Changelog for python312-o2sclpy-0.929-1.4.noarch.rpm :

* Tue Jul 09 2024 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 0.929:
* No release notes.- Switch to pyproject_
* macros for builds (adds BuildRequires: python-pip and python-wheel).
* Fri Jan 26 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 0.928:
* Several improvements to documentation and examples.
* Reworked interp_krige, interp_krige_optim, interpm_krige and interpm_krige_optim.
* Fixed ioctl calls and removed default ncurses requirement.
* Improved multiprecision support in the integrators and created funct_multip_transform. Created a getfp, setfp, sets_vec_vec, and setd_vec_vec functions for hdf_file.
* Updated mcmc_para, eos_tov_interp, polylog, and eos_sn_hfsl classes.
* Removed old acolm_o2graph functions.
* Updated fermion_rel class, continuing work on multiprecision support.
* Updated python interface for several classes.
* Created new classes vec_prob_dens_mdim, vec_prob_cond_mdim, prob_dens_func_gmm,
* Created new classes gmm_python, kde_python, interpm_python and reworked python support.
* Created new FFT functions, rng_set_seed(), rng_set_seed_mpi(), screenify_trans(), backslashify(),
* Created new example ex_tensor.
* Created acol command to-hist for table3d objects, interp-table3d for table objects, to-gmm for table objects, refine for table3d and hist_2d objects. Improved commands generic, autocorr, to-gaussian. Improved handling of string[] objects. Renamed entry to value and entry-grid to value-grid.
* Work on experimental emulator classes and experimental exp_max.
* Deprecated class interp, now superceded by interp_vec.
* Generalized axpy_prod() for other linear algebra libraries.
* Updated docker files, now including python support, tensorflow, and sckit-learn.
* Fixed table::delete_column(), tensor_grid::copy_table3d_align(), tensor_grid::grid_rearrange_and_copy().
* Created new unicode mode for format_float().
* Sun Aug 21 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 0.926:
* No release notes.- Bump requires o2scl-devel version (must be at least o2sclpy version).- Add rpmlintrc file to suppress rpmlint errors about the o2scl-devel Requires.- More file-grained file list to make sure egg-info carries the correct version number.
* Thu Apr 22 2021 Steve Kowalik - Do not build for Python 3.6, due to no NumPy.
* Thu Dec 31 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 0.925
* No release notes.- Drop additional source file LICENSE as it is now included in o2sclpy source tarball.- Improve package description.- Bump o2scl-devel required version to 0.925.
* Thu May 21 2020 Petr Gajdos - %python3_only -> %python_alternative
* Mon Jan 06 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Initial package.