Changelog for syncthing-1.20.4-248.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Wed Aug 03 2022 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.20.4
* Bugfixes: [#7458]: Syncthing announces address of interface which is down [#8479]: Panic in failure reporting
* Enhancements: [#8007]: Support listing the discovered devices using the cli
* Tue Jul 05 2022 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.20.3
* Bugfixes: [#8369]: Shared device names are missing from \"Edit Folder -> Sharing\" [#8376]: Chrome Autofill Breaks Authentication [#8386]: Ignore patterns with wildcard and non-ASCII characters don\'t work as expected
* Enhancements: [#8393]: Warn if two devices are introducers to each other
* Thu Jun 09 2022 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.20.2
* Bugfixes: [#7289]: TCP port 0 is announced in the LAN beacon [#8314]: contains non-valid URLs with spaces [#8355]: Upgrading from v1.19.2 to v1.20.x now requires chmod for syncing files
* Enhancements: [#8264]: Include default ignore patterns in the GUI\'s advanced configuration editor [#8310]: Indicate folders / devices where the remote end is paused.
* Wed May 04 2022 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.20.1
* Bugfixes: [#8320]: Spurious failure of new connections (\"unknown (newer?) version of the protocol\" etc)
* Tue May 03 2022 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.20.0
* Bugfixes: [#7855]: Watching for changes using too many system resources on BSDs (kqueue) [#8020]: Dangling symlink prevents filesystem watcher on Solaris [#8232]: Missing include file endlessly spams log [#8258]: The latest version does not support go1.18 compilation!! [#8261]: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading \'status\') in the GUI after killing Syncthing
* Enhancements: [#8202]: Indicate folders / devices where the remote end has not accepted sharing. [#8282]: Change default log format to include date
* Other issues: [#8279]: Simplify tests using T.TempDir
* Tue Apr 05 2022 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.19.2
* Enhancements: [#8180]: Make error message upon reaching the free space quota more clear
* Wed Mar 02 2022 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.19.1
* Bugfixes (1.19.1): [#7850]: junctionsAsDirs requires folder pause and resume to trigger [#7924]: notify: File mode change events not emitted on MacOS/FSEvents watcher [#8083]: Device ID should be read-only and \"nearby devices\" should be hidden when adding a new pending device [#8143]: Behavior of discovery server doesn\'t match documentation [#8145]: Folder ID not editable in add folder dialog
* Enhancements (1.19.1): [#7942]: Improve error message about folder marker outside of folder [#8130]: CLI: add command to print pending folders offered by specific device
* Bugfixes (1.19.0): [#8103]: API: /rest/system/connections has misleading \"total\" entries
* Enhancements (1.19.0): [#7428]: Add ignore patterns to folder defaults [#8090]: Allow specifying ports in --generate
* Fri Jan 14 2022 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.18.6
* Enhancements: [#8050]: Display a warning when the ignore delete option is enabled [#8068]: Request: show pending devices/folders in CLI
* Tue Dec 07 2021 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.18.5
* Bugfixes: [#7715]: Deleted encrypted files don\'t show up as locally changed in web UI
* Enhancements: [#7115]: Use CRLF instead of LF in config.xml and .stignore on Windows [#8014]: Send TLS SNI to relay server [#8021]: Provide a way to preset GUI credentials with password hashing
* Wed Nov 24 2021 Johannes Segitz - Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es):
* harden_strelaysrv.service.patch
* harden_syncthing-resume.service.patch
* harden_syncthingAATT.service.patch
* Tue Nov 02 2021 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.18.4
* Bugfixes: [#7991]: Encryption trailer not updated on shortcut [#7994]: Index \"out of sync with reality\" on receive-encrypted folder [#8000]: stdiscosrv + strelaysrv systemd services not restarting on upgrade [#8012]: Not retrying to sync when a new connection is established
* Enhancements: [#4293]: make \"Reduced by ignore patterns\" label act like \"editIgnoresButton\"
* Wed Oct 06 2021 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.18.3
* Bugfixes: [#7853]: gui: Superfluous quotes [#7935]: Panic after POST /rest/system/reset
* Enhancements: [#7940]: \"Currently Shared With Devices\" list in the folder Sharing tab should be sorted alphabetically
* Sun Sep 26 2021 Fusion Future - Use /var/lib/syncthing-relaysrv in strelaysrv.service (boo#1190877).
* Tue Sep 07 2021 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.18.2
* Bugfixes: [#7827]: The error message \"given name ... differs from filesystem name ...\" does not help users to resolve the issue [#7893]: Updating ignores blocks GUI when IO slots are unavailable
* Thu Aug 05 2021 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.18.1
* Bugfixes: [#7704]: Changing folder type from receive encrypted to a different type corrupts the database [#7706]: Delete Unexpected Items in receive encrypted folder is unable to delete \".stfolder.removed-
*\" [#7740]: Incorrect local state when using negated patterns inside ignored parent folder on both sides [#7809]: Syncthing attemps IPv4 addresses for quic6:// peers [#7839]: Not exposed string for translation [#7845]: Strings unavailable for translation
* Fri Jul 09 2021 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.18.0
* Bugfixes: [#7708]: irreversible Local Additions after re-adding the same folder as Receive Only [#7731]: Scan due to watcher can not found local change while modify file to empty [#7733]: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘urAccepted’ of undefined [#7741]: Out-of-sync state of zero-byte files is not reflected on peers
* Enhancements: [#7700]: Add rest endpoint(s) to dismiss pending folder/device invitations [#7705]: Accepting a receive encrypted folder share should prompt the user to input a password [#7722]: Database GC can block for a long time [#7724]: Ensure encryption to untrusted on new, trusted device on an existing folder [#7742]: Use defaults for missing fields on the config rest API [#7743]: Show discovery and listener status when not failed
* Tue Jun 01 2021 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.17.0
* This release deprecates TLS 1.2 for sync connections; other side should be Syncthing 1.3.0 or newer, or see insecureAllowOldTLSVersions.
* Bugfixes: [#7592]: Web UI doesn\'t handle long machine names well [#7593]: ChaCha priority detection logic broken [#7608]: Files ignored on one remote do not get synced [#7649]: Incorrect local and global states after ignoring and unignoring files [#7673]: bug: cli subcommand is stuck on non-interactive shell [#7677]: UTF-8 normalization doesn\'t work on macOS [#7685]: CLI: strconv.ParseInt error when adding new device via CLI [#7699]: Sharing receive encrypted folder as receive encrypted with yet another device creates conflicts
* Enhancements: [#7471]: Improve UDP hole punching [#7580]: Improve logging for service failures [#7594]: Consider removing support for TLS <1.3 on sync connections [#7600]: Fast connect to new devices following config update [#7636]: Improve QUIC performance
* Sat May 29 2021 Fabian Niepelt - Fix User, Group, EnvironmentFile and ReadWritePaths in systemd.service unit
* Fri May 14 2021 Andreas Stieger - update to 1.16.1:
* fixes for other distributions only
* Tue May 04 2021 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.16.0
* This release adds untrusted / encrypted devices for public testing. It should still be considered beta / testing-only.
* Bugfixes: [#7026]: panic: key not found when repairing DB [#7379]: \"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder\" does not appear when editing only folder label [#7533]: Remote completion on untrusted devices is incorrect [#7548]: Upgrading syncthing-relaysrv to 1.15.0 fails in post-installation [#7551]: QUIC: failed to determine receive buffer size: doesn\'t have a SyscallConn [#7557]: Encrypted folder(s) on Windows reported as \"Unexpected Objects\" [#7568]: panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [24:3] [#7584]: Folder label missing from folder path when adding new folders
* Enhancements: [#109]: Support for file encryption (e.g. non-trusted servers) [#3322]: GUI \"Out of sync\" modal uses massive amounts of CPU in browser [#7520]: Ask for confirmation before reverting/overriding a folder
* Wed Apr 07 2021 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.15.0/1.15.1
* This release fixes a vulnerability where Syncthing and the relay server can crash due to malformed relay protocol messages (CVE-2021-21404); see GHSA-x462-89pf-6r5h. (boo#1184428)
* This release updates the CLI to use subcommands and adds the subcommands cli (previously standalone stcli utility) and decrypt (for offline verifying and decrypting encrypted folders).
* With this release we invite everyone to test the \"untrusted (encrypted) devices\" feature. You should not use it yet on important production data. Thus UI controls are hidden behind a feature flag. For more information, visit:
* Wed Mar 03 2021 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.14.0
* This release adds configurable device and folder defaults.
* The output format of the /rest/db/browse endpoint has changed.
* Wed Feb 03 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 1.13.1:
* This release adds configuration options for min/max connections (see and moves the storage of pending devices/folders from the config to the database (see
* Bugfixes
* Official builds of v1.13.0 come with the Tech Ui, which is impossible to switch back from
* Sun Jan 17 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 1.12.1:
* Invalid names are allowed and \"auto accepted\" in folder root path on Windows
* Sometimes indexes for some folders aren\'t sent after starting Syncthing
* [Untrusted] Remove Unexpected Items leaves things behind
* Wrong theme on selection
* Quic spamming address resolving
* Deleted locally changed items still shown as locally changed
* Allow specifying remote expected web UI port which would generate a href somewhere
* Ignore fsync errors when saving ignore files
* Tue Dec 01 2020 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.12.0 - The 1.12.0 release - adds a new config REST API. - The 1.11.0 release - adds the sendFullIndexOnUpgrade option to control whether all index data is resent when an upgrade is detected, equivalent to starting Syncthing with --reset-deltas. This (sendFullIndexOnUpgrade=true) used to be the behavior in previous versions, but is mainly useful as a troubleshooting step and causes high database churn. The new default is false.
* Tue Oct 06 2020 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.10.0 - This release adds the config option announceLANAddresses to enable (the default) or disable announcing private (RFC1918) LAN IP addresses to global discovery.
* Tue Sep 08 2020 Marius Kittler - Update to 1.9.0 - This release adds the advanced folder option caseSensitiveFS ( to disable the new safe handling of case insensitive filesystems.
* Tue Aug 25 2020 Marius Kittler - Fix Leap build by requiring at least Go 1.14
* Tue Aug 18 2020 Marius Kittler - Prevent the build system to download Go modules which would require an internet connection during the build- Update to 1.8.0 - The 1.8.0 release - adds the experimental copyRangeMethod config on folders, for use on filesystems with copy-on-write support. Please see for details. - adds TCP hole punching, used to establish high performance TCP connections in certain NAT scenarios where only relay or QUIC connections could be used previously. - adds a configuration to file versioning for how often to run cleanup. This defaults to once an hour, but is configurable from very frequently to never. - The 1.7.0 release performs a database migration to optimize for clusters with many devices. - The 1.6.0 release performs a database schema migration, and adds the BlockPullOrder, DisableFsync and MaxConcurrentWrites folder options to the configuration schema. The LocalChangeDetected event no longer has the action set to added for new files, instead showing modified for all local file changes. - The 1.5.0 release changes the default location for the index database under some circumstances. Two new flags can also be used to affect the location of the configuration (-config) and database (-data) separately. The old -home flag is equivalent to setting both of these to the same directory. When no flags are given the following logic is used to determine the data location: If a database exists in the old default location, that location is still used. This means existing installations are not affected by this change. If $XDG_DATA_HOME is set, use $XDG_DATA_HOME/syncthing. If ~/.local/share/syncthing exists, use that location. Use the old default location.
* Wed Apr 08 2020 Martin Rey - Update to 1.4.2: - Bugfixes: - #6499: panic: nil pointer dereference in usage reporting - Other issues: - revert a change to the upgrade code that puts unnecessary load on the upgrade server
* Tue Apr 07 2020 Martin Rey - Update to 1.4.1: - Bugfixes: - #6289: \"general SOCKS server failure\" since syncthing 1.3.3 - #6365: Connection errors not shown in GUI - #6415: Loop in database migration \"folder db index missing\" after upgrade to v1.4.0 - #6422: \"fatal error: runtime: out of memory\" during database migration on QNAP NAS- Enhancements: - #5380: gui: Display folder/device name in modal - #5979: UNIX socket permission bits - #6384: Do auto upgrades early and synchronously on startup- Other issues: - #6249: Remove unnecessary RAM/CPU stats from GUI
* Tue Mar 17 2020 Martin Rey - Update to 1.4.0: - Important changes: - New config option maxConcurrentIncomingRequestKiB - Replace config option maxConcurrentScans with maxFolderConcurrency - Improve database schema - Bugfixes: - #4774: Doesn\'t react to Ctrl-C when run in a subshell with -no-restart (Linux) - #5952: panic: Should never get a deleted file as needed when we don\'t have it - #6281: Progress emitter uses 100% CPU - #6300: lib/ignore: panic: runtime error: index out of range [0] with length 0 - #6304: Syncing issues, database missing sequence entries - #6335: Crash or hard shutdown can case database inconsistency, out of sync - Enhancements: - #5786: Consider always running the monitor process - #5898: Database performance: reduce duplication - #5914: Limit folder concurrency to improve performance - #6302: Avoid thundering herd issue by global request limiter
* Tue Mar 10 2020 Alexei Sorokin - Change the Go build requirement to a more flexible \"golang(API) >= 1.12\".
* Thu Feb 06 2020 Marius Kittler - Disable automatic updates (which do not work anyways unless you run Syncthing as user root)
* Tue Feb 04 2020 Martin Rey - Update to 1.3.4: - Bugfixes: - #4570: Negative percentage and data to sync - #5867: Progress bar not visible - #6044: Clicking \"Save\" in options says \"You have unsaved changes\" when changing automatic upgrade setting - #6213: Tone down STUN logging a bit - #6222: Connection Error on Listing More Locally Changed Files - #6234: Docker image uses wrong path for default folder - #6240: GUI: ignore patterns path is one row too low - #6263: Panics due to database being closed
* Mon Feb 03 2020 Dominique Leuenberger - BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to shortcut through the -mini flavors.
* Tue Jan 07 2020 Martin Rey - Update to 1.3.3: - Bugfixes: - #6133: Race condition in restarting folder - #6139: Some sync errors get cleared despite them still being valid - Enhancements: - #5887: Upgrade Button Does Not Have Confirmation Dialog - #6057: \"Nearby devices\" links should look more like links (mouse pointer) - #6190: Do not create .stignore if there are no ignore patterns
* Wed Dec 04 2019 Martin Rey - Update to 1.3.2: - Bugfixes: - #5810: GUI theme not changing on WebKit-based/like browsers - #5968: Folder \"Up To Date\" but has pending \"Revert Local Changes\" - #5980: (De)select all not working in add device dialog - #6027: Folder shows as \"Syncing\" when there is no data transfer - #6043: Cannot exit after failed startup - #6081: QUIC accept error loops too quickly, causing excessive log output - #6090: Pull-scan loop due to symlink traversal - #6093: cmd/stdiscosrv: Data race in replication - #6136: API + UI device last seen is empty/Never - #6160: Uses too much RAM when syncing large files (1.3.0+) - Enhancements: [#6056]: Improve sharing tab when there are no devices to share with [#6115]: Change Web UI based on prefers-color-scheme
* Wed Nov 13 2019 Martin Rey - Update to 1.3.1: - Bugfixes: - #5993: Build information missing in discovery and relay server binaries - #5995: Usage-reported transfer stats are meaningless - #6008: Changed file in receive-only folder cannot be ignored - #6040: Shows authentication warning when listening on UNIX socket - #6049: Hostnames resolving to localhost are not considered \'local\' in remote access warning - Enhancements: - #5583: White tab in black Interface ? - #5627: Stalled scans need better UI representation - Other issues: - #6010: STUN server should be removed- Changes from 1.3.0: - Bugfixes: - #5985: Log spam and high CPU use if #include path is wrong in .stignore - Enhancements: - #5138: Rate limit can be very bursty - #5948: Improve free space checking when syncing - #5966: Database performance: improve situation with huge databases - Other issues: - #5924: Upgrade server JSON generator - #5991: lib/api: TestHostCheck never finishes with Go 1.13rc2 under Docker - #5999: Allow providing your own ldflags for building- Changes from 1.2.2: - Bugfixes: - #5824: Sync Protocol Listen Address in Actions behaves badly - #5836: panic: chmod ...: operation not permitted - #5839: Prevent leaking log info into stack traces - #5866: No indication in GUI that Syncthing has been shut down - #5888: Adding/updating pending folders is inefficient - #5908: panic: close of closed channel in lib/syncthing when shutting down - #5920: Free space error message is unintelligeble - #5934: Dialing regards any established connection as successful / does not check device ID - Enhancements: - #5738: Avoid logging http: TLS handshake error ... remote error: tls: unknown certificate - #5940: TLS: Support x25519, reconsider elliptic curve priority in handshake - Other issues: - #5115: Include systemd units in stdiscosrv/strelaysrv Debian packages - #5901: TestPullInvalidIgnoredSR flakyness + data race
* Fri Aug 09 2019 Frederic Crozat - Update to 1.2.1: - Bugfixes: - #5308: FreeBSD: Create new file does not generate a fs event. - #5801: panic: close of nil channel in relay client stop - #5803: Web UI shows confusing description on RC builds when upgrades are disabled - #5828: panic: Index update for not running folder - #5833: Paused folder shows filesystem watcher error - #5837: panic: runtime error: index out of range in recheckFile - #5849: Cannot concatenate external versioner template variables (\"%FOLDER_PATH%/%FILE_PATH%\") - #5880: panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference in loadIgnoreFile - Enhancements: - #5811: Download progress of folders in the UI should update more frequently- Changes from 1.2.0: - Important notes: - This release does not interoperate with Syncthing 0.14.45 or older. - This release adds QUIC with NAT traversal as a new transport protocol. TCP is usually more performant and remains the preferred way of connection when possible. - This release adds automatic crash reporting. See for details. - This release makes large / variable block size the only available mode of operation; small / fixed blocks are deprecated. See for details. - Bugfixes: - #4170: panic: bug: ClusterConfig called on closed or nonexistent connection - #5609: Filesystem watching failed when parent folder is not listable - #5652: Connection error after closing failed items list and opening another list - #5765: Verioner cleanup looks at the wrong time - #5766: Support bundle doesn\'t include errors list, instead printing Support bundle: failed to create errors.json: - #5770: Scan failure blocks \"Rescan\" button - #5777: Spurious need to \"revert\" nonexistent changes with Receive Only folder on Android - Enhancements: - #959: Automatic error log sending to dev. team - #3345: Show last connection error per discovered address - #5377: Use of QUIC for transport - #5631: Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT doesn\'t pass along extra arguments from \"docker run\" - #5697: Handle fatal watch errors gracefully- Changes from 1.1.4: - Bugfixes: - #4613: Progress emitter doesn\'t start from config change if disabled at startup - #5338: Version restore not possible with custom versioning path set - #5421: WebGui: Locally Changed Items vanish when clicking 10|25|50 - #5578: Filesystem watcher error when watching disk root directory on Windows - #5641: Syncthing gets stuck in a high CPU \"Failed Files\" state - Possibly a symlink issue? - #5649: Checking block content on unexpected request results doesn\'t work for the last block - #5654: Incorrect file info passed as argument to delete existing dir/symlink - #5704: Failure to fsync() files should not be fatal - Enhancements: - #1634: Use copy instead of rename for version folder on other file systems - #4531: GUI folder/device status rows should handle longer values nicer - #4586: Versioner file tagging is inconsistent - #4631: In-GUI restoration should be possible from trashcan versioner - #5419: File versioning across drives - #5659: Old sync errors should not linger while retrying
* Fri Jul 26 2019 removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by firewalld, see [1]. [1]:
* Mon May 13 2019 Paolo Stivanin - Update to 1.1.3: - Bugfixes: - #5332: Duplicate Files Names in Out of Sync List - #5456: Folder marked as \"Up to Date\" with failed items - #5578: Filesystem Watcher Error on v1.1.0 - #5624: Simple Syncthing invocations take a long time to run - #5676: Systemd circular dependency prevents startup - Enhancements: - #5554: Unnecessary time precision in pendingFolder/pendingDevice config entries
* Wed Apr 10 2019 Marcus Rueckert - Update to version 1.1.1: - Bugfixes: - #5531: Flush to database based on size instead of entries - #5571: Dir/symlink updates overwrite conflicts & unscanned files - #5599: Default folder in v1.1.0 isn’t created with useLargeBlocks = true - Enhancements: - #4921: Syncthing should guard against running old versions with new config - #5065: Add support for TLS1.3 - #5346: Systemd unit should declare - #5560: Change \"Introduced by\" icon - #5569: Outdated copyright notes in \"About\" dialog - Other issues: - #1101: Syncthing has no easter eggs - #5480: Better describe exposed volumes in our Docker image
* Sat Mar 23 2019 Marcus Rueckert - Update to version 1.1.0: - Bugfixes - #5482: minHomeDiskFreePct is still present in fresh configs - #5493: Monitor bug: TERM signaling not passed to syncthing process - #5557: Hashing performance degradation when using large blocks - Enhancements - #5365: .desktop files: desktop-entry-lacks-keywords-entry - #5445: User/group ownership following parent dir - Other issues - #5077: TestWatchIgnore is flaky (OpenBSD (-current) Test failed) - #5246: TestParentDeletion fails on OpenBSD - #5311: Update prometheus/common/expfmt to pass tests on go1.11 - #5454: build.go setup problems with gomodules - #5495: Dockerhub Docker builds fail continously - #5515: Missing string from Transifex - API Changes - Change #5479 introduces the new copyOwnershipFromParent folder - configuration option. The default, false, matches the old behavior of - not copying ownership information. - Since change #5405, large (variable size) blocks are enabled by default for newly created folders.0
* Mon Mar 18 2019 Jan Engelhardt - Do not hide errors from useradd.- Add %systemd_ordering for %service_
* Tue Feb 26 2019 Bernd Wachter - Package additional binaries
* Add CLI (stcli) to main package
* Add relay server (strelaysrv) to relaysrv subpackage
* Tue Feb 19 2019 Marius Kittler - Update to version 1.0.1:
* Directory status \"box\" character not readable by screen readers / not colour blindness friendly (gh#syncthing/syncthing#2697).
* \"Automatic upgrades\" web GUI option in pre-release versions is misleading (gh#syncthing/syncthing#4216).
* Incorrectly out of synch, sequence number oddness (gh#syncthing/syncthing#5340).
* Deleted files show up as failed scans (gh#syncthing/syncthing#5385).
* gui: Missing icon in footer (gh#syncthing/syncthing#5389).
* Data race in model.(
*folder).startWatch() (gh#syncthing/syncthing#5392).
* Scan errors about ignored files displayed in web UI (gh#syncthing/syncthing#5397).
* panic: runtime error: Invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference in ignore.go (gh#syncthing/syncthing#5401).
* Illegal characters in directory name on auto accept (gh#syncthing/syncthing#5411).
* Consider switching to Go modules (gh#syncthing/syncthing#5148).
* Thu Jan 31 2019 Hans-Peter Jansen - Fix build with 42.3
* Tue Jan 01 2019 Alexei Sorokin - Update to version 1.0.0:
* Incorrect warning when --home and path on same directory level (gh#syncthing/syncthing#5324).
* Empty file field in log when normalizePath failed (gh#syncthing/syncthing#5369).
* Event system can cause deadlock (gh#syncthing/syncthing#5372).
* Option to limit max simultaneous scans (gh#syncthing/syncthing#2760).
* Add hardening options to systemd units (gh#syncthing/syncthing#5286).
* Show configured rate limit in the GUI (gh#syncthing/syncthing#5320).
* Show list of locally changed files for receive only directories (gh#syncthing/syncthing#5336).
* New chmduquesne/rollinghash breaks tests (gh#syncthing/syncthing#5334).
* lib/model: TestDeregister
* tests are bad (gh#syncthing/syncthing#5362).