Changelog for blender-293-2.93.15-1.39.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Feb 21 2023 Hans-Peter Jansen - Update to 2.93.15: + Regession: Smooth modifier with vergex group not work for negative factors. [#104176] + GPencil: Cutter Tool flattening caps on both sides of the stroke being trimmed. [#104243] + Restoring a key in the keymap editor doesn’t work if the key is only disabled. [#90893] + GP/Annotation UI: Wrong icon and behaviour in the wrong regions. [#88617] + Grease Pencil merge down layer duplicates wrong frame. [#104371] + Fix build error in libc_compat when using musl libc. [5d8fd91d790] + GLibC Compat: Add deprecated memory hooks symbols removed from 2.34. [db00b50ac70] + Fix compilation on Linux, glibc 2.34, and CentOS libraries. [d730280c026] * Fri Feb 03 2023 Stefan Brüns - Fix build with Boost >= 1.18, add upstream Add_missing_iostream_header.patch * Fri Jan 20 2023 Hans-Peter Jansen - Update to 2.93.14: + Regression: Incorrect icon displaying of Weighted Normal modifier in the outliner. [T102993] + Different texture direction for box projection mode in OSL. [T103615] + Modifier tools don’t support greasepencil modifiers. [T103455]- Update to 2.93.13: + Clicking on Favourites will rename them. [T89515]- Update to 2.93.12: + Pose bone ID property driver causes dependency cycle. [T87039] + Cycles Render Light Paths. [T89199] + Color indicating animation status missing from many icon buttons (all defined with emboss=False). [T89350] + mathutils.geometry.intersect_line_line does not behave consistently for 2D vectors on Linux. [T101591] + Walk mode: when you press space button too fast, gravity disables. [T99997] + Node color is different from color panel. [T99603] + File Browser: Move Bookmark buttons malfunction if no item is selected. [T102014] + ColorRamp Keyframes crash Blender. [T85870] + Properties Editor Attribute panels errors when pinning mesh. [T102045] + audaspace: Fix build error with MSVC 17.4+. [rBac7b4855bd9] + There is no “Knife” tool in the menu. [T102187] + UV editor: missing UV outlines in texture paint mode. [T100926] + No Camera Found in Scene – Not True. [T102514] + Fix: greasepencil selection of entire_strokes not working. [rB9a537b63a5a] + Grease Pencil: Brush cursors not shown if the file is opened with sculpt/vertex-/weightpaint mode. [T102685] + Fix: missing greasepencil hook modifier relationship lines. [rB1f30e7c183c] * Sat Dec 03 2022 Hans-Peter Jansen - Use ffmpeg4 libs * Sun Nov 06 2022 Hans-Peter Jansen - Use .so build of embree * Sun Oct 09 2022 Hans-Peter Jansen - Update to 2.93.11: + GPencil strokes cannot be edited after set origin. [T99979] + Regression: Crash on toggling display mode of wave modifier in edit mode. [T100191] + Regression: Surface Deform Modifier does not display correctly in Edit Mode while a Vertex Group is assigned to the Modifier. [T100578] + Sync markers option doesn’t work when sliding keyframes with a keyboard entry. [T100851] + Curve tools: Crash on undo operation. [T93189] + Apply transform fails to clear delta transform values. [T99070] + Apply object transform fails with delta quaternion rotation. [T100606] + UV editor: Console warning when hovered over tools. [T101138] + EEVEE: Screen Space Refraction Artefacts when the viewport is narrow and non square. [T101034] + Moving bone to another layer doesn’t trigger a depsgraph update. [T101046] + Blender 3.2.1 – Animation on nodes gets bugged out when dealing with Node Groups (duplicate node names). [T101109] + GPencil: framechanging does not evaluate keyframed layer transform correctly (if this would result in identity matrix). [T101164] + UI Animation Render: Attribute error when running in background. [T101239] * Sat Sep 10 2022 Hans-Peter Jansen - Update to 2.93.10 + Fix (unreported) bad memory access in read/write code of MeshDeform modifier. [rB8f530d6a47d] + UV editor: Face dot color changes with the active vertex color. [T98699] + Stored Views “AttributeError: SpaceView3D object has no attribute ‘cursor_location\'”. [T81285] + COLLADA: Support for alpha color in vertex data. [rBd7901ed6070874685579775f78d0775692cba816] + Fix: Incorrect coordinates used in BLI_rct *_isect_segment functions. [rB41689bb310469d85d9eae59ca578f4a15dc0e80b] + Fix Python SystemExit exceptions silently exiting. [rBbc9d461ab0e178c45f681ee4154b97e94fa45156] + Fix (studio-reported) crash in some rare cases in blendfile read code. [rBddffd1bc9f52eb461f433e355bc8ec2bd5dc148f] + Python: restrict name-space access for restricted evaluation. [rBd03a5fab7a4d0462091c93be52638015240f1afd] + Missing library / broken link warning does not go away when the broken link resolved and reloaded. [T99820]- Update to 2.93.9 + Cleanup: Avoid possible NULL pointer error. [rBdf5da16aa11] + Spline calc_length() crashes for NURBS curves with only a single point. [T95137] + Cleanup: use an intermediate value for cast_primitive_type. [rB05f631b7ad6] + Fix dna_genfile error converting signed int types to floating point. [rB87b77a97b94] + Blender Crashes to Desktop when viewing thumbnail of a certain HDRI. [T89542] + Keying sets for armatures in library overrides break if unrelated objects are changed in source file. [T95601] + Texture paint: Apply Camera Image crash when selecting a image. [T95787] + Fix broken shapekeys: check for ‘NULL’ `from` pointer too. [rBfc56ef5f970] + Magic UV: Pass correct argument for operator identifier. [rBAa99ece99] + Node Preset Addon crashes when used with Geometry Nodes. [T90845] + generator modifier : factorized polynomial don’t work properly. [T96195] + Fix memory leak evaluating PyDrivers. [rBc3fed26f376] + Workbench screnspace cavity not rendered in batch through command line. [T96243] + GPU: Allow the user to set an anisotropic filtering setting below the implementation-defined value of `GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT`. [rB3dc36b32a1e] + Regression: NLA crash when reordering tracks if no object is selected. [T96624] + Gpencil: Inverted Fill makes extra stroke at origin (0,0,0). [T96790] + Baked particles dont render in final frame. [T68290] + Adjust Last Operation panel is slow (some Undo/Redo happening?). [T85756] + Node mask selection does not take in consideration the parenting with the markers. [T97135] + Mask transform center doesn’t take parent Track into account. [T85467] * Thu Feb 10 2022 Hans-Peter Jansen - Update to 2.93.8 + Fix Cycles AVX test failure with x86_64 build running on Arm. [rBdeca1be48077f9f12a2047817616758e0affd3e5] + Fix/workaround macOS Rosetta crash running Cycles AVX tests. [rB2926f10ffe020a010fca3a6b9b735f475a9e2d9f] + 3d cursor crash when using shortcut. [T94109] + VSE: Scene strip doesn’t play audio. [T91012] + Python error when trying to add Grease Pencil brush preset. [T94375] + Shading/Normals break on array modifier caps. [T94422] + Grease Pencil Blur Effect “Use Depth of Field” visible in cameras NOT using DoF. [T94262] + Removing an image used for camera background from python console crashes blender. [T94544] + Grease Pencil Automerge icon doesn’t light up/turn off when toggled with a keypress. [T94366] + Mirror clipping is not properly placed in sculpt mode. [T94564] + bpy.types.SpaceSpreadsheet.draw_handler_add – TypeError: unknown space type ‘SpaceSpreadsheet’. [T94685] + Crash: Smooth brush in Surface mode with Anchored Stroke Method. [T94635] + GPencil: Eraser-Stroke doesn’t erase on end-point. [T94137] + hair disconnect/reconnect not working with modifiers. [T54488] + Fix: connecting hair fails on meshes with no generative modifiers. [rBe38a0eea5c9] + Out-of-bounds memory access in IMB_flipy() due to large image dimensions. [T94629] + Heap Buffer Overflow when viewing dds thumbnails in the file browser. [T86952] + Out-of-bounds memory access due to malformed DDS image file. [T94661] + Fix `PSYS_GLOBAL_HAIR` stripped even if connecting the hair fails. [rB66346a6852e] + Cycles: motion blur only applies on Left view. [T93995] + Autosplit Output gives unexepected results. [T91005] + Video Sequencer Preview with Prefetch Frames crashes inside Meta Strip. [T94768] + Grease Pencil Strokes drawn at 0.0 Strength still visible. [T94799] + Fix crash caused by exception in Python gizmo target get handler. [rBcaf362422e4] + GPencil: Copying keys doesn’t preserve Keyframe Type. [T94903] + Grease Pencil Drawing don’t Update after paste. [T94089] + Tilt works strangely in a poly curve (or other type with U resolution of 1) with only two control points. [T94837] + Boolean Apply Clearing custom data layers (bevel weight Weight / Vgroup Data). [T94197] * Tue Jan 25 2022 Hans-Peter Jansen - Update to 2.93.7 + macOS Catalina 10.15.7: Eevee crash with Intel HD 4000. [T92090] + Fix potential crash opening 3.0 blend files in older versions. [rB1d8d6c2f62bf0ee] + GPencil: Speed up Occlude Eraser. [rB4796865b466] + Crash erasing GPencil when occlusion test is enabled. [T92760] + “Flat Caps” on Cutter tool not working if cut is made in the middle of the stroke. [T93074] + Alembic export ignores Mantaflow particles (liquid, spray, foam, bubbles). [T93066] + Mixdown crashes Blender 2.92.0 and 3.0.0 Alpha. [T88614] + UV Maps are broken with Boolean Modifier (Fast Solver). [T92384] + Eevee instant crash with a custom node from template example. [T89260] + Channels in the Grease Pencil Dope Sheet still visible while collection is hidden. [T93194] + Frame Selected does not work in Grease Pencil Curve Edit Mode. [T93198] + Cannot animate Object Info Color in Cycles with Persistent Data ticked. [T93007] + FBX Import error (enum with -1 value — e.g. as done by the babylonjs exporter from 3dsmax). [T81657] + FBX export error if there is an action in NLA tweakmode. [T93209] + Freestyle NPR: Unknown curve blend type Crash. [T93320] + Freestyle: Sinus Displacement Division by Zero Crash. [T93322] + Curve Guide force field causes crash. [T93338] + Texture paint: crash when painting with clone brush. [T93117] + View/Frame Selected (Vertex Paint mode) not working. [T93130] + Freestyle seed in noise modifier can be zero (leading to crash). [T89081] + Rotation Chooses Wrong Axis. [T93290] + Magic UV: Remove online updater. [rBA69c817b8] + Curve based rig broken since 2.93. [T89564] + Reload Library Override file loses Constraints. [T93353] + Subdividing with overlapping tri and quad crashes Blender. [T93563] + Relax/Push Pose operator not working on quaternion rotation. [T92043] + LineArt: Shifting fix for different camera fitting. [rBd23303e27d75cef439755c8bc193128affab568a] + Node Wrangler – Principled Texture Setup error (with Relative Path option and blendfile and textures are on different drives). [T77022]- Update to 2.93.6 + Failed assert when dragging object data-block into 3D View. [T87703] + Can’t duplicate or copy (Ctrl-C) object from linked file. [T90840] + arm64: Viewport and Timeline jump large distances when scrolling the pointer off screen using Shift-Middle Mouse. [T88386] + Cycles render artefacts with motion blur turned on. [T91728] + VSE: Implement sanity check for files with more channels than supported. [rBaaa85ad2e0f] + Some Editors (e.g. Outliner) can be synced with animation editor (‘Sync visible Range’). [T91237] + Crash in sculpt mode using “Smooth” brush and tab with tablet stylus. [T89164] + [GPUOffscreen] draw_view3d doesn’t apply color management settings. [T84227] + Cycles – Rendering on a Nvidia A100 crashes/fails on Google Colab. [T91879] + Fix LLVM 12 symbol conflict with Mesa drivers, after recent Linux libs update. [rBd3f04702890] + GPencil: Memory leak removing stroke from python. [T92185] + Camera BG jitter offset (regression). [T91398] + EEVEE: Specular BSDF incompatible with Shader to RGB when SSR is active. [T88766] + Fix missing null-terminator in BLI_string_join_arrayN. [rB554b1b1663a] + Blender crashes after selecting any object in outliner hierarchy (using statistics overlay). [T92246] + Auto naming of the Vertex Group doesn’t work for Grease Pencil. [T92314] + Clicking in Library Overrides Outliner triggers crash in this file. [T92265] + Crash to desktop with boolean modifier. [T90818] + Crash when calling delete to an empty space with an unselected layer in the outliner. [T91411] + Remesh-bug.crash. [T92355] + 2.93: Crash on system with a non-English locale. [T88877] + Blender LTS: Maintenance Task 2.93. [T88449] + Image Editor doesn’t display stereoscopic images. [T92608] + LibOverride: Fix crash in ShapeKeys when making a mesh override local. [rB9a290dd657] + Fix missing proper ‘make local’ call for liboverrides from outliner. [rB9a80455d8774d6b] + Appending crashes. [T89516] + Bones in transformed armatures (rotation and scale) don’t scale properly to cursor. [T92515] + Blender 3.0 – Planar Track – Only half of the image appears in the MovieClip Editor. [T92807]- See also https://www.blender.org/download/lts/2-93/ * Tue Dec 14 2021 Hans-Peter Jansen - Relocate this build to blender-293- Sync build options with blender 3.0.0 * Tue Oct 12 2021 Hans-Peter Jansen - Update to 2.93.5 + Crash selecting 3D tracking marker. [T90651] + Image Editor not sampling color from the the currently selected pass. [T90772] + PulseAudio breaks animation playback in new scene (no imported sound involved) LTS backport, 3.0 is fine. [T90887] + Blender popup windows open on the wrong screen. [T90752] + Fix buffer size mismatch in SCRIPT_OT_python_file_run. [rB515bdda3d9c] + Fix invalid mask use for the UV-project modifier. [rB969d6d3a0ff] + Fix “Text to Object” creating invisible object. [rB933c6b7d8a3] + Fix T88909: Win32 getTitle() UTF8 Support. [rBd6facd44b53] + Fix error scaling thumbnails to zero dimensions. [rB16637e7ff40] + Audio causes issues with Playback when PC put to Sleep, Hibernate or when Screensaver appears. [T88887] + GPencil Time Offset Modifier together with Armature Modifier or/and Lattice Modifier broken in 2.93.3. [T91060] + Grease Pencil: Adding driver in Transform doesn’t behave as expected during playback. [T88433] + GPencil: Sculpt Smooth Brush is using Affect Pressure but is not used internally. [T91159] + Loop Tools Relax. [T90600] + Text “Scale to Fit” no longer working properly since 2.93.4. [T91401] + Fix memory leak if an error occurred assigning id-property sequence. [rBec448d5a6ac] + Bisect straight line gesture features dont work (“Flip” / “Snap” option). [T91320] + Workbench doesn’t respect GP simplify options when rendering. [T91448] + GPencil: Scripting weight_get and Vertex Groups not working at expected with several groups. [T91511] + GPencil: Interpolate Sequence crash and quit. [T91534] + Eevee ambient occlusion is incorrect on M1 macMini. [T87801] + Intel HD graphics: Changing Roughness Value to 0 causes mesh to be black. [T88754] + VSE playback periodically refuses to work (Pulseaudio, OpenAL seems fine). [T89045] + GPencil: Tint modifier “apply” removes the effect. [T91607] + Texture Paint Stencil doesn’t use assigned UV Layer. [T91557] + Fix default surface resolution U/V mis-match. [rB4528c9a357a] + Fix ‘WM_window_find_under_cursor’. [rB1ff10bb6d18] + Fix building without audaspace. [rBaf42086e743]- See also https://www.blender.org/download/lts/2-93/ * Wed Sep 08 2021 Mathias Homann - Update to 2.93.4 + VSE: Flush audio encode after finishing video export. [rB85c08c9717b] + FFMPEG: Fix building with older versions that need FFMPEG_USE_DURATION_WORKAROUND. [rB7ec351c0d53] + VSE: Fix “off by one” error when encoding audio. [rB9511009438d] + VSE: Fix memory leak when adding bad image/movie strips. [rB54a821e8fd7] + VSE: Fix video strip duration calculation. [rBd486d248687] + VSE: Fix seeking issues. [rB00dd68405d8] + VSE: Fix audaspace not reading ffmpeg files with start offset correctly. [rB489df7ac88c] + VSE: Use lines to draw waveform. [rBc634d859b21] + M2T video seeking is broken. [T87967] + Add sanity NULL checks when loading sound sequences. [rB1a4122d4415] + wrong address to get boost libraries in /build_files/build_environment/install_deps.sh. [T90719] + Effect Strip added to a nested Metastrip gets duplicate name (thus inherits fcurves from other Strips). [T90737] + Memorie spike shrink-wrap and geometry nodes. [T89429] + Fix: DNA struct alignment on 32 bit. [rB9fb9bf59967] + Makesdna: Fix detecting 32 bit padding issues. [rB70df9119f46] + Fix FTBFS on mips64el architecture. [rB9d94b358ca1] + Fix memory leak with building springs in the cloth simulator. [rB20f04ce62af] + Knife project leaks memory each time a text, curve, or surface object is used for cutting. [T90791] + Grease Pencil layer transformations ignored by select tool. [T90690] + Fix memory leak in edit-mesh dissolve degenerate. [rBe1e2abd4bf0] + Scale to Fit overflows into a second line. [T89241] + Memory leak after importing a model/ toggling shading workspace. [T88033] + ASAN: Trying to Undo a knife-project operation causes heap-use- after-free failure. [T90493] + blender 2.93.1 fails to build with python 3.10.0b4 (upcoming python 3.10). [T89931] + Incorrect result of Vector Projection (Geometry Nodes -> Attribute Vector Math). [T90567] + Grease Pencil Reproject Strokes on surfaces from a camera’s point of view is incorrectly placing the strokes on the Back Faces when canvas is intersecting the object. [T89101] + Something in Blender can generate invalid (Nan) values in UVMaps. [T79775] + Blender Crashing when opening file. [T89805] + bpy.types.Object.parent_bone not reset when clearing a bone parent. [T88498] + UI bugs in NLA Editor and Action Editor. [T87681] + Animation channels widgets (graph, action, NLA, *dopesheet *) block input for the search channel, and invert search toggle. [T90364] * Sat Aug 21 2021 Hans-Peter Jansen - Clean up compiler related build conditionals- Build with included GLEW (linking with system GLEW fails) * Fri Aug 20 2021 pgajdosAATTsuse.com- fix build with openexr 3- added patches + blender-293-openexr3.patch * Thu Aug 19 2021 Hans-Peter Jansen - Update to 2.93.3 https://www.blender.org/download/releases/2-93/- Make OpenEXR/IlmBase Half implementation selectable (not operational)- Reorganize cmake parameter similar to Release config * Mon Jul 05 2021 Hans-Peter Jansen - Remove old tarball- Supplement Yavor\'s changelog- Adjust reproducible.patch- Switch to Python 3.9 build, remove 3.6 compatibility code If this package is wanted for Leap, please add an conditional to build it with a local Python >= Python 3.9, and fix the fallout- Remove make_python_3.6_compatible.patch- Refine OpenColorIO dependency (>= 2.0) * Sun Jul 04 2021 Yavor Uzunov - Update to 2.93.1 https://www.blender.org/download/releases/2-93/ * Sun Jul 04 2021 Yavor Uzunov - Fixed typo in \"blender.appdata.xml\" * Thu Mar 18 2021 Martin Liška - Enlarge dwz memory limits. * Fri Feb 26 2021 Marcus Rueckert - Update to 2.92.0 https://www.blender.org/download/releases/2-92/- drop 0001-Dont-hide-required-uint64-atomic-ops-when-available.patch included in update- pass the path for the numpy includes to cmake as the autodetect does not work right now. * Tue Feb 09 2021 Hans-Peter Jansen - Exclude separately packaged demo files from main package * Sat Feb 06 2021 Hans-Peter Jansen - Relocate new demo files into -demo package, and recommend it- /usr/bin/blender-sample gained logic to deal with both geeko demos intelligently. * Fri Jan 22 2021 Hans-Peter Jansen - Update to 2.91.2 Checked items at: https://developer.blender.org/T83216- Add geeko_example_scene.{blend,README} and load it from /usr/bin/blender-sample * Sat Jan 09 2021 Hans-Peter Jansen - Require libomp9 devel dependency for Leap 15.2 explicitly in order to workaround a llvm setup issue * Fri Jan 01 2021 Hans-Peter Jansen - Apply fix to make_python_3.6_compatible.patch provided by Mohamed Amazirh (fixes boo#1174816) * Wed Dec 09 2020 Jason Craig - Fix grammatical error in SUSE-NVIDIA-GPU-rendering.txt * Fri Nov 27 2020 Marcus Rueckert - enable lto for the clang based build- always build with SUSE_ASNEEDED=0 building with clang and gcc fails during linking of bin/blender- make it easier to force a new GCC version throughout the spec file: we just need one define now force_gcc_version and all parts of the spec file will follow- bump memory size for LTO linking * Fri Nov 27 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen - enable Cycles OPENCL support * Thu Nov 26 2020 Marcus Rueckert - use clang for systems with gcc older than 10. actually gets a working build. using clang on TW would require fixing the lto support first. clang complains about -flto=auto not supported. * Thu Nov 26 2020 Marcus Rueckert - drop unneeded %post(un) scriptlets. they are handled via trigger now. fixes the warning about empty scriplets * Thu Nov 26 2020 Marcus Rueckert - disable system audaspace: the intree copy is patched now so the API no longer match- disable SUSE_ASNEEDED for now as it leads undefined references while linking blender- add potrace-devel to enable the tracing feature- add gmpxx buildrequire to fix warning about missing library- disable buildinfo option as it relies on git- pass numpy path so it actually finds the includes- refreshed patches: reproducible.patch make_python_3.6_compatible.patch- update naming of the cuda/cubin options to the new schema * Wed Nov 25 2020 Marcus Rueckert - Update to 2.91.0 https://www.blender.org/download/releases/2-91/ https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Reference/Release_Notes/2.91 * Tue Oct 13 2020 Stefan Brüns - Explicitly disable embree on PPC *.- Fix 32 bit architectures, add 0001-Dont-hide-required-uint64-atomic-ops-when-available.patch- Remove pointless physicalmemory _constraints already covered by memoryperjob constraint. * Thu Sep 24 2020 Marcus Rueckert - Update to 2.90.1 - Decimate Modifier: Restore vertex group factor property in UI. rB97c6c4e47883 - GPencil Opacity modifier not working. T80289 - Extrude manifold can generate invalid geometry. T80233 - Re-ordering face maps messes up the names of other face maps. T79973 - Crash when deleting custom orientation. T80426 - Crash after duplicating and hiding vertices while using X Axis. T80224 - principle volume shader not working for world in Eevee. T80332 - Eevee OpenVDB render error when frames miss part of the grids. T79718 - PY API doc: fix doc for new override option of properties. rB09ef19996509 - Crash when multi-mesh editing UVs with proportional editing. T80561 - Crash adding properties to material node-trees. T80238 - BLI_polyfill_calc exceeds stack size allocating points. T80604 - Crash deleting bone constraints when the armature layer is. T80464 - Cycles baking crash with locked-UI & background-mode. T71012 - Hook modifier crashes without vertex group data. T80516 - Mantaflow crash when adaptive domain + noise are enabled. T79626 - Mantaflow Noise Not working with Smoke/Smoke and Fire. T80372 - Vertex Colors not showing in edit mode. T78225 - Correct Face Attributes affecting modes not listed. T80623 - Edit Mode crash with shape keys created on blank mesh. T77584 - Crash accessing depsgraph from evaluated view layer. T62504 - Translations in python scripts are missing. T80589 - Crash reloading scripts from the Python console. T80694 - Library Override - Custom Property to Drive Child Particles results. T80457 - Crash on undo/ redo after changing modes. T78392 - UV edge select splits UV\'s for lasso/box/circle select. T80728 - potential crash in volume grids in Eevee shaders. T80630 - Fix OpenCL render error in large scenes. rB3dbb231ed2f8 - Add versioning for 2.90 files that may have invalid mesh. rB3a92a2df4519 - Texture paint camera project crashes after undo/redo. T80885 - Auto IK Double Generates IK constraints. T80437 - Cycles: Separate Embree device for each CPU Device. rB009971ba7adc - Cycles crash on macOS with older CPUs. T78793 - Fix invert vertex group weight miscalculation for modifiers. rBe0f13f41c681 - NLA Bake exception baking pose with non-pose selection. T61985 - Tris to Quads ignores UV delimit option. T80520 - Avoid changing the visibility of loose geometry. T80771 - Archipack: support for bmesh bevel arguments changes in 2.90. rBA8e1b4dd71b37 - Crash on editing multiple UVs of multiple different objects. T80899 * Mon Sep 07 2020 Guillaume GARDET - Disable explictly embree in cmake options. Fixes build on aarch64 and %arm * Thu Sep 03 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen - more spec cleanups * Tue Sep 01 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen - Adjust spec to - require gcc9-c++ at least - align configuration with official builds - prepare for usd and openxr additions (TBD) - add support for NVIDIA compute_75 platform - prepare for NVIDIA OptiX support- Add SUSE-NVIDIA-OptiX-rendering.txt * Mon Aug 31 2020 Marcus Rueckert - Update to version 2.90.0 https://www.blender.org/download/releases/2-90/ https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Reference/Release_Notes/2.90- some features from the C++ stdlib require C++17. bump std version to it.- refreshed make_python_3.6_compatible.patch * Sat Aug 29 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen - openvdb >= 7.1.0 interface requires C++14 in order to build successfully. * Sat Aug 22 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen - Update to version 2.83.5 - FCurve editor crash when zooming out to limit [T79254] - Crash displaying the same mesh in two windows [T79260] - Fix interface artifacts on Intel GPUs [388639243053] - Outliner “Make Single User” crash [T79187] - Eevee cubemaps shows black [T79158] - Smooth brushes crasing in dyntopo [T79007] - Too much memory usage rendering animation with persistent images [T78537] - CLOG writes/reads outside allocated memory. [T78730] - Crash converting curve to mesh [T79207] - Fix usercount not decrementing in `gpencil_stroke_separate_exec` [4251a87bf60e] - UV select-linked failure to de-select [T46568] - GPencil weight paint crash when painting over modifier generated [T78884] - Workbench: Fix broken id pass [38e9a349defc] - Workbench: Object color mode broken if more than 4096 objects [T79509] - GPUShader: compile error on AWS Elastic Graphics [T79246] - Blend file corrupted during save caused by high Cubemap Size [T78529] - EEVEE: LightCache: Add warning if the cache cannot be saved [fce71a255cb9] - Crash loading nested set-scenes [T79575] - Fix crash switching render slots when there is only one slot [a9e0aeaf653d] - Triangulate quads with ‘Beauty’ can make zero area faces [T79482] - “Add plane > align” causes crash when certain rigs are in the scene [T77847] - Crash when changing View Layer while VR session runs [T79324] - Video Sequencer image sequence strip source path breaks [T79676] - Crash rendering grease pencil from compositor with multiple scenes [T77885] - EEVEE: Crash on Macos due to lightcache baking [T79703] * Thu Aug 20 2020 Martin Liška - Use memoryperjob constraint instead of %limit_build macro. * Fri Aug 07 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen - Update to version 2.83.4 - Crash when adjusting sequencer property [T78999] - GPencil: Fix unreported missing strokes in interpolation [dcf7a0507755] - Crash related to viewing video files [T78867] - Mantaflow Field weights cannot be animated [T79264] - Batch Generate-Previews doesn’t work anymore [T79031] - Dimensions fail on negative scaled axis [T79272] - Scale to Fit Text Box fails when text is too narrow [T77609] - Copy-pasting strip twice crashes Blender [T77669] - Prefetching can corrupt .blend files [T78837] - Random crash editing shader nodes with textures [T78358] - Missing depsgraph relation when using sound strips in VSE [T78920] - Fix View3D “Mirror” menu, both “Global” and “Local” items are GLOBAL [4a9d903e2bfd] - Crash displaying many aligned buttons [T78636] - Follow Active Quads, divide by zero error [T68845] - Crash when removing strips with prefetching [T78573] - Fresh install of blender 2.83.0 not able to save user startup file [T78037] - Weight Transfer Operator target mesh doesn’t update [T78306] - Weight Transfer Operator “Deform Pose Bones” destination setting [T78308] - Object disappears when scaled, set origin etc after applying smooth [T79180]- remove 0001-Fix-T78867-Crash-related-to-viewing-video-files.patch as being fixed upstream * Wed Aug 05 2020 Michel Normand - Add physicalmemory for PowerPC in _constraints to avoid OOM failure * Thu Jul 30 2020 Guillaume GARDET - Increase %limit_build value to avoid OOM failures * Mon Jul 27 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen - After upgrading ffmpeg from 4.2.3 to 4.3.1, unaligned buffer accesses in yuv2rgb conversion result in segfaults: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/8747, https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/8532 Issue fixed for Blender with: https://developer.blender.org/rB6778ef4dcc6e8d92e3b2ec9b9ecaf1e54e5bf7b5 0001-Fix-T78867-Crash-related-to-viewing-video-files.patch * Fri Jul 24 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen - Update to version 2.83.3 - Fix alignment/size issue on ARM/RPi architecture [9c41744ef4] - EEVEE: Cubemaps shows black [T75943] - Blender Freezes when using the 3d Scale Gizmo [T77455] - GPU: Apple/Nvidia Proxy check [T78175] - Fix missing GPU image free in background mode [9949b5098a] - Overlay: Weight colors are not in render in the right colorspace [T77780] - Cycles OpenCL error rendering empty scene [T77984] - Overlay: Edit mode + wire drawtype + infront not transparent [T77655] - Overlay: Sulpt overlay not working if object use in-front option [T76229] - Sculpt mode performance regression in 2.83 [T77641] - Faces missing, weird faces added [T74024] - Fix error when filtering in Outliner “Blender File” mode with libraries [d0c986b748] - Fix crash when use GPencil merge without materials [T78337] - Fix undefined behavior when using BSDF nodes inside volume shaders[T76171] - GPencil interpolation crash [T78134] - GPencil: Strokes go missing after Interpolation from another layer [T78042] - Workbench: “Not enough texture slots!” Message being spammed and lags the entire computer [T77759] * Sat Jul 11 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen - Supply a Recommends: %name-lang = %version, because current locale handling doesn\'t create locale(blender:..) provides correctly * Fri Jul 10 2020 Marcus Rueckert - Update to version 2.83.2 - Random crash when rendering animation [T77734] - Overlay: “Outline Selected” overlay doesnt affect armatures [T66934] - Crash when closing window while Outliner shows screens [ef0ded4df389] - Crash on undo Draw Face Sets stroke with dyntopo active [T77328] - Fix random crash in Cycles smoke volume loading [2d89951be54d] - UV Editor: Fix Vertex Overlay color not being color managed [000fbef35d24] - Crash after any alembic import undo in an empty scene [T77754] - Crash on proxied rig, custom bone shape, driver targeting rig [T77712] - Crash in VR session when opening material preview [T77830] - Fix memory leak calculating deform modifiers in edit-mode [91b455c00f28] - Incorrect handling of negative-scale bit in DRWResourceHandle [T77913] - VSE Sequencer/Preview crash after fullscreen [T78112] - Compositor Disabled Node Config -> SegFault [T67358] - Undo crash due to IDTemplate operations missing undo push [T78172] - Simple scene created in version 2.82 crashes Blender [T77460] * Wed Jul 08 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen - fix cycles dependency * Tue Jul 07 2020 Marcus Rueckert - Update to version 2.83.1 - Fix T77774: New undo code broken by ‘make local’ behavior - Audio SDL: Video editor Sound muted without muting it - Fix T77803: IK Degrees of freedom drawing glitch - Fix (unreported) wrong size of UserPreferences’ `dupflag` parameter. Fix Applied rBdceaef92d7a4: Fix (unreported) wrong size of UserPreferences’ `dupflag` parameter - Fix T77915: Cycles OSL microfacet closure not working in custom shaders - GPencil: Fix unreported Vertex Opacity Overlay not working - Fix T75414: Incorrect masking in Color Balance modifier - Fix T76767: Cycles performance regression with CLI renders - Fix T77853: Error reloading linked library - Fix missing hinting information in monospace font, rB783d3c675ac2: Fix missing hinting information in default font - Fix T77657: NVIDIA Quadro FX4800 crash on startup - GPencil: Improve viewlayer masking check - Fix T77148: Crash changing multiple values for sequencer strips - Fix T77047: Dyntopo Sample detail size on hidden mesh causes crash - Fix T74101: File Browser in macOS fullscreen crashes or makes windows unusable - Fix T77504: Operator search gives wrong results - Fix T76894: Disable clipping region selection in material/rendered mode - Fix T72936: Incorrect gizmo orientation with inherit rotation disabled - Fix menu operator/search clipping the last character Fix Applied rBf649e5c418d9: Fix menu operator/search clipping the last character - Fix T77603: OSL parser fails when script ends with comment without newline - Fix crash running “Edit Voxel Size” operator outside of a main 3D View region Fix Applied rB5fc252feaeab: Fix crash running “Edit Voxel Size” operator outside of a main 3D View region - GPencil: Fix unreported error in Dots Strokes material initialization - GPencil: Fix unreported Shift+F OPacity key not working - Calculate epsilon values for interp_weights_poly to improve accuracy Fix Applied rB9d5e5e282cff: Calculate epsilon values for interp_weights_poly to improve accuracy - Fix T76273 Glitches caused by glCopyImageSubData on windows + intel gpu Fix Applied rB7b754c8c9952: Fix T76273 Glitches caused by glCopyImageSubData on windows + intel gpu - Fix T77358: Gpencil can’t select geometry within transparent layers - Fix T77520: GPencil viewlayer filter produce crash with masking layers - Fix T77367: Blender’s snap package ignores command line options - Fix for T77095: work around render artifacts with AMD Radeon RX 4xx and 5xx - Fix T77164: scaling/rotation fails for 3 selected NURB points - Fix T77156: GPencil view layer filter by layer not working - Fix T77456: Broken vertex paint undo on high-poly objects - Fix T77448: Camera Solver constraint can’t be converted to f-curve- changes from version 2.83.0 https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Reference/Release_Notes/2.83- do not delete the fonts directory: it is actually needed for blender and we already packaged the license file- drop blender-add-OSL-1_11-compat.patch: included in update- refreshed patch to apply cleanly again: make_python_3.6_compatible.patch * Thu May 14 2020 Stefan Brüns - Readjust _constraints, x86_64 had the lowest constraint, but the most enabled features. The constraint was raised twice due to merging changes. 4G for anything but x86_64 is sufficient. * Tue May 12 2020 Stefan Brüns - Replace blender-bad-override.patch with upstream change, blender-add-OSL-1_11-compat.patch. The previous patch was just wrong, removing an override specifier just silences the compiler, ignoring the error it is meant to catch. * Fri Apr 24 2020 Dave Plater - Add blender-bad-override.patch to fix build with OpenShadingLanguage >= 2.0.0 * Fri Apr 03 2020 Bernhard Wiedemann - Add reproducible.patch to sort file lists to make package build reproducible (boo#1041090) * Fri Mar 13 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen - Update to version 2.82a: * Move 2.82a from beta to release * Fix shader build error * Fix T74425: Cannot texture paint an images sequence anymore * Fix T73369: corner pin & sun-beam nodes gizmos are too big * Fix T63892: Tools cannot be registered into some contexts (e.g. PAINT_TEXTURE) * Fix T74225: Image (from sequence) cannot be loaded * Fix Vertex weight gradient tool show wrong weight/strength values in the UI * Fix bone envelopes displaying wrong when armature is scaled * Fix T72028: Crash switching to vertex paint * Keymap: Add front/back Alt-MMB absolute view axis switching- Use git scm service to fetch the source * Sat Feb 29 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen - remove lang recommends- provide/obsolete blender-282-devel * Sun Feb 23 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen - Add SUSE-NVIDIA-GPU-rendering.txt * Wed Feb 19 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen - improve cuda configuration * Tue Feb 18 2020 Marcus Rueckert - Update to version 2.82: https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Reference/Release_Notes/2.82- dropped patches: 0001-Fix-T71680-_PyObject_LookupAttr-memory-leak.patch 0006-add_ppc64el-s390x_support.patch- refreshed patches: - make_python_3.6_compatible.patch dropped the memory leak fix from the patch- track series file in spec file to make quilt easier- enable _smp_mflags. seems to work with 2.82- drop unused options from the spec file: WITH_RAYOPTIMIZATION WITH_MOD_SMOKE * Wed Feb 05 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen - Update to version 2.81a: bugfix release, check: https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Reference/Release_Notes/2.81/a * Sun Jan 12 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen - Recommends lang package- Add Provides to deal with suffixed blender packages (blender-xxx) gracefully