Changelog for apache-commons-statistics-1.1-150400.1.75.noarch.rpm :

* Thu Sep 05 2024 Update to v1.1
* Changes in this version include: + New features: ~ STATISTICS-88: \"LogUniformDistribution\": Add a log uniform distribution. ~ STATISTICS-87: \"FoldedNormalDistribution\": Add a folded normal distribution implementation with specialized support for a half-normal distribution. ~ STATISTICS-85: Add a quantile and median implementation. ~ STATISTICS-81: Add descriptive statistics for integer types. These allow improved accuracy and performance for int and long data using an array or streams over using the equivalent double implementation via primitive conversion. ~ STATISTICS-71: Add commons-statistics-descriptive module for implementations of univariate statistics. Contains base interfaces for statistics and implementations for individual statistics (e.g. Min, Max, Sum, Mean, Variance) and combinations of statistics. Thanks to Anirudh Joshi, Alex Herbert. ~ STATISTICS-69: \"UncoditionedExactTest\": Add an unconditioned exact test for 2x2 contingency tables. ~ STATISTICS-70: \"HypergeometricDistribution\": Improve the summation used for the cumulative probability functions. ~ STATISTICS-66: Add a Bill of Materials (BOM) to aid in dependency management when referencing multiple Apache Commons Statistics artifacts. The BOM should be used to ensure all imported artifacts are compatible. ~ STATISTICS-64: \"FisherExactTest\": Add Fisher\'s exact test for 2x2 contingency tables. ~ STATISTICS-62: Add a commons-statistics-inference module for hypothesis testing. This ports and updates functionality in org.apache.commons.math4.stat.inference including new support for one-sided hypothesis testing. ~ STATISTICS-63: Add a commons-statistics-ranking module for rank transformations. This ports and updates functionality in org.apache.commons.math4.stat.ranking.
* Thu Jul 27 2023 Initial packaging with v1.0