set the locale per thread. For more details, see [How to set the default locale for in threaded server environments]( Other changes included in this version: [#]# Features
* Add Final Fantasy XIV by AATTold-dead-account in
* Add the Ukrainian country calling code by AATTkyrylo in
* Add `exclude_words` filter to `Faker::Lorem.word` generator by AATTgeophilusd in
* Add Japanese translations for Sports category. by AATTyamat47 in
* Add type support for Faker::Types.rb_array by AATTruban-thilak in
* Added Archer into tv category. by AATTlepari23 in
* Add train station generator by AATTAngusDSR in
* Add custom start date for `Faker::Date.forward` by AATTluciagirasoles in
* Add `max_rut` option to `Faker::ChileRut.rut` by AATThacktivista in
* Add Faker::Date.day_of_week_between by AATTaramvisser in
* Html generator for Faker by AATTruban-thilak in [#]# Bug fixes
* Fix locale setting by AATTmateusdeap in
* add tests for password and fix an edge case by AATTDeepakRaj228 in
* Remove broken chars from minecraft.yml by AATTujihisa in
* Fix flaky specs for `name` and `id` by AATTruban-thilak in
* Fixes `Faker::Music::Opera.saint_saens` issue by AATTdevashishTaneja in
* Fix flaky specs for dota `test_player` by AATTruban-thilak in
* Add prefixes to french name locale (``) by AATTthdaraujo in [#]# What\'s Changed
* Introduce PositionalGenerator by AATTmike-burns in
* Update South Park by AATTIvanReyesO7 in
* Speed up Internet::Password generation using constants by AATTMicBruz in
* Improve de-CH locale with new formats and content by AATTstefnnn in [#]# Update local dependencies
* Bump rubocop from 1.55.1 to 1.56.0 by AATTdependabot in
* Update test-unit requirement from = 3.5.9 to = 3.6.1 by AATTdependabot in
* Bump i18n from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0 by AATTdependabot in
* Update rubocop-minitest requirement from = 0.30.0 to = 0.31.0 by AATTdependabot in
* Bump minitest from 5.18.1 to 5.19.0 by AATTdependabot in [#]# New Contributors
* AATTold-dead-account made their first contribution in
* AATTIvanReyesO7 made their first contribution in
* AATTDeepakRaj228 made their first contribution in
* AATTMicBruz made their first contribution in
* AATTkyrylo made their first contribution in
* AATTujihisa made their first contribution in
* AATTgeophilusd made their first contribution in
* AATTstefnnn made their first contribution in
* AATTyamat47 made their first contribution in
* AATTruban-thilak made their first contribution in
* AATTlepari23 made their first contribution in
* AATTAngusDSR made their first contribution in
* AATTdevashishTaneja made their first contribution in
* AATTmike-burns made their first contribution in
* AATThacktivista made their first contribution in
* AATTmateusdeap made their first contribution in
* AATTaramvisser made their first contribution in
*Full Changelog
* Thu Nov 02 2023 Dan Čermák - ## [v3.2.0]( (2023-04-14) Happy Spring with a new Faker release! 🌼 This version changes ``, `Faker::Internet.domain_name`, `Faker::Internet.safe_email`, and `Faker::Internet.free_email` default behavior. These generators email are now RFC 2606 compliant. They generate safe values by default using the Reserved Top Level DNS Names: `example` and `test`. To maintain backwards compatibility and give users the option to use non-safe domains at their own risk, custom domains are allowed. `Faker::Internet.safe_email`, and `Faker::Internet.free_email` have been deprecated. Users have until October 2023 to make the necessary changes. [More details and updated docs can be found here]( Other changes included in this version: [#]# Features
* Generate safe `email` and `domain_name` by default (RFC 2606) by AATTstefannibrasil in
* Add avatar movie by AATTlexisvar in
* add chess sport by AATTlexisvar in
* Remove FillMurray service by AATTferblape in
* Add Allergens to Food by AATTAaronRustad in
* Update sport docs by AATTclementf in
* Add country code +44 to en-gb locale by AATTjremes-foss in
* Add names to DnD generator by AATTdollerbill in
* add digits to password by AATTwyattroyc in
* performance: remove unnecessary i18n locale reload by AATTcodez in
* Add Faker::Company.department generator by AATTacuppy in
* Mitch Hedberg quotes by AATTMosDeef in [#]# Bug fixes
* Fix explanation what Marketing.buzzwords does by AATTdanieldiekmeier in
* fix: Typo in Faker::Travel::Airport docs by AATTevanlouden in
* Fix full changelog link for 3.1.1 by AATTrnestler in
* Stop publishing to RubyGem by AATTVladVadlja in
* Add default_country_code in locale by AATTashwin-elangovan in
* Fix formatting in by AATTleon-vogt in [#]# Update local dependencies
* Fix rubocop updates by AATTstefannibrasil in
* Update rubocop-minitest requirement from = 0.29.0 to = 0.30.0 by AATTdependabot in
* Update minitest requirement from = 5.17.0 to = 5.18.0 by AATTdependabot in
* Update rubocop requirement from = 1.48.1 to = 1.50.1 by AATTdependabot in
* Add Faker::Company.department generator by AATTacuppy in
* Update Pull Request template and guides by AATTstefannibrasil in [#]# New Contributors
* AATTlexisvar made their first contribution in
* AATTdanieldiekmeier made their first contribution in
* AATTAaronRustad made their first contribution in
* AATTevanlouden made their first contribution in
* AATTrnestler made their first contribution in
* AATTVladVadlja made their first contribution in
* AATTclementf made their first contribution in
* AATTleon-vogt made their first contribution in
* AATTashwin-elangovan made their first contribution in
* AATTwyattroyc made their first contribution in
* AATTcodez made their first contribution in
* AATTacuppy made their first contribution in
* AATTMosDeef made their first contribution in
*Full Changelog
*: [#]# [v3.1.1]( (2023-02-03) Happy Valentine\'s Day with a new Faker release! 🎉 This version:- adds and deprecates generators- fixes bugs- updates development dependencies [#]## Features
* Add exclude_words keyword to Lorem Ipsum to prevent words from being produced by AATTphilipfong in #2665
* Deprecate FillMurray service by AATTferblape in #2657
* Airports by AATTZionMiller in [#]## Bug fixes
* Fix simple typo in es.yml by AATThslzr in
* Test the Vehicle VIN validator with known good and bad values, fixes … by AATTalextaujenis in
* Fix you\'re/your typo and inaccuracy in Star Wars quote by AATTdwilsonactual in
* Revert \"Typo in Ukrainian locale, fixes #2620\" by AATTthdaraujo in [#]## Update local dependencies
* Adds Ruby 3.2 to the CI matrix. Updates checkout action version. by AATTpetergoldstein in
* Update rubocop-minitest requirement from = 0.25.0 to = 0.25.1 by AATTdependabot in
* Update minitest requirement from = 5.16.3 to = 5.17.0 by AATTdependabot in
* Update pry requirement from = 0.14.1 to = 0.14.2 by AATTdependabot in
* Update simplecov requirement from = 0.21.2 to = 0.22.0 by AATTdependabot in
* Update rubocop requirement from = 1.44.0 to = 1.44.1 by AATTdependabot in [#]## New Contributors
* AATThslzr made their first contribution in
* AATTferblape made their first contribution in
* AATTpetergoldstein made their first contribution in
* AATTdwilsonactual made their first contribution in
*Full Changelog
*: [#]# [v3.1.0]( (2022-12-23) Happy Holidays with a new Faker release! 🎉 This version:- adds and removes generators- fixes bugs- updates dependencies [#]## Features
* Simple Japanesemedia::CowboyBebop module by AATTIvan-P23994 in
* added travel folder and airports by AATTZionMiller in
* Spongebob TV show collections by AATTkleinjm in
* Add pre-push hook example by AATTakanshak984 in [#]## Bug fixes
* fix: ensure generated passwords have correct characters when mix_case & special_characters enabled by AATTtiff-o in
* Fix: ensure sport generator produces single sport unless a number of sports is requested by AATTsi-lens in
* Remove typo in ISSUE_TEMPLATE to check Faker version by AATTloqimean in
* Typo in Ukrainian locale, fixes #2620 by AATTNewman101 in
* Remove english characters in ja locale file, fixes faker-ruby#2637 by AATTalextaujenis in
* Fix country code length for non EN locale by AATTvbrazo in [#]## What\'s Changed
* Removed LoremPixel Files by AATTuzorjchibuzor in
* Document IBAN digits validity generator by AATTstefannibrasil in
* Create random vehicle vin numbers with the correct check-digit by AATTalextaujenis in
* Fix formatting in internet/ documentation by AATTNewman101 in
* Remove deprecated ru paul documentation by AATTitalopires in
* Add Ruby as specified language in code block by AATTluciagirasoles in
* Fix some typos by AATTjdufresne in
* Remove unnecessary executable bit from several files by AATTjdufresne in
* Remove broken readme links by AATTvbrazo in
* Update minecraft.rb by AATTlepinejf in
* Update README and CONTRIBUTING guides by AATTstefannibrasil in
* Update dependabot ignore list by AATTstefannibrasil in [#]## Update local dependencies
* Update simplecov requirement from = 0.21.0 to = 0.21.2 by AATTdependabot in
* Update timecop requirement from = 0.9.5 to = 0.9.6 by AATTdependabot in
* Update rubocop-minitest requirement from = 0.23.2 to = 0.25.0 by AATTdependabot in
* Update test-unit requirement from = 3.5.6 to = 3.5.7 by AATTdependabot in
* Update rubocop requirement from = 1.41.0 to = 1.41.1 by AATTdependabot in [#]## New Contributors
* AATTsi-lens made their first contribution in
* AATTIvan-P23994 made their first contribution in
* AATTZionMiller made their first contribution in
* AATTloqimean made their first contribution in
* AATTkleinjm made their first contribution in
* AATTakanshak984 made their first contribution in
* AATTlepinejf made their first contribution in
* AATTitalopires made their first contribution in
* AATTluciagirasoles made their first contribution in
*Full Changelog
* Wed Dec 07 2022 Stephan Kulow updated to version 3.0.0 see installed
* Mon Oct 10 2022 Stephan Kulow updated to version 2.23.0 see installed [#]# [v2.23.0]( (2022-09-01)
* Fix Japanese plural by AATTakmhmgc in
* Update rubocop requirement from = 1.26.0 to = 1.28.2 by AATTdependabot in
* Add sports to `Faker::Sport` by AATTmatt17r in
* [Internet::Password] Improve mix_case and special_characters support by AATTmeuble in
* Danish id number by AATTjokklan in
* Add generator for vulnerability identifiers by AATTNobodysNightmare in
* Add the ability to generate a mime type of a specific media type by AATTric2b in
* Add IDNumber.french_insee_number by AATTSpone in
* fix flaky user agent test by AATTthdaraujo in
* Update GitHub Issues and Pull Request Templates [ci-skip] by AATTstefannibrasil in
* fix: ensure generated passwords have correct characters when mixed_case & special_characters enabled by AATTtiff-o in
* Thread safety by AATTkiskoza in
* Fix warning instance variable uninitialized by AATTakmhmgc in
* fix italy VAT and add italy condominium fiscal code generator by AATTFiloSpaTeam in
* Add ChileRut.full_formatted_rut by AATTKarlHeitmann in
* Updated versions and added more operating systems by AATTabrahamparayil in
* Add vehicle version generator by AATTtrinaldi in
* Fix computer test by AATTtrinaldi in
* Drop support for EOL Ruby versions (`2.5` and `2.6`) by AATTnickmendezFlatiron in
* Update minitest requirement from = 5.15.0 to = 5.16.3 by AATTdependabot in
* Update rubocop requirement from = 1.28.2 to = 1.35.1 by AATTdependabot in
* Fix `fma_brotherhood` usage example by AATTy0n0zawa in - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Thu Aug 04 2022 Stephan Kulow updated to version 2.22.0 see installed [#]# [v2.22.0]( (2022-07-28) [#]# Bug/Fixes - [PR #2500]( Fix: Duplicate array before concatenating [AATTmattr]( - [PR #2488]( Fixed random selection issue [AATTsudeeptarlekar]( - [PR #2475]( Update regex used for Faker::Vehicle#vin [AATTerayalkis]( [#]# Chores - [PR #2513]( Remove broken docs [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #2502]( Update actions/checkout version in GitHub actions [AATTjdufresne]( - [PR #2501]( Make ReadMe more consise [AATTjenniferdewan]( - [PR #2489]( Change a filename to follow naming conventions [AATTyasuhiron777]( [#]# Feature Request - [PR #2477]( feat: add bot_user_agent method for generate web crawle\'s user agents [AATTa-chacon]( - [PR #2465]( Add a new sports section for mountaineers [AATTLeviLong01]( [#]# Update locales - [PR #2509]( Add all Dota 2 heroes [AATTJCFarrow]( - [PR #2507]( Update dog.yml [AATTKedaruma-Bond]( - [PR #2503]( Update pl.yml [AATTmarek-witkowski]( - [PR #2499]( Fix: Use pattern to define Australian cell phone formats [AATTmattr]( - [PR #2497]( Fix typos in Australia [AATTmattr]( - [PR #2490]( Added Japanese adjective translations [AATTyasuhiron777]( - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Mon Jun 13 2022 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 2.21.0 [#]# Bug/Fixes - [PR #2443]( Fixed error for random in markdown [AATTsudeeptarlekar]( [#]# Feature Request - [PR #2252]( Add Faker::Movies::Tron [AATTcraineum]( [#]# Update locales - [PR #2485]( Add japanese translations for emotion [AATTkenboo0426]( - [PR #2479]( Add japanese translations for naruto [AATTjohnmanjiro13]( - [PR #2478]( Add Japanese translation for relationships [AATTshouichi]( - [PR #2469]( Fix blank row in game.yml [AATTKingYoSun]( - [PR #2467]( French traduction of adjectives [AATTBeygs]( [#]# Update local dependencies - Update rubocop to `1.26.0` - Update timecop to `0.95.0`
* Fri Mar 11 2022 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 2.20.0 [#]# Documentation - [PR #2421]( Add general documentation for Faker::Camera [AATTaleksandrilyin]( [#]# Feature Request - [PR #2457]( add Command & Conquer games [AATTAwilum]( - [PR #2456]( fix heading for faker hobby doc [AATTAwilum]( - [PR #2411]( Add mock data for Auth0 OAuth [AATTNorio4]( - [PR #2396]( Add Brooklyn Nine Nine into tv shows category [AATTfralps]( - [PR #2395]( Add The Kingkiller Chronicle [AATTfblupi]( - [PR #2392]( Update LV locale - cell phone numbers should be 8 symbols [AATTtmikoss]( - [PR #2383]( Add Faker::JapaneseMedia::KamenRider#transformation_device [AATTboardfish]( - [PR #2382]( Add collectible devices [AATTboardfish]( - [PR #2378]( Re-add the Faker::Internet.base64 method [AATTashishra0]( - [PR #2374]( Add Faker::JapaneseMedia::KamenRider [AATTboardfish]( - [PR #1656]( Add bible entries [AATTenowbi]( [#]# Update locales - [PR #2462]( Add Sora and Hollow Bastion to SuperSmashBros yml files [AATTgazayas]( - [PR #2458]( Fix typo on Tom Jobim\'s name [AATTandrerferrer]( - [PR #2452]( updated Timor-Leste in en/addresses.yml [AATTmasukomi]( - [PR #2450]( dividing male and female Arabic names [AATTAlfulayt]( - [PR #2381]( Remove duplicates and clean up Faker::JapaneseMedia::KamenRider [AATTboardfish]( - [PR #2405]( Add countries in Japanese [AATTlawriecate]( - [PR #2403]( add Faker::Animal in pt-BR [AATTthiago-henrique-leite]( - [PR #2377]( Fix non striped coffe blender [AATTngouy]( [#]# Update local dependencies - Update rubocop to `1.25.0` - Update rake to `13.0.6` - Update test-unit to `3.5.3` - Update yard to `0.9.27`
* Wed Aug 25 2021 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 2.19.0 [#]# Bug/Fixes- [PR #2356]( fix broken link for placeholdit [AATTlilisako]( [PR #2351]( Fix spanish organisation number [AATTlaulujan]( [#]# Feature Request- [PR #2371]( Add supernatural TV show [AATTvin1cius]( [PR #2369]( Added more Science examples - science branches, modifiers and tools [AATTitay-grudev]( [PR #2361]( Add ethnic category to the food generator [AATTwolwire]( [PR #2359]( add stock_market to finance Faker::Finance [AATTlilisako]( [PR #2341]( add Hobby to default [AATTrohanphillips]( [PR #2324]( Add Faker::Emotion.word [AATTjayqui]( [PR #2320]( Add Faker::TvShows::TheOffice [AATTsandylcruz]( [PR #2245]( Add Faker::Australia class [AATTastley92]( [PR #1731]( add brand, vendor support to commerce [AATTashishra0]( [#]# Update locales- [PR #2343]( Minor typo fixes to Community quotes [AATTsunny]( [PR #2340]( Add JapaneseMedia StudioGhibli for locals/ja.yml [AATTryogift]( [PR #2339]( Various locale specific and other fixes for faker [AATTpsibi]( [PR #2338]( Add Kazuya to Faker::Games::SuperSmashBros [AATTboardfish]( [PR #2333]( add FR translation for animals [AATTcprodhomme]( [PR #2329]( Fix Faker::Color.color_name for Japanese [AATTyujideveloper]( [PR #2327]( Remove trailing spaces from translations [AATTmichebble]( [PR #2326]( Faker::Address.postcode (locale=ja) should contains hyphen [AATTgongo]( [#]# Update local dependencies- Update rubocop requirement from = 1.18.3 to = 1.18.4 (#2362)- Update rake requirement from = 13.0.3 to = 13.0.6 (#2357)- Update rubocop requirement from = 1.18.1 to = 1.18.3 (#2353)- Update rubocop requirement from = 1.17.0 to = 1.18.1 (#2346)- Update rubocop requirement from = 1.16.0 to = 1.17.0 (#2337)- Update test-unit requirement from = 3.4.2 to = 3.4.4 (#2334)- Update rubocop requirement from = 1.15.0 to = 1.16.0 (#2332)- Update test-unit requirement from = 3.4.1 to = 3.4.2 (#2331)- Update rubocop requirement from = 1.14.0 to = 1.15.0 (#2325)
* Tue Jun 01 2021 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 2.18.0 [#]# Bug/Fixes - [PR #2300]( Fix by adding missing quote [AATTkoic]( - [PR #2044]( Workaround for cc-test-reporter with SimpleCov 0.18 [AATTkoic]( [#]# Chores - [PR #2316]( Fix typo in test method [AATTyujideveloper]( [#]# Documentation - [PR #2290]( Fix typo [AATTd-holbach]( - [PR #2282]( fixed small typo [AATTkoic]( [#]# Feature Request - [PR #2301]( Add Faker::IDNumber.croatian_id method [AATTlovro-bikic]( - [PR #2299]( Add birds [AATTbrotherjack]( - [PR #2295]( Add more methods to the Witcher class [AATTmarcelobarreto]( - [PR #2289]( Increase french entropy [AATTmeuble]( - [PR #2287]( Add Crypto.sha512 [AATTcrondaemon]( - [PR #2190]( Add Faker::Tea [AATTsnood1205]( - [PR #2175]( Add two generators to Faker::Science [AATTRubyHuntsman]( - [PR #1910]( Add Faker::Music#mambo_no_5, a Generator for Random First Names that Appear in Lou Bega\'s Mambo No. 5 [AATTNickyEXE]( [#]# Update locales - [PR #2321]( Canadian area code 226 included in array of US area codes [AATTjgarber623]( - [PR #2317]( Fix ci for es-AR [AATTyujideveloper]( - [PR #2315]( Split JA translation file into one file per class [AATTyujideveloper]( - [PR #2313]( Add Japanese translation for Faker::Subscription [AATTyujideveloper]( - [PR #2311]( add yoda quotes to russian locale [AATTaka-nez]( - [PR #2297]( add Japanese actual zipcodes in locals/ja.yml [AATTPOPPIN-FUMI]( - [PR #2291]( Add Commerce for Japanese [AATTima1zumi]( - [PR #2285]( Fix update Brazilian phone country code [AATTricardopacheco]( - [PR #2154]( Cleanup books. Add Fantasy::Tolkien to README. [AATTmathisto]( [#]# Update local dependencies - Update rubocop requirement from = 1.13.0 to = 1.14.0 (#2314) - Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot (#2310) - Update rubocop requirement from = 1.12.1 to = 1.13.0 (#2305) - Update test-unit requirement from = 3.4.0 to = 3.4.1 (#2303) - Update pry requirement from = 0.14.0 to = 0.14.1 (#2298) - Update rubocop requirement from = 1.12.0 to = 1.12.1 (#2294) - Update rubocop requirement from = 1.11.0 to = 1.12.0 (#2288)
* Mon Mar 15 2021 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 2.17.0 [#]# [v2.17.0]( (2020-03-10) [#]# Chores - [PR #2272]( Bump RuboCop to 1.10.0 [AATTkoic]( - [PR #2270]( Generate different values when generating a hash [AATTDaniTheLion]( - [PR #2236]( Move Digest classes to OpenSSL [AATTdbussink]( [#]# Documentation - [PR #2277]( add Hip Hop To Path [AATTJosiassejod1]( - [PR #2276]( Fix syntax highlighting and missing version [AATTghiculescu]( - [PR #2255]( Correct capitalization of RuboCop in text [AATTjdufresne]( - [PR #2204]( update documentation to include Float type [AATTBigBigDoudou]( [#]# Feature Request - [PR #2256]( Add Faker::Educator.primary_school [AATTjdufresne]( - [PR #2248]( Add Bank.iban_country_code [AATTmastermatt]( - [PR #2166]( add binary number faker [AATTgabrielbaldao]( [#]# Update locales - [PR #2275]( Add Japanese for Faker::Games::Orverwatch [AATTmay-solty]( - [PR #2268]( Add Japanese for Faker::Games::SuperMario [AATTk-maekawa]( - [PR #2258]( Add es-AR locale [AATTfcolacilli]( - [PR #2215]( Unify model names to not contain manufacturer name [AATTberkos](
* Mon Feb 15 2021 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 2.16.0 [#]# [v2.16.0]( (2020-02-09) [#]# Chores - [PR #2262]( Workaround build error for ruby-head [AATTkoic]( - [PR #2257]( Trim trailing white space throughout the project [AATTkoic]( - [PR #2229]( Use instead of `Random::DEFAULT` [AATTconnorshea]( - [PR #2226]( Add Ruby 3.0 to CI matrix [AATTconnorshea]( [#]# Documentation - [PR #2247]( 2243 yard doc [AATTsudeeptarlekar]( - [PR #2240]( Updated `` to include example for using song generator [AATTjsca-kwok]( - [PR #2205]( `Faker::Mountain` doc [AATTbipashant]( [#]# Feature Request - [PR #2221]( Added rock band song generator [AATTjsca-kwok]( - [PR #2208]( Feat/add blockchain Tezos keys [AATTakettal]( [AATTPierre-Michard]( - [PR #2197]( Add `Faker::Games::Touhou` [AATTdysnomian]( [#]# Update locales - [PR #2238]( added some data in `fr.yml` and `football.yml` [AATTMathGL92]( - [PR #2222]( Add Japanese for `Faker::Book` [AATTzoshigayan]( - [PR #2217]( Add Sephiroth and Northern Cave to `Faker::Games::SuperSmashBros` [AATTboardfish]( - [PR #2201]( Typo in Lebowski Quote [AATTrgraff]( - [PR #2197]( Add `Faker::Games::Touhou` [AATTdysnomian](
* Fri Dec 11 2020 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 2.15.1 [#]# [v2.15.1]( (2020-11-24) - Rollback PR #2169 and bump 2.15.1 [#2203]( AATTvbrazo - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [#]# [v2.15.0]( (2020-11-24) [#]# Bug/Fixes - Rubocop 1.0 fixes [#2182]( AATTamatsuda - Get rid of broken I18n locales configuration for the tests [#2168]( AATTamatsuda - Fixes a bug when generating a password with min_length eq 1 [#2138]( AATTadrian-rivera AATTZeragamba - Improve Faker::Company.spanish_organisation_number [#2106]( [#]# Chores - Reformat demographic yaml [#2189]( AATTfiteclub - An attempt to load only necessary locales on the fly [#2169]( AATTamatsuda - Faker::Config can be a Module rather than a Class [#2167]( AATTamatsuda - Cleanup games [#2155]( AATTmathisto - Deprecate `celebrity` methods in favor of `actor` [#2133]( AATTvraravam [#]# Documentation - Fix class name in [#2198]( AATTconnorshea - Fix typo in doc/games/ [#2145]( AATTCrysicia - fix typo [#2141]( AATTZeragamba - Updated versions in doc for methods. [#2123]( AATTsudeeptarlekar [#]# Feature Request - Add `Faker::Mountain` [#2196]( AATTbipashant - Add Faker::Volleyball [#2178]( AATTRubyHuntsman - Add artifact generator to Faker::Game::Heroes [#2177]( AATTdroznyk - Add generator to Faker::Games:ElderScrolls [#2171]( AATTRubyHuntsman - Augment opera [#2170]( AATTGaitorius - Add generator to Faker::Games::ElderScrolls [#2164]( AATTRubyHuntsman - Add more generators to Faker::Minecraft [#2162]( AATTRubyHuntsman - I added more programming languages to the source [#2161]( AATTJoaoHenriqueVale - Add Faker:Camera [#2159]( AATTRubyHuntsman - Add how to train your dragon [#2158]( AATTarchbloom - Add Faker::Fantasy::Tolkien [#2152]( AATTmathisto - Feature: Add north dakota driving licence [#2149]( AATTmartinjaimem - Add Final Space to TvShows category [#2147]( - Add finance/stock generators [#2146]( AATTjohnpitchko - Add Clash Of Clans to the Game category [#2143]( AATTjamesmai0512 - Add Conan to the JapaneseMedia category [#2142]( AATTjamesmai0512 - Add Naruto to the JapaneseMedia category [#2139]( AATTjamesmai0512 - Add Doraemon to the JapaneseMedia category [#2137]( AATTjamesmai0512 - Add space force and coast guard to military [#2136]( AATTmathisto - Add Super Mario [#2135]( AATTfblupi - Add The Room (2003) to Movies [#2134]( AATTfiteclub - Faker adjectives [#2130]( AATTloicboset - Add Studio Ghibli to the JapaneseMedia category [#2124]( AATTKadaaran - Created New Method Faker::Quote.fortune_cookie [#2112]( AATTcatonmat - Allow disabling the usage of open compounds in sentences [#2109]( AATTtjozwik - Add faker for hiphop artist [#1923]( AATTJosiassejod1 - Add races and class names to WorldOfWarcraft [#1787]( AATTmathisto - Add planets and races to DragonBall [#1786]( AATTmathisto - Add planets, cities, and quotes to Dune [#1784]( AATTmathisto [#]# Update locales - add japanese gender first name [#2191]( AATTissei126 - Add full_address to Ukrainian locale [#2176]( AATTPtico - Fixed some spelling issues in company.yml [#2173]( AATTcoreymaher - Update Faker::Games::SuperSmashBros [#2164]( AATTboardfish - Add more quotes to Faker::Games::Witcher [#2163]( AATTRubyHuntsman - Add Jack Handey\'s Deep Thoughts to quotes [#2150]( AATTfiteclub - add brazil license plate from mercosul rules [#2144]( AATTgabrielbaldao - Add additional quotes to Studio Ghibli [#2132]( AATTlambda2 - Change \'Nyota Uhuru\' to \'Nyota Uhura\' [#2121]( AATTTrevorA-TrevorA - Add spanish license plates [#2103]( [#]# Update local dependencies - Update rubocop requirement from = 1.0.0 to = 1.1.0 [#2185]( - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.93.1 to = 1.0.0 [#2172]( - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.93.0 to = 0.93.1 [#2156]( - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.92.0 to = 0.93.0 [#2151]( - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.91.1 to = 0.92.0 [#2129]( - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.91.0 to = 0.91.1 [#2126]( - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.90.0 to = 0.91.0 [#2122]( - Update test-unit requirement from = 3.3.6 to = 3.3.7 [#2195]( - Update timecop requirement from = 0.9.1 to = 0.9.2 [#2160](
* Fri Sep 25 2020 Stephan Kulow updated to version 2.14.0 see installed [#]# [v2.14.0]( (2020-09-15) [#]# Bug/Fixes - [PR #2119]( Fixed failing spec for phone number [#]# Chores - [PR #2088]( Remove the space in the word \"turtle\" in the Creature::Animals faker - [PR #2081]( Remove redundant condition branch for Ruby 2.4 - [PR #2077]( Rename tests according to the `test
*.rb` pattern so that they run [#]# Documentation - [PR #2095]( Fix a typo for `Games::DnD.species` - [PR #2094]( Correct method name from race to species in DnD doc - [PR #2079]( Add `Music::PearlJam` to Readme - [PR #2058]( Add YARD doc for `Faker::Code` [#]# Feature Request - [PR #2117]( Add Truffleruby head to CI - [PR #2104]( 2097 Added barcodes - [PR #2090]( 1693 USA driving license - [PR #2098]( Update DnD generator - [PR #2096]( 2091 faker drones - [PR #2092]( Add a street fighter generator - [PR #2082]( Enable `Lint/UnifiedInteger` cop [#]# Update locales - [PR #2100]( Remove Gaylord - [PR #2087]( Fix/remove country code from phone numbers - [PR #2086]( removing country code from phone numbers to `fr-CH` - [PR #2084]( removed extra + sign from country codes - [PR #2078]( Removed 07624 from UK mobile numbers - [PR #2073]( Add missing azimuth field for fr locale - [PR #2072]( Remove time formats from file Update local dependencies - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.87.1 to = 0.88.0 (#2080) - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.87.0 to = 0.87.1 (#2075) - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.86.0 to = 0.87.0 (#2074) - Bumps i18n from 1.8.4 to 1.8.5 (#2089) - Bumps i18n from 1.8.3 to 1.8.4 (#2083) - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Thu Jun 25 2020 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 2.13.0
* adds YARD docs for several interface methods
* fixes bugs
* adds improvements to the code base
* updates dependencies
* Mon Apr 27 2020 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 2.11.0 [#]# Bug/Fixes - [PR #1938]( Fix omniauth consistency [AATTDouglasLutz]( [#]# Documentation - [PR #1949]( Add YARD doc for Faker::Cannabis [AATTmashuDuek]( - [PR #1944]( Add YARD docs for Faker::FunnyName [AATTcurriecode]( - [PR #1935]( Add YARD docs for the unique method [AATTconnorshea]( [#]# Feature Request - [PR #1946]( Add Faker::Rajnikanth [AATTwolwire]( - [PR #1940]( Add Faker::Quotes::Chiquito [AATTjantequera]( - [PR #1883]( add Internet#base64 [AATTcyrilchampier]( [#]# Update locales - [PR #1945]( Remove female first name \'Miss\' [AATTags]( - [PR #1929]( Fixed mobile prefixes for en-GB locale [AATTSamHart91]( [#]# Update local dependencies - Update pry requirement from = 0.12.2 to = 0.13.0 (#1951) - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.80.0 to = 0.80.1 (#1941) - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.79.0 to = 0.80.0 (#1937)
* Tue Mar 03 2020 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 2.10.2 [#]# [v2.10.2]( (2020-02-15) This version: - adds a few YARD docs - fixes locales - updates local dependencies [#]# Chores - [PR #1924]( Use ruby\'s `File::Separator` rather than \'/\' as a default for direct [AATTswiknaba]( [#]# Documentation - [PR #1913]( Add YARD docs for Faker::DcComics [AATTash-elangovan]( [#]# Update locales - [PR #1934]( Add street_address for en-nz locale [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1933]( Make id locale consistent. [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1930]( Remove spaces before apostrophes [AATTjrmhaig]( - [PR #1927]( zh-TW locale fix: Avoid double de-reference for name_with_middle [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1922]( zh-CN locale fix: Directly refer to the expected values [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1921]( uk locale fix: Make empty fields consistent [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1920]( pt locale fix: Make city fields consistent with other [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1918]( Make Japanese Lorem sentences look more natural [AATTrastamhadi]( - [PR #1915]( Add yard docs for Faker::Company [AATTkos31de]( - [PR #1914]( Data source fix for ha locale [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1911]( Removed duplicate value [AATTash-elangovan]( - [PR #1908]( Add more colors [AATTtomcol]( - [PR #1903]( fr locale: pokemon\'s root key should be games [AATTconnorshea]( - [PR #1902]( Remove empty string in phone_number formats [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1901]( fr-CA locale fix: pokemon\'s root key should be games [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1900]( Use postcode for en-ZA [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1899]( Locale root name should be en-NEP [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1812]( Add vat number rule for es-MX [AATTarandilopez]( [#]# Update local dependencies - Update test-unit requirement from = 3.3.4 to = 3.3.5 (#1896)
* Mon Jan 27 2020 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 2.10.1 [#]# [v2.10.1]( (2020-01-13) This version: - fixes locales - updates local dependencies - fixes warnings [#]# Bug/Fixes - [PR #1868]( Fix a deprecation warning in unique_generator.rb related to the kwarg [AATTconnorshea]( [#]# Update Locales - [PR #1800]( Update diners_club and jcb test cards since they were updated in String [AATTsantib]( - [PR #1879]( Field changes in da-DK locale [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1878]( Fix name related files in ca locale [AATTpsibi]( - [PR #1877]( Fix the path names for bg.yml [AATTpsibi]( [#]# Update local dependencies - Allow all versions of i18n from 1.6 up to 2 (#1894) [AATTorien]( - Update minitest requirement from = 5.13.0 to = 5.14.0 (#1904) - Bump i18n from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2 (#1905) - Bump i18n from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 (#1895) - Update i18n requirement from >= 1.6, < 1.8 to >= 1.6, < 1.9 (#1893) - Update yard requirement from = 0.9.23 to = 0.9.24 (#1892) - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.78.0 to = 0.79.0 (#1890) - Update yard requirement from = 0.9.22 to = 0.9.23 (#1889) - Update yard requirement from = 0.9.20 to = 0.9.22 (#1882)
* Sat Dec 14 2019 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 2.8.1 [#]# Bug/Fixes - [PR #1846]( Fix internet custom domain with suffix [AATTngouy]( [#]# Documentation - [PR #1852]( Add YARD docs for Faker::Business. [AATTconnorshea]( - [PR #1851]( Add YARD docs for Faker::Crypto. [AATTconnorshea]( - [PR #1850]( Add YARD docs for Faker::Kpop. [AATTconnorshea]( - [PR #1849]( Add YARD docs for Faker::BossaNova. [AATTconnorshea]( - [PR #1848]( Add YARD Docs for Faker::Demographic. [AATTconnorshea]( - [PR #1844]( Fix yard doc in contribution [AATTvikas95prasad]( - [PR #1802]( Add YARD doc for Faker::Food [AATTsap1enza]( - [PR #1766]( Add YARD docs for Faker::Address [AATTconnorshea]( [#]# Refactoring - [PR #1847]( Makes minor refactors on Internet.domain_name method [AATTtiagofsilva]( - [PR #1772]( Refactor Faker::Educator and add docs [AATTconnorshea]( [#]# Update local dependencies - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.76.0 to = 0.77.0 (#1843)
* Tue Nov 12 2019 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 2.7.0 This version: - adds `Faker::IDNumber.chilean_id` - updates some translations/locales - updates local dependencies - adds SemVer badge [#]# Documentation - [PR #1814]( Add Discord link [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1289]( Add SemVer compatibility badge to README [AATTgreysteil]( [#]# Feature Request - [PR #1819]( Adding chilean_id in Faker::IDNumber [AATTcristofer]( [#]# Update locales - [PR #1824]( Added Canadian Country Code [AATTclinch]( - [PR #1817]( Add Japanese animal names [AATTshouichi]( - [PR #1816]( Add Japanese bank names [AATTshouichi]( - [PR #1813]( Translate Canadian provinces for fr-CA [AATTBhacaz]( - [PR #1806]( Add Terry Bogard to Super Smash Bros. options [AATTclinch]( [#]# Update local dependencies - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.75.0 to = 0.75.1 (#1811) - Update rubocop requirement from = 0.75.1 to = 0.76.0 (#1822) - Update minitest requirement from = 5.12.2 to = 5.13.0 (#1823)
* Thu Aug 15 2019 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 2.1.2 [#]# Enhancements - [PR #1495]( Add Brazilian documents generation and documentation [AATTlucasqueiroz]( [#]# Issues We had to use `bundled with 1.7.3` to avoid some issues. [#]# [v2.1.1]( (2019-10-08) [#]# Bug/Fixes - [PR #1685]( Upgrade i18n [AATTEduardoGHdez]( `bundler-audit` has identified that i18 has fix a security vulnerability, that has been fixed in the 0.8 version. - [PR #1683]( Rollback Faker::Time changes [AATTvbrazo]( Rollback Faker::Time changes because we should expect the date format from activesupport\'s en.yml. [#]# Documentation - [PR #1677]( Fix docs for Internet#password generator [AATTur5us](
* Mon Jul 08 2019 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 1.9.6 [#]# [v1.9.6]( (2019-07-05) Fix lib/faker/version.rb [#]################################################## [#]# [v1.9.5]( (2019-07-04) [#]## Bug- [PR #1644]( Revert fakerbot and move to own repository inside new organization [AATTvbrazo]( [#]## Deprecate- [PR #1516]( Deprecate Faker::Number.decimal_part and Faker::Number.leading_zero_number [AATTvbrazo]( [#]## Documentation- [PR #1640]( Add [AATTvbrazo]( [#]## Feature Request- [PR #1361]( Add Faker::File.dir [AATTtylerhunt]( [#]## Update Locales- [PR #1643]( Add 558 Verb ing_forms from Verb base [AATTlightyrs]( [#]################################################## [#]# [v1.9.4]( (2019-06-19) [#]## Bug/Fixes- [PR #1605]( fix shallow_json for frozen_string_literal [AATTcausztic]( [PR #1597]( Fix broken test [AATTvbrazo]( [PR #1578]( Namespaces should inherit Base [AATTvbrazo]( [#]## Chores- [PR #1626]( Update tty tree [AATTZeragamba]( [PR #1559]( Fix name_with_middle field for en-AU [AATTpsibi]( [PR #1548]( Chore/improve pt-BR specs [AATTpaulodiovani]( [PR #1542]( Fixed typos to the [AATTgkunwar]( [PR #1541]( Add new categories to armenian [AATThovikman]( [#]## Deprecation- [PR #1549]( Faker::Movies::GratefulDead => Faker::Music::GratefulDead [AATTbcharna]( [PR #1538]( Add Sports namespace [AATTvbrazo]( - Deprecates `::Football` [#]## Documentation- [PR #1636]( Fix default values for arguments in Lorem doc [AATTmikong]( [PR #1617]( Fix Dota README [AATTTheSmartnik]( [PR #1612]( Update returned example player [AATTncallaway]( [PR #1611]( Documentation error fix [AATTtomlockwood]( [PR #1575]( Add issues templates [AATTvbrazo]( [#]## Feature Request- [PR #1631]( Faker::Tezos: add block faker [AATTakettal]( [PR #1619]( Add Faker::Music::Opera [AATTAdsidera]( [PR #1607]( Add Faker::Game with title, genre, and platform generators. [AATTconnorshea]( [PR #1603]( Add Faker::Internet.uuid [AATTianks]( [PR #1560]( Add Faker::Creature::Horse [AATTwndxlori]( [PR #1507]( Add CLI - Integrate fakerbot 🤖 [AATTakabiru]( [PR #1540]( Add sic_code to company #355 [AATTbruno-b-martins]( [PR #1537]( Adds the Faker::Sports::Basketball generator [AATTecbrodie]( [PR #1520]( Allow subdomains for Internet.domain_name [AATTcianooooo]( [#]## Update/add locales- [PR #1629]( Fix sintax error on game.yml file [AATTricardobsilva]( [PR #1627]( add more data for Faker::Games [AATTBlazingRockStorm]( [PR #1620]( Added Yuumi as a Champion [AATTeddorre]( [PR #1621]( Updated classes to match the changes that Blizzard rolled out late last year. Updated hero pool to add the latest two heroes added to the game. [AATTeddorre]( [PR #1602]( Remove white space, fix minor typos [AATTdarylf]( [PR #1595]( Fix accented French surnames [AATTSamy-Amar]( [PR #1585]( Add Meepo to Dota heroes and quotes [AATTjustinoue]( [PR #1594]( Changed Startrek to Stargate :) [AATTDefoncesko]( [PR #1591]( fix-chinese-city [AATTlocez]( [PR #1592]( Add coffee country for Japanese [AATTschmurfy]( [PR #1593]( removes duplicates in fr-CA and fr-CH [AATTschmurfy]( [PR #1587]( Add ancient god for Japanese [AATTyizknn]( [PR #1582]( Add fighters and DLC to Faker::Games::SuperSmashBros [AATTboardfish]( [PR #1583]( updates to RuPaul [AATTnotactuallypagemcconnell]( [PR #1581]( add latest list of phish tunes from that are by the band and not covers [AATTnotactuallypagemcconnell]( [PR #1573]( Fix data of music albums [AATTsankichi92]( [PR #1567]( Fix name_with_middle in Chinese locales [AATTrockymeza]( [PR #1564]( Update League of legends content [AATTmichebble]( [PR #1558]( remove misspelling of Japanese [AATTmichebble]( [PR #1554]( Extend list of cryptocurrencies [AATTkamilbielawski]( [PR #1552]( Fix subscription: Fix missing double quotes [AATTpsibi]( [PR #1551]( Yaml syntax for stargate.yml: Fix missing double quote [AATTpsibi]( [PR #1550]( Fix kpop - yaml syntax issue. Double quote is missing [AATTpsibi]( [PR #1545]( Remove trailing space from \"kangaroo \" & \"gnu \" translation in animals [AATTspikeheap]( [PR #1543]( Add pt-BR genders [AATTfladson](
* Sat Mar 02 2019 Stephan Kulow - updated to version 1.9.3 see installed [#]## Bug/Fixes [#]## Chores [#]## Deprecation [#]## Documentation [#]## Feature Request [#]## Suggestion [#]## Update/add locales - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [#]# [v1.9.3]( (2019-02-12) [Full Changelog]( [#]## Bug/Fixes - [PR #1535]( Fix I18n bug [AATTvbrazo]( - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [#]# [v1.9.2]( (2019-02-11) [Full Changelog]( [#]## Bug/Fixes - [PR #1512]( Fix numerical part of Dutch postcode [AATTtilsammans]( - [PR #1477]( Fixed bank account length [AATTjguthrie100]( - [PR #1494]( Fix Faker::Internet.ip_v4_address to include all IP ranges [AATTlucasqueiroz]( - [PR #1456]( fix: omit . from slug [AATTivanoblomov]( - [PR #1436]( Fix regex and add magic string to pass rubocop check [AATTjakrzus]( - [PR #1425]( NHS: fix occasional bad numbers [AATTChaoticBoredom]( - [PR #1421]( Faker::Internet.user_name can\'t handle UTF-8 arguments [AATTivanoblomov]( - [PR #1423]( Add missing locale tests - Part II [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1389]( Load faker I18n using custom backend chaining [AATTpjohnmeyer]( - [PR #1384]( Quick number method bugfix [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1377]( Fallback translation without available locales enforcement [AATTdeivid-rodriguez]( - [PR #1368]( Don\'t force enforce_available_locales [AATTdeivid-rodriguez]( - [PR #1355]( Fix global clear of unique values for Faker::UniqueGenerator [AATTkolasss]( - [PR #1335]( Fix Company.luhn_algorithm and add missing tests [AATT01max]( - [PR #1334]( Faker::Number.leading_zero_number should always start with 0 [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1317]( Change Faker::Lorem.multibyte logic [AATTShabelnikM]( - [PR #527]( Fix time period test that could result in a flake test within 15 days [AATTmelonhead901]( - [PR #1310]( Add alias for middle_name and remove locale [AATTvbrazo]( [#]## Chores - [PR #1496]( Update yaml format in docs [AATTSpyMaster356]( - [PR #1508]( Changes before release [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1490]( Add missing Faker::HeroesOfTheStorm tests [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1457]( Add tests for new Faker::Internet.slug glue [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1434]( Add keyword argument to Faker::Games::Dota.quote [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1420]( Add Faker::JapaneseMedia namespace [AATTboardfish]( - [PR #1411]( Add several missing locales [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1403]( Faker::SouthPark => Faker::Movies::SouthPark [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1401]( Faker::GratefulDead => Faker::Movies::GratefulDead [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1362]( Faker::Types minor cleanup [AATTstephengroat]( - [PR #1347]( Remove launchy dependency [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1311]( Target Ruby 2.3 [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #372]( Add test_password_could_achieve_max_length [AATToleksii-ti]( [#]## Deprecation - [PR #1504]( Add Quotes namespace [AATTvbrazo]( - Deprecates `::FamousLastWords`, `::Matz`, `::MostInterestingManInTheWorld`, `::Robin`, `::Shakespeare`, `::SingularSiegler`, `::Yoda` - [PR #1503]( Add Books namespace [AATTvbrazo]( - Deprecates `::Dune`, `Lovecraft` - [PR #1480]( Add Music, Movies and TvShows namespaces [AATTvbrazo]( - Deprecates `::Hobbit`, `HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy`, `::HarryPotter`, `::RockBand`, `::MichaelScott`, `::RuPaul` - [PR #1481]( Add Blockchain namespace [AATTvbrazo]( - Deprecates `::Bitcoin`, `::Ethereum`, `::Tezos` - [PR #1471]( Add music and movies namespace [AATTvbrazo]( - Deprecates `::BackToTheFuture`, `::Lebowski`, `::LordOfTheRings`, `::PrincessBride`, `::StarWars`, `::UmphreysMcgee`, `::VForVendetta` - [PR #1469]( Deprecate Faker::Hobbit and reorganize unreleased docs and tests [AATTvbrazo]( - Deprecates `::Hobbit` - [PR #1431]( Add Faker::TvShows namespace [AATTSpyMaster356]( - Deprecates `::AquaTeenHungerForce`, `::BojackHorseman`, `::BreakingBad`, `::Buffy`, `::Community`, `::DrWho`, `::DumbAndDumber`, `::FamilyGuy`, `::Friends`, `::GameOfThrones`, `::HeyArnold`, `::HowIMetYourMother`, `::NewGirl`, `::ParksAndRec`, `::RickAndMorty`, `::Seinfeld`, `::SiliconValley`, `::Simpsons`, `::SouthPark`, `::StarTrek`, `::Stargate`, `::StrangerThings`, `::TheFreshPrinceOfBelAir`, `::TheITCrowd`, `::TheThickOfIt`, `::TwinPeaks`, `::VentureBros` - [PR #1412]( Add Faker::Games namespace [AATTChaoticBoredom]( - Deprecates `::Dota`, `::ElderScrolls`, `::Fallout`, `::LeagueOfLegends`, `::Myst`, `::Overwatch`, `::Pokemon`, `::Witcher`, `::WorldOfWarcraft` and `::Zelda` - [PR #1424]( Add Faker::Creature namespace [AATTChaoticBoredom]( - Deprecates `::Cat` and `::Dog` - [PR #1420]( Add Faker::JapaneseMedia namespace [AATTboardfish]( - Deprecates `::DragonBall`, `::OnePiece` and `::SwordArtOnline` - [PR #803]( Modify Faker::Educator, Fix #576 [AATTghbooth12]( [#]## Documentation - [PR #1513]( Fix typo in Faker::Code documentation [AATTiox]( - [PR #1497]( add TV Shows to table of contents [AATTSpyMaster356]( - [PR #1488]( Fix unreleased docs [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1462]( Fix documentation on Faker::Avatar [AATTmrstebo]( - [PR #1445]( Separate unreleased and latest version [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1243]( Add image file method to placeholdit [AATTnicolas-brousse]( - [PR #1419]( Update [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1414]( Fixing spelling mistake in Docs for Vehicle [AATTsnoozins]( - [PR #1408]( Add Verbs example to README [AATTmatheusteixeira]( - [PR #1380]( Update year in License.txt [AATTdnamsons]( - [PR #1364]( Update readme for Faker::Code to fix typo [AATTmatt297]( - [PR #1360]( added sushi and sorted by word [AATTyizknn]( - [PR #1357]( Fix South Africa documentation [AATTbradleymarques]( - [PR #1354]( Update docs for Lorem [AATTsoftwaregravy]( - [PR #1353]( Update documentation for Faker::Number [AATTsoftwaregravy]( - [PR #1329]( Update docs on behavior of price [AATTsoftwaregravy]( [#]## Feature Request - [PR #1493]( Add Faker::Books::CultureSeries [AATTrichardbulger]( - [PR #1489]( Format brazilian_company_number and brazilian_citizen_number [AATTjpkarvonen]( - [PR #1487]( Add Faker::TvShows::TheExpanse [AATTjpkarvonen]( - [PR #1475]( Adds Faker::Nation.flag [AATTJonathanWThom]( - [PR #1387]( Add Faker::Music::Phish [AATTnbolser]( - [PR #1430]( Adding Faker::Company.brazilian_company_number [AATTgabteles]( - [PR #1449]( Add Faker::Coin [AATTjerryskye]( - [PR #1466]( Add Faker::Address.country_name_to_code(name: \'united_states\') [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1465]( Add nil) [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1460]( Add Faker::Marketing [AATTsusiirwin]( - [PR #1451]( Add first name \'Simão\' and title prefix to \'Eng.\' [AATTjellyfunk]( - [PR #1433]( Add Faker::DrivingLicence [AATTjellyfunk]( - [PR #1440]( Add Faker::Subscription [AATTfabersky]( - [PR #1438]( Add Faker::Football.position [AATTfblupi]( - [PR #1426]( Add Faker::PhoneNumber.country_code [AATTAmrAdelKhalil]( - [PR #1427]( Add Faker::Games::SuperSmashBros [AATTboardfish]( - [PR #1410]( Add Faker::Vehicle.singapore_license_plate [AATTanonoz]( - [PR #1422]( Add Faker::Games::SonicTheHedgehog [AATTboardfish]( - [PR #1413]( Add Faker::Games::Heroes [AATTtangens]( - [PR #1409]( Add DC Comics titles [AATTmatheusteixeira]( - [PR #1400]( Add Faker::Movies::Ghostbusters [AATTeddorre]( - [PR #1399]( Add Faker::Games::HeroesOfTheStorm [AATTillsism]( - [PR #1396]( Add Faker::Creature::Animal [AATTmolbrown]( - [PR #1382]( Adding Faker::IDNumber.brazilian_citizen_number [AATTbschettino]( - [PR #1062]( Markdown exclude method [AATTrussellschmidt]( - [PR #1381]( Add Faker::Games::HalfLife [AATTjthomp]( - [PR #1374]( Add Faker::Beer.brand [AATTthalesap]( - [PR #1302]( Add Faker::Alphanumeric [AATTmtancoigne]( - [PR #1156]( Add Faker::Json [AATTthe-wendell]( - [PR #1359]( Add Faker::Tezos [AATTPierre-Michard]( - [PR #1366]( Add [AATTdsgraham]( - [PR #1358]( Add cat breed for Japanese [AATTyizknn]( - [PR #1365]( Add Faker::Number.within [AATTQuantumWaver]( - [PR #1336]( Implements and tests South African business registration numbers [AATTbradleymarques]( - [PR #1346]( Add Faker::Relationship [AATTQuantumWaver]( - [PR #1348]( Add Faker::Finance.vat_number [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1342]( Added Faker::CryptoCoin scope [AATTjacksonpires]( - [PR #1338]( Add new translations to the en-ZA locale [AATTbradleymarques]( - [PR #1341]( Add Faker::Construction [AATTbenwyrosdick]( - [PR #1130]( Faker::Vehicle API updates [AATTlucasqueiroz]( - [PR #1324]( Add Faker::SouthAfrica [AATTbradleymarques]( - [PR #1319]( Added Faker::DC Comics [AATTJoelLindow]( - [PR #1320]( Add Faker::Buffy [AATTinveterateliterate]( - [PR #1148]( Adding Industry Segments Class [AATTcdesch]( - [PR #893]( Add Faker::ChileRut [AATToxfist]( - [PR #1315]( Add Faker::GratefulDead [AATTwileybaba]( - [PR #1314]( Add Faker::SouthPark [AATTsaurabhudaniya200]( - [PR #1313]( Add Faker::Restaurant [AATTdwhitlow]( - [PR #1307]( Add \"exclude\" method to UniqueGenerator [AATTmtancoigne]( - [PR #1115]( Add Faker::Cosmere [AATTJauntyJames]( - [PR #801]( Add Faker::NHS - Support for the British National Health Service [AATTsubstrakt-health]( [#]## Suggestion - [PR #1246]( Store list of generators with enabled uniqueness for faster clear [AATTMarcPer]( [#]## Update/add locales - [PR #1514]( Distinguish between \'brand\' and \'name\' [AATTiwaim]( - [PR #1509]( Fix Faker::Address.country_by_code [AATTIlyasValiullov]( - [PR #1492]( Fix abbreviation for Osten [AATTsonOfRa]( - [PR #1499]( Adds some items on pt-BR locales seniority and education levels. And removes duplicated items from cities list. [AATTramonlg]( - [PR #1501]( fix asajj_ventress alternate name [AATTethan-dowler]( - [PR #1502]( Add support for Armenian language [AATThovikman]( - [PR #1486]( Added some professions in company.yml [AATTReneIvanov]( - [PR #1474]( Fr format and translation [AATTmaxime-lenne]( - [PR #1468]( Update \"Black Pink\" to \"Blackpink\" [AATTagungyuliaji]( - [PR #1464]( Add dog breed for Japanese [AATTyizknn]( - [PR #1461]( Add Orphea to heroes of the storm locale file. [AATTeddorre]( - [PR #1458]( Update Faker::DragonBall.characters locales [AATTJoaoHenriqueVale]( - [PR #1450]( Update device list and serial codes [AATTraresabr]( - [PR #1443]( Add new array of cities from brazil [AATTWilliamCSA04]( - [PR #1447]( Add Maroon 5 and Paramore to music [AATTJcambass]( - [PR #1446]( fix: Remove deplicate \'color\' from ja.yml [AATTyizknn]( - [PR #1441]( Add Faker::Job pt-BR locales [AATTwellingtongvs]( - [PR #1428]( Add [AATTboardfish]( - [PR #1415]( Add new Overwatch items [AATTlucasqueiroz]( - [PR #1407]( Add more data for Faker::Friends [AATTJIntrocaso]( - [PR #1402]( Update heroes_of_the_storm.yml [AATTeddorre]( - [PR #1398]( Fix female_first_name and male_first_name [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1395]( Add middle_name to other locales [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1394]( Add name_with_middle - es locale and missing tests [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1393]( Add missing pt-BR methods and locale tests [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1392]( Add missing locales/methods for Faker::Name pt-BR [AATTheitorado]( - [PR #1391]( Add state abbr for Sergipe and Tocatins [AATTVSPPedro]( - [PR #1390]( Add more Dutch names [AATTEhsanZ]( - [PR #1386]( Add locale file for Arabic language and test it [AATTEhsanZ]( - [PR #1385]( Updated license plate by state for Brazil [AATTedgardmessias]( - [PR #1373]( 📝 Correct some minor spelling errors [AATTmermop]( - [PR #1372]( Add space planet and galaxy for Japanese [AATTyizknn]( - [PR #1370]( Add missed comma [AATT7up4]( - [PR #1352]( Add Japanese Food Sushi for Japanese and English [AATTyizknn]( - [PR #1343]( Update cell phone format to be phonelib compatible for Vietnam locale [AATTLooooong]( - [PR #1340]( Fix typos and additions for Faker::Esport [AATTMayurifag]( - [PR #1332]( Fix typo in buffy.big_bads [AATTtragiclifestories]( - [PR #1327]( fixed 2 quotes [AATTMinimumViablePerson]( - [PR #1316]( Add more dishes to the menu [AATTbjacquet]( - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Wed Jul 11 2018 updated to version 1.9.1 see installed [#]# HEAD Unreleased [#]# [v1.9.1]( (2018-07-11) [Full Changelog]( [#]## Feature Request - [PR #1308]( Add Faker::BojackHorseman [AATTsaurabhudaniya200]( - [PR #1292]( Add Faker::Bank - account_number and routing_number [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1300]( Add Faker::GreekPhilosophers [AATT15ngburton]( - [PR #1004]( Add Faker::Ethereum [AATTkaizenx]( - [PR #551]( Add gender to name generator [AATTMaicolben]( - [PR #1283]( Add Faker::Military [AATTjjasghar]( - [PR #1279]( Add Faker::HarryPotter.spell [AATTA9u]( - [PR #799]( Faker::ElectricalComponents [AATTbheim6]( - [PR #1050]( Add Faker::Invoice to generate valid bank slip references [AATTonnimonni]( - [PR #817]( Faker::Lorem.multibyte for multibyte chars [AATTfrankywahl]( - [PR #877]( Add Canada SIN generator in Faker::Code [AATTgkunwar]( - [PR #1268]( Add Faker::Nation.national_sport [AATTgkunwar]( - [PR #1273]( Add Faker::Device [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1272]( Add [AATTtimcustard]( - [PR #1270]( Add Faker::Name.middle_name [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1266]( Add Faker::Science.element_symbol [AATTtimcustard]( - [PR #1101]( Add Faker::Company.czech_organisation_number [AATTjindrichskupa]( - [PR #1265]( Add Faker::WorldCup [AATTsnayrouz]( - [PR #1141]( Add Faker::Coffee.intensifier [AATToyeanuj]( - [PR #1260]( Add Faker::Auto features to Faker::Vehicle [AATTmrstebo]( - [PR #1259]( Add the ability to add separators to emails. [AATTaamarill]( - [PR #1064]( Add Faker::Markdown.sandwich [AATTrussellschmidt]( - [PR #1222]( Add paragraph_by_chars functionality [AATTjguthrie100]( - [PR #1107]( Add tokens to Faker::Stripe [AATTwecohere]( - [PR #1258]( Remove simplecov-console and add coverage_report rake task [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1247]( Generate capital city of random Nation [AATTgkunwar]( - [PR #1250]( House appliances [AATTrafaelcpalmeida]( - [PR #1239]( Update Faker::Food to separate out Fruits and Veggies [AATTsusiirwin]( - [PR #1221]( Updated the Readme file with the new logo [AATTtobaloidee]( - [PR #1109]( Added Princess Bride [AATTjayphodges]( - [PR #987]( Add Faker::Cannabis class [AATTGhostGroup]( - [PR #1199]( Add Faker::StrangerThings [AATTConnerh92]( - [PR #1129]( Added SingularSiegler quotes [AATTsplashinn]( - [PR #1235]( Added Faker::Community [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1144]( Added polish_register_of_national_economy and polish_taxpayer_identification_number [AATTrafalpetryka]( - [PR #1201]( Adding Currency Symbol to Faker [AATTSaimonL]( - [PR #1230]( Add Faker::SwordArtOnline [AATTlnchambers]( - [PR #792]( Add Faker::FamousLastWords [AATTsusiirwin]( - [PR #1174]( Dota API: Str Heroes, heroes quotes, Items, Teams, Players [AATTfelipesousafs]( - [PR #1220]( Updates for Faker::Myst [AATTSpyMaster356]( - [PR #1218]( Add Faker::Myst [AATTSpyMaster356]( - [PR #818]( LoremFlickr support [AATTmrstebo]( - [PR #1192]( Space: Added space launch vehicule [AATTgauth-ier]( - [PR #1211]( Add bands, genres, and albums to Music [AATTjmkoni]( - [PR #1215]( Added Nato Phonetic Alphabet [AATTtimcustard]( - [PR #1209]( Add Faker::Source [AATTgraciano]( - [PR #1147]( Add Spanish citizen id and docs [AATTPuZZleDucK]( - [PR #1189]( Add Faker::Football [AATTAlexGascon]( - [PR #1202]( adds both inclusive and binary gender option [AATTjmkoni]( - [PR #1193]( Add Faker::MichaelScott API [AATTsnayrouz]( - [PR #1179]( Random color with Placeholdit [AATTnicolas-brousse]( - [PR #1190]( Add Nation object, its specs and docs [AATTgkunwar]( - [PR #1210]( Add coveralls [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #924]( Rubocop + fixes [AATTstephengroat]( - [PR #900]( Add Japanese lorem words to locale [AATTvietqhoang]( [#]## Update/add locales - [PR #1297]( Faker::WorldCup updates [AATTJoaoHenriqueVale]( - [PR #616]( add german commerce translations [AATTweh]( - [PR #1281]( Some competitions were in the coaches array [AATTEusebiotrigo]( - [PR #1103]( Fix inconsistent capitalization in dishes, ingredients and spices, and some other small issues under \'food\' [AATTevrimfeyyaz]( - [PR #1262]( Add fr_CH locale [AATTelentras]( - [PR #1261]( Add fr_CA locale [AATTelentras]( - [PR #1275]( Fix typo; RedWine should be two words [AATTjohnmuhl]( - [PR #1269]( Update locales [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1140]( Add Estonian and Latvian locales [AATTmaciej-szlosarczyk]( - [PR #1249]( Update list of name prefixes for sv locale. [kamilbielawski]( - [PR #1228]( Added Japanese color to yml [AATTkatao]( - [PR #1106]( Adds turkish phone number formats [AATTzasman]( - [PR #794]( Adding country code + minor locale updates [AATTvveliev]( - [PR #439]( Remove Eichmann surname [AATTjonahwh]( - [PR #1203]( Finnish locale has 50 most common male, female, and last names [AATTGlenf]( - [PR #1183]( Correct the spelling of Gringotts [AATTrhoen]( - [PR #1236]( Updates dessert faker [AATTsusiirwin]( - [PR #1229]( sv.yml: Typos [AATTolleolleolle]( - [PR #1108]( Update Faker::Dessert [AATTnatalietate]( - [PR #1122]( Fix formatting for Brazilian phone and cell phone numbers [AATTlucasqueiroz]( - [PR #1138]( Update locales - Faker::Overwatch [AATTtanner0101]( - [PR #1117]( Added Ukrainian entries to yml [AATTRomanIsko]( [#]## Bug/Fixes - [PR #1305]( Fix YAML syntax - single quote escape (on vehicle.yml) [AATTYumaInaura]( - [PR #1196]( Fix PhoneNumber in es-MX [AATTdrewish]( - [PR #1133]( Fix I18n 0.9.3 compatibility [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #1292]( Fix flexible keys crashing when current locale does not provide them [AATTdeivid-rodriguez]( - [PR #1274]( Allow Faker::Address.zip_code to have leading zero [AATTigor-starostenko]( - [PR #1241]( Add missing tests reported by SimpleCov [AATTaamarill]( - [PR #1240]( Add some tests [AATTaamarill]( - [PR #1238]( pluralized file to match link name in the readme [AATTConnerh92]( - [PR #1232]( Fix file permissions [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #1205]( Show the type of field that violated a uniqueness constraint [AATTAndrewRayCode]( - [PR #1227]( Update RuboCop to 0.56.0 [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #1225]( Test against latest Ruby versions [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #1134]( Test against latest Ruby versions [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #1223]( Fix minitest warnings [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1198]( Rename methods on Faker::Types to avoid shadowing ruby standard methods [AATTMarcPer]( - [PR #1142]( Missing i18n jobs fix [AATTPuZZleDucK]( - [PR #1213]( Add missing tests after adding Coveralls [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1212]( Coveralls should ignore test folder [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1181]( Fix: Moved the Google Omniauth key id_info from root into extra [AATTSirRawlins]( - [PR #1207]( use default rake task [AATTstephengroat]( - [PR #1136]( Modify Faker::Internet.slug [AATTphilduffen]( - [PR #1170]( First_name and last_name should use the parse method - :ru locale [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1197]( Fixes NL postcode [AATTJonathanWThom]( - [PR #1172]( Fix Fixnum reference warning [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1173]( Fix tests warning [AATTvbrazo]( [#]## Chores - [PR #1304]( Fix Faker::Source ruby language examples [AATTYumaInaura]( - [PR #1306]( Rename Internet#user_name to #username [AATTtylerhunt]( - [PR #1293]( Update RuboCop to 0.57.2 [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #1294]( Simpler requiring of test helper [AATTdeivid-rodriguez]( - [PR #1288]( rake console changes - description and [AATTMarcPer]( - [PR #719]( Random words to add should be 0 [AATTswapsCAPS]( [#]## Documentation - [PR #1121]( Better docs for Faker::Food.description [AATTjujulisan]( - [PR #1257]( Fix method name in Faker::SingularSiegler [AATTmrstebo]( - [PR #1256]( Fixing documentation - Faker::Name to Faker::Zelda [AATTmrstebo]( - [PR #1254]( Added missing documentation. [AATTmrstebo]( - [PR #1252]( Add missing documentation - Faker::Address to Faker::Myst [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1248]( Remove duplications from [AATTvrinek]( - [PR #1146]( Update company docs [AATTPuZZleDucK]( - [PR #974]( Specify version number each class was introduced [AATTdarylf]( - [PR #1128]( Use ruby syntax highlighting in Omniauth doc [AATTswrobel]( - [PR #1204]( Update sample output of `Faker::App.version` [AATTjoshuapinter]( - [PR #1135]( Added documentation for dumb and dumber [AATTcnharris10]( - [PR #1177]( Update Faker::Number.between docs [AATTSpyMaster356]( - [PR #1124]( Fix ranges for Brazilian zip codes [AATTlucasqueiroz]( - New collaborator - Vitor Oliveira [AATTvbrazo]( [#]## Deprecation - [PR #1264]( Prepare Faker::Name.job_titles and Faker::Name.title for deprecation - Removing these methods as they are available in `Faker::Job`
* Tue Jan 02 2018 Updated to version 1.8.7 Additions Faker::Company.type Faker::Job.education_level and Faker::Job.employment_type More characters and quotes for Seinfeld Fixes Revert a change in 1.8.5 that caused Star Wars methods to return a single string rather than an array (#1093)
* Fri Dec 22 2017 Updated to version 1.8.6 From the changelog: Additions Faker::App.semantic_version Faker::Types New methods in Faker::StarWars: call_squadron, call_sign, call_number Other changes Changed i18n depedency from ~> 0.9.1 to >= 0.7
* Thu Dec 14 2017 updated to version 1.8.5 see installed
* Thu Aug 03 2017 updated to version 1.8.4 see installed
* Sun Feb 05 2017 updated to version 1.7.3 see installed [#]# [v1.7.3]( (2017-02-04) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - Creates invalid UK postcodes [\\#790]( - remove first name Adolf [\\#788]( - Config for adding format restriction. [\\#695]( - How to avoid special characters in faker string field [\\#615]( - Add Demographic Data [\\#585]( - OmniAuth ready responses [\\#507]( - US Zip Codes Sometimes Returns Non-Actual Zip Codes [\\#275](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Harry Potter [\\#820]( ([jaclynjessup]( - Update readme [\\#819]( ([ktrant84]( - en.yml: Typo Golum -\\> Gollum [\\#816]( ([jtibbertsma]( - Add Faker::Twitter [\\#815]( ([abraham]( - Fixed Validity of UK postcodes [\\#814]( ([darkstego]( - Fixed russian locale [\\#813]( ([fobo66]( - Allow unique values to be cleared [\\#810]( ([dslh]( - Friends info [\\#808]( ([ktrant84]( - Update [\\#805]( ([Frylock13]( - adds Zelda [\\#800]( ([audy]( - Remove the word \'fap\' [\\#798]( ([probablycorey]( - en.yml: fix typo in demographic race [\\#797]( ([PascalSchumacher]( - Adds Faker::Demographic [\\#796]( ([baron816]( - Typofix: nfinite -\\> Infinite [\\#795]( ([mgold]( - Update output for zip functions [\\#787]( ([yovasx2]( - doc fix [\\#786]( ([ieldanr]( - Refactors code in some Faker basic classes [\\#785]( ([tiagofsilva](
* Sat Jan 14 2017 updated to version 1.7.2 see installed [#]# [v1.7.2]( (2017-01-03) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - Faker::Avatar error: read server certificate B: certificate verify failed [\\#763]( - assert\\(/.+AATT\\[^.\\].+\\.\\w+/\\) fails randomly [\\#737]( - Incorrect HSL color format [\\#728]( - Can we add the \\#Hacktoberfest label for pull requests this month [\\#717]( - Faker::Boolean.boolean error [\\#714]( - Faker::Food not found [\\#688]( - Fix seed for random values [\\#684]( - README alphabetical order of Usage [\\#660]( - At which point do we break off functionality? [\\#653]( - Time zone abbreviation [\\#631]( - ruby 2.3.1 rails 5 [\\#627]( - Faker::Time::between doesn\'t respect requested period [\\#526](
*Merged pull requests:
* - IPv4: private and reserved [\\#784]( ([randoum]( - Update bank method [\\#783]( ([swapnilchincholkar]( - Refactors code in some base classes [\\#782]( ([tiagofsilva]( - Refactors code in some base classes [\\#781]( ([tiagofsilva]( - Refute blank [\\#707]( ([SherSpock]( [#]# [v1.7.1]( (2016-12-25) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - Getting \"Segmentation fault: 11\" when I upgrade last 3 repos to faker 1.7.0 [\\#780]( - New release? [\\#767](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Added Faker::Fillmurray hotlink to usages list [\\#779]( ([Jedeu](
* Sun Dec 25 2016 updated to version 1.7.0 History.txt removed upstream
* Tue Jul 26 2016 updated to version 1.6.6 see installed History.txt == 1.6.6 2016-07-25
* Added Faker::GameOfThrones, Faker::Pokemon
* Fixes for, Faker::Hacker.say_something_smart
* Sun Jul 10 2016 updated to version 1.6.5 see installed History.txt == 1.6.5 2016-07-08
* Removed
* Thu Jul 07 2016 updated to version 1.6.4 see installed History.txt == 1.6.4 2016-07-06
* Removed support for Ruby 1.9.3
* Added Faker::ChuckNorris, Faker::Crypto, Faker::Educator, Faker::File, Faker::Music, Faker::Space, Faker::Vehicle, and Faker::Yoda
* Fixed bug with credit card types
* DST fixes in Faker::Time
* Added Faker::Name.name_with_middle
* Added Faker::Code.imei
* Added Faker::Code.asin
* Added Faker::Lorem.question and Faker::Lorem.questions
* Added Faker::Internet.private_ip_v4_address
* Added Faker::Company.australian_business_number
* Other miscellaneous fixes and locale updates
* Wed Mar 02 2016 updated to version 1.6.3 see installed History.txt == 1.6.3 2016-02-23
* Fix for UTF problem in Ruby 1.9.3
* Fix for Faker::StarWars.character
* Updated sv locale
* Sun Feb 21 2016 updated to version 1.6.2 see installed History.txt == 1.6.2 2016-02-20
* Fix for locale-switching (Russian email addresses)
* Added Faker::Beer, Faker::Boolean, Faker::Cat, Faker::StarWars, and Faker::Superhero
* Added Faker::Color.color_name
* Added Faker::Date.between_except
* Fixed Faker::Internet.ip_v4_cidr and Faker::Internet.ip_v6_cidr
* Added locales: ca, ca-CAT, da-DK, fi-FI, and pt
* Tue Nov 24 2015 updated to version 1.6.1 see installed History.txt == 1.6.1 2015-11-23
* Fix for locale issues in tests == 1.6.0 2015-11-23
* Lots of bug fixes -- most notably, a fix for email addresses and domains in non-en locales
* Updated locales: de, en-AU, en-NZ, en-SG, en-US, en-au-ocker, en, es, fr, he, it, ja, nb-NO, pl, pt-BR, sk, and zh-CN
* Updated classes: Address, Avatar, Book, Code, Commerce, Company, Hipster, IDNumber, Internet, Number, Placeholdit, Shakespeare, and Time
* Tue Aug 18 2015 updated to version 1.5.0 see installed History.txt == 1.5.0 2015-08-17
* Added logos
* Added Slack Emoji
* Updated image generators
* Updated Dutch Locale
* Added support for generating RGB values, HSL colors, alpha channel, and HSLA colors
* Added locale for Uganda
* Added basic Ukrainian support
* Added university name generator
* Updated documentation
* Updated a variety of locales
* Various fixes
* Wed Oct 15 2014 updated to version 1.4.3
* Updated Russian locale
* Added EIN generator
* Fixed Swedish locale
* Added birthday to Faker::Date
* Added Faker::App == 1.4.2 2014-07-15
* Added Swedish locale
* README update == 1.4.1 2014-07-04
* Bugfix and cleanup == 1.4.0 2014-07-03
* Many enhancements and bugfixes