Changelog for
tree-2.1.3-44.4.x86_64.rpm :
* Wed Sep 25 2024 Dirk Müller
- update to 2.1.3:
* Mostly a brown-paper bag release to fix the below regression and add a feature I forgot to add.
* Fix regression in search() function that broke --fromfile
* Allow the -L option to accept its parameter immediately (with no space) instead of requiring it be the next option word.
* Fix issue where --gitignore does not think a pattern with a singular terminal \'/\' (indicating it matches only directories,) is a relative path.
* Don\'t emit the error \'recursive, not followed\' if when using -L, the depth would prevent descending anyway. This also fixes up a JSON output error (missing comma) when this happens.
* Don\'t prematurely sort files/directories with - -from
*file. (gitlab AATTjack6th)
* Various seg-faults fixed - Make doubly sure that there is actually a previous path entry when reading from a tabbed file. - Make sure there is actually a file entity when applying the link info to it when reading fromfile using --fflinks. - Increase space for the path a little in listdir(), just to be sure.
* Make sure that there is no topsort (--dirsfirst / - -filesfirst) if there is no basesort (-U).
* Make sure gittrim() function can handle a null string.
* Tue Sep 24 2024 Giacomo Leidi - Source tarball URL was unresolvable, update it to the correct version based on
* Thu Nov 30 2023 Guillaume GARDET - Build with openSUSE flags
* Fri Jun 16 2023 Jan Baier - tree 2.1.1:
* Various spelling corrections.
* Fix issue where following links while doing JSON output would lead to incorrect JSON output. (simonpmind)
* Fix issue where .info patterns relative to the .info file that did not use a wildcard for matching the prefix were not matching files properly. (German Lashevich)
* Added support for making trees from tab indented files (--fromtabfile) (gitlab AATTAvidSeeker), also cleaned up some other issues in the fromfile code.
* Fix buffer overflow in listdir() when file names are allowed to be longer than 256 characters (like when using fromfile.) (Javier Jaramago Fernández)
* If when attempting to open a .gitignore or .info file from a top level directory and failing, recursively check the parents for such a file. This stops when successful at opening such a file. This behavior might in the future be modified to open all such files in all parents to until root is reached. (Damien Bezborodov) Note that this requires the use of realpath() which I think may be an issue for some OSes.
* Fix issue where tree would never descend (-l) a symbolic link when a full tree is gathered (--du/matchdirs/prune) (gitlab AATT6ramr)
* Thu Feb 16 2023 Jan Baier - tree 2.1.0:
* Add support for --info and --gitignore for the --fromfile option. (Suggested by Piotr Andruszkow)
* Add options --infofile and --gitfile to load .info and .gitignore files explicitly. Each implies --info or --gitignore respectively.
* Add NULL guard for json_printinfo() and xml_printinfo() (and fix ftype printing for XML) (Kenta Arai)
* Fix getcharset() to not return a getenv() pointer (fix for ENV34-C issue.) (Kenta Arai)
* Another attempt at fixing extraneous /\'s in HTML URLs/output. (Sebastian Rose)
* Fixed XML output (Dave Rice)
* Remove the (very outdated) French version of the manpage. Look to localization projects such as Debian\'s \'manpages-l10n\' for localized translations. (hmartink)
* Add support for the NO_COLOR environment variable ( Equivalent to the -n option (can be still be overridden with -C). (Timm Fitschen)
* Removed many C99isms to enable compiling on C90 compilers with fewer warnings. (Sith Wijesinghe and Matthew Sessions) It should not be necessary to avoid using a standard that is old enough to drink, furthermore it is all but impossible to remove the remaining warnings and have modern features like compound literals. In the meantime I\'ve added - std=c11 to the default CFLAGS for Linux and will likely not worry about C90 compatibility going forward unless there is some other reason for it.
* Added a helper function for long command line arguments to clean up option processing (and fixes the processing for a few of the options such as - -timefmt= (наб?).)
* Added --hintro and --houtro options to select files to use as the HTML intro and outro. Use /dev/null or an empty file to eliminate them entirely. This should make it much easier to create your own custom CSS or embed one or more trees into a web page.
* Defer printing the version until the character set is known so we can use the linedraw copyright symbol.
* Revert change to the error code to not return an error (code 2) when attempting to list a non-directory that actually exists. Tree will still return an error when attempting to list a non-existing directory/file.
* Added option --fflinks which will process symbolic link information from a file generated with \'tree -if --noreport\' when using --fromfile. (Suggested by Chentao Credungtao)
* Updated the totals reporting code to also include in the total the file or directory that is being listed. This should make a correct report when doing something like \'tree
* Wed Sep 07 2022 Andreas Stieger - tree 2.0.4:
* Fix missing comma in JSON output
* Sun Aug 28 2022 Andreas Stieger - tree 2.0.3:
* Fix segfault when filelimit is used and tree encounters a directory it cannot enter
* Fixed broken -x option (stops recursing.)
* Fix use after free (causing segfault) for dir/subdir in list.c
* Multiple fixes for .gitignore functionality
* Fixed segfault when an unknown directory is given with -X
* Fixed output up for -X and -J options
* Thu Feb 17 2022 Andreas Stieger - tree 2.0.2:
* stddata option now requires STDDATA_FD to be set
* Fix HTML url output issue
* Fix an error with
* in the patchmatch code where
*bar would match
*foo alone
* Tue Jan 04 2022 Andreas Stieger - tree 2.0.1:
* Make patterns ending in \'/\' match directories (but not files) for -I / -P, should also fix issues with --gitignore as well - Fix --gitignore not matching files relative to the path of the .gitignore
* Wed Dec 22 2021 Andreas Stieger - tree 2.0.0:
* Simplified code
* Adds --info to print information about files/directories from information found in .info files
* In HTML output, comments show as mouse over tooltips
* Output un-indented JSON on file descriptor 3 (\"stddata\") automatically if file descriptor 3 is present
* Always HTML escape filenames in HTML output even when -C is used
* Return a non-zero exit status if there is a failure to open any directory.
* Added --gitignore option to filter out files specified by .gitignore files. (also reads $GIT_DIR/info/exclude if present.)
* To facilitate gitignore, adds support for
* on pattern matching to allow /
*/ to match a single /
* Now also supports multiple -I and -P instances
* Now prints meta data for the top level directory as well.
* Properly sort --fromfile input
* Make tree colorization use reset (rs code in dir_colors,) not normal color when resetting attributes
* Honor -n (no color) even if the CLICOLOR_FORCE environment variable is set
* Fix --sort option to not require =
* Defer sorting for --du until the entire sub-directory tree has been processed.
* Fix JSON string escaping such that it is not using the HTML escaping
* Add --filesfirst option
* XML/HTML/JSON output needs to be mutually exclusive, last command line switch wins- drop tree-makefile.patch