Changelog for jctools-channels-3.3.0-150400.22.9.noarch.rpm :

* Wed Feb 21 2024 Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.
* Thu Oct 26 2023 Added patch:
* jctools-javadoc.patch + work around javadoc breakages with jdk 21
* Sat Sep 09 2023 Reproducible builds: use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for timestamp
* Wed Mar 23 2022 Build with java source and target levels 8
* Thu Mar 10 2022 Upgrade to 3.3.0
* API Changes: + Removed MpscLinkedQueue7 and MpscLinkedQueue8 and consolidated into parent. This removes the need for the builder method on MpscLinkedQueue. + Deprecated QueueFactory and spec package classes. These are not used by any users AFAICT and are only used for testing internally. + Removed some internal classes and reduced visibility of internal utilities where practical. The AATTInternalAPI tagging annotation is also used more extensively to discourage dependency. + #226: XADD unbounded mpsc/mpmc queue: highly scalable linked array queues + New blocking consumer MPSC
* Bug fixes: + #334 NBHMLong iterators do not remove NO_KEY + #335 NBHM/Long/Identity iterators only removes keys if values have not changed. Now follow JDK convention. + #336 MpscBlockingConsumerArrayQueue: fix race writing to blocked field + #339 \'fill\' wakeup call can spin forever (or until a consumer is blocked again) on MpscBlockingConsumerArrayQueue + #319 Relying on test cases provided by #328 we apply the fix used for #205 to \'NonBlockingHashMapLong\' and \'NonBlockingIdentityHashMap\' to provide \'getAndSet\' like semantics for put and remove. + #330 Fix a \'NonBlockingIdentityHashMap\' \'replace\' bug. During this fix some further work was done to bring the code closer in line to the current state of \'NonBlockingHashMap\' + Use byte fields for padding (avoid upcoming false sharing problem in JDK 15+ where field ordering has changed) + #289 Add Automatic-Module-Name header to MANIFEST.MF + #292 Fix inconsistent isEmpty/poll/peek/offer dynamics for SpscLinkedQueue + Fixed potential for negative queue size for indexed queues and similar issue with isEmpty + #296 Fix peek/relaxedPeek race with poll/offer in MC queues + #297 Fix inconsistent size of FF based queues causing potential size() > capacity() + #316 Fix MpscBlockingConsumerArrayQueue::poll(TimeUnit,timeout) + #310 Fix MpmcUnboundedXaddArrayQueue::peek/relaxedPeek can load \"future\" elements + #209: On Arm7, non-volatile long can have unaligned address leading to error + #216: Size of SpscGrowableArrayQueue can exceeds max capacity + #241: Protect the producer index in case of OutOfMemoryError + #244: Long NBHM AssertionError when replacing missing key + Fix argument checks on fill/drain methods + Fix LGTM warning, potential int overflow bug
* Enhancements: + #326 Xadd queues consumers can help producers + #323 Update to latest JCStress (thanks AATTshipilev )
* Improvements: + Don\'t mark generated linked atomic queues as final + #211: Implement batching methods on MpmcArrayQueue + #228: Iterator for MpscArrayQueue and MpscUnboundedArrayQueue + Iterator support also available for the
*ArrayQueue classes + #208: MpscLinkedAtomicQueue can be made not final + #237: Add scale to exception message to help debug netty/netty#8916
* New features: + #340 MpscBlockingConsumerArrayQueue + After long incubation and following a user request (see #321), we move counters into core + Merging some experimental utils and a #264 we add a \'PaddedAtomicLong\' + #314 MpscBlockingConsumerArrayQueue::offerIfBelowThreshold is added- Added patch:
* imports.patch + Fix bug in adding of imports that broke build with javaparser >= 2.15.0
* Tue Oct 01 2019 Initial packaging of jctools 2.1.2