Changelog for gnustep-gui-0.31.1-2.3.i586.rpm :

* Thu Aug 29 2024 Fred kiefer - Update to version 0.31.1
* Add TGA detection for ImageMagick extension.
* Correct endianess swapping for saving 16 and 32 bit TIFF images.
* NSParagraphStyle restore old behaviour to have default tab stops.
* Documentation updates.
* A fix for autogsdoc documentation creation.
* Improve theming for many classes.
* Correct keyEquivalentModifierMask decoding in XIB files.
* Add imageViewWithImage: to NSImageView.
* Add implementation of NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier to NSView.
* Fix NSImageView intercepting mouse events when not editable
* Move NSBox method isOpaque to GSTheme.
* Many decoding improvements.
* Fix compiler warnings.
* Generate and install a gnustep-gui.pc file.
* Add support for NSFilenamenPboardType in NSTextView.
* Add support for NSPasteboardTypePNG in NSBitmapImageRep if the libpng is present.
* Add support for ImageMagick >= 7.0
* Increase pasteboard timeout to 30 seconds.
* Add NSAppearance implementation.
* Make PACKAGE_SCOPE public on MinGW.
* Started implementing NSShadow.
* Move awakeFromNib implementation to NSObject instead of NSView.
* Changes for libGIF 5.2 and later.
* Update NSViewController with lifeCycle methods.
* Avoid accessing instance variables in inline functions when compiling with MSVC.
* Add method removeAllItems to NSMenu.
* Add badge handling to NSDockTile.
* More improvements to layout constraints.
* Add implementation of NSDictionaryController.
* Add implementation of the NSCollectionView classes.
* Improve NSDrawer opening.
* Improver CI pipeline.
* Fri Jan 06 2023 Fred kiefer - Update to version 0.30.0
* Add classes NSStackView, NSGlyphInfo.
* Add more formal protocols to headers.
* Add extra pixels so that tool tip doesn\'t overrun the window.
* More improvements from Testplant.
* NSSplitView support different divider styles.
* Improve on Wayland support.
* NSPopUpButtonCell attempt to fix deallocation and item selection.
* NSImageCell fix refuse first responder.
* Improve NIB and XIB unarchiving.
* GSStandardWindowDecorationView fix resizing mode
* Make resize bar notch themable.
* NSButton add radio button behavior from MacOS 10.7.
* Fix clicking on test attachment cells.
* Add missing methods to GSLayoutManager.
* Add NSLayoutConstraint parsing.
* Add APPKIT_EXPORT_CLASS to support compilation with MSVC.
* Remove libgnustep-gui_INTERFACE_VERSION.
* Fix to build GSSpell in custom build dir.
* Add all new header files to DocMakefile.
* Fix memory leaks in NSView, NSTextView and NSBox.
* Add placeholder string handling in NSTextField.m.
* Apply userSpaceScaleFactor to title bar height when calculating offsets.
* Add new constants from MacOS 10.14 to NSBezierPath.
* Add file.
* Add helper methods in GSWindowDecorator protocol for pointer hit test on window decorations.
* Improve support for 16 bit colour values in images.
* NSTextStorage update signatures to match MacOS.
* Add a preference to disable spellchecker.
* Fix crash in JPEG reading.
* Improve NSPopover and NSAccessibilityCustomAction.
* Support ImageMagick version >= 7.
* Add github workflow.
* Add icon for speech synthesizer.
* Sat Jun 25 2022 Fred kiefer - Update to version 0.29.0
* Support loading of storyboard files.
* Add classes NSSwitch, NSFontAssetRequest, NSMediaLibraryBrowserController, NSScrubberItemView, NSScrubberLayout, NSScrubber, NSSharingServicePickerToolbarItem, NSPathCell, NSPathComponentCell, NSPathControl, NSPathControlItem, NSPersistentDocument, NSAccessibilityCustomAction, NSAccessibilityCustomRotor, NSAccessibilityElement, NSStoryboard, NSStoryboardSegue, NSPageController, NSSplitViewController, NSSplitViewItem, NSTabViewController, NSLayoutAnchor, NSLayoutConstraint, NSLayoutGuide, NSStatusBarButton, NSTextCheckingController, NSTextFinder, NSTextInputContext, NSGridView. Some of these classes are still skeletons.
* Fix extraline fragment in text layout.
* Better encoding handling in RTF files.
* Add more italian translations.
* Add MacOSX methods to NSNib, NSMenu and NSWindow.
* Focus handling fixes for WindowMaker.
* Fix missing colours when loading old colour lists.
* Support JPEG export as greyscale image.
* Fix memory leak in NSPopupButtonCell.
* Fix toolbar flickering.
* NSSearchFieldCell use code from GSTheme to display popup.
* Fix int decoding to get it working on 64 bit big endian machines.
* Add tab stops after last defined at default intervals.
* Stop NSWindow from handling windows that are gone, but possibly returned by a slow window manager.
* Fix NSTableView/NSTableColumn bindings.
* Sat Feb 27 2021 Antoine Belvire - Add gnustep-gui-0.28.0-fix-compilation-icu68.patch: Fix build against ICU 68.
* Sun Aug 30 2020 Christopher Yeleighton - Removed Requires: xorg-x11-server- Added %package devel Requires: gnustep-base-devel
* Tue Apr 14 2020 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 0.28.0
* Support loading of document XIB files.
* Improve Key Value Binding for NSArrayController and add more bindings.
* Better support for multi monitor usage and other improvement in the backend integration.
* Add classes NSFontCollection, NSColorSampler, NSSpeechRecognizer, NSAppearance, NSPDFInfo, NSPICTImageRep, NSCIImageRep, NSPDFImageRep, NSPDFPanel, NSDataAsset, NSDatePicker, NSDatePickerCell, NSPredicateEditor, NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate, NSRuleEditor, NSGestureRecognizer, NSButtonTouchBarItem, NSCandidateListTouchBarItem, NSClickGestureRecognizer, NSColorPickerTouchBarItem, NSCustomTouchBarItem, NSGroupTouchBarItem, NSMagnificationGestureRecognizer, NSPanGestureRecognizer, NSPickerTouchBarItem, NSPopoverTouchBarItem, NSPressGestureRecognizer, NSRotationGestureRecognizer, NSSharingServicePickerTouchBarItem, NSSliderTouchBarItem, NSStepperTouchBarItem, NSTouchBarItem, NSTouchBar, NSTouch, NSDockTile.
* Implement NSEPSImageRep.
* Better encoding handling in RTF files.
* Theming and drawing improvements.
* Increase small font size to 10.
* New cursor and stepper images.
* Move NSFileWrapper to Foundation.
* Fixed build on Debian GNU/kFreeBSD.
* With command line argument -autolaunch YES, do not activate the application when -activateIgnoringOtherApps: is invoked.
* Improvements to WindowMaker compatibility (e.g. WMFHideApplication support).
* Lowered NSFloatingWindowLevel by one to distinguish floating panels from menus.- Spec cleanup
* Sat Jan 12 2019 Fred kiefer - Update to GNUstep GUI 0.27.0
* Tue Jan 02 2018 Update to GNUstep GUI 0.26.2
* Sun Dec 31 2017 Update to GNUstep GUI 0.26.1
* Sun Dec 10 2017 Update to GNUstep GUI 0.26.0
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