Changelog for
blender-293-2.93.11-150400.5.12.x86_64.rpm :
* Sat Dec 03 2022 Use ffmpeg4 libs
* Sun Nov 06 2022 Use .so build of embree
* Sun Oct 09 2022 Update to 2.93.11: + GPencil strokes cannot be edited after set origin. [T99979] + Regression: Crash on toggling display mode of wave modifier in edit mode. [T100191] + Regression: Surface Deform Modifier does not display correctly in Edit Mode while a Vertex Group is assigned to the Modifier. [T100578] + Sync markers option doesn’t work when sliding keyframes with a keyboard entry. [T100851] + Curve tools: Crash on undo operation. [T93189] + Apply transform fails to clear delta transform values. [T99070] + Apply object transform fails with delta quaternion rotation. [T100606] + UV editor: Console warning when hovered over tools. [T101138] + EEVEE: Screen Space Refraction Artefacts when the viewport is narrow and non square. [T101034] + Moving bone to another layer doesn’t trigger a depsgraph update. [T101046] + Blender 3.2.1 – Animation on nodes gets bugged out when dealing with Node Groups (duplicate node names). [T101109] + GPencil: framechanging does not evaluate keyframed layer transform correctly (if this would result in identity matrix). [T101164] + UI Animation Render: Attribute error when running in background. [T101239]
* Sat Sep 10 2022 Update to 2.93.10 + Fix (unreported) bad memory access in read/write code of MeshDeform modifier. [rB8f530d6a47d] + UV editor: Face dot color changes with the active vertex color. [T98699] + Stored Views “AttributeError: SpaceView3D object has no attribute ‘cursor_location\'”. [T81285] + COLLADA: Support for alpha color in vertex data. [rBd7901ed6070874685579775f78d0775692cba816] + Fix: Incorrect coordinates used in BLI_rct
*_isect_segment functions. [rB41689bb310469d85d9eae59ca578f4a15dc0e80b] + Fix Python SystemExit exceptions silently exiting. [rBbc9d461ab0e178c45f681ee4154b97e94fa45156] + Fix (studio-reported) crash in some rare cases in blendfile read code. [rBddffd1bc9f52eb461f433e355bc8ec2bd5dc148f] + Python: restrict name-space access for restricted evaluation. [rBd03a5fab7a4d0462091c93be52638015240f1afd] + Missing library / broken link warning does not go away when the broken link resolved and reloaded. [T99820]- Update to 2.93.9 + Cleanup: Avoid possible NULL pointer error. [rBdf5da16aa11] + Spline calc_length() crashes for NURBS curves with only a single point. [T95137] + Cleanup: use an intermediate value for cast_primitive_type. [rB05f631b7ad6] + Fix dna_genfile error converting signed int types to floating point. [rB87b77a97b94] + Blender Crashes to Desktop when viewing thumbnail of a certain HDRI. [T89542] + Keying sets for armatures in library overrides break if unrelated objects are changed in source file. [T95601] + Texture paint: Apply Camera Image crash when selecting a image. [T95787] + Fix broken shapekeys: check for ‘NULL’ `from` pointer too. [rBfc56ef5f970] + Magic UV: Pass correct argument for operator identifier. [rBAa99ece99] + Node Preset Addon crashes when used with Geometry Nodes. [T90845] + generator modifier : factorized polynomial don’t work properly. [T96195] + Fix memory leak evaluating PyDrivers. [rBc3fed26f376] + Workbench screnspace cavity not rendered in batch through command line. [T96243] + GPU: Allow the user to set an anisotropic filtering setting below the implementation-defined value of `GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT`. [rB3dc36b32a1e] + Regression: NLA crash when reordering tracks if no object is selected. [T96624] + Gpencil: Inverted Fill makes extra stroke at origin (0,0,0). [T96790] + Baked particles dont render in final frame. [T68290] + Adjust Last Operation panel is slow (some Undo/Redo happening?). [T85756] + Node mask selection does not take in consideration the parenting with the markers. [T97135] + Mask transform center doesn’t take parent Track into account. [T85467]
* Thu Feb 10 2022 Update to 2.93.8 + Fix Cycles AVX test failure with x86_64 build running on Arm. [rBdeca1be48077f9f12a2047817616758e0affd3e5] + Fix/workaround macOS Rosetta crash running Cycles AVX tests. [rB2926f10ffe020a010fca3a6b9b735f475a9e2d9f] + 3d cursor crash when using shortcut. [T94109] + VSE: Scene strip doesn’t play audio. [T91012] + Python error when trying to add Grease Pencil brush preset. [T94375] + Shading/Normals break on array modifier caps. [T94422] + Grease Pencil Blur Effect “Use Depth of Field” visible in cameras NOT using DoF. [T94262] + Removing an image used for camera background from python console crashes blender. [T94544] + Grease Pencil Automerge icon doesn’t light up/turn off when toggled with a keypress. [T94366] + Mirror clipping is not properly placed in sculpt mode. [T94564] + bpy.types.SpaceSpreadsheet.draw_handler_add – TypeError: unknown space type ‘SpaceSpreadsheet’. [T94685] + Crash: Smooth brush in Surface mode with Anchored Stroke Method. [T94635] + GPencil: Eraser-Stroke doesn’t erase on end-point. [T94137] + hair disconnect/reconnect not working with modifiers. [T54488] + Fix: connecting hair fails on meshes with no generative modifiers. [rBe38a0eea5c9] + Out-of-bounds memory access in IMB_flipy() due to large image dimensions. [T94629] + Heap Buffer Overflow when viewing dds thumbnails in the file browser. [T86952] + Out-of-bounds memory access due to malformed DDS image file. [T94661] + Fix `PSYS_GLOBAL_HAIR` stripped even if connecting the hair fails. [rB66346a6852e] + Cycles: motion blur only applies on Left view. [T93995] + Autosplit Output gives unexepected results. [T91005] + Video Sequencer Preview with Prefetch Frames crashes inside Meta Strip. [T94768] + Grease Pencil Strokes drawn at 0.0 Strength still visible. [T94799] + Fix crash caused by exception in Python gizmo target get handler. [rBcaf362422e4] + GPencil: Copying keys doesn’t preserve Keyframe Type. [T94903] + Grease Pencil Drawing don’t Update after paste. [T94089] + Tilt works strangely in a poly curve (or other type with U resolution of 1) with only two control points. [T94837] + Boolean Apply Clearing custom data layers (bevel weight Weight / Vgroup Data). [T94197]
* Tue Jan 25 2022 Update to 2.93.7 + macOS Catalina 10.15.7: Eevee crash with Intel HD 4000. [T92090] + Fix potential crash opening 3.0 blend files in older versions. [rB1d8d6c2f62bf0ee] + GPencil: Speed up Occlude Eraser. [rB4796865b466] + Crash erasing GPencil when occlusion test is enabled. [T92760] + “Flat Caps” on Cutter tool not working if cut is made in the middle of the stroke. [T93074] + Alembic export ignores Mantaflow particles (liquid, spray, foam, bubbles). [T93066] + Mixdown crashes Blender 2.92.0 and 3.0.0 Alpha. [T88614] + UV Maps are broken with Boolean Modifier (Fast Solver). [T92384] + Eevee instant crash with a custom node from template example. [T89260] + Channels in the Grease Pencil Dope Sheet still visible while collection is hidden. [T93194] + Frame Selected does not work in Grease Pencil Curve Edit Mode. [T93198] + Cannot animate Object Info Color in Cycles with Persistent Data ticked. [T93007] + FBX Import error (enum with -1 value — e.g. as done by the babylonjs exporter from 3dsmax). [T81657] + FBX export error if there is an action in NLA tweakmode. [T93209] + Freestyle NPR: Unknown curve blend type Crash. [T93320] + Freestyle: Sinus Displacement Division by Zero Crash. [T93322] + Curve Guide force field causes crash. [T93338] + Texture paint: crash when painting with clone brush. [T93117] + View/Frame Selected (Vertex Paint mode) not working. [T93130] + Freestyle seed in noise modifier can be zero (leading to crash). [T89081] + Rotation Chooses Wrong Axis. [T93290] + Magic UV: Remove online updater. [rBA69c817b8] + Curve based rig broken since 2.93. [T89564] + Reload Library Override file loses Constraints. [T93353] + Subdividing with overlapping tri and quad crashes Blender. [T93563] + Relax/Push Pose operator not working on quaternion rotation. [T92043] + LineArt: Shifting fix for different camera fitting. [rBd23303e27d75cef439755c8bc193128affab568a] + Node Wrangler – Principled Texture Setup error (with Relative Path option and blendfile and textures are on different drives). [T77022]- Update to 2.93.6 + Failed assert when dragging object data-block into 3D View. [T87703] + Can’t duplicate or copy (Ctrl-C) object from linked file. [T90840] + arm64: Viewport and Timeline jump large distances when scrolling the pointer off screen using Shift-Middle Mouse. [T88386] + Cycles render artefacts with motion blur turned on. [T91728] + VSE: Implement sanity check for files with more channels than supported. [rBaaa85ad2e0f] + Some Editors (e.g. Outliner) can be synced with animation editor (‘Sync visible Range’). [T91237] + Crash in sculpt mode using “Smooth” brush and tab with tablet stylus. [T89164] + [GPUOffscreen] draw_view3d doesn’t apply color management settings. [T84227] + Cycles – Rendering on a Nvidia A100 crashes/fails on Google Colab. [T91879] + Fix LLVM 12 symbol conflict with Mesa drivers, after recent Linux libs update. [rBd3f04702890] + GPencil: Memory leak removing stroke from python. [T92185] + Camera BG jitter offset (regression). [T91398] + EEVEE: Specular BSDF incompatible with Shader to RGB when SSR is active. [T88766] + Fix missing null-terminator in BLI_string_join_arrayN. [rB554b1b1663a] + Blender crashes after selecting any object in outliner hierarchy (using statistics overlay). [T92246] + Auto naming of the Vertex Group doesn’t work for Grease Pencil. [T92314] + Clicking in Library Overrides Outliner triggers crash in this file. [T92265] + Crash to desktop with boolean modifier. [T90818] + Crash when calling delete to an empty space with an unselected layer in the outliner. [T91411] + Remesh-bug.crash. [T92355] + 2.93: Crash on system with a non-English locale. [T88877] + Blender LTS: Maintenance Task 2.93. [T88449] + Image Editor doesn’t display stereoscopic images. [T92608] + LibOverride: Fix crash in ShapeKeys when making a mesh override local. [rB9a290dd657] + Fix missing proper ‘make local’ call for liboverrides from outliner. [rB9a80455d8774d6b] + Appending crashes. [T89516] + Bones in transformed armatures (rotation and scale) don’t scale properly to cursor. [T92515] + Blender 3.0 – Planar Track – Only half of the image appears in the MovieClip Editor. [T92807]- See also
* Tue Dec 14 2021 Relocate this build to blender-293- Sync build options with blender 3.0.0
* Tue Oct 12 2021 Update to 2.93.5 + Crash selecting 3D tracking marker. [T90651] + Image Editor not sampling color from the the currently selected pass. [T90772] + PulseAudio breaks animation playback in new scene (no imported sound involved) LTS backport, 3.0 is fine. [T90887] + Blender popup windows open on the wrong screen. [T90752] + Fix buffer size mismatch in SCRIPT_OT_python_file_run. [rB515bdda3d9c] + Fix invalid mask use for the UV-project modifier. [rB969d6d3a0ff] + Fix “Text to Object” creating invisible object. [rB933c6b7d8a3] + Fix T88909: Win32 getTitle() UTF8 Support. [rBd6facd44b53] + Fix error scaling thumbnails to zero dimensions. [rB16637e7ff40] + Audio causes issues with Playback when PC put to Sleep, Hibernate or when Screensaver appears. [T88887] + GPencil Time Offset Modifier together with Armature Modifier or/and Lattice Modifier broken in 2.93.3. [T91060] + Grease Pencil: Adding driver in Transform doesn’t behave as expected during playback. [T88433] + GPencil: Sculpt Smooth Brush is using Affect Pressure but is not used internally. [T91159] + Loop Tools Relax. [T90600] + Text “Scale to Fit” no longer working properly since 2.93.4. [T91401] + Fix memory leak if an error occurred assigning id-property sequence. [rBec448d5a6ac] + Bisect straight line gesture features dont work (“Flip” / “Snap” option). [T91320] + Workbench doesn’t respect GP simplify options when rendering. [T91448] + GPencil: Scripting weight_get and Vertex Groups not working at expected with several groups. [T91511] + GPencil: Interpolate Sequence crash and quit. [T91534] + Eevee ambient occlusion is incorrect on M1 macMini. [T87801] + Intel HD graphics: Changing Roughness Value to 0 causes mesh to be black. [T88754] + VSE playback periodically refuses to work (Pulseaudio, OpenAL seems fine). [T89045] + GPencil: Tint modifier “apply” removes the effect. [T91607] + Texture Paint Stencil doesn’t use assigned UV Layer. [T91557] + Fix default surface resolution U/V mis-match. [rB4528c9a357a] + Fix ‘WM_window_find_under_cursor’. [rB1ff10bb6d18] + Fix building without audaspace. [rBaf42086e743]- See also
* Wed Sep 08 2021 Update to 2.93.4 + VSE: Flush audio encode after finishing video export. [rB85c08c9717b] + FFMPEG: Fix building with older versions that need FFMPEG_USE_DURATION_WORKAROUND. [rB7ec351c0d53] + VSE: Fix “off by one” error when encoding audio. [rB9511009438d] + VSE: Fix memory leak when adding bad image/movie strips. [rB54a821e8fd7] + VSE: Fix video strip duration calculation. [rBd486d248687] + VSE: Fix seeking issues. [rB00dd68405d8] + VSE: Fix audaspace not reading ffmpeg files with start offset correctly. [rB489df7ac88c] + VSE: Use lines to draw waveform. [rBc634d859b21] + M2T video seeking is broken. [T87967] + Add sanity NULL checks when loading sound sequences. [rB1a4122d4415] + wrong address to get boost libraries in /build_files/build_environment/ [T90719] + Effect Strip added to a nested Metastrip gets duplicate name (thus inherits fcurves from other Strips). [T90737] + Memorie spike shrink-wrap and geometry nodes. [T89429] + Fix: DNA struct alignment on 32 bit. [rB9fb9bf59967] + Makesdna: Fix detecting 32 bit padding issues. [rB70df9119f46] + Fix FTBFS on mips64el architecture. [rB9d94b358ca1] + Fix memory leak with building springs in the cloth simulator. [rB20f04ce62af] + Knife project leaks memory each time a text, curve, or surface object is used for cutting. [T90791] + Grease Pencil layer transformations ignored by select tool. [T90690] + Fix memory leak in edit-mesh dissolve degenerate. [rBe1e2abd4bf0] + Scale to Fit overflows into a second line. [T89241] + Memory leak after importing a model/ toggling shading workspace. [T88033] + ASAN: Trying to Undo a knife-project operation causes heap-use- after-free failure. [T90493] + blender 2.93.1 fails to build with python 3.10.0b4 (upcoming python 3.10). [T89931] + Incorrect result of Vector Projection (Geometry Nodes -> Attribute Vector Math). [T90567] + Grease Pencil Reproject Strokes on surfaces from a camera’s point of view is incorrectly placing the strokes on the Back Faces when canvas is intersecting the object. [T89101] + Something in Blender can generate invalid (Nan) values in UVMaps. [T79775] + Blender Crashing when opening file. [T89805] + bpy.types.Object.parent_bone not reset when clearing a bone parent. [T88498] + UI bugs in NLA Editor and Action Editor. [T87681] + Animation channels widgets (graph, action, NLA,
*) block input for the search channel, and invert search toggle. [T90364]
* Sat Aug 21 2021 Clean up compiler related build conditionals- Build with included GLEW (linking with system GLEW fails)
* Fri Aug 20 2021 fix build with openexr 3- added patches + blender-293-openexr3.patch
* Thu Aug 19 2021 Update to 2.93.3 Make OpenEXR/IlmBase Half implementation selectable (not operational)- Reorganize cmake parameter similar to Release config
* Mon Jul 05 2021 Remove old tarball- Supplement Yavor\'s changelog- Adjust reproducible.patch- Switch to Python 3.9 build, remove 3.6 compatibility code If this package is wanted for Leap, please add an conditional to build it with a local Python >= Python 3.9, and fix the fallout- Remove make_python_3.6_compatible.patch- Refine OpenColorIO dependency (>= 2.0)
* Sun Jul 04 2021 Update to 2.93.1
* Sun Jul 04 2021 Fixed typo in \"blender.appdata.xml\"
* Thu Mar 18 2021 Enlarge dwz memory limits.
* Fri Feb 26 2021 Update to 2.92.0 drop 0001-Dont-hide-required-uint64-atomic-ops-when-available.patch included in update- pass the path for the numpy includes to cmake as the autodetect does not work right now.
* Tue Feb 09 2021 Exclude separately packaged demo files from main package
* Sat Feb 06 2021 Relocate new demo files into -demo package, and recommend it- /usr/bin/blender-sample gained logic to deal with both geeko demos intelligently.
* Fri Jan 22 2021 Update to 2.91.2 Checked items at: Add geeko_example_scene.{blend,README} and load it from /usr/bin/blender-sample
* Sat Jan 09 2021 Require libomp9 devel dependency for Leap 15.2 explicitly in order to workaround a llvm setup issue
* Fri Jan 01 2021 Apply fix to make_python_3.6_compatible.patch provided by Mohamed Amazirh (fixes boo#1174816)
* Wed Dec 09 2020 Fix grammatical error in SUSE-NVIDIA-GPU-rendering.txt
* Fri Nov 27 2020 enable lto for the clang based build- always build with SUSE_ASNEEDED=0 building with clang and gcc fails during linking of bin/blender- make it easier to force a new GCC version throughout the spec file: we just need one define now force_gcc_version and all parts of the spec file will follow- bump memory size for LTO linking
* Fri Nov 27 2020 enable Cycles OPENCL support
* Thu Nov 26 2020 use clang for systems with gcc older than 10. actually gets a working build. using clang on TW would require fixing the lto support first. clang complains about -flto=auto not supported.
* Thu Nov 26 2020 drop unneeded %post(un) scriptlets. they are handled via trigger now. fixes the warning about empty scriplets
* Thu Nov 26 2020 disable system audaspace: the intree copy is patched now so the API no longer match- disable SUSE_ASNEEDED for now as it leads undefined references while linking blender- add potrace-devel to enable the tracing feature- add gmpxx buildrequire to fix warning about missing library- disable buildinfo option as it relies on git- pass numpy path so it actually finds the includes- refreshed patches: reproducible.patch make_python_3.6_compatible.patch- update naming of the cuda/cubin options to the new schema
* Wed Nov 25 2020 Update to 2.91.0
* Tue Oct 13 2020 Explicitly disable embree on PPC
*.- Fix 32 bit architectures, add 0001-Dont-hide-required-uint64-atomic-ops-when-available.patch- Remove pointless physicalmemory _constraints already covered by memoryperjob constraint.
* Thu Sep 24 2020 Update to 2.90.1 - Decimate Modifier: Restore vertex group factor property in UI. rB97c6c4e47883 - GPencil Opacity modifier not working. T80289 - Extrude manifold can generate invalid geometry. T80233 - Re-ordering face maps messes up the names of other face maps. T79973 - Crash when deleting custom orientation. T80426 - Crash after duplicating and hiding vertices while using X Axis. T80224 - principle volume shader not working for world in Eevee. T80332 - Eevee OpenVDB render error when frames miss part of the grids. T79718 - PY API doc: fix doc for new override option of properties. rB09ef19996509 - Crash when multi-mesh editing UVs with proportional editing. T80561 - Crash adding properties to material node-trees. T80238 - BLI_polyfill_calc exceeds stack size allocating points. T80604 - Crash deleting bone constraints when the armature layer is. T80464 - Cycles baking crash with locked-UI & background-mode. T71012 - Hook modifier crashes without vertex group data. T80516 - Mantaflow crash when adaptive domain + noise are enabled. T79626 - Mantaflow Noise Not working with Smoke/Smoke and Fire. T80372 - Vertex Colors not showing in edit mode. T78225 - Correct Face Attributes affecting modes not listed. T80623 - Edit Mode crash with shape keys created on blank mesh. T77584 - Crash accessing depsgraph from evaluated view layer. T62504 - Translations in python scripts are missing. T80589 - Crash reloading scripts from the Python console. T80694 - Library Override - Custom Property to Drive Child Particles results. T80457 - Crash on undo/ redo after changing modes. T78392 - UV edge select splits UV\'s for lasso/box/circle select. T80728 - potential crash in volume grids in Eevee shaders. T80630 - Fix OpenCL render error in large scenes. rB3dbb231ed2f8 - Add versioning for 2.90 files that may have invalid mesh. rB3a92a2df4519 - Texture paint camera project crashes after undo/redo. T80885 - Auto IK Double Generates IK constraints. T80437 - Cycles: Separate Embree device for each CPU Device. rB009971ba7adc - Cycles crash on macOS with older CPUs. T78793 - Fix invert vertex group weight miscalculation for modifiers. rBe0f13f41c681 - NLA Bake exception baking pose with non-pose selection. T61985 - Tris to Quads ignores UV delimit option. T80520 - Avoid changing the visibility of loose geometry. T80771 - Archipack: support for bmesh bevel arguments changes in 2.90. rBA8e1b4dd71b37 - Crash on editing multiple UVs of multiple different objects. T80899
* Mon Sep 07 2020 Disable explictly embree in cmake options. Fixes build on aarch64 and %arm
* Thu Sep 03 2020 more spec cleanups
* Tue Sep 01 2020 Adjust spec to - require gcc9-c++ at least - align configuration with official builds - prepare for usd and openxr additions (TBD) - add support for NVIDIA compute_75 platform - prepare for NVIDIA OptiX support- Add SUSE-NVIDIA-OptiX-rendering.txt
* Mon Aug 31 2020 Update to version 2.90.0 some features from the C++ stdlib require C++17. bump std version to it.- refreshed make_python_3.6_compatible.patch
* Sat Aug 29 2020 openvdb >= 7.1.0 interface requires C++14 in order to build successfully.
* Sat Aug 22 2020 Update to version 2.83.5 - FCurve editor crash when zooming out to limit [T79254] - Crash displaying the same mesh in two windows [T79260] - Fix interface artifacts on Intel GPUs [388639243053] - Outliner “Make Single User” crash [T79187] - Eevee cubemaps shows black [T79158] - Smooth brushes crasing in dyntopo [T79007] - Too much memory usage rendering animation with persistent images [T78537] - CLOG writes/reads outside allocated memory. [T78730] - Crash converting curve to mesh [T79207] - Fix usercount not decrementing in `gpencil_stroke_separate_exec` [4251a87bf60e] - UV select-linked failure to de-select [T46568] - GPencil weight paint crash when painting over modifier generated [T78884] - Workbench: Fix broken id pass [38e9a349defc] - Workbench: Object color mode broken if more than 4096 objects [T79509] - GPUShader: compile error on AWS Elastic Graphics [T79246] - Blend file corrupted during save caused by high Cubemap Size [T78529] - EEVEE: LightCache: Add warning if the cache cannot be saved [fce71a255cb9] - Crash loading nested set-scenes [T79575] - Fix crash switching render slots when there is only one slot [a9e0aeaf653d] - Triangulate quads with ‘Beauty’ can make zero area faces [T79482] - “Add plane > align” causes crash when certain rigs are in the scene [T77847] - Crash when changing View Layer while VR session runs [T79324] - Video Sequencer image sequence strip source path breaks [T79676] - Crash rendering grease pencil from compositor with multiple scenes [T77885] - EEVEE: Crash on Macos due to lightcache baking [T79703]
* Thu Aug 20 2020 Use memoryperjob constraint instead of %limit_build macro.
* Fri Aug 07 2020 Update to version 2.83.4 - Crash when adjusting sequencer property [T78999] - GPencil: Fix unreported missing strokes in interpolation [dcf7a0507755] - Crash related to viewing video files [T78867] - Mantaflow Field weights cannot be animated [T79264] - Batch Generate-Previews doesn’t work anymore [T79031] - Dimensions fail on negative scaled axis [T79272] - Scale to Fit Text Box fails when text is too narrow [T77609] - Copy-pasting strip twice crashes Blender [T77669] - Prefetching can corrupt .blend files [T78837] - Random crash editing shader nodes with textures [T78358] - Missing depsgraph relation when using sound strips in VSE [T78920] - Fix View3D “Mirror” menu, both “Global” and “Local” items are GLOBAL [4a9d903e2bfd] - Crash displaying many aligned buttons [T78636] - Follow Active Quads, divide by zero error [T68845] - Crash when removing strips with prefetching [T78573] - Fresh install of blender 2.83.0 not able to save user startup file [T78037] - Weight Transfer Operator target mesh doesn’t update [T78306] - Weight Transfer Operator “Deform Pose Bones” destination setting [T78308] - Object disappears when scaled, set origin etc after applying smooth [T79180]- remove 0001-Fix-T78867-Crash-related-to-viewing-video-files.patch as being fixed upstream
* Wed Aug 05 2020 Add physicalmemory for PowerPC in _constraints to avoid OOM failure
* Thu Jul 30 2020 Increase %limit_build value to avoid OOM failures
* Mon Jul 27 2020 After upgrading ffmpeg from 4.2.3 to 4.3.1, unaligned buffer accesses in yuv2rgb conversion result in segfaults:, Issue fixed for Blender with: 0001-Fix-T78867-Crash-related-to-viewing-video-files.patch
* Fri Jul 24 2020 Update to version 2.83.3 - Fix alignment/size issue on ARM/RPi architecture [9c41744ef4] - EEVEE: Cubemaps shows black [T75943] - Blender Freezes when using the 3d Scale Gizmo [T77455] - GPU: Apple/Nvidia Proxy check [T78175] - Fix missing GPU image free in background mode [9949b5098a] - Overlay: Weight colors are not in render in the right colorspace [T77780] - Cycles OpenCL error rendering empty scene [T77984] - Overlay: Edit mode + wire drawtype + infront not transparent [T77655] - Overlay: Sulpt overlay not working if object use in-front option [T76229] - Sculpt mode performance regression in 2.83 [T77641] - Faces missing, weird faces added [T74024] - Fix error when filtering in Outliner “Blender File” mode with libraries [d0c986b748] - Fix crash when use GPencil merge without materials [T78337] - Fix undefined behavior when using BSDF nodes inside volume shaders[T76171] - GPencil interpolation crash [T78134] - GPencil: Strokes go missing after Interpolation from another layer [T78042] - Workbench: “Not enough texture slots!” Message being spammed and lags the entire computer [T77759]
* Sat Jul 11 2020 Supply a Recommends: %name-lang = %version, because current locale handling doesn\'t create locale(blender:..) provides correctly
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Update to version 2.83.2 - Random crash when rendering animation [T77734] - Overlay: “Outline Selected” overlay doesnt affect armatures [T66934] - Crash when closing window while Outliner shows screens [ef0ded4df389] - Crash on undo Draw Face Sets stroke with dyntopo active [T77328] - Fix random crash in Cycles smoke volume loading [2d89951be54d] - UV Editor: Fix Vertex Overlay color not being color managed [000fbef35d24] - Crash after any alembic import undo in an empty scene [T77754] - Crash on proxied rig, custom bone shape, driver targeting rig [T77712] - Crash in VR session when opening material preview [T77830] - Fix memory leak calculating deform modifiers in edit-mode [91b455c00f28] - Incorrect handling of negative-scale bit in DRWResourceHandle [T77913] - VSE Sequencer/Preview crash after fullscreen [T78112] - Compositor Disabled Node Config -> SegFault [T67358] - Undo crash due to IDTemplate operations missing undo push [T78172] - Simple scene created in version 2.82 crashes Blender [T77460]
* Wed Jul 08 2020 fix cycles dependency
* Tue Jul 07 2020 Update to version 2.83.1 - Fix T77774: New undo code broken by ‘make local’ behavior - Audio SDL: Video editor Sound muted without muting it - Fix T77803: IK Degrees of freedom drawing glitch - Fix (unreported) wrong size of UserPreferences’ `dupflag` parameter. Fix Applied rBdceaef92d7a4: Fix (unreported) wrong size of UserPreferences’ `dupflag` parameter - Fix T77915: Cycles OSL microfacet closure not working in custom shaders - GPencil: Fix unreported Vertex Opacity Overlay not working - Fix T75414: Incorrect masking in Color Balance modifier - Fix T76767: Cycles performance regression with CLI renders - Fix T77853: Error reloading linked library - Fix missing hinting information in monospace font, rB783d3c675ac2: Fix missing hinting information in default font - Fix T77657: NVIDIA Quadro FX4800 crash on startup - GPencil: Improve viewlayer masking check - Fix T77148: Crash changing multiple values for sequencer strips - Fix T77047: Dyntopo Sample detail size on hidden mesh causes crash - Fix T74101: File Browser in macOS fullscreen crashes or makes windows unusable - Fix T77504: Operator search gives wrong results - Fix T76894: Disable clipping region selection in material/rendered mode - Fix T72936: Incorrect gizmo orientation with inherit rotation disabled - Fix menu operator/search clipping the last character Fix Applied rBf649e5c418d9: Fix menu operator/search clipping the last character - Fix T77603: OSL parser fails when script ends with comment without newline - Fix crash running “Edit Voxel Size” operator outside of a main 3D View region Fix Applied rB5fc252feaeab: Fix crash running “Edit Voxel Size” operator outside of a main 3D View region - GPencil: Fix unreported error in Dots Strokes material initialization - GPencil: Fix unreported Shift+F OPacity key not working - Calculate epsilon values for interp_weights_poly to improve accuracy Fix Applied rB9d5e5e282cff: Calculate epsilon values for interp_weights_poly to improve accuracy - Fix T76273 Glitches caused by glCopyImageSubData on windows + intel gpu Fix Applied rB7b754c8c9952: Fix T76273 Glitches caused by glCopyImageSubData on windows + intel gpu - Fix T77358: Gpencil can’t select geometry within transparent layers - Fix T77520: GPencil viewlayer filter produce crash with masking layers - Fix T77367: Blender’s snap package ignores command line options - Fix for T77095: work around render artifacts with AMD Radeon RX 4xx and 5xx - Fix T77164: scaling/rotation fails for 3 selected NURB points - Fix T77156: GPencil view layer filter by layer not working - Fix T77456: Broken vertex paint undo on high-poly objects - Fix T77448: Camera Solver constraint can’t be converted to f-curve- changes from version 2.83.0 do not delete the fonts directory: it is actually needed for blender and we already packaged the license file- drop blender-add-OSL-1_11-compat.patch: included in update- refreshed patch to apply cleanly again: make_python_3.6_compatible.patch
* Thu May 14 2020 Readjust _constraints, x86_64 had the lowest constraint, but the most enabled features. The constraint was raised twice due to merging changes. 4G for anything but x86_64 is sufficient.
* Tue May 12 2020 Replace blender-bad-override.patch with upstream change, blender-add-OSL-1_11-compat.patch. The previous patch was just wrong, removing an override specifier just silences the compiler, ignoring the error it is meant to catch.
* Fri Apr 24 2020 Add blender-bad-override.patch to fix build with OpenShadingLanguage >= 2.0.0
* Fri Apr 03 2020 Add reproducible.patch to sort file lists to make package build reproducible (boo#1041090)
* Fri Mar 13 2020 Update to version 2.82a:
* Move 2.82a from beta to release
* Fix shader build error
* Fix T74425: Cannot texture paint an images sequence anymore
* Fix T73369: corner pin & sun-beam nodes gizmos are too big
* Fix T63892: Tools cannot be registered into some contexts (e.g. PAINT_TEXTURE)
* Fix T74225: Image (from sequence) cannot be loaded
* Fix Vertex weight gradient tool show wrong weight/strength values in the UI
* Fix bone envelopes displaying wrong when armature is scaled
* Fix T72028: Crash switching to vertex paint
* Keymap: Add front/back Alt-MMB absolute view axis switching- Use git scm service to fetch the source
* Sat Feb 29 2020 remove lang recommends- provide/obsolete blender-282-devel
* Sun Feb 23 2020 Add SUSE-NVIDIA-GPU-rendering.txt
* Wed Feb 19 2020 improve cuda configuration
* Tue Feb 18 2020 Update to version 2.82: dropped patches: 0001-Fix-T71680-_PyObject_LookupAttr-memory-leak.patch 0006-add_ppc64el-s390x_support.patch- refreshed patches: - make_python_3.6_compatible.patch dropped the memory leak fix from the patch- track series file in spec file to make quilt easier- enable _smp_mflags. seems to work with 2.82- drop unused options from the spec file: WITH_RAYOPTIMIZATION WITH_MOD_SMOKE
* Wed Feb 05 2020 Update to version 2.81a: bugfix release, check:
* Sun Jan 12 2020 Recommends lang package- Add Provides to deal with suffixed blender packages (blender-xxx) gracefully
* Tue Nov 26 2019 Add patch 0001-Fix-T71680-_PyObject_LookupAttr-memory-leak.patch Stefan\'s Python 3.6 compatibility patch revealed a memory leak, that is plugged upstream in master already. Fix either with applying this patch or make_python_3.6_compatible.patch.
* Tue Nov 26 2019 Enable OIDN again
* Mon Nov 25 2019 Disable OIDN for all builds, until accepted in Factory
* Thu Nov 21 2019 Update to version 2.81:
* way
* too many changes to list here, for an overview, check: Add OpenImageDenoise support- Sync build options with blender_release.cmake- Remove SSE compile options, they are enabled for x86_64 by default- Rebase both patches:
* 0006-add_ppc64el-s390x_support.patch
* make_python_3.6_compatible.patch- delete make_python_3.6_compatible.diff by renaming.
* Wed Nov 20 2019 use build conditionals for python_36 selection- remove superflous WITH_SYSTEM_OPENJPEG build flag
* Tue Nov 19 2019 Replace two uses of _PyObject_LookupAttr (Python 3.7 C API) with equivalent calls from Python 3.6, Python 3.6 is sufficient now.
* Add make_python_3.6_compatible.diff- Replace cmake(TBB) BuildRequires with equivalent tbb-devel, the latter is also available on Leap 15.x.- Correct URL and Source, http causes a permanent redirect.
* Fri Nov 08 2019 Use upstream default for JACK_DYNLOAD (i.e. off), this is a feature for portable builds (see, Jack is already pulled in via libav
* Thu Nov 07 2019 Set proper memory constraints. About 5.5G are required on x86_64, which has more features like embree (and builds on e.g. build32/build33 with 2.2+2G recurrently failed).- Remove LTO mangling, it did not reduce the memory required for linking, and disabling LTO altogether dependent on available memory makes the build unreproducible.
* Thu Nov 07 2019 raise memory constraints (phys: 2 -> 4 GB, total: 4 -> 8 GB)
* Mon Nov 04 2019 distinguishable menu entry
* Tue Oct 15 2019 Don\'t remove 0-length files would mostly remove files, which is harmful- Remove wplayer build conditional (option not available anymore)
* Wed Oct 02 2019 Fix ppc build with 0006-add_ppc64el-s390x_support.patch.
* Sun Sep 29 2019 If $_threads are less than 4 undefine _lto_cflags as the value of 3 or less fails at link time also build with one thread.
* Wed Sep 25 2019 Ensure that _lto_cflags are defined as nil if multi threaded make fails.
* Sun Sep 22 2019 Worked around %limit_build macro\'s failure to provide -flto= with the correct value.
* Fri Sep 20 2019 Enable OpenSubdiv, openvdb, alembic.- Enable embree for x86_64.- Order dependencies properly, build conditionals rearward
* Sat Aug 31 2019 Disable OpenSubdiv, openvdb and alembic until they are accepted to Factory
* Fri Aug 23 2019 Enable OpenSubdiv, openvdb and alembic
* Fri Aug 02 2019 Update to version 2.80
* way
* too many changes to list here, for an overview, check: specify CYCLES_CUDA_BINARIES_ARCH- adhere more closely to upstream release build options- add missing boost libs- use openjpeg2- use sndfile- enable openmp suppprt- define the supported cuda binary archs- clean up spec- remove patches, fixed upstream - 0001-Added-extra-const-to-satisfy-the-strict-clang-versio.patch - 0001-Cycles-Fix-bad-register-cast-in-sseb.patch - 0001-Fix-PyRNA-class-registration-w-Python-3.7.patch - 0008-fix_building_with_latest_versions_of_FFmpeg.patch - 0001-Fix-for-GCC9-new-OpenMP-data-sharing.patch
* Thu Jul 25 2019 Move the limit_build macro to the top of the build section to limit lto processes to the number of threads.
* Sat Jul 13 2019 Fix building with GCC9, add 0001-Fix-for-GCC9-new-OpenMP-data-sharing.patch- Switch back to GCC, to fix issues with LTO now enabled in Tumbleweed
* Thu May 30 2019 switch compiler to clang
* Fri Mar 22 2019 Enabled spacenav input, requested by Lo Matrix.- Build all of blender in one %limit_build makes this possible.
* Thu Mar 21 2019 Properly fix Boost dependencies, Boost 1.69 no longer pulls in libboost_system-devel. If it is missing, the configure logic silently omits boost_locale from the link libraries.- Reduce build time by replacing the open coded job limit with the limit_build macro.
* Tue Mar 19 2019 Fix build with new boost by adding linker flag -lboost_locale.- This fixes boo#1129626- Refreshed patches
* Thu Feb 14 2019 Add 0008-fix_building_with_latest_versions_of_FFmpeg.patch: Fix build with current ffmpeg v4.- Following the above patch, no longer force ffmpeg-3 versions of pkgconfig(libav
* Tue Feb 12 2019 Fix boo#1124964 with patch from blender git: 0001-Fix-PyRNA-class-registration-w-Python-3.7.patch
* Mon Jan 28 2019 Properly accessing the RPM source directory makes quilt work again.
* Thu Jan 10 2019 Cleanup spec file
* Replace gtk-update-icon-cache with icon_theme_cache_post{,un} macros
* Use bcond_with/bcond_without
* Drop obsolete blender-2.78-C++11-build-fix.patch
* Remove BuildRequires for some unused boost-devel subpackages- Allow latest LLVM package, instead of forcing LLVM5
* Tue Jan 01 2019 Enabled build with Open Shading Language using initial OpenShadingLanguage version 1.9.13. See boo#1120406- Renamed blender-devel to blender-cycles-devel which better reflects the sub packages use and also ensures that the OSL headers are installed with OSL enabled blender.
* Tue Aug 28 2018 Put back %_smp_mflags ahead of %_jobs so that \"-l\" arguments from smp_mflags are preserved.- Remove silly \"break\" inside \"if..then\"- Use xargs right
* Sun Aug 26 2018 Replace macro for limiting parallel builds with a working one.- Increase memory constraints to 2GB physical/4GB total. This is the typical minimum available anyway.- Increase limit for parallel builds from 2 to 4.
* Sun Aug 26 2018 Remove x-blend.desktop, it does not do what it claims (opening templates), and duplicates the existing one (bnc#1102918).- Remove xpm file and any icons in /usr/share/pixmaps/. The latter has been deprecated in favor of the themable /usr/share/icons/ for a long time.
* Fri Jun 22 2018 Add upstream patches to fix build with gcc8:
* 0001-Added-extra-const-to-satisfy-the-strict-clang-versio.patch
* 0001-Cycles-Fix-bad-register-cast-in-sseb.patch
* Tue Jun 05 2018 Only allow headers for x86_64 arch.
* Sat Jun 02 2018 Only allow headers for x86_64 arch.
* Fri Jun 01 2018 Package blender cycles headers in blender-devel sub package to fix boo#1094777.- Remove Compatibility_Warning.txt.
* Tue Mar 27 2018 Update to release 2.79b.- Upstream changes: This is a bug fix release.
* Tue Mar 27 2018 Remove xorg-x11-devel from buildrequires.- Reorder/rework buildrequires, packages libao-devel, libdrm-devel, libexpat-devel,libvorbis-devel,openssl-devel, libsamplerate-devel are not required and were removed.- Build using -DWITH_SYSTEM_LZO so lzo-devel is actually used.
* Fri Mar 02 2018 Update to release 2.79a- Upstream changes: Blender 2.79a features a new Denoiser, PBR Shader, Shadow Catcher, Filmic Color Management, AMD OpenCL improvements and much more. All of that plus over a massive 900 bug fixes!
* Tue Oct 03 2017 Do not BuildRequire openSUSE-release: in TW, this is a daily changing package, invalidating blender daily. There is no information a package would require, which is not also available in distribution-release (which exists for this very purpose and can be used across SUSE distributions, incl. Leap/SLE).
* Wed Sep 20 2017 Update to release 2.79- Remove blender-system-audaspace.patch incorporated in this version- Now build with ffmpeg and cyles unconditionaly.- Added blender-2.78-C++11-build-fix.patch for future openvdb build.- Specifically require audaspace-plugins to fix boo#1057965.- Add Compatibility_Warning.txt to warn about 2.78/2.79 compatibility problems on installation.- Upstream changes:
* Cycles: Built-in Denoising, Shadow catcher,Principled shader, AMD OpenCL optimizations.
* Grease Pencil: New frame interpolation tools, per-layer onion skinning.
* Alembic: Improvements to compatibility, stability and support.
* User Interface: Initial support for reusable custom configurations, automatic DPI scaling.
* Twenty Three new and several updated add-ons.
* 100s of bug fixes and other improvements!
* Compatibility Warning Due to various issues with drivers for AMD GCN 1.0 architecture , those cards are no longer supported for Cycles rendering When using add-ons in Blender 2.79 that take advantage of the new data-block pointer properties, the resulting .blend files can\'t be opened in earlier versions of Blender. Attempting to open such .blend files in Blender 2.78c and earlier may crash. Some Interface Themes may need to be reloaded to work properly. The text color contained in a is now defined in User Preferences » Themes » User Interface » Box section Rig compatibility: Changes to IK snapping may affect rigs that use non-uniform IK scaling. (rigs created in the 2.78 builds.) During the 2.78 series: IK snapping was partly broken. This has been fixed for Blender 2.79 Rigs created in Blender 2.78 may not be compatible with 2.79. Rigs created in Blender 2.77 may still work. When using the add-on Rigify, please note: Compatibility is broken for this release. There\'s no guarantee rigs created in previous Blender versions will work correctly. Rigs created in Blender 2.78 may not be compatible with 2.79. Rigs created in Blender 2.77 may still work. Save your work before attempting upgrading your rigs.- See: For a comprehensive list.
* Thu May 18 2017 Remove doxygen (only documents internal source code, not public / scripting API\'s).
* Thu May 18 2017 Remove yasm (was only needed for extern/ codecs) now removed.- Remove ruby (Blender doesn\'t use Ruby).
* Wed May 17 2017 Remove extern paths which no longer exist, also epydoc which isn\'t used since 2.4x.
* Fri Apr 07 2017 Enabled system audaspace with blender-system-audaspace.patch which fixes the crash. see boo#1027923 and github audaspace #7
* Sun Mar 05 2017 Disabled system audaspace due to email crash report.
* Wed Mar 01 2017 Update to 2.78c- Upstream changes: Port all changes for automated Cycles testing. Fix for wrong render result of hair with BVH motion steps. Fix compilation error of GLSL viewport when using Light Path node. Fix wrong Brick texture in material viewport. Fix crash with material preview and image sequences. Fix T50512: Linked Backround scene with animation not updating with new depsgraph. Fix T50687: Cycles baking time estimate and progress bar doesn\'t work / progress when baking with high samples. Fix T50748: Render Time incorrect when refreshing rendered preview in GPU mode. Fix wrong render results with texture limit and half-float textures. Fix Cycles still saving render output when error happened.
* Fri Feb 10 2017 Build with system audaspace.
* Fri Feb 10 2017 Update to version 2.78b- Bugfix version
* Wed Feb 01 2017 use individual libboost-
*-devel packages instead of boost-devel
* Sun Nov 13 2016 Use %mime_database_post macro instead of calling direct.
* Wed Nov 02 2016 Update to version 2.78a.- Upstream changes:
* For 2.78a, 69 bugs were fixed,the two outstanding points being:
* Cycles is now using Cuda8 for all GPUs, performances issues with “old” ones have been fixed.
* Several issues were fixed in new data-blocks management code, including some crashers, and bad “append” behaviors.
* Fix T49629: Graph editor normalize function doesn\'t work on f-curves with a constant key value (rB8ebc7565e7).
* Fix T49571: 2d stabilize keys not visible in the Graph Editor and Dope Sheet (rBd1f5c0fe48).
* Fix T49622: Grease pencil not rendering out of VSE (rB9d4e3b0e63).
* Fix unreported: Fix: Grease Pencil palettes were missing a RNA path callback (rB0b734f0b59).
* Fix unreported: Fix export image generated by export UV layout (rB3bf9cbe7a2).
* Fix T49471: Vertex Connect randomly broken (rB949b23d29b).
* Fix T49478: triangulate of face hangs Blender (rB08e4846540).
* Fix unreported: Fix assert in the wrong place, should be moved earlier to do anything (rB8030c4832a).
* Fix T49464: Data Transfer modifier slows down redraw of window (rBff27b58b4c).
* Fix T49595: bpy - negative skin_vertices radius crashes Blender (rB02eec191fb).
* Fix unreported: Normal edit modifier: Fix relation builder for the new dependency graph (rB106ff0df99).
* Fix T49548: Entering Cycles Rendered Viewport Unlinks Material from Objects (rB4640bf890e).
* Fix T49827: L Crash linking material while in Material viewport shading mode (rB452d43b1c8).
* Fix unreported: Fix mistake in BKE_mesh_new_from_object handling of materials in MetaBall case (rB602b2dbd8c).
* Fix T49460: Particle group instance \'Use Count\' value gets reset on file-load (rB8aa04160ba).
* Fix T49608: runtime-only particle\'s boid->ground Object pointer was left dangling to invalid value in read code (rB29fdcbbf9f).
* Fix T49738: Hair Add Brush doesn\'t work (rB50751d62e9).
* Fix unreported: Ammend torB00dc0666b3fe: forgot to fix boid->ground of first particle (rB7ab972fd63).
* Fix T49461: Dynamic paint wetmap flickers (rBa88af3e576).
* Fix T49636: material draw mode crash with displacement and missing group input node (rBc9b5253cfc).
* Fix T49789: Compositor mix node interpolation bug (rBe1cf002ee6).
* Fix T49523: very slow normal map tangent computation for rendering in 2.78 (rB0d1bc587fa).
* Fix T49609: Point density textures: vertex colors are not properly averaged in BI (rB880ebfff58).
* Fix T49623: Immediately crash trying to render attached file in Cycles (rBbe254b52dc).
* Fix T49640: Cycles constant folding incorrect for texture coordinates (rB10598c084e).
* Fix T49750: Cycles wrong ray differentials for perspective and stereo cameras (rB4c94e327a2).
* Fix T49818: Crash when rendering with motion blur (rB66ed7d7566).
* Fix unreported: Cycles: Fix typo in shader cancel routines (rB08d21ff582).
* Fix unreported: Fix wrong Cycles GLSL pointiness, still not supported but should be neutral 0.5 (rB4da266f48c).
* Fix unreported: Fix Cycles CUDA performance on CUDA 8.0 (rBfd0dea585c).
* Fix unreported: Cycles: Fix OpenCL split kernel compilation after recent CUDA 8 performance fix (rB117329ae6d).
* Fix unreported: Cycles: Fix use of uninitialized variable in SSS (rBb42e4c3c40).
* Fix unreported: Cycles: Fix uninitialized variable from the previous commit (rBf55221e0a1).
* Fix unreported: Cycles: Fix static initialization order fiasco (rBf0adb875cf).
* Fix unreported: Fix Cycles address space OpenCL error after recent fix (rB759b5fb2a6).
* Fix unreported: Cycles: Fix shadowing variable which also causes use of uninitialized variable (rB21bf863934).
* Fix unreported: Fix missing outliner redraw when adding VSE strip (rB00d08c909d).
* Fix T49534: 2.78 Wrong texture scaling in material viewport (rB3fb0c1b8e7).
* Fix unreported: Fix missing properties editor update when changing 3D View camera (rB483b4f0567).
* Fix unreported: UPBGE: Fix crash when calling shade_light texture when mtex has no tex (rBf978deddf8).
* Fix unreported: Fix viewport camera gets out of sync in certain cases (rBcdedd082f3).
* Fix T49506: Remove unused File Browser theme settings (rB11120c2981).
* Fix T49631: radial control operators not using DPI properly (rB97bba76e8c).
* Fix T49635: column_flow Layout - last column is too small (rB03f935961a).
* Fix T49646: Switching from large to small image can get stuck zoom at max zoom distance (rBe6d9b15ab3).
* Fix T49601: Material menu length problem (rBdacb53ff71).
* Fix T49746: crash loading user preferences with missing operators (rBa6220f459b).
* Fix unreported: Fix missing new eyedropper keymap entry in (rB07508c8b93).
* Fix unreported: Fix memory leak caused by unknown opeartor of keymap item (rB4d14bd10c0).
* Fix unreported: Fix wrong separator line width after drawing vec icon (rB2525c4e129).
* Fix T49520: broken vertex colors in the game engine (rBe96e66b05b).
* Fix T49764: Audio strips crackle when animating the volume (rB1bcddea00e).
* Fix T49656: Crash when starting playback while using JACK audio with A/V sync (rB7b311c07ee).
* Fix T49423: Data Preview of group containing only group instances is empty (rBa05f9bef3f).
* Fix T49502: file browser on OS X not highlighting system folders and bookmarks (rB9fea90ba36).
* Fix T49501: Animations imported via alembic render with wrong or no motion blur (rBe65e5045de).
* Fix T49502: file browser on OS X not highlighting external drives (rB4736664da6).
* Fix unreported: Fix missing operator-type registration (rBe145990fdd).
* Fix T49466: Stupid typo in logicbricks new copy code fromrB776a8548f03a (rBd78a4b0c62).
* Fix T49489: Pose marker in camera action + marker bound to camera -> crash (rB7b43307508).
* Fix T49553: Blender 2.78 crashes when File->Data Previews - >Refresh Datablock Previews (rBb8194a52a0).
* Fix T49722: Appending Bug (Groups) (rB44372d6441).
* Fix T49775: Appending data with internal dependency cycles prevents correct clearing of linked data-blocks (rB3da4560143).
* Fix unreported: Fix Scene datablocks being created with a real user while never having any real datablock user (rBcb9d010421).
* Fix unreported: Fix OLD pre-git links in the API, add missing factory-startup option to blender executions (rBfd9aa06440).
* Fix T49797: Exception from scene update handler might leak external engine descriptors (rBdac53963a8).
* Fix unreported: BLI_task: fix case were some pool could work in more threads than allowed (rB4dbcbf5ba9).
* Fix unreported: Fix a few compile errors with C++11 on macOS (rBcb6c43b61c).
* Sun Oct 02 2016 Update to release 2.78- Removed blender-2.58-python_include.patch, no longer relevant.- Upstream changes: The Blender Foundation and online developer community are proud to present Blender 2.78, released September 30th 2016! This release aims to be a very stable one, so that developers can focus better on Blender 2.8 work. Some of the highlights: Spherical Stereo images rendering support for VR Grease Pencil is now a full 2D drawing & animation tool! Viewport Rendering improvements New Freehand curves drawing over surfaces! Bendy Bones, powerful new options for B-Bones Alembic support: import/export basic operators Cloth Physics: new Dynamic Base Mesh and Simulation Speed option New Add-ons, individual preferences, Python APIs changes, and a lot of new & updated add-ons! For more details see: Bugfixes, too many for this changelog, see:
* Wed Aug 10 2016 Add blender.appdata.xml as a source file and install it to %{_datadir}/appdata/. This makes blender show up in appstores like GNOME Software and KDE Discover, making it more easily discoverable and installable.
* Mon Jun 20 2016 Ensure that package is uninstallable in systems with a lower python3 version than blender was built against.
* Fri Jun 17 2016 use sse compiler options only on supported architectures- fix build on ppc by skipping colormanagement- drop SUPPORT_SSE2_BUILD since it is not used by cmake anymore
* Mon Jun 06 2016 Moved %{_datadir}/%{name}/%{_version}/datafiles/ back to main package after it somehow ended up in the language package. See boo#983064.- Added build requirements to bring package in line with the official blender build.
* Thu Apr 21 2016 Added debugbuild macro to the spec file to enable debugging. See boo#976293.
* Sat Apr 16 2016 Use pkgconfig instead of libffmpeg-devel
* Wed Apr 13 2016 Update to release 2.77a- Removed patch blender-2.77-bufferoverflow.patch upstream fixed.- Upstream changes: For 2.77a many fixes for OpenGL display and simulation were made, as well as various fixes to rendering, sequencer and modeling. This bugfix release also solved some regressions in the particle system.
* Wed Mar 23 2016 Update to version 2.77- Upstream changes: Cycles: Better Subsurface Scattering, GPU support for Smoke/Fire and Point Density. Grease pencil stroke sculpting and improved workflow. OpenVDB caching for smoke/volumetric simulations. Reworked library handling to manage missing and deleted datablocks. Redesigned progress bar. Edit mode boolean tool, better decimate modifier. Improved extruding and weight painting tools for sculpting/painting. And: 100s of bug fixes and other improvements!- Added blender-2.77-bufferoverflow.patch to correct incorrect use of strncat. Reported upstream and already corrected in git.
* Mon Dec 28 2015 Added conditionals to enable blender to build without cycles and openCOLLADA for openSUSE:13.2 see boo#960234
* Fri Dec 18 2015 Use a build conditional for ffmpeg to enable it in Evergreen
* Tue Dec 08 2015 Removed libffmpeg-devel build requirement, ffmpeg-devel is now enough.
* Sat Dec 05 2015 Altered _constraints file to apply to all architectures.
* Fri Nov 06 2015 Spec file additions to allow build in other build service instances.
* Thu Nov 05 2015 update to 2.76b - Fix bug#46437: Make progress report py helper resitent to \'zero steps\' passed value... - Fix bug#44048: freestyle lines in Cycles are in the wrong color space. - Fix bug#45152: multiviewithstereo render not working with Freestyle + Cycles. - Fix bug#46441: texture paint soften brush at 0 strength works at full strength. - Cycles: Increase number of textures allowed for OpenCL render - Fix bug#46444: Crash importing DAE with empty armature - Fix bug#46434: Shear with local-center & editmode fails - Fix bug#46446: texture nodes image node not working with image sequences. - Fix bug#46447: fix build on non-x86 platforms. - Fix bug#46458: BGE Crash on load - Fix bug#46450: Seams from islands, wont show \'Sharp\' - Fix bug#46002: mathutils.geometry.intersect_line_line_2d doesn\'t operate on lines, but on line segments. - Fix bug#46467: Clean Keyframes removes the channels. - Fix bug#46453: JPEG quality not stored in file - Fix bug#46487: OpenSubdiv objects are invisible in Blender Internal \"Rendered\" viewport mode - BGE: Fix animations update when scene is suspended. - Fix bug#46223: multiview image sequences crashing. - Fix related to bug#46223: memory leak when loading multilayer multiview images. - Fix bug#46483: vertex/edge slide with correct UVs sometimes pinning UVs. - Fix bug#45900: Allow again white spaces in file names. - Fix bug#46465: Lag scrubbing with PlayAnim - Fix memory leaks in PlayAnim - Fix bug#46493: Wrong camera zoom blur with non-unit pixel aspect - Fix crash with PlayAnim & long filenames - Fix crash pressing +/- in file-selector - Fix bug#46503: Snap scale fails using corner pivot - Fix bug#46502: Linked dupli-group lost on reload - Fix for missing id_lib_extern, assigning ID\'s - Mesh remapping: fix loop \'best matching normals\' not using transform space. - Fix bug#46508: data_transfer of normals fails in case objects are transformed. - Fix broken CD_NORMAL interpolation callback (would generate non-unit vectors). - Fix bug#46429: Movie clip is deformed by resolution multiplier when offset is added in sequence editor. - Fix bug#46524: Use Alpha (Straight/Premultiply) option missing in 2.76 for DDS files. - Fix bug#46520: mathutils.bvhtree crashes with distance input. - Fix bug#46531: Cannot use % in filenames. - Fix bug#46529: Unwrap UV with use-subsurf fails - BGE: Fix bug#46381 : last action frame not updated. - Fix bug#46544: Can\'t unpack generated image - BGE: Fix physics meshes conversion with modifiers. - Fix bug#46524: Use Alpha (Straight/Premultiply) option missing in 2.76, part II. - Fix bug#46565: Movie render crash with out permissions - Fix bug#46561: Crash in outliner delete hierarchy - Fix bug#46569: Crash with mask & locked-track enabled - Fix bug#46521: Python: bvh.ray_cast doesn\'t find a plane facing in the other direction under certain circumstances - Cycles: Fix for watertight intersection - Cycles: Watertight fix for SSS intersection - BGE: Fix bug#46556: check on null sound datablock pointer. - Fix snap-scale with axis constraint - Fix for error with RenderView in ImageView list - Fix ffmpeg saving long paths - Fix ffmpeg memory leaks - Fix related to bug#46538: do not popup choice menu of mark/clear seam UV editor op invoke when prop is already set! - Fix bug#46538: Mark and Clear Seam in UV Editor, assigning Hotkeys. - Fix invalid exceptions with preview API - Fix error in bone UI - Fix: X-axis values in Graph Editor should not be displayed as timecodes in \"Drivers\" mode - Fix: Missing update after scrubbing time in Graph Editor - Fix bug#46599: Copy Rotation behaves erratically when Use Y is disabled - Fix: Prevent warnings from popping up when trying to edit driver expressions from buttons - Freestyle: minor speed-up by omitting the calculation of the smallest edge size. - Fix bug#46604: Crash in ChainPredicateIterator instantiated without predicates. - Fix broken comment about our WM progress report for python (its not a progress bar at all). - Fix bug#46606: Trackball Rotate jumps releasing shift - OpenSubdiv: Fix wrong handling of vertex parent - Fix bug#46605: Compositing causes access violation when rendering from command line - Fix bug#44231: Freestyle causes crash on render. - Freestyle: Fix for \'Distance from Object\' modifiers without a target object. - Fix bug#46617 File Output Node seems to save only black images into OpenEXR image data - Fix for crash when saving OpenEXR Multi-View from Image Editor - Fix bug#46626: Crash generating previews - Fix bug#46622: crash with metas & particles - Fix bug#46651: Select linked crash with wire seam edges
* Tue Oct 27 2015 disable WITH_CYCLES for PowerPC architectures to avoid build failure of cycles/bvh with missing x86intrin.h (not sure this is the best bypass) Add _constraints file to avoid no space error on ppc64le
* Mon Oct 26 2015 avoid -msse
* for PowerPC architecture
* Mon Oct 19 2015 Fix python3 search paths and build libmv alone in an attempt to fix x86_64 intermitent out of memory build failures.- Added python3-requests to build requirements.
* Sat Oct 17 2015 Added python3-numpy-devel to build requirements.
* Sat Oct 17 2015 Added support for building against system audaspace.
* Mon Oct 12 2015 update to 2.76 - Initial support for Pixar\'s OpenSubdiv geometry subdivision technology. - A huge view-port performance boost. - Big file browser performance boost and arrow keys navigation support. - Node auto-offset feature that helps organizing node layouts. - Absolute grid snapping in the 3D view. - Sculpting with tiled strokes. - Text effect strips for the sequencer, supporting subtitle export - As usual, hundreds of bugs fixed and other improvements! For more see
* Tue Aug 04 2015 Enabled collada again after updating openCOLLADA to latest Fedora build.
* Sun Jul 19 2015 Some spec file clean-up. graphviz and liblcms-devel were listed twice- Make \"-DWITH_OPENCOLLADA:BOOL=on\" conditional, by using the value from \"%define collada\". Only use it when not installing openSUSE openCOLLADA. At the moment the upstream version doesn\'t work.- Update to version 2.75a Short list of upstream changes for 2.75 - Blender now supports a fully integrated Multi-View and Stereo 3D pipeline - Cycles has much awaited initial support for AMD GPUs, and a new Light Portals feature. - UI now allows font previews in the file browser. - High quality options for viewport depth of field were added - Modeling has a new Corrective Smooth modifier. - The Decimate modifier was improved significantly. - 3D viewport painting now supports symmetry and the distribution of Dynamic Topology was improved - Video Sequence Editor: Placeholders can now replace missing frames of image sequences - Game Engine now allows smoother LOD transitions, and supports mist attributes animation - And: 100s of bug fixes and smaller feature improvements. The full list of features for 2.75: A list of all bugfixes for 2.75 and 2.75a:
* Tue May 19 2015 Update to version 2.74 Short list of upstream changes: - Cycles got several precision, noise, speed, memory improvements, new Pointiness attribute. - Viewport has new cool compositing features, outliner now manages orphan datablocks better. - Modeling now allows custom normals, and transferring data layers between meshes! - Massive improvements to hair dynamics and editing tools: a big step forward with more to come... - A new tool “Cavity Mask” was added to sculpting/painting, along with other improvements. - Great memory consumption optimization in Freestyle NPR stroke rendering. - Grease pencil and Game engine improvements, and more... See a full list of changes under:
* Tue Mar 03 2015 Enable build with cycles - see bnc#905649
* Mon Feb 23 2015 Use SDL explicitly
* Sun Feb 15 2015 Removed blender-freetype-2.5.4.patch- update to version 2.73a Important upstream changes for 2.73a:
* Fix invalid memory access in gradient brushes - could cause a crash in. (ae18fd5)
* Fix crash in texture paint sampling when sampling materials without. (def2ef8)
* Fix for GTest. (73955e2)
* Fix texture sampling with generative modifiers - sample backbuffer. (b996871)
* Fix for regression in bmesh connect-pair. (dec523d)
* Fix T43204: Shrinkwrap constraint, project mode: Space ignored in bone case. (599c8a2)
* Fix T43208 material flickering in edit mode. (1864253)
* Fix BMesh regression: behavior for select more/less. (dcd662c)
* Fix T43229: Knife-project regression (broke knife-project). (b77dd13)
* Fix T43156: Cycles incorrect final render, proper viewport with moblur disabled. (3f0113b)
* SDL wrangler: Support loading SDL2 libraries of different names. (653c6f2)
* Sequencer: Don\'t crash when trying to rebuild proxy without having sequence edits. (1994e84)
* Fix T43301: Three of the \'mirror keyframes\' tools were mirroring along wrong axis. (6e97db7)
* Fix own error in freestyle api. (704494e)
* Bugfix T43293: Crash when editing shared GPencil datablock in VSE. (32ffc63)
* Fix for security issue loading blend\'s. (45dfb3b)
* Fix T43311: using displacement shader crashes blender. (7fd4c44)
* Fix error in freestyle api. (967f93d)- removed blender-freetype-2.5.4.patch, which is not necessary anymore- create %{_mandir}/man1 if it doesn\'t exist- Update to version 2.73 List of important new features from upstream:
* User Interface + A new fullscreen mode without any buttons or other \"annoying\" elements to improve the UI + The 3D View got an option to display the world background right from the viewport + Pie Menus: - Confirm Threshold to confirm a pie menu without releasing the original key - Nested Pie Menus (a Pie Menu within a Pie Menu) are now supported + Chinese and Japanese complex character input
* Modeling + Knife-tool: - Cuts can now be created using free-hand drawing - Cut-loops can now be closed by double click + Selection: - A new selection method \"Select Similar Regions\" was added - You can now skip adjacent faces while using the select more/less function
* Sculpting/Painting + Texture Painting: - The Add Simple Uvs operator for texture painting now uses a simpler unwrap method for better quick UV layouts - Face-mask edges are now hidden to give proper visual feedback while working with masks + Brushes: - Changing brush size, detail size and strength can now be done using numeric keyboard input - Brush strength can now also be changed for Grab and Snake Hook brushes
* Sequencer + A Backdrop similar to Compositor is now implemented for the Sequencer as well + Strips: - Strips can now be snapped to other strip\'s start- and endpoints - A new slip Tool allows moving content within the strip itself
* Freestyle NPR Rendering + Freestyle got a new SVG exporter, implemented as an add-on + View maps can now be cached + More options for chain selection and chain sorting were added
* Animation + Grease Pencil (which got a major upgrade): - It is now possible to edit and animate strokes (!!!) - New draw styles were added, e.g. filled stroke interiors, volumetric strokes, ... - The Grease Pencil\'s user interface (which is now completely defined via Python) has gotten a general overhaul - Two quick access pie menus were added + Graph Editor: - Revised the set of operators for showing/hiding curves from the keyframe area - Circle selection for Curves was added
* Add-ons + Collada Importer: - Importing rigs previously caused problems with leaf bones (end bone of a bone chain) so a fix was created for that. - Added an experimental bonechain Finder to predict the longest possible chains of connected bones. + The FBX Add-on now uses some advanced handling/tweaking options for importing and exporting armatures + The Copy and Paste Add-on is now using version 2.0 See full list of 2.73 features here: All 2.73 and 2.73a bug fixes:
* Mon Dec 22 2014 Add blender-freetype-2.5.4.patch: Silence warnings when building against freetype 2.5.4 (which has a structure change on FT_Bitmap).
* Tue Nov 18 2014 fix bashisms in post scripts
* Thu Nov 13 2014 Update to version 2.72b, which is like 2.72a a bugfix release A list of fixes can be found here: 2.72a: 2.72b: