Changelog for
backintime-lang-1.5.2-94.1.noarch.rpm :
* Sat Oct 12 2024 Tejas Guruswamy
- Update to 1.5.2
* Fix: Ensure crontab with ending newline (#781)
* Fix(translation): Correct corrupt translated strings in Basque, Islandic and Spanish causing application crashes (#1828)
* Fix: Use correct port to ping SSH Proxy (#1815)
* Dependency: Migration to PyQt6
* Breaking Change: EncFS deprecation warning (#1735, #1734)
* Breaking Change: GUI started with --debug does no longer add --debug to the crontab for scheduled profiles. Use the new \"enable logging for debug messages\" in the \'Schedule\' section of the \'Manage profiles\' GUI instead.
* Feature: Warn if Cron is not running (#1747)
* Feature: Profile and GUI allow to activate debug output for scheduled jobs by adding \'--debug\' to crontab entry (#1616, contributed by AATTstcksmsh Kosta Vukicevic)
* Feature: Support SSH proxy (jump) host (#1688) (AATTcgrinham, Christie Grinham)
* Feature: Support rsync \'--one-file-system\' in Expert Options (#1598)
* Feature: \"
*-dev\" version strings contain last commit hash (#1637)
* Fix: Global flock fallback to single-user mode if insufficient permissions (#1743, #1751)
* Fix: Fix Qt segmentation fault with uninstall ExtraMouseButtonEventFilter when closing main window (#1095)
* Fix: Names of weekdays and months translated correct (#1729)
* Fix: Global flock for multiple users (#1122, #1676)
* Fix bug: \"Backup folders\" list does reflect the selected snapshot (#1585) (AATTrafaelhdr Rafael Hurpia da Rocha)
* Fix: Validation of diff command settings in compare snapshots dialog (#1662) (AATTstcksmsh Kosta Vukicevic)
* Fix bug: Open symlinked folders in file view (#1476)
* Fix bug: Respect dark mode using color roles (#1601)
* Fix: \"Highly recommended\" exclusion pattern in \"Manage Profile\" dialog\'s \"Exclude\" tab show missing only (#1620)
* Fix bug: `make install` ignored $(DEST) in file migration part (#1630)
* Removed: Context menu in LogViewDialog (#1578)
* Removed: Field \"filesystem_mount\" and \"snapshot_version\" in \"info\" file (#1684)
* Wed Jun 26 2024 Tejas Guruswamy - Remove backintime-polkit_priv_downgrade.patch, not needed (boo#1226446)
* Sat Jun 08 2024 Tejas Guruswamy - Update to 1.4.3
* Feature: Exclude \'SingletonLock\' and \'SingletonCookie\' (Discord) and \'lock\' (Mozilla Firefox) files by default (part of #1555)
* Work around: Relax `rsync` exit code 23: Ignore instead of error now (part of #1587)
* Feature (experimental): Add new snapshot log filter `rsync transfer failures (experimental)` to find them easier (they are normally not shown as \"error\"). This feature is experimental because it is based on hard-coded error message strings in the rsync source code and may possibly not find all rsync messages or show false positives.
* Fix bug: \'\' hangs when BiT is run as root and no user is logged into a desktop environment (#1592 and #1580)
* Fix bug: Launching BiT GUI (root) hangs on Wayland without showing the GUI (#836)
* Improve: Launcher for BiT GUI (root) does not enforce Wayland anymore but uses same settings as for BiT GUI (userland) (#1350)
* Fix bug: Disabling suspend during taking a backup (\"inhibit suspend\") hangs when BiT is run as root and no user is logged into a desktop environment (#1592)
* Change of semantics: BiT running as root never disables suspend during taking a backup (\"inhibit suspend\") even though this may have worked before in BiT <= v1.4.1 sometimes (required to fix #1592)
* Fix bug: RTE: module \'qttools\' has no attribute \'initate_translator\' with encFS when prompting the user for a password (#1553).
* Fix bug: Schedule dropdown menu used \"minutes\" instead of \"hours\".
* Fix bug: Unhandled exception \"TypeError: \'NoneType\' object is not callable\" in function __log_keyring_warning (#820). Logging thread removed and logger module correctly initialized as fix. Is \"Heisenbug\" so 100 % retesting was not possible.
* Build: Use PyLint in unit testing to catch E1101 (no-member) errors.
* Build: Activate PyLint warning W1401 (anomalous-backslash-in-string).
* Build: Add codespell config.
* Build: Allow manual specification of python executable (--python=PYTHON_PATH) in common/configure and qt/configure
* Build: All starter scripts do use an absolute path to the python executable by default now via common/configure and qt/configure (#1574)
* Build: Install dbus configuration file to /usr/share not /etc (#1596)
* Build: `configure` does delete old installed files (`` and `net.launchpad.backintime.serviceHelper.conf`) that were renamed or moved in a previous release (#1596)
* Translation: Minor modifications in source strings and updating language files.
* Refactor: Solved circular dependency between and to fix #820
* Improved:,, and all parts of do now also use \"backintime\" as logging namespace in the syslog to ensure complete log output with `journalctl | grep -i backintime`- Remove backintime-python_location.patch (upstreamed)
* Thu Feb 22 2024 Dominique Leuenberger - Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.
* Sun Jan 07 2024 Tejas Guruswamy - Add backintime-python_location.patch to manually specify python and allow build on Leap 15.5- Re-add missing Group and Provides tags
* Fri Nov 03 2023 Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz - update to 1.4.1:
* Dependency: Add \"qt translations\" to GUI runtime dependencies (gh#bit-team/backintime#1538)
* Build: Unit tests do generically ignore all instead of well-known warnings now (gh#bit-team/backintime#1539).
* Build: Warnings about missing Qt translation now are ignored while testing (gh#bit-team/backintime#1537).
* Fix bug: GUI didn\'t start when \"show hidden files\" button was on (gh#bit-team/backintime#1535).- update to 1.4.0:
* Project: Renamed branch \"master\" to \"main\" and started \"gitflow\" branching model.
* Refactor: Renamed to (we are using Qt5 for years now ;-)
* Refactor: Removed unfinished feature \"Full system backup\" (gh#bit-team/backintime#1526)
* Fix bug: AttributeError: can\'t set attribute \'showHiddenFiles\' in (gh#bit-team/backintime#1532)
* Fix bug: Check SSH login works on machines with limited commands (gh#bit-team/backintime#1442)
* Fix bug: Missing icon in SSH private key button (gh#bit-team/backintime#1364)
* Fix bug: Master issue for missing or empty system-tray icon (gh#bit-team/backintime#1306)
* Fix bug: System-tray icon missing or empty (GUI and cron) (gh#bit-team/backintime#1236)
* Fix bug: Improve KDE plasma icon compatibility (gh#bit-team/backintime#1159)
* GUI Change: View last (snapshot) log button in GUI uses \"document-open-recent\" icon now instead of \"document-new\" (gh#bit-team/backintime#1386)
* Fix bug: Unit test fails on some machines due to warning \"Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome...\" (gh#bit-team/backintime#1429)
* Fix bug: Generation of config-manpage caused an error with Debian\'s Lintian (gh#bit-team/backintime#1398).
* Fix bug: Return empty list in smartRemove (gh#bit-team/backintime#1392, Debian Bug Report 973760)
* Fix bug: Taking a snapshot reports rsync errors now even if no snapshot was taken (gh#bit-team/backintime#1491)
* Fix bug: takeSnapshot() recognizes errors now by also evaluating the rsync exit code (gh#bit-team/backintime#489)
* Fixes related problem: Killing rsync was not handled gracefully (by ignoring the rsync exit code)
* Fix bug: The error user-callback is now always called if an error happened while taking a snapshot (gh#bit-team/backintime#1491)
* Fix bug: D-Bus serviceHelper error \"LimitExceeded: Maximum length of command line reached (100)\":
* Max command length is now 120 instead of 100 (gh#bit-team/backintime#1027)
* Feature: Introduce new error codes for the \"error\" user callback (as part of gh#bit-team/backintime#1491): 5: Error while taking a snapshot. 6: New snapshot taken but with errors.
* Feature: The rsync exit code is now contained in the snapshot log (part of gh#bit-team/backintime#489). Example: [E] Error: \'rsync\' ended with exit code -9 (negative values are signal numbers, see \'kill -l\')
* Fix bug: Treat rsync exit code 24 as INFO instead of ERROR (gh#bit-team/backintime#1506)
* Breaking change: Minimal Python version 3.8 required (gh#bit-team/backintime#1358).
* Removed: Handling and checking of user group \"fuse\" (gh#bit-team/backintime#1472).
* Feature: Exclude /swapfile by default (gh#bit-team/backintime#1053)
* Feature: Rearranged menu bar and its entries in the main window (gh#bit-team/backintime#1487, gh#bit-team/backintime#1478).
* Feature: Configure user interface language via config file and GUI.
* Documentation: Removed outdated docbook (gh#bit-team/backintime#1345).
* Build: Introduced .readthedocs.yaml as asked by (gh#bit-team/backintime#1443).
* Dependency: The oxygen icons should be installed with the BiT Qt GUI since
* they are used as fallback in case of missing icons
* Fix bug: Add support for ChainerBackend class as keyring which iterates over all supported keyring backends (gh#bit-team/backintime#1410)
* Translation: Strings to translate now easier to understand for translators (gh#bit-team/backintime#1448, gh#bit-team/backintime#1457, gh#bit-team/backintime#1462, gh#bit-team/backintime#1465).
* Translation: Improved completeness of translations and additional modifications of source strings (gh#bit-team/backintime#1454,gh#bit-team/backintime#1512)
* Translation: Plural forms support (gh#bit-team/backintime#1488).
* Removed: Translation in Canadian English, British English and Javanese (gh#bit-team/backintime#1455).
* Added: Translation in Persian and Vietnamese (gh#bit-team/backintime#1460).
* Added: Message to users (after 10 starts of BIT Gui) to motivate them contributing translations (gh#bit-team/backintime#1473).
* Sun Feb 05 2023 Tejas Guruswamy - Require python3-packaging
* Sun Jan 08 2023 Tejas Guruswamy - Remove backintime-rsync324_args.patch (no longer needed)
* Thu Jan 05 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 1.3.3:
* New feature: Command line argument \"--diagnostics\" to show helpful info for better issue support
* GUI change: Remove Exit button from the toolbar
* GUI change: Define accelerator keys for menu bar and tabs, as well as toolbar shortcuts
* Desktop integration: Update .desktop file to mark Back In Time as a single main window program
* Improvement: Write all log output to stderr; do not pollute stdout with INFO and WARNING messages anymore
* Bugfix: RTE \"reentrant call inside io.BufferedWriter\" in logFile.flush() during backup
* Bugfix: Incompatibility with rsync 3.2.4 or later because of rsync\'s \"new argument protection\" (#1247). Deactivate \"--old-args\" rsync argument earlier recommaned to users as a workaround.
* Bugfix: DeprecationWarnings about invalid escape sequences.
* Bugfix: AttributeError in \"Diff Options\" dialog
* Bugfix: Settings GUI: \"Save password to Keyring\" was disabled due to \"no appropriate keyring found\"
* Bugfix: Back in Time did not start with D-Bus error
* Bugfix: Avoid logging errors while waiting for a target drive to be mounted
* Bugfix: [Arch Linux] AUR pkg \"backintime-git\": Build tests fails and installation is aborted
* Bugfix: Wrong systray icon showing in Wayland
* Documentation update: Correct description of profile.schedule.time in backintime-config manpage
* Translation update: Brazilian Portuguese
* Translation update: Italian
* Translation update: French
* Testing: Fix a test fail when dealing with an empty crontab
* Testing: Fix a test fail when dealing with an empty config file
* Testing: Skip \"test_quiet_mode\" (does not work reliably)
* Testing: Improve \"test_diagnostics_arg\" (introduced with #1100) to no longer fail when JSON output was mixed with logging output (part of #921)
* Testing: Numerous fixes and extensions to testing
* Sat Nov 19 2022 Tejas Guruswamy - add backintime-rsync324_args.patch for Tumbleweed + rsync 3.2.4 changes argument syntax; workaround until next release of backintime- require notify-send (libnotify-tools) for error messages
* Sun Aug 14 2022 Tejas Guruswamy - Don\'t require pkexec on Leap.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Marcus Meissner - require pkexec as this is now a standalone package.
* Wed May 18 2022 Dominique Leuenberger - Update to version 1.3.2: + Fix bug: Tests no longer work with Python 3.10.
* Wed Jul 07 2021 Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to version 1.3.1
* Match old and new rsync version format
* Keep permissions of an existing mountpoint from being overridden
* Fix FileNotFoundError exception in mount.mounted
* Fix: \'TempPasswordThread\' object has no attribute \'isAlive\'
* Fix: YEAR missing in config
* Fix: SSH module didn\'t send identification string while checking if remote host is avilable (#1030)
* QT: Fix notifyplugin
* QT: Fix theming: Use link Color instead of hardcoded lightGray