Changelog for abcl-javadoc-1.9.2-150400.2.10.noarch.rpm :

* Tue Feb 20 2024 Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.
* Thu Jul 13 2023 Update to v1.9.2
* Changes + [r15712] JNA contrib has been updated to jna-5.13.0 + [r15711] (Alan Ruttenberg) Restore most of the speed of the generic function cache that was degraded with abcl-1.9.1 + [r15709] (Alejandrozf) The ABCL-STEPPER contrib provides a interpreted implementation of CL:STEP. + [r15692][r15701]-[r15707] Substantially re-worked the Gray Stream implementation to fix many of its outstanding issues. + [r15700] Introduced the POSIX-SYSCALLS contrib which allows one to set environment variables in the hosting JVM process. + [r15698] (Uthar) Fix GRAY-STREAMS:STREAM-ELEMENT-TYPE for binary streams. + [r15689] (jpellegrini) Fix CL:LOG for behavior at zero. + [r15686] Extensive grouting of accumulated bitrot in the ASDF-JAR contrib to enable more complete packaging of non-compilation artifacts as well as systems residing in jar files. + [r15683] EXTENSION:REGISTER-ASDF adds a directory to ASDF by using the configuration API. + [r15682] SYSTEM:ZIP now works with source in jar files. + [r15674] (Uthar) Augment JAVA:JNEW-RUNTIME-CLASS docstring. + [r15673] The outdated GNU Info version of User Manual has been removed. The GNU Info conversion was done by hand, and is neither easily reproducible nor particually accurate at this point. + [r15672] Fix build under podman by qualify remote registry for containerization base.
* Mon Mar 06 2023 Update to v1.9.1
* Changes + [r15652] (Tarn W. Burton) Avoid NIL in simple LOOP from FORMAT directives. + [r15651] Maven may now be used for building/testing ABCL. + [r15650] The build autoconfigure targets for openjdk17+ now add necessary opens command line switches to enable the successful use of CL+SSL via CFFI on such platforms. + [r15653][r15647] ABCL-ASDF:MAKE-LOCAL-MAVEN downloads a version of Maven installed into the local XDG directory location and configures its subsequent use in the current session. ABCL-ASDF provides a restart to invoke this installation if Maven can\'t be located at runtime. + [r15644] (alejandrozf) fix compilation of a few TYPE-ERROR cases + [r15643][r15645] (oldk1331) Fix SYS:RUN-PROGRAM waiting problems + [r15639-40] (Alan) DEFMETHOD now accepts subtypes of MOP:SPECIALIZER as a discriminator. + [r15636] Provide SETF\'abl api for inspecting and modifying the underlying JVM context classloader. + [r15635] Implement THREADS:GET-JAVA-THREAD + [r15633] Update openjdk versions ci installation automation to use latest openjdk8, openjdk11, openjdk17, and openjdk19 binaries. + [r15632] ABCL-INTROSPECT properly scope reference to JavaStackFrame + [r15631] Update IDE build/debug artifacts to Netbeans 16 + [r15630] (alejandrozf) Fix compilation of top-level lambda in function position. + [r15628] (alejandrozf) Fix COMPILE-FILE-PATHNAME for Maxima. + [r15622-24] Use TLS for all http resource names. + [r15619] (alejandrozf) Accept KEYWORD as a package name when interning. + [r15617] Upgrade to jna-5.12.1. + [r15616] Enable compilation of wide indicies for ALOAD, ASTORE, ILOAD, ISTORE, LLOAD, and LSTORE opcodes. + [r15610] Revisit strategy for use of virtual threads. Native threads are now the default. The ability to spawn virtual threads is indicated by the presence of :VIRTUAL-THREADS in CL:
*. Setting the special THREADS:
* to :VIRTUAL results in THREADS:MAKE-THREADS spawning virtual threads. + [r15609] Fix inspection of LispThread stack segments + [r15605] (Uthar) Implement array types for JNEW-RUNTIME-CLASS + [r15604] (Uthar) Implement superclass constructor chaining for JNEW-RUNTIME-CLASS + [r15557] (Uthar) Fix class annotations on openjdk17 and newer + [r15596] (Alejandrozf) Implement proper use of signals to fallback to the use of interpreted form for compilation results larger than 65535 bytes. Fixes loading of Fricas0 + [r15594] Update to asdf-3.3.6
* Sun Jul 24 2022 Update to v1.9.0
* Changes + [r15572] (Jonathan Cunningham) Update reference to free version of Rhode\'s Extensible Sequence paper + [r15571] (Alan Ruttenberg) JSS update to javaparser-3.24.2 Fix tests, fix typo, lazily initialize via LOAD-JAVAPARSER on the first use of the number argument version of the macro. + [r15570] (Uthar) Prevent JCLASS-SUPERCLASS from failing on names (keywords) of classes generated by JNEW-RUNTIME-CLASS + [r15562] (Alan Ruttenberg) Add a restart for undefined functions + [r15561] Clarify call and lambda arguments limits somewhat + [r15560] (Alan Ruttenberg) Support for catch tags in SLIME + [r15559] (Alan Ruttenberg) Record source location for slot readers + [r15558] ABCL-INTROSPECT explictly home exported symbols in ABCL-INTROSPECT/SYSTEM to identify machinery added to the SYSTEM package after initial ANSI boot. + [r15549] (alejandrozf) Fix (coerce \'documentation \'function) + [r15548] (alejandrozf) Fill slots operation and operands with DivisionByZero condition when it is raised + [r15545] (alejandrozf) Update fill pointer when arrays are shrunk if necessary. + [r15544] [r15543] (phoe) Use PUSHNEW for CL:
* where appropiate + [r15542] (alejandrozf) Accessible symbols are always printed with package prefix + [r15541] (alejandrozf) Improve DRIBBLE to save almost everything, lexically closing over new REPLs, now cleanly closing/restarting + [r15494] When reading ZIP archives from streams, use modified date of byte source. + [r15493] The implmentation now uses :NEWEST for the version of references to EXT:JAR-PATHNAME objects which have been cached. + [r15492] Address inconsistency between populating entries in EXT:JAR-PATHNAME. A DIRECTORY should always be :ABSOLUTE in a EXT:JAR-PATHNAME unless there is no name or type component. + [r15491] Fix ZipCache to use the file system modification date + [r15490] EXT:AS-JAR-PATHNAME-ARCHIVE returns reference to a CL:PATHNAME as a EXT:JAR-PATHNAME + [r15489] DISABLE-ZIP-CACHE isn\'t currently working + [r15486] (Eric Timmons) Fix SYS:PROCESS-PID with SYS:RUN-PROGRAM + [r15483] Explictly scope all symbols in fasl loader + [r15481] Fix (or (unsigned-byte 8) (unsigned-byte 32)) vector reset + [r15480][r15484] (Robert Munyer) New algorithim for COMPILE-FILE-PATHNAME + [r15479] ABCL-BUILD now tests with ant-1.10.9 + [r15478] ZS3 fix allocation for non-simple (unsigned-byte 8) vectors + [r15538] (contrapunctus) needled to correct outdated HTML links + [r15537] [r15536] [r15535] [r15534] [r15533] [r15532] ABCL-BUILD Correct deprecated JAVA-COMPILE-FILE, add file unit for top-level targets, implement COPY-DIRECTORIES-RECURSIVELY utility, docstring for exported ENSURE-MAVEN, clean compile errors, updateant URIs to available versions + [r15527] JNA update to jna-5.9.0 + [r15525] JSS fix introspecting abcl.jar under openjdk1[67] + [r15524] [r15520] Test released LTS Java editions for openjdk{8,11,17} with Adoptium. + [r15523] (Scott Burson) Corrections to ENCODE-UNIVERSAL-TIME for dates after 2037. + [r15521] Use java.lang.Integer.valueOf() rather than constructor + [r15519] (Samuel Hunter) Fix and standardize all error reader functions. + [r15518] (Uthar) Remove confusing comment in example + [r15515] ASDF Fix JAR-PATHNAME loading systems under Windows + [r15513] (alejandrozf) Fix generic lambda lists congruency with keywords + [r15511] (Phil Eaton) Support variadic arguments with more required parameters + [r15504] Allow JAVA:JCLASS to work with non-primtive arrays suffixed with \"[]\" + [r15503] ABCL-AIO Fix finding ABCL-CONTRIB + [r15502] build: deprecate use of abcl.implementation.version + [r15501] (daewok) Uppercase arch before pushing it to
* + [r15500] (Ferada) Fix printing of RANDOM-STATE + [r15496] Support use of Project Loom virtual threads. When the underlying JVM supports virtual threads, :VIRTUAL-THREADS will be present in CL:
* + [r15495] This release targets openjdk8, openjdk11, and openjdk17
* Fri Apr 01 2022 Added patch:
* abcl-no-hostname.patch + do not stamp the build using hostname
* Thu Mar 24 2022 BuildRequire \"hostname\" to fix build in Factory
* Mon Aug 09 2021 Fixed the POD page
* Tue Jun 08 2021 Specify input encoding when building documentation
* Fri Apr 30 2021 Add explicite dependency on texlive-listings to fix build breakage in factory
* Sat Nov 14 2020 Update to v1.8.0
* Fri Jul 24 2020 Update to v1.7.1
* Fri Jul 17 2020 Update to v1.7.0
* Sat Jan 04 2020 Update to v1.6.0+git1577955428.734b0f3
* Sun Jun 02 2019 Update to v1.6.0+git20190602.312d2755
* Mon May 14 2018 Fix dependencies
* Mon May 14 2018 Fix dependencies for Fedora
* Wed Apr 18 2018 Update to v1.6.0
* Wed Apr 18 2018 Apply dos2unix
* Wed Apr 18 2018 Initial commit