Changelog for php53-sysvshm-5.3.28-5.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu May 09 2013 security update [bnc#807707]
* CVE-2013-1635.patch
* CVE-2013-1643.patch
* Fri Apr 05 2013 fixed \'http limits uploads to 2GB\' [bnc#812800]- added partially upstreamed patch from php5
* 64bit-post-large-files.patch
* Wed Jan 02 2013 versioned provides [bnc#795615]
* Tue Nov 06 2012 updated to 5.3.17
* Fixed bug #62763 (register_shutdown_function and extending class).
* Fixed bug #62744 (dangling pointers made by zend_disable_class).
* Fixed bug #62716 (munmap() is called with the incorrect length).
* Fixed bug #62839 (curl_copy_handle segfault with CURLOPT_FILE).
* Fixed bug #62852 (Unserialize invalid DateTime causes crash).
* Fix null pointer dereferences in some classes of ext/intl.
* Fixed bug #62885 (mysqli_poll - Segmentation fault).
* Fixed bug #62685 (Wrong return datatype in PDO::inTransaction()).
* Fixed bug (segfault due to retval is not initialized).
* Fixed bug #62904 (Crash when cloning an object which inherits SplFixedArray).
* Fixed bug #62838 (enchant_dict_quick_check() destroys zval, but fails to initialize it).
* Fixed bug #60194 (--with-zend-multibyte and --enable-debug reports LEAK with run-test.php).
* Fixed bug #62499 (curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, \"\") returns false).
* Fixed Bug #62500 (Segfault in DateInterval class when extended).
* Fixed bug #62715 (ReflectionParameter::isDefaultValueAvailable() wrong result).
* Fixed bug #62616 (ArrayIterator::count() from IteratorIterator instance gives Segmentation fault).
* Fixed bug #51094 (parse_ini_file() with INI_SCANNER_RAW cuts a value that includes a semi-colon).
* Fixed potential overflow in _php_stream_scandir, CVE-2012-2688.
* Fixed bug #62432 (ReflectionMethod random corrupt memory on high concurrent).
* Fixed bug #62443 (Crypt SHA256/512 Segfaults With Malformed Salt).
* Fixed magic file regex support.
* Fixed bug #61045 (fpm don\'t send error log to fastcgi clients).
* Fixed bug #61835 (php-fpm is not allowed to run as root).
* Fixed bug #61295 (php-fpm should not fail with commented \'user\' for non-root start).
* Fixed bug #61026 (FPM pools can listen on the same address).
* Fixed bug #62033 (php-fpm exits with status 0 on some failures to start).
* Fixed bug #62153 (when using unix sockets, multiples FPM instances can be launched without errors).
* Fixed bug #62160 (Add process.priority to set nice(2) priorities).
* Fixed bug #61218 (FPM drops connection while receiving some binary values in FastCGI requests).
* Fixed bug #62205 (php-fpm segfaults (null passed to strstr)).
* Fixed bug #62083 (grapheme_extract() memory leaks).
* Fixed bug #62081 (IntlDateFormatter constructor leaks memory when called twice).
* Fixed bug #62070 (Collator::getSortKey() returns garbage).
* etc. see NEWS file
* Mon Sep 03 2012 fixed CVE-2011-1398 and CVE-2011-4388 [bnc#778003]
* Tue Aug 28 2012 use FilesMatch with \'SetHandler\' rather than \'AddHandler\' [bnc#775852]
* Thu Jul 26 2012 security update:
* CVE-2012-2688 [bnc#772580]
* CVE-2012-3365 [bnc#772582]
* oob-read-sql-dos [bnc#769785]
* Thu Jun 14 2012 security update:
* CVE-2012-2143 [bnc#766798]
* Mon May 28 2012 security update:
* CVE-2012-2386 [bnc#763814]
* Mon May 14 2012 improved fix for CVE-2012-1823 (CVE-2012-2335, CVE-2012-2336) [bnc#761631]
* Fri May 04 2012 security update:
* CVE-2012-1823, CVE-2012-2311 [bnc#760536]
* Thu Apr 05 2012 security update:
* CVE-2012-1172 [bnc#752030]
* Thu Mar 08 2012 fixed regressions after fix for CVE-2012-0830 [bnc#749111]
* Tue Feb 07 2012 security update:
* CVE-2012-0807 [bnc#743308]
* CVE-2012-0057 [bnc#741520]
* CVE-2011-4153 [bnc#741859]
* CVE-2012-0831 [bnc#746661]
* Fri Feb 03 2012 security update CVE-2012-0830 and other memory leaks (fixes the fix of CVE-2011-4885) [bnc#744966]
* Mon Jan 23 2012 security update:
* CVE-2012-0781 [bnc#742273]
* CVE-2012-0788 [bnc#742806]
* memory corruption in parse_ini_string() [bnc#742806]
* CVE-2012-0789 [bnc#742806]
* Mon Jan 02 2012 security update:
* CVE-2011-4885 [bnc#738221] -- added max_input_vars directive to prevent attacks based on hash collisions
* Tue Dec 20 2011 amend README.SUSE to discourage using apache module with apache2-worker [bnc#728671]
* Fri Dec 16 2011 security update:
* CVE-2011-4566 [bnc#733590]
* CVE-2011-1466 [bnc#736169]
* Fri Dec 02 2011 removed obsoletes/provides php5
* [bnc#734415]
* Mon Nov 07 2011 security update: CVE-2011-3379 [bnc#728350]
* Mon Oct 24 2011 Rename apache2-mod_php5 to apache2-mod_php53
* Sun Sep 18 2011 Fix wrong PAGE_SIZE assumption, must use sysconf() instead- Fix integer overflow when attempting to use more than 2 Gb of memory.
* Mon Sep 05 2011 call openssl_config too in order to load user-provided engine configuration.
* Sat Sep 03 2011 Cleanup patches for upcoming release.
* Sun Aug 28 2011 Fixed typos in php5.spec
* Tue Aug 23 2011 Fix very publicized critical bug in crypt() implementation
* Fri Aug 12 2011 Add mssql support with freetds- Update PHP snapshot.
* Tue Aug 09 2011 Update snapshot, more static analyzer fixes.
* Sun Aug 07 2011 Update snapshot, fix converity warnings
* Fri Aug 05 2011 Update snapshot, several check if malloc() succeeded.
* Wed Aug 03 2011 Fix build in Factory- Fix Segfault with allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off- Using class constants in array definition fails
* Mon Aug 01 2011 Add sqlite3 session storage, this is no more than a forward port of already existent sqlite2 backend
* Sun Jul 31 2011 Update snap, PHP 5.3.7-RC4
* Wed Jul 27 2011 Update snapshot again.
* Sat Jul 23 2011 Update snapshot.
* Thu Jul 14 2011 is_a() function is throwing an annoying warning \"Unknown class passed as parameter\" which is noticeable when you use PEAR, fix it, if your code uses it you should be using the instanceof operator anyway.- Update bundled pear.
* Mon Jul 11 2011 Crash in gc_remove_zval_from_buffer CVE-NO-NAME- Crash in zend_mm_check_ptr // Heap corruption
* Wed Jul 06 2011 Fixed missing Expires and Cache-Control headers for ping and status pages- fix crypt() issue with overlong salt- Fixed bug #52935 (call exit in user_error_handler cause stream relate core).
* Mon Jun 27 2011 Fix crash in error_log (strlen with NULL)- Fixed exit at FPM startup on fpm_resources_prepare- Added master rlimit_files and rlimit_core- Removed pid in debug logs written by chrildren processes- Replaced shm_slots with a real scoreboard
* Wed Jun 22 2011 Enable mysqlnd compression protocol.
* Thu Jun 16 2011 Update snapshot to 5.3.7 RC1
* Tue Jun 14 2011 Allow bison 2.5-File path injection vulnerability in RFC1867 File upload CVE-2011-2202.
* Fri Jun 10 2011 Update 5.3 snap- Fix compiler failure that happended after compile error.- Stream not closed and error not returned when SSL CN_match fails.
* Mon Jun 06 2011 Update 5.3 snap- Update bundled PEAR- Case discrepancy in timezone names cause Uncaught exception and fatal error.- SEEK_CUR with 0 value, returns a warning- Restore fix: do not accept paths with NULL in them
* Fri Jun 03 2011 Update to version Crash when calling call_user_func with unknown function name- Fixed double registering of browscap ini directive
* Sun May 29 2011 Drop Update alternatives usage, there are no alternatives PHP4 is gone and PHP6 is not coming at any time soon.- Remove \"mm\" support from session module, virtually nothing uses it and it doesnt support proper locking, mount /var/lib/php5 in tmpfs instead.
* Sun May 29 2011 Update to
* Fixes random crash with apache2 SAPI and php_admin_value in virtualhost configuration.
* Fri May 20 2011 Update 5.3 branch- Fix a few memory leaks- Check if tempfile can be created in phar extension- Fix problems with __halt_compiler and imported namespaces- Properly handle out of memory conditions in mysqlnd
* Sat May 14 2011 Update 5.3 branch.- Fix user after free in xmlreader extension.
* Mon May 09 2011 Update to current 5.3 svn version.- For practical reasons now the hash extension is built-in,hence deprecates package php5-hash, it is nowdays required by the session and phar extensions but must be statically built to work.- Drop php5-session patch, needed only to workaround compile failure when hash extension is built as loadable extension.- php.ini now clearly says that by \"3\" in session.hash_function we mean SHA256.
* Fri Apr 29 2011 Update to a recent 5.3.x SVN version, mostly bug fixes
* track_errors causes segfault
* classes from dl()\'ed extensions are not destroyed
* Crash when assigning value to a dimension in a non-array
* use-after-free in substr_replace()
* Wed Apr 13 2011 fix crash on destruction.- allow openssl extension to be built w/o SSLv2
* Tue Apr 05 2011 Add a default to date.timezone because php5 warns that this is a required setting and clutters up the output in zypper installations of pear packages and other places- Versions after 5.3.6 may make this fatal
* Sat Apr 02 2011 Intl extension failed to load [bnc#659868]- Fix update-alternatives usage,will be dropped in the future.
* Mon Mar 28 2011 Add tcpd-devel for building the SNMP extension on SLE_10 and apache_server_SLE_10.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Update to php 5.3.6 final
* Enforce security in the fastcgi protocol parsing with fpm SAPI.
* Fixed bug #54247 (format-string vulnerability on Phar). (CVE-2011-1153)
* Fixed bug #54193 (Integer overflow in shmop_read()). (CVE-2011-1092)
* Fixed bug #54055 (buffer overrun with high values for precision ini setting).
* Fixed bug #54002 (crash on crafted tag in exif). (CVE-2011-0708)
* Fixed bug #53885 (ZipArchive segfault with FL_UNCHANGED on empty archive). (CVE-2011-0421)
* Wed Mar 16 2011 Upgrade to PHP 5.3.6.RC3
* Drop obsoleted patches
* fix some rpmlint warnings
* Hundreds of changes, see NEWS for details
* Wed Mar 09 2011 Fix more date in binaries causing pointless republish of pkgs.
* Fri Feb 25 2011 fix for macros.php o devel pkg must have Obsoletes/Provides: php-macros
* Tue Feb 22 2011 security fixes
* CVE-2011-0420 [bnc#672933]
* CVE-2011-0708 [bnc#671710]
* Thu Feb 10 2011 extend macros.php o __php, __phpize, __php_config, php_version o __pear, php_peardir, php_pearxmldir o php_pear_gen_filelist- add README.macros
* Thu Jan 13 2011 security fix:
* fopen_https_proxy_auth_fix.patch [bnc#656523]
* Mon Jan 10 2011 export PHP_MYSQLND_ENABLED=yes to solve the mysqlnd problem when extensions are built shared. [bnc#661464]
* Mon Jan 10 2011 Go back to libmysql as there is currently no way to build shared mysql extensions with mysqlnd. [bnc#661464]
* Sun Jan 09 2011 Use mysqlnd driver, this is a newer PHP-native mysql extension, that does not require external libraries. Now you can use mysql, mariadb or drizzle without extra libs. fixes bnc #661464 and other old feature requests.
* Thu Jan 06 2011 Update to version 5.3.5, Critical Update
* Fixed bug #53632 (PHP hangs on numeric value 2.2250738585072011e-308). (CVE-2010-4645) Only 32 bit binaries affected, confirmed in factory i586.
* Fri Dec 17 2010 revert unsuitable patch php-5.3.4-dlopen.patch
* Tue Dec 14 2010 Add php-5.3.4-dlopen.patch from fedora,makes dlopen to use bind_now instead of lazy.- Compiler is now in C99 mode for both core and extensions.
* Tue Dec 14 2010 fix format string bug in Phar extension I just found and the underlying issue, which is the lack of format attributes in several core prototypes.
* Mon Dec 13 2010 Update to PHP 5.3.4 final
* Fixed crash in zip extract method (possible CWE-170).
* Paths with NULL in them (foo\\0bar.txt) are now considered as invalid (CVE-2006-7243).
* Fixed a possible double free in imap extension (Identified by Mateusz Kocielski). (CVE-2010-4150).
* Fixed NULL pointer dereference in ZipArchive::getArchiveComment. (CVE-2010-3709).
* Fixed possible flaw in open_basedir (CVE-2010-3436).
* Fixed MOPS-2010-24, fix string validation. (CVE-2010-2950).
* Fixed symbolic resolution support when the target is a DFS share.
* Fixed bug #52929 (Segfault in filter_var with FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL with large amount of data) (CVE-2010-3710).
* Key Bug Fixes in PHP 5.3.4 include:
* Added stat support for zip stream.
* Added follow_location (enabled by default) option for the http stream support.
* Added a 3rd parameter to get_html_translation_table. It now takes a charset hint, like htmlentities et al.
* Implemented FR #52348, added new constant ZEND_MULTIBYTE to detect zend multibyte at runtime.
* Multiple improvements to the FPM SAPI.
* Over 100 other bug fixes.- SUSE specific;
* enable PTY support in proc_open (temporary)
* Wed Nov 24 2010 xft-config is gone
* Tue Nov 02 2010 Update to 5.3.3_svn201011020214
* Fix Performance issue, array_diff may take hours instead of seconds in some scenarios,regression appeared in version 5.2.5
* Wed Oct 27 2010 Update to 5.3.3_svn20101027xx- Fix init script again.
* Thu Oct 14 2010 update to 5.3.3_svn201010140300- Fix php-fpm init script.
* Sat Oct 09 2010 Update to an slightly newer PHP 5.3.3.x snap, fixes around 100 bugs including open_basedir problems.- add the fpm sapi to the package.
* Tue Aug 03 2010 Clarify changelog this update fixed:
* VUL-0: php5 new unserialize() flaw CVE-2010-2225 [bnc#616232]
* VUL-0: php5: MOPS-2010-021: fnmatch() Stack Exhaustion Vulnerability [bnc#605097]
* VUL-0: php5: MOPS-2010-017: preg_quote() Interruption Information Leak [bnc#605100]
* VUL-0: php5: MOPS-2010-022 use after free [bnc#609763]
* VUL-0: php5-phar: MOPS-2010-0{24,25,26,27,28} format string bugs [bnc#609766]
* VUL-0: php5: MOPS-2010-0{32,33,34} use space interruption in iconv functions [bnc#609768]
* VUL-0: php5: MOPS-2010-0{36,37,38,39,40} userspace interruptions [bnc#609769]
* VUL-0: php5: MOPS-2010-0{36..46} userspace interruptions [bnc#609769]
* VUL-0: php5: MOPS-2010-047/048 information leak [bnc#612555]
* VUL-0: php5: MOPS-2010-049/50/51/52/53/54/55 memory corruption and/or info leak [bnc#612556]
* VUL-0: PHP5: Session Data Injection Vulnerability [bnc#619483]
* VUL-0: PHP5: multiple heap based buffer overflows [bnc#619486]
* bugzilla numbers 619487,619489,619469,609766..
* Tue Jul 20 2010 Update to PHP 5.3.3 RC3- Massive lot of security fixes see list here
* Tue Jun 01 2010 possible fix for [bnc#610633]
* Fri Apr 16 2010 use FD_CLOEXEC flag to avoid annoying races.
* Sun Apr 04 2010 remove obsolete buildRequires
* Fri Apr 02 2010 remove build date from binaries so they dont get republished every time- fix invalid path
* Thu Apr 01 2010 add missing patch, refresh patches with -p0
* Thu Apr 01 2010 Update to PHP 5.3.2, see NEWS for details
* Fri Mar 05 2010 Add php5-autoconf-2.65.patch to fix build with autoconf 2.65; it\'s a backported combination of svn commits 291283, 291284 and 291332.- Workaround old php bug by replacing -ledit with -ledit -lncurses in the resulting configure scripts. This became apparent problem due to libedit being built with as-needed now.- Add php5-bug51224.patch to fix buffer overflows happening in strcpy. It;s a combination of upstream svn revs 284097 and 284099
* Sun Jan 17 2010 Remove unneeded gtk-devel BuildRequires.
* Mon Jan 11 2010 Remove obsolete build requires of orbit-devel.
* Tue Dec 22 2009 avoid alignment crash on alignment-sensitive CPUs (
* Wed Dec 02 2009 update patch to fix build
* Tue Oct 06 2009 Fixed wrong harcoded mysql socket [bnc#544516]- Fixed wrong default include_path
* Tue Sep 08 2009 make php5-pear noarch in Factory
* Wed Aug 26 2009 remove obsolete patches- apply ini patch- enable mhash compatibility in the hash extension and obsolete php5-mhash- add macros.php to the source list
* Mon Aug 24 2009 PHP read_exif_data() only returns the first letter of UTF-16 strings [bnc#518300]
* Sun Aug 23 2009 fix missing return values of suhosin extension
* Wed Aug 19 2009 fix build on CODE10 products
* Wed Aug 19 2009 fix horrible broken open_basedir functionality
* Sun Aug 16 2009 update suhosin extension to version 0.9.29- mysql extensions now use mysqlnd instead of libmysqlclient.- enable sqlite3 extension, part of the php5-sqlite package- enable enchant extension- enable fileinfo extension- enable intl extension
* Fri Aug 14 2009 add suhosin patch and newer suhosin extension for compatibility reasons
* Thu Aug 13 2009 Upgrade to PHP 5.3, see for the huge list of changes- remove dbase and ncurses extension
* Thu Jul 16 2009 disable as-needed to fix build
* Fri Jun 19 2009 update to PHP 5.2.10
* Fixed bug #48378 (exif_read_data() segfaults on certain corrupted .jpeg files)
* Added \"ignore_errors\" option to http fopen wrapper. (David Zulke, Sara)
* Fixed memory corruptions while reading properties of zip files. (Ilia)
* Fixed memory leak in ob_get_clean/ob_get_flush. (Christian)
* Fixed segfault on invalid session.save_path. (Hannes)
* Fixed leaks in imap when a mail_criteria is used. (Pierre)
* Changed default value of array_unique()\'s optional sorting type parameter back to SORT_STRING to fix backwards compatibility breakage introduced in PHP 5.2.9. (Moriyoshi)
* Fixed bug #47940 (memory leaks in imap_body). (Pierre, Jake Levitt)
* Fixed bug #47903 (\"AATT\" operator does not work with string offsets). (Felipe)
* Fixed bug #47644 (Valid integers are truncated with json_decode()). (Scott)
* Fixed bug #47564 (unpacking unsigned long 32bit big endian returns wrong result). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #47365 (ip2long() may allow some invalid values on certain 64bit systems).
* Over 100 bug fixes.
* Thu May 21 2009 add temporary backport of openssl prng function
* Sat Mar 14 2009 Update to version 5.2.9, security and bugfix release
* VUL-0: php5: memory disclosure by imagerotate() [bnc#480850]
* VUL-0: php5: mbstring.func_overload set in .htaccess becomes global [bnc#471419]
* Fixed a segfault when malformed string is passed to json_decode()
* Fixed explode() behavior with empty string to respect negative limit.
* Sun Dec 14 2008 remove ming extension, moved to server:php:extensions later
* Tue Dec 09 2008 Update to PHP 5.2.8
* Mon Dec 08 2008 fix BLOCKER magic_quotes breakage, if your code relies on this feature, it is broken,time to press the panic button.
* Fri Dec 05 2008 update to PHP 5.2.7 final, no mayor changes since RC5
* Fri Nov 28 2008 update to PHP 5.2.7RC5 see news for details
* Fri Nov 21 2008 update to PHP 5.2.7RC4, see news for details
* Sun Nov 16 2008 update to PHP 5.2.7RC3, see NEWS for details
* Mon Sep 08 2008 update suhosin to version 0.9.27
* Fixed problem with suhosin.perdir Thanks to Hosteurope for tracking this down
* Fixed problems with ext/uploadprogress Reported by: Christian Stocker
* Added suhosin.srand.ignore and suhosin.mt_srand.ignore (default: on)
* Modified rand()/srand() to use the Mersenne Twister algorithm with separate state
* Added better internal seeding of rand() and mt_rand()
* Sun Jul 13 2008 merge patches from schwab
* Fri May 02 2008 update to PHP 5.2.6
* Fixed possible stack buffer overflow in the FastCGI SAPI identified by Andrei Nigmatulin.
* Fixed integer overflow in printf() identified by Maksymilian Aciemowicz.
* Fixed security issue detailed in CVE-2008-0599 identified by Ryan Permeh.
* Fixed a safe_mode bypass in cURL identified by Maksymilian Arciemowicz.
* Properly address incomplete multibyte chars inside escapeshellcmd() identified by Stefan Esser.
* Fixed two possible crashes inside the posix extension.
* Fixed bug #44069 (Huge memory usage with concatenation using . instead of .=)
* Fixed bug #44141 (private parent constructor callable through static function).
* Fixed bug #43589 (a possible infinite loop in bz2_filter.c).
* Fixed bug #43450 (Memory leak on some functions with implicit object __toString() call).
* Fixed bug #43201 (Crash on using uninitialized vals and __get/__set).
* Fixed bug #42978 (mismatch between number of bound params and values causes a crash in pdo_pgsql).
* Fixed bug #42937 (__call() method not invoked when methods are called on parent from child class).
* Fixed bug #42736 (xmlrpc_server_call_method() crashes).
* Fixed bug #42369 (Implicit conversion to string leaks memory).
* Fixed bug #41562 (SimpleXML memory issue).
* Fixed bug #43606 (define missing depencies of the exif extension). (crrodriguez at suse dot de)
* Fixed bug #43498 (file_exists() on a proftpd server got SIZE not allowed in ASCII mode). (Ilia, crrodriguez at suse dot de)
* Over 120 bug fixes.
* Tue Feb 05 2008 update suhosin extension to version 0.9.23- Fixed suhosin extension now compiles with snapshots of PHP 5.3- Fixed crypt() behaves like normal again when there is no salt supplied- wrong Obsoletes causes upgrade trouble [bnc #355618]
* Fri Feb 01 2008 use %%_with_ming and %%_with_qdbm instead of %%opensuse_bs, enables building in the bs in other projects than server:php (bnc#357917)
* Fri Jan 11 2008 Try patch recently published by Redhat that allows PHP to use the system timezone database instead of the bundled one.
* Mon Jan 07 2008 Do not hard require php5-timezonedb, instead provide a capability php(tzdatabase) = builtin_tz_ver so it gets installed via rpm Supplements only when needed.
* Thu Dec 27 2007 PHP is leaking file descriptors badly on relative includes (php-5.2.5-fdleak.patch)
* Thu Dec 13 2007 suhosin 0.9.22 - Fixed function_exists() now checks the Suhosin permissions - Fixed crypt() salt no longer uses Blowfish by default - Fixed .htaccess/perdir support - Fixed compilation problem on OS/X - Added protection against some attacks through _SERVER variables - Added suhosin.server.strip and suhosin.server.encode
* Tue Dec 11 2007 use /dev/urandom for generating session-IDs [#337005]- L3: PHP: Venezuela Time Zone Update starting date changed to December 9 [#345548]
* Mon Nov 12 2007 update to PHP 5.2.5
* Fixed dl() to only accept filenames. reported by Laurent Gaffie.
* Fixed dl() to limit argument size to MAXPATHLEN (CVE-2007-4887).
* Fixed htmlentities/htmlspecialchars not to accept partial multibyte sequences.
* Fixed possible triggering of buffer overflows inside glibc implementations of the fnmatch(), setlocale() and glob() functions. Reported by Laurent Gaffie.
* Fixed \"mail.force_extra_parameters\" php.ini directive not to be modifiable in .htaccess due to the security implications reported by SecurityReason.
* Fixed bug #42869 (automatic session id insertion adds sessions id to non-local forms).
* Fixed bug #41561 (Values set with php_admin_
* in httpd.conf can be overwritten with ini_set()).
* Upgraded PCRE to version 7.3 (Nuno)
* Added optional parameter $provide_object to debug_backtrace(). (Sebastian)
* Added alpha support for imagefilter() IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE. (Pierre)
* Added ability to control memory consumption between request using ZEND_MM_COMPACT environment variable. (Dmitry)
* Improved speed of array_intersect_key(), array_intersect_assoc(), array_uintersect_assoc(), array_diff_key(), array_diff_assoc() and array_udiff_assoc(). (Dmitry)
* Fixed move_uploaded_file() to always set file permissions of resulting file according to UMASK. (Andrew Sitnikov)
* Fixed possible crash in ext/soap because of uninitialized value. (Zdash Urf)
* Fixed regression in glob() when enforcing safe_mode/open_basedir checks on paths containing \'
*\'. (Ilia)
* Fixed PDO crash when driver returns empty LOB stream. (Stas)
* Fixed iconv_
*() functions to limit argument sizes as workaround to libc bug (CVE-2007-4783, CVE-2007-4840 by Laurent Gaffie). (Christian Hoffmann, Stas)
* Fixed missing brackets leading to build warning and error in the log. Win32 code. (Andrey)
* Fixed leaks with multiple connects on one mysqli object. (Andrey)
* Fixed imagerectangle regression with 1x1 rectangle (libgd #106). (Pierre)
* Fixed bug #43196 (array_intersect_assoc() crashes with non-array input). (Jani)
* Fixed bug #43139 (PDO ignores ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE in some cases with fetchAll()). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #43137 (rmdir() and rename() do not clear statcache). (Jani)
* Fixed bug #43130 (Bound parameters cannot have - in their name). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #43099 (XMLWriter::endElement() does not check # of params). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #43020 (Warning message is missing with shuffle() and more than one argument). (Scott)
* Fixed bug #42976 (Crash when constructor for newInstance() or newInstanceArgs() fails) (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #42917 (PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR doesn\'t work with setFetchMode). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #42890 (Constant \"LIST\" defined by mysqlclient and c-client). (Andrey)
* Fixed bug #42818 ($foo = clone(array()); leaks memory). (Dmitry)
* Fixed bug #42817 (clone() on a non-object does not result in a fatal error). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #42785 (json_encode() formats doubles according to locale rather then following standard syntax). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #42783 (pg_insert() does not accept an empty list for insertion). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #42773 (WSDL error causes HTTP 500 Response). (Dmitry)
* Fixed bug #42772 (Storing $this in a static var fails while handling a cast to string). (Dmitry)
* Fixed bug #42767 (highlight_string() truncates trailing comment). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #42739 (mkdir() doesn\'t like a trailing slash when safe_mode is enabled). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #42703 (Exception raised in an iterator::current() causes segfault in FilterIterator) (Marcus)
* Fixed bug #42699 (PHP_SELF duplicates path). (Dmitry)
* Fixed bug #42654 (RecursiveIteratorIterator modifies only part of leaves) (Marcus)
* Fixed bug #42643 (CLI segfaults if using ATTR_PERSISTENT). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #42637 (SoapFault : Only http and https are allowed). (Bill Moran)
* Fixed bug #42627 (bz2 extension fails to build with -fno-common). (dolecek at netbsd dot org)
* Fixed bug #42596 (session.save_path MODE option does not work). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #42590 (Make the engine recognize \\v and \\f escape sequences). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #42587 (behavior change regarding symlinked .php files). (Dmitry)
* Fixed bug #42579 (apache_reset_timeout() does not exist). (Jani)
* Fixed bug #42549 (ext/mysql failed to compile with libmysql 3.23). (Scott)
* Fixed bug #42523 (PHP_SELF duplicates path). (Dmitry)
* Fixed bug #42512 (ip2long(\'\') should return 4294967295 on 64-bit PHP). (Derick)
* Fixed bug #42506 (php_pgsql_convert() timezone parse bug) (nonunnet at gmail dot com, Ilia)
* Fixed bug #42462 (Segmentation when trying to set an attribute in a DOMElement). (Rob)
* Fixed bug #42453 (CGI SAPI does not shut down cleanly with -i/-m/-v cmdline options). (Dmitry)
* Fixed bug #42452 (PDO classes do not expose Reflection API information). (Hannes)
* Fixed bug #42468 (Write lock on file_get_contents fails when using a compression stream). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #42488 (SoapServer reports an encoding error and the error itself breaks). (Dmitry)
* Fixed bug #42378 (mysqli_stmt_bind_result memory exhaustion). (Andrey)
* Fixed bug #42359 (xsd:list type not parsed). (Dmitry)
* Fixed bug #42326 (SoapServer crash). (Dmitry)
* Fixed bug #42214 (SoapServer sends clients internal PHP errors). (Dmitry)
* Fixed bug #42189 (xmlrpc_set_type() crashes php on invalid datetime values). (Ilia)
* Fixed bug #42139 (XMLReader option constants are broken using XML()). (Rob)
* Fixed bug #42086 (SoapServer return Procedure \'\' not present for WSIBasic compliant wsdl). (Dmitry)
* Fixed bug #41822 (Relative includes broken when getcwd() fails). (Ab5602, Jani)
* Fixed bug #39651 (proc_open() append mode doesn\'t work on windows). (Nuno)
* Thu Aug 30 2007 update to PHP 5.2.4, no relevant changes since RC3.
* Fri Aug 24 2007 PHP 5.2.4RC3- Fixed version_compare() to support \"rc\" as well as \"RC\" for release candidate version numbers.- Fixed bug #42368 (Incorrect error message displayed by pg_escape_string). (Ilia)- Fixed phpbug #42365 and Novell bugzilla #292998 (glob() crashes and/or accepts way too many flags). (Jani)- Fixed bug #42183 (classmap causes crash in non-wsdl mode). (Dmitry)- Fixed bug #42009 (is_a() and is_subclass_of() should NOT call autoload, in the same way as \"instanceof\" operator). (Dmitry)- Fixed bug #41904 (proc_open(): empty env array should cause empty environment to be passed to process). (Jani)- Fixed bug #37273 (Symlinks and mod_files session handler allow open_basedir bypass). (Ilia)- remove wrong hardcoded requirement on libedit- devel package at least does not need libtool the php build enviroment uses a private copy.- drop no longer needed patches already in upstream
* Fri Aug 17 2007 updated to version 5.2.4RC2 - Fixed oci8 and PDO_OCI extensions to allow configuring with Oracle 11g client libraries. (Chris Jones) - Fixed bug #42292 ($PHP_CONFIG not set for phpized builds). (Jani) - Fixed bug #42261 (header wrong for date field). (roberto at spadim dot com dot br, Ilia) - Fixed bug #42259 (SimpleXMLIterator loses ancestry). (Rob) - Fixed bug #42247 (ldap_parse_result() not defined under win32). (Jani) - Fixed bug #42243 (copy() does not output an error when the first arg is a dir). (Ilia) - Fixed bug #42242 (sybase_connect() crashes). (Ilia) - Fixed bug #42237 (stream_copy_to_stream returns invalid values for mmaped streams). (andrew dot minerd at sellingsource dot com, Ilia) - Fixed bug #42222 (possible buffer overflow in php_openssl_make_REQ). (Pierre) - Fixed bug #42211 (property_exists() fails to find protected properties from a parent class). (Dmitry) - Fixed bug #42208 (substr_replace() crashes when the same array is passed more than once). (crrodriguez at suse dot de, Ilia) - Fixed bug #42198 (SCRIPT_NAME and PHP_SELF truncated when inside a userdir and using PATH_INFO). (Dmitry) - Fixed bug #42195 (C++ compiler required always). (Jani) - Fixed bug #42117 (bzip2.compress loses data in internal buffer). (Philip, Ilia) - Fixed bug #42082 (NodeList length zero should be empty). (Hannes) - Fixed bug #36492 (Userfilters can leak buckets). (Sara) - Fixed bug #31892 (PHP_SELF incorrect without cgi.fix_pathinfo, but turning on screws up PATH_INFO). (Dmitry)
* Mon Aug 06 2007 updated to version 5.2.4RC1- dropped obsoleted PHP_5_2-CVS-2007-07-30.patch.bz2
* Mon Jul 30 2007 updated to latest state of PHP_5_2 branch; highlights from the NEWS file: - Upgraded PCRE to version 7.2 (Nuno) - Updated timezone database to version 2007.6. (Derick) - Improved openssl_x509_parse() to return extensions in readable form. (Dmitry) - Changed \"display_errors\" php.ini option to accept \"stderr\" as value which makes the error messages to be outputted to STDERR instead of STDOUT with CGI and CLI SAPIs (FR #22839). (Jani) - Changed error handler to send HTTP 500 instead of blank page on PHP errors. (Dmitry, Andrei Nigmatulin) - Added check for unknown options passed to configure. (Jani) - Added persistent connection status checker to pdo_pgsql. (Elvis Pranskevichus, Ilia) - Added support for ATTR_TIMEOUT inside pdo_pgsql driver. (Ilia) - Added php_ini_loaded_file() function which returns the path to the actual php.ini in use. (Jani) - Added GD version constants GD_MAJOR_VERSION, GD_MINOR_VERSION GD_RELEASE_VERSION, GD_EXTRA_VERSION and GD_VERSION_STRING. (Pierre) - Added missing open_basedir checks to CGI. (anight at eyelinkmedia dot com, Tony) - Added missing format validator to unpack() function. (Ilia) - Added missing error check inside bcpowmod(). (Ilia) - Added CURLOPT_PRIVATE & CURLINFO_PRIVATE constants. (Andrey A. Belashkov, Tony) - Added missing MSG_EOR and MSG_EOF constants to sockets extension. (Jani) - Added PCRE_VERSION constant. (Tony) - Added ReflectionExtension::info() function to print the phpinfo() block for an extension. (Johannes) - Implemented FR #41884 (ReflectionClass::getDefaultProperties() does not handle static attributes). (Tony) - plus lots of bugfixes- fixed the pear phar archive to run with 5.2.4 []
* Wed Jul 25 2007 added /var/lib/pear to php5-pear.rpm
* Tue Jul 24 2007 fix nasty deadlock in pear- update php5-ze2-fixes.patch and actually apply it.
* Tue Jul 17 2007 fixed YOU honors Recommends, breaks php update [#291551] (moved php-suhosin from Recommends to Suggests)
* Mon Jun 25 2007 provide /srv/www/cgi-bin/php5 compat symlink instead of patching config files
* Sat Jun 23 2007 fixed a mess with update-alternatives PreReq uncovered by newer build versions. actually every subpackage that uses update-alternatives should PreReq it.- fix some ZE2 bugs.
* Tue Jun 12 2007 drop php5.xpm and the Icon: line from the specfile (the icon is not used at all and it breaks rpm -q --specfile php5.spec)
* Fri Jun 01 2007 PHP version 5.2.3 see important: PHP-cgi now lives in /usr, package attempts to fix both lighttpd and apache2 fastcgi config files.
* Wed May 30 2007 use system re2c in factory.- enable support for qbdm in the dba extension (build service only)- enable the ming extension (build service only)
* Mon May 21 2007 fixed the dba extension adding -ldb-4.x to global LDFLAGS, causing unnecessary dependency in /usr/bin/php5 []
* Sat May 19 2007 updated suhosin to version 0.9.20, security fix + bugfixes see for more detail.
* Mon May 14 2007 fix devel package, in the reality PHP does not currenly require expat. headers provides a expat compatibility layer but it is no longer in use by our packages as libxml2 is always prefered, (and HAVE_LIBEXPAT is not defined)
* Fri May 11 2007 update php5-test-fixes fixing another bug in zend_compile.c- use rpm macros in the spec file- when removing apache2-mod_php5, unload it from apache first.- when updating apache2-mod_php5 restart apache with restart on update macro.
* Sun May 06 2007 HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA superglobal broken (php5-phpbug-41293.patch)- better fix for MOPB 41.
* Sat May 05 2007 remove --enable-memory-limit configure flag, it disappeared in 5.2.1, nowdays memory_limit is always enabled.
* Fri May 04 2007 changed expat to libexpat-devel in Requires of devel subpackage
* Fri May 04 2007 add php5-test-fixes.patch fixing a test case that wont pass on i586 as well a real fix for Zend/tests/bug41117_1.phpt problem, that was commited after the release was done. there is another test case that fails in 10.2 ext/pcre/tests/bug40195.phpt but this is not a PHP problem but a bug in PCRE.- added missing fix for PMOPB-45-2007 PHP ext/filter Email Validation Vulnerability (minor)
* Fri May 04 2007 php5-devel package now requires pcre-devel for > 10.1 as 5.2.2 installs php_pcre.h header that needs it.
* Thu May 03 2007 fixed some new compiler warnings
* Thu May 03 2007 upgrade to PHP 5.2.2, fixed hundreds of bugs including MOPB ones if you need the complete changes see
* Thu May 03 2007 Upgrade suhosin extension to version 0.9.19 see for details
* Fri Mar 30 2007 added bison to BuildRequires, removed update-desktop-files
* Thu Mar 22 2007 fixed unpack() on big-endian 64bit (revert-phpbug38770.patch)- blacklist more env variables when safe_mode is on (php5-config.patch)
* Sat Mar 17 2007 fix Requires of -devel package to include only what is really needed for operation of the pecl tool as well the neccesary headers to compile php extensions.- Fix MOPB 24 \"PHP array_user_key_compare() Double DTOR Vulnerability\"- note that fix for MOPB 23 was included in the previous patchset.
* Wed Mar 14 2007 add security fixes for MOPB 20, 21 and 22.- RPM_BUILD_ROOT is never defined in %post.
* Sun Mar 11 2007 fix/workaround for php5-gd problem with typo3 [#236680]- add fix for MOPB-14-2007 PHP substr_compare() Information Leak Vulnerability.- add secfix for import_request_variables() ancient problem, users of suhosin extension are not affected.- Run the test suite here
* Tue Mar 06 2007 Update suhosin extension to version 0.9.18 fixing a session problem.
* Mon Mar 05 2007 Update suhosin extension to version 0.9.17. see for details.
* Thu Feb 15 2007 add t1lib support in php5-gd (10.3 and up only)- an off-by-one in str_replace may cause a crash.
* Thu Feb 08 2007 PHP 5.2.1. for a full list of changes see add Obsoletes for extensions we dont ship anymore
* Fri Feb 02 2007 fix getenv() modifing $_POST, breaks suhosin badly when register_
* is On and variables orde is \"GPCS\" (default).- change/remove obsoleted patches
* Tue Jan 30 2007 synced with BuildService
* file \"session_mm_apache2handler0.sem\" written at boot [#229200] (php5-config.patch)
* for certain functionality php5-exif requires php5-mbstring
* php5-ldap requires php5-openssl
* remove LDAP_DEPRECATED from CFLAGS, module already takes care of this.
* patch potential HTTP_SESSION_VARS et all hijack when register_globals is On users from suhosin extension are not affected.(php5-session-rgon-hijack.patch)
* on 10.2 and up php5-devel should require pcre-devel sqlite-devel sqlite2-devel
* php5-devel is mostly useless without autoconf automake libtool bison make gcc.
* added patches: phpbug-39350.patch oldhat-phpinputdata-secfix.patch ze2-fixes.patch filter.patch ext-lib64again.patch
* Fri Jan 26 2007 fixed string comparison in xmlrpc module (strcmp.patch)- allways apply %%patch9
* Fri Jan 26 2007 updated the curl module from cvs to fix build with curl-7.16 (curl-cvs-fix.patch, dropped gcc.patch)
* Tue Dec 19 2006 fixed VUL-0: php session.save_path open_basedir bypass [#227569] (save_path-secfix.patch)
* Wed Dec 06 2006 synced with BuildService
* updated Suhosin patch to
* updated Suhosin extension to 0.9.16
* fixed php5-devel should provide PECL tool [#204006]
* use bundled sqlite in suse versions =< 10.1 (pdo_sqlite stopped working properly with older sqlite3 libs)
* do not use zend-multibyte anymore, please refer to phpbug #36711 and associated links, no applications uses this feature in the real world since it is disabled in all other distributions/OS.seems to cause more problems than solutions.
* change php.ini, back to short_open_tag =off (the default) the package that depended on this setting no longer does. Also explicitely set the upload_tmp_dir in php.ini to deal with open_basedir recent changes (please refer to phpbug #39123) for the details.
* suhosin.ini uses just the default recommended settings
* Wed Nov 08 2006 created symlinks /usr/bin/php and /usr/bin/pear [#216166]
* Tue Nov 07 2006 fixed implicit function decls in suhosin patch (keep the original patch intact and put fixes into separate patch)
* Mon Nov 06 2006 updated to 5.2.0 final- merged changes from buildservice (by - updated suhosin to 0.9.10 - added suhosin patch - build with system PCRE if suse_release > 10.1 only [#215610] - suhosin extension does not require PDO - suhosin added to the reccommended list - php5-pspell to require at least aspell-en otherwise is useless [#217272]
* Thu Oct 26 2006 php5-sqlite now uses our sqlite and sqlite2 packages to build and not bundled ones [#201440]- updated suhosin to 0.9.9
* Fri Oct 20 2006 update to 5.2.0RC6
* Thu Oct 19 2006 reset right path in extension_dir (php5-php-config.patch)
* Mon Oct 09 2006 update to version 5.2.0RC5- added suhosin extension (the hardened php replacement) [#210886]
* Sun Oct 08 2006 update to version 5.2.0RC4
* added DSA key generation support to openssl_pkey_new()
* updated PCRE to version 6.7
* increased default memory limit to 16 megabytes to accommodate for a more accurate memory utilization measurement
* added support for httpOnly flag for session extension and cookie setting functions
* added version specific registry keys to allow different configurations for different php version
* added \"PHPINIDir\" Apache directive to apache and apache_hooks SAPIs
* added an optional boolean parameter to memory_get_usage() and memory_get_peak_usage() to get memory size allocated by emalloc() or real size of memory allocated from system
* moved extensions to PECL (filepro and hwapi)
* improved SNMP, OpenSSL extension
* improved the Zend memory manager, FastCGI SAPI, CURL, PCRE, PDO, SPL, xmlReader- merged changes from openSUSE build service
* build without --enable-sigchild [#206533, php#28294, php#38342]
* build CLI with libedit support (really-with-libedit.patch)
* tweaked the default config a bit, to make it more secure
* removed ini entries related to extensions we don\'t ship
* t1lib is not currently needed for build, we need t1lib5 to do something useful
* removeed --enable-ucd-snmp-hack (needed for ucd-snmp, but we use net-snmp)
* pdo_odbc provided by php-odbc
* php-suse-addons : o PHP5 is unlikely to parse php3 code, remove the file association o corrected apache directive is AddHandler not AddType
* dropped extensions: o mysql, mysqli and pdo_mysql provided by php-mysql (reduce package count) o php-pdo_sqlite provided by php-sqlite o php-pdo_pgsql provided by php-pgsql o filepro dropped by upstream
* new extension: o filter (kept static and cannot be unloaded, due security reasons) o json (added as Recommended) o zip (it uses a bundled library)- fixed gcc issues (gcc.patch)- droped obsoleted patches: include_path.patch, bug-37720.patch, bug-37306.patch, cgi_bugs.patch, bug-37587.patch, gd-fixes.patch, bug-37416.patch, main_bugs.patch, soap.patch, standard.patch, mbstring_bugs.patch, ze2_bugs.patch, xsl_bugs.patch, curl.patch
* Wed Aug 16 2006 fixed build with X11R7
* Wed Jul 26 2006 updated to version 5.1.4
* FastCGI interface was completely reimplemented
* multitude of improvements to the SPL, SimpleXML, GD, CURL and Reflection extensions
* support for many additional date formats added to the strtotime()
* a performance improvements added to the engine and core extensions
* added imap_savebody() that allows message body to be written to a file
* added lchown() and lchgrp() to change user/group ownership of symlinks
* upgraded bundled PCRE library to version 6.6- merged changes from openSUSE build service
* removed unneeded sablot-devel,sqlite-devel,pcre-devel,fam-devel and libmcal from BuildRequires
* added php-ctype,php-dom,php-iconv,php-pdo,php-pdo_sqlite,php-sqlite, php-tokenizer,php-xmlreader,php-xmlwriter to Recommends
* added php-mbstring php-gd php-pear php-gettext php-mysqli to Suggests
* added support for optional readline(libedit) for CLI (disabled by default)
* patches for zendengine (ze2_bugs.patch), xsl (xsl_bugs.patch), curl (curl.patch) and mbstring bugs (mbstring_bugs.patch), big soap patch (soap.patch)
* removed obsoleted patches
* fixed Safe Mode Bypass [#188243] (standard.patch)
* upstream patches [php#37306, php#37416, php#37587, php#37720] [php#37576, php#37496, php#37341, php#37313, php#37256] (cgi_bugs.patch) [php#37346, php#37360] (gd-fixes.patch)
* fixed build inconsistences, added php-hash module [#173023]
* added to php-odbc module [#190614]
* build without explicit safe_mode and magic_quotes (unneeded)
* removed useless GD --with-ttf configure option, only suitable for freetype 1