Changelog for python311-pygame-2.1.3-63.41.x86_64.rpm :
* Sun May 07 2023 Jan Engelhardt - Replace xorg-x11-devel by pkgconfig(...) * Thu Feb 23 2023 Daniel Garcia - Update to 2.1.3: * 2.1.2 by AATTillume in #2957 * Fix path dependencies by AATTSergioArnaud in #2975 * Add test for pygame.locals by AATTankith26 in #2958 * Fix Pygame imported class typehints by AATTMightyJosip in #2965 * Fix some bugs in camera.py by AATTankith26 in #2961 * Clean modinit C code, fix bugs, use recommended API by AATTankith26 in #2952 * Python2 to Python3 code modernization by AATTnovialriptide in #2984 * SDL 2.0.20 by AATTillume in #2983 * Update the image doc, delineate bytes and str by AATTStarbuck5 in #2959 * Add pixel format name into display info by AATTMyreMylar in #2964 * Add missing copy test for Vector3 by AATTJovialKnoll in #3000 * New black formatting by AATTnovialriptide in #3013 * Misc fixes: Fix UCS_4 UCS4 typo, incorrect color methods export and display.c error handling bugs by AATTankith26 in #2987 * Snake casify _sdl2.video.Image.flipX and .flipY by AATTavaxar in #2978 * Removed unused imports by AATTnovialriptide in #3016 * Fix warnings, make warnings error on CI by AATTankith26 in #2919 * Added Rect typing and docs that it is iterable by AATTnovialriptide in #2969 * Fix there typo in tests.rst by AATTeoghanriley in #3022 * C code cleanups + cdrom/overlay removal by AATTStarbuck5 in #3014 * Make sure surfaces start as opaque black. (MacOS) by AATTStarbuck5 in #2973 * Add transform.scale_by, transform.smoothscale_by functions by AATTStarbuck5 in #2723 * Fix typo in C_api display docs by AATTgresm in #3027 * Font rwops by AATTStarbuck5 in #2911 * transform.average_color: Add optional parameter \'consider_alpha\' to remove black artifacts if alpha present by AATTdr0id in #2968 * pygame.docs: remove warning in docs generation due to a reference to… by AATTdr0id in #3029 * Add __new__ and __init__ functions for some types by AATTzoldalma999 in #3001 * Regenerate cython files by AATTankith26 in #3032 * 2.1.3.dev2 by AATTillume in #3039 * Add .move_towards() for Vector2 and Vector3 by AATTnovialriptide in #2929 * Save Surfaces with palettes as indexed 8P PNG by AATTThanhChinhBK in #3028 * Rect collidelistall unittests added and updated docs to document different argument types by AATTdr0id in #2989 * Add some more events by AATTankith26 in #2953 * Fix bufferproxy doc typo by AATTgresm in #3044 * VideoInfo string missing closing parenthesis by AATTGregoryMorse in #3053 * Fix stubtest warnings, run stubtest on CI by AATTankith26 in #2999 * Cursors example improvements - including showing new system, color, and image cursors by AATTthanice in #3037 * Improve example textinput by AATTblankRiot96 in #3050 * Use github downloads for windows prebuilts downloads by AATTillume in #3059 * 2.1.3.dev4 and 2.1.3dev5 by AATTillume in #3060 * Fix more typestub warnings with dunders by AATTankith26 in #3075 * Fix APPMOUSEFOCUS naming, update const values by AATTankith26 in #3043 * Pkgdata import in init for PyInstaller by AATTStarbuck5 in #3082 * Fix logos page by AATTGrimmys in #2977 * Fix segfault in resource loading function by AATTankith26 in #3089 * Fix pygame logo image in README.rst by AATTnovialriptide in #3090 * Add black badge by AATTnovialriptide in #3091 * Use static dot declarations for type objects by AATTankith26 in #3067 * Windows prebuilts updates with freetype and SDL_ttf 2.0.18 by AATTStarbuck5 in #3086 * Get rid of sprintf calls in the codebase by AATTankith26 in #3041 * Fix and normalize function pointer calls for METH_NOARGS by AATTpmp-p in #3080 * Update list of datafiles in generated docs by AATTwxh06 in #3073 * Improve draw doc accuracy and example style by AATTStarbuck5 in #3074 * Check SDL version earlier, report known incompat (closes #2657) by AATTSnoopJ in #2661 * Lint/format examples/ *.py by AATTStarbuck5 in #3093 * Fix missing pointer cast fix by AATTpmp-p in #3104 * Add a .clamp_magnitude() to Vector2 and Vector3 by AATTnovialriptide in #2990 * examples/mask.py change default image to one with alpha channel by AATTbrccabral in #3111 * Fix mouse_get_pos takes no argument by AATTpmp-p in #3115 * Small fixes to the documentation header by AATThnrkcode in #3094 * Rect and Color support collections.abc.Container, add tests and stubs by AATTankith26 in #3066 * Don\'t raise python errors in v4l2_read_frame by AATTankith26 in #3052 * Fix name/definition conflict for pgSurface_New by AATTpmp-p in #3106 * Add pygame.font.get_sdl_ttf_version() for getting version of SDL_ttf library by AATTmariospapaz in #3095 * Math\'s Vectors have not documented methods by AATTgresm in #3122 * Event tests and types improvements (Minor event refactor part 3) by AATTankith26 in #3063 * Cleanup old compatibility code in windows sysfont by AATTStarbuck5 in #3126 * Fix display.set_mode docs for DOUBLEBUF by AATTStarbuck5 in #3129 * Make pgBuffer_Release retain previously set errors by AATTankith26 in #3127 * Change renderer names to strings in get_drivers by AATTzoldalma999 in #3132 * Takeover of Newbie guide PR #2718 by AATTdavidpendergast by AATTMyreMylar in #3118 * Fixed Vector.clamp_magnitude() parameters by AATTnovialriptide in #3133 * SIMD version of BLEND_RGBA_MULT for 32bit surfaces by AATTMyreMylar in #2988 * Update constants.c to clang-format version 14.0 by AATTMyreMylar in #3137 * Add pygame.context module by AATTStarbuck5 in #3100 * Add pygame.get_pref_locales by AATTankith26 in #3038 * Use more optimal line functions in polygon by AATTStarbuck5 in #3141 * Proposal: add Rect.collidelistallobjects that returns the colliding objects by AATTdr0id in #3026 * Remove Solaris compatibility code to re-enable SIGALARM by AATTMyreMylar in #3142 * Fix Vector subclass methods to return the correct subtype instance by AATTnovialriptide in #3088 * Raise only pygame.error when mixer loading fails by AATTankith26 in #3148 * Fix typo in SpriteIntro.rst tutorial by AATTJoshuaDRose in #3154 * Fixed windows version parsing in Camera that errored on versions like 8.1 by AATTMatiiss in #3158 * Fix \"-auto\" setup.py argument not being used properly in buildconfig by AATTrobertpfeiffer in #3157 * Updates to moveit.py example by AATTdbrown3562 in #3146 * Update to SDL 2.0.22 on Windows by AATTStarbuck5 in #3162 * Typo fix, ball -> bat by AATTelgcodes in #3164 * Typo fix or -> for by AATTelgcodes in #3165 * Fix sysfont.get_fonts stop returning None, warn fc-list issues by AATTankith26 in #3159 * Fix _sdl2.controller for static build, pygame.h is in _sdl2 parent directory by AATTpmp-p in #3105 * Add SIMD versions of RGB_MUL blitter by AATTMyreMylar in #3136 * Fix typo in korean document by AATTEunhoKang in #3176 * Add evfilter guard mutex, fix pymalloc without GIL (Minor event refactor part 2.1) by AATTankith26 in #3177 * Add test for fullscreen toggle by AATTPurityLake in #3171 * SIMD versions of RGB_ADD, RGBA_ADD, RGB_MUL & RGBA_MUL by AATTMyreMylar in #3170 * Static build support for WebAssembly by AATTpmp-p in #3108 * Correction of a comment by AATTYvant2000 in #3182 * Regenerate cython files by AATTStarbuck5 in #3183 * Simplify some boolean handling by AATTStarbuck5 in #3192 * Fix DLL loading problems on Windows Store Python installations by AATTStarbuck5 in #3196 * wasm: fence simd/avx by AATTpmp-p in #3191 * Removed Python 2 nonzero by AATTblankRiot96 in #3194 * Use CircleCI for manylinux aarch64 builds by AATTankith26 in #3188 * Remove custom JPEG saver by AATTStarbuck5 in #3180 * Update build-emsdk.yml by AATTpmp-p in #3185 * Improve clang format source file detection by AATTzoldalma999 in #3140 * Clang format touch.c to fix failing lint tests by AATTankith26 in #3201 * Fix Chimp tutorial code to use the correct module name alias by AATTkharissa in #3205 * Fix a few pylint issues by AATTankith26 in #3206 * pyupgrade --py36-plus * */ *.py by AATTcclauss in #3208 * Fix print () --> print() by AATTcclauss in #3213 * Make latest pypy wheels on mac/linux, cibuildwheel on manylinux and other minor updates by AATTankith26 in #3187 * Remove more code for legacy Python by AATTcclauss in #3207 * More Python f-strings with flynt by AATTcclauss in #3212 * Add SIMD versions of RGB & RGBA BLEND_MAX, BLEND_MIN blit modes by AATTMyreMylar in #3181 * Use custom SDL2_ttf on Windows by AATTStarbuck5 in #3193 * Typos: get em out of here! by AATTStarbuck5 in #3216 * setup.cfg: Sort pylint disables to simplify future edits by AATTcclauss in #3220 * sysfont.py: check for emscripten platform by AATTpmp-p in #3225 * Fix undefined name: get_python_inc() by AATTcclauss in #3219 * Added strikethrough option to Font by AATTMightyJosip in #2991 * Fixed window not staying centered on second call of display.set_mode by AATTPurityLake in #3172 * Fix Vector memory leak by AATTMightyJosip in #3236 * wasm disable mutex usage, wasm CI updates by AATTankith26 in #3203 * wasm: pygame.surfarray could load on 3.10.5 backport by AATTpmp-p in #3246 * Refactor font.render by AATTStarbuck5 in #3186 * Fix Controller.rumble returning wrong bool on error by AATTankith26 in #3248 * wasm: wrong logic masks pgExc_SDLError by AATTpmp-p in #3247 * Make textinput show a candidate list by AATTStarbuck5 in #3244 * Cleaned up test/README.TXT by AATTnovialriptide in #3254 * Fix typos in sprite docs by AATTStarDexterity in #3263 * Fix Surf.set_palette to be usable without an initialized display by AATTStarbuck5 in #3259 * Replaced some truth testing with is not None checks in sprite module by AATTMatiiss in #3271 * Include user fonts for pygame.font.match_font() on Windows by AATTnovialriptide in #3184 * Add SysFont pygame.font.get_fonts() verification test by AATTSSS-Says-Snek in #3266 * Fix wasm build when no PREFIX variable is defined by AATTryanking13 in #3280 * Remove deprecated blend argument from test and docs by AATTkevin-pease in #3281 * Fix controller build on SDL < 2.0.9 by AATTStarbuck5 in #3272 * Add unit test for display.gl_set_attribute() by AATTMyreMylar in #3256 * Fix docs and types for math.Vector2.cross() return to float by AATTVicky-Vicky27 in #3286 * Prettify joystick documentation + add Nintendo Switch mapping by AATTnovialriptide in #3290 * Sprite typestub updates, use generics and protocols by AATTankith26 in #3138 * Adjusted examples and rewrote documentation accordingly by AATTdbrown3562 in #3092 * More efficiently track pixels in AVX blitters by AATTStarbuck5 in #3294 * Fix sprite docs DrawPlain ---> RenderPlain by AATTfQ7N in #3298 * Fix new static analyzer (VS 2022) warnings by AATTankith26 in #3295 * Cleaned up draw.aaline() code for small speedup by AATTitzpr3d4t0r in #3300 * wasm: add pygame.gfxdraw to static preloader by AATTpmp-p in #3304 * Raise minimum SDL to 2.0.4, patch so it can build on that by AATTStarbuck5 in #3239 * Update SDL_ttf 2.20.0, SDL_mixer 2.6.0 on Windows by AATTStarbuck5 in #3287 * Restore correct checksum for SDL_ttf windows dep download by AATTitzpr3d4t0r in #3329 * setup.py: fix user+deprecation warnings on 3.11+ by AATTpmp-p in #3228 * Add FASTCALL compat macros, update Color.update to use the same by AATTankith26 in #3325 * Fix latest stubtest issues by AATTankith26 in #3332 * Fix wrong relative imports in _sdl2 cython code by AATTpmp-p in #3313 * Add use_compat to key.name, fix key_code compat issues by AATTankith26 in #3312 * Add srcrect NULL check to pgSurface_Blit by AATTMyreMylar in #3284 * Add BGRA format for pycairo compatibility by AATTrlatowicz in #3338 * Move alphabit.c SSE2 blitters to main SSE2 file by AATTStarbuck5 in #3296 * Surface.blits() speedups and code cleanup by AATTitzpr3d4t0r in #3314 * Optimized _vector_distance_helper by AATTitzpr3d4t0r in #3335 * Use macos-12 for all Mac CI builds by AATTankith26 in #3347 * Added tobytes/frombytes aliases for pygame.image.(to|from)string by AATTEmc2356 in #3321 * Remove constants repetition and duplicate define by AATTStarbuck5 in #3344 * Add clamp(val, min, max) function to pygame.math by AATTJamesC01 in #3326 * BGRA format added to fromstring & tostring by AATTrlatowicz in #3342 * Use memcpy and memset when appropriate by AATTStarbuck5 in #3364 * SDL_UCS4ToUTF8 may exist from SDL_keyboard.c by AATTpmp-p in #3349 * edited docs for pygame.Vector2.angle_to by AATToddbookworm in #3359 * Deprecate Color.set_length by AATTblankRiot96 in #3352 * Vendor in SDL PNG save function, fix new 2.1.3 regression by AATTankith26 in #3376 * Merge 32/64bit SSE blitter codepaths by AATTStarbuck5 in #3375 * Document pygame.math.Vector epsilon attribute by AATToddbookworm in #3373 * test.test_utils.run_tests.py: Fix exit using RuntimeError for better message by AATTVazno in #3382 * Cleanup sysfont.py to use f-strings by AATTlebedevhhh in #3391 * setup.py | io module no longer used. by AATTVazno in #3388 * Update DisplayModes.rst - PEP Changes by AATTJoshuaDRose in #3385 * Fix some METH_NOARGS usage, use METH_O where possible by AATTankith26 in #3366 * Make pygame.math.clamp only take numbers by AATTJamesC01 in #3361 * Add _GenericVector to math typestubs, fixes by AATTankith26 in #3150 * Fix tests that had overshadowed names by AATTankith26 in #3384 * Replaced more expressions to f strings by AATTVazno in #3392 * scale(), scale_by(), smoothscale(), smoothscale_by() reorganization and speed up by AATTitzpr3d4t0r in #3319 * config_unix: Removed unused sys import by AATTVazno in #3397 * Fix edge case bug in Vector.move_towards, add more tests by AATTankith26 in #3400 * Go back to old memcpy strategy for non-flip flip by AATTStarbuck5 in #3416 * Fix incref issue in PixelArray context manager API by AATTankith26 in #3414 * Update some deps in manylinux scripts by AATTankith26 in #3042 * Fix freetype compilation flags when building with clang instead of gcc by AATTpmp-p in #3381 * Relax SDL minor version exact match check by AATTankith26 in #3428 * Clean bash-completion file in macdeps builds by AATTankith26 in #3431 * Optimized rect getters by AATTitzpr3d4t0r in #3401 * Delete rect subscripts should error not segfault by AATTankith26 in #3440 * Vector clamp shouldn\'t allow kwargs, improve error reporting and unit tests by AATTankith26 in #3396 * Make sure set_mode always returns a cleared window by AATTankith26 in #3317 * Improved mixer.set_reserved() documentation by AATTVicky-Vicky27 in #3434 * SSE alpha blitter optimization by AATTStarbuck5 in #3378 * Add Spanish translation of chimp tutorial by AATTstefpivser in #3421 * Update and sync SDL_mixer and SDL_ttf to 2.6.2 and 2.20.1 respectively by AATTankith26 in #3433 * Compile freetype with harfbuzz, reduce manylinux wheelsize by AATTankith26 in #3445 * Freshen up arraydemo.py by AATTStarbuck5 in #3453 * Refactor examples/mask.py by AATTpycoinfu in #3455 * Fix new mypy-0.981 fails by AATTankith26 in #3470 * 2.1.3.dev6 and 2.1.3.dev7 by AATTillume in #3471 * Fix pypy rect freelist issue, unskip tests by AATTankith26 in #3452 * Fix es folder location and fix some sphinx issues in ChimpanceLineaporLinea.rst by AATTillume in #3473 * Fixed typo in aliens example by AATTmuelletm in #3485 * overview.rst -> 개요.rst by AATTnovialriptide in #3474 * Add 3.11.0.rc2 to Appveyor by AATTStarbuck5 in #3486 * Cleanup of symbian code and references to bitbucket/motherhamster bugzilla by AATTankith26 in #3490 * Fixed segault in subclass of Sound by AATTPurityLake in #3492 * Relax strict pixel match tests in test_src_alpha_sdl2_blitter by allowing a small delta by AATTTemmie3754 in #3494 * manylinux: Upgrade to SDL2-2.0.22 by AATTillume in #3475 * Internalize \"SDL\"_UCS4ToUTF8 by AATTStarbuck5 in #3487 * blitters fix compile error when no SIMD by AATTankith26 in #3498 * Python 3.11 on mac/manylinux (with updated cibuildwheel) by AATTankith26 in #3484 * v2.1.3.dev8 by AATTillume in #3503 * Remove pygame.context for later renaming by AATTillume in #3508 * Correct typo in tom_games3.rst by AATTcvionis in #3504 * Add debian s390x and ppc64le tests to CI by AATTankith26 in #3496 * docs: Add experimental feedback links to new APIs by AATTillume in #3511 * Mon Dec 12 2022 Daniel Garcia - Add adjust-surface-mask.patch gh#pygame/pygame#3577, to fix tests with SDL 2.26.0. * Fri Aug 12 2022 Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz - Add build dependency on libmpg123 because it is required for the tests * Fri Feb 04 2022 Dirk Müller - fix portmidi configuration detection * Wed Jan 05 2022 Steve Kowalik - Update to 2.1.2: * Fix segfault in display.update by AATTankith26 in #2954 * Quick fix to get \'python -m pygame.docs\' working by AATTankith26 in #2955 * Working gamma test on windows by AATTMyreMylar in #2906 * Freetype: Fix intermittent crash with test_font_file_not_found by AATTillume in #2944 * Officially drop python2 (and 3.5) and SDL1 support by AATTStarbuck5 in #2817 * Remove most PY2/PY3 C compatibility code by AATTStarbuck5 in #2819 * Simple fix to swap numpy.float type out in favour of float by AATTMyreMylar in #2815 * Remove most SDL1/SDL2 compatibility c code by AATTStarbuck5 in #2823 * Ubuntu 18/20 SDL2 sdist CI, mac CI pp36 drop by AATTankith26 in #2821 * SDL1 buildconfig removal by AATTrobertpfeiffer and AATTillume in #2824- Drop support-SDL2-2.0.16.patch. * Thu Sep 16 2021 Matej Cepl - Add support-SDL2-2.0.16.patch swtiching off tests.video_test.VideoModuleTest.test_renderer_set_viewport (gh#pygame/pygame#2721 and gh#pygame/pygame#2670) on 32bit systems for incompatibility with SDL2 2.0.16. * Tue Apr 27 2021 Ben Greiner - Explictly require libudev while building (for staging) * Tue Mar 23 2021 Ben Greiner - Update to 2.0.1 The Age Of Aquarius release * This is a bug fix release, with a bunch of features and optimizations thrown in for good measure. * Backwards compatibility fixes * Major event refactor * Color.update() and Rect.update() * SDL 2.0.14 * Xbox One port * pathlib support for image, sound, and font loading. * Cursor object API * pygame.draw.rect fixes.- pygame 2.0 - the happy dance birthday release * Support for Metal, Direct 3d, Vulkan, OpenGL 3.0+ in various profiles (core, compatibility, debug, robust, etc), OpenGL ES, and other modern hardware accelerated video APIs across many platforms. * SSE2/Neon assembly image drawing. Much faster drawing routines, image loading, and alpha blending. * Type Hints, for code completion (and to help you make the squiggly lines disappear) in editors and IDEs. * Code cleanup, using lots of code robustness tools like static analyzers, and automated CI/CD. We\'ve been able to help dozens of people new to community projects contribute. We have lots of work to go on code quality, but we\'re currently the highest rated Python and highest rate C large project on LGTM. * Many, many bug fixes including in our pygame.draw routines, pygame.math(for vectors), and pygame.mask for pixel perfect collision detection. * better support for PyPy (the fast JIT based implementation of python). See our milestone Are we pypy yet? No. for our progress on making PyPy the best python for games. * libsdl version 2 support. Technically pygame 2.0 still works with SDL 1, but we recommend SDL2 which is vastly improved over SDL1 for most use cases. Probably we will remove SDL 1 support starting pygame 2.1. * Touch support (multitouch, gestures, etc) * Audio input support (make games with your microphone!). * Message alert boxes (Press OK, or Cancel). * Better keyboard support. Proper unicode input and IME support. * Much improved game controller support. * Better image and audio format support. Including: webp, 32bit wav files, and much more reliable mp3 support. * Multiple display support, and multiple window support (multi window support is still experimental, more will come in pygame 2.1). * Android support through python for android (fork of pygame subset for android). Better documentation, and better support will come in future releases. * to make distributing your apps easier, a built in \"pyinstaller hook\"and compatibility with cxfreeze. * binary \"wheels\" on many platforms and versions of python from the old python 2.7 - to the latest python 3.9 (and with pypy!). * lots of quality of life improvements like Surface.fill (\'black\') instead of Surface.fill(pygame.Color(0, 0, 0)). Also keywords are supported for many more function arguments. You can draw rounded corners on rects. * plenty of new examples, like python3 -m pygame.examples. font_viewer, and python3 -m pygame.examples.music_drop_fade. Additionally the example source code has been cleaned up a lot to follow a more current python style. * Hundreds of documentation improvements, include a new Korean tutorial. * a special SCALED mode which takes low pixel games and automatically translates them to a larger window. Imagine your 320x200 resolution game of glorious pixel art... on modern screens that would be a very tiny windows. Now with SCALED it shows up big on a Full HD screen, or even a 4K/8K screen and the translation of mouse coordinates and up-scaling of pixels is done for you (hardware accelerated of course).- Full release notes on https://github.com/pygame/pygame/releases- Skip python36 build. python36-numpy is not available on TW.- Drop python-pygame-test-no-mp3.patch and python-pygame-python38-import.patch * Tue Oct 15 2019 Steve Kowalik - Add python-pygame-python38-import.patch from upstream to fix a build failure with Python 3.8.- Use autopatch macro rather than patch0, due to multiple patches.