Changelog for jackson-databind-javadoc-2.17.2-40.1.noarch.rpm :
* Thu Oct 10 2024 Fridrich Strba - Build the module-info.java source too (with release=9) * Wed Aug 07 2024 Fridrich Strba - Update to 2.17.2 * #4561: Issues using jackson-databind 2.17.1 with Reactor * #4575: StdDelegatingSerializer does not consider a Converter that may return null for a non-null input * #4577: Cannot deserialize value of type \'java.math.BigDecimal\' from String \"3.\" (not a valid representation) * #4595: No way to explicitly disable wrapping in custom annotation processor * #4607: \'MismatchedInput\': No Object Id found for an instance of X to assign to property \'AATTid\' * #4610: \'DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNRESOLVED_OBJECT_IDS\' does not work when used with Polymorphic type handling * Mon May 20 2024 Gus Kenion - Update to 2.17.1 * 2.17.1 (04-May-2024) + #4428: \'ByteBuddy\' scope went beyond \'test\' in version 2.17.0 + #4430: Use \'ReentrantLock\' instead of \'synchronized\' in \'DeserializerCache\' to avoid deadlock on pinning + #4435: Cannot deserialize value of type \'java.math.BigDecimal\' from String \".05\": not a valid representation + #4441: \'AATTJsonSetter(nulls = Nulls.SKIP)\' doesn\'t work in some situations + #4450: Empty QName deserialized as \'null\' + #4471: Reconsider deprecation of \'JsonNode.asText(defaultValue)\' + #4481: Unable to override \'DeserializationFeature.READ_UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUES_AS_NULL\' with \'JsonFormat.Feature.READ_UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUES_AS_NULL\' + #4489: Unable to override \'DeserializationFeature .READ_UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUES_USING_DEFAULT_VALUE\' with \'JsonFormat.Feature.READ_UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUES_USING_DEFAULT_VALUE\' * 2.17.0 (12-Mar-2024) + #437: Support throwing \'MismatchedInputException\' when deserializing properties that are not part of the view + #736: \'MapperFeature.REQUIRE_SETTERS_FOR_GETTERS\' has no effect + #2543: Introspection includes delegating ctor\'s only parameter as a property in \'BeanDescription\' + #4160: Deprecate \'DefaultTyping.EVERYTHING\' in \'2.x\' and remove in \'3.0\' + #4194: Add \'JsonNodeFeature .FAIL_ON_NAN_TO_BIG_DECIMAL_COERCION\' option to fail on attempting to coerce \'NaN\' into \'BigDecimal\' + #4205: Consider types in \'sun. *\' package(s) to be JDK (platform) types for purposes of handling + #4209: Make \'BeanDeserializerModifier\'/\'BeanSerializerModifier\' implement \'java.io.Serializable\' + #4214: \'EnumSet\' deserialization does not work when we activate default typing in \'ObjectMapper\' + #4248: \'ThrowableDeserializer\' does not handle \'null\' well for \'cause\' + #4250: Add input validation for \'NumberDeserializers\' deserializers for \"stringified\" FP numbers + #4262: Improve handling of \'null\' insertion failure for \'TreeSet\' + #4263: Change \'ObjectArrayDeserializer\' to use \"generic\" type parameter (\'java.lang.Object\') to remove co-variant return type + #4299: Some \'Collection\' and \'Map\' fallbacks don\'t work in GraalVM native image + #4309: \'AATTJsonSetter(nulls=...)\' handling of \'Collection\' \'null\' values during deserialization with \'READ_UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUES_AS_NULL\' and \'FAIL_ON_INVALID_SUBTYPE\' wrong + #4327: \'AATTJsonAlias\' not respected by polymorphic deduction + #4337: \'AtomicReference\' serializer does not support \'AATTJsonSerialize(contentConverter=...)\' + #4364: \'AATTJsonProperty\' and equivalents should merge with \'AnnotationIntrospectorPair\' + #4394: Better Base64 support for \'java.util.UUIDs\' without padding + #4403: Deserialization of unknown value for enums does not yield default enum value + #4416: Deprecate \'JsonNode.asText(String)\' * 2.16.2 (09-Mar-2024) + #4302: Problem deserializing some type of Enums when using \'PropertyNamingStrategy\' + #4303: \'ObjectReader\' is not serializable if it\'s configured for polymorphism + #4316: NPE when deserializing \'JsonAnySetter\' in \'Throwable\' + #4355: Jackson 2.16 fails attempting to obtain \'ObjectWriter\' for an \'Enum\' of which some value returns null from \'toString()\' + #4409: Deserialization of enums with name defined with different cases leads to \'InvalidDefinitionException\': Multiple fields representing property * Fri Mar 08 2024 Gus Kenion - Update to 2.16.1 * 2.16.1 (24-Dec-2023) + #4200: JsonSetter(contentNulls = FAIL) is ignored in delegating AATTJsonCreator argument + #4216: Primitive array deserializer not being captured by DeserializerModifier + #4219: JsonNode.findValues() and findParents() missing expected values in 2.16.0 * 2.16.0 (15-Nov-2023) + #1770: Incorrect deserialization for BigDecimal numbers + #2502: Add a way to configure caches Jackson uses + #2787: Mix-ins do not work for Enums + #3133: Map deserialization results in different numeric classes based on json ordering (BigDecimal / Double) when used in combination with AATTJsonSubTypes + #3251: Generic class with generic field of runtime type Double is deserialized as BigDecimal when used with AATTJsonTypeInfo and JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY + #3277: Combination of AATTJsonUnwrapped and AATTJsonAnySetter results in BigDecimal instead of Double + #3647: AATTJsonIgnoreProperties not working with AATTJsonValue + #3780: Deprecated JsonNode.with(String) suggests using JsonNode.withObject(String) but it is not the same thing + #3838: Difference in the handling of ObjectId-property in JsonIdentityInfo depending on the deserialization route + #3877: Add new OptBoolean valued property in AATTJsonTypeInfo, handling, to allow per-polymorphic type loose Type Id handling + #3906: Regression: 2.15.0 breaks deserialization for records when mapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.ALL, Visibility.NONE) + #3924: Incorrect target type when disabling coercion, trying to deserialize String from Array/Object + #3928: AATTJsonProperty on constructor parameter changes default field serialization order + #3950: Create new JavaType subtype IterationType (extending SimpleType) + #3953: Use JsonTypeInfo.Value for annotation handling + #3965: Add JsonNodeFeature.WRITE_PROPERTIES_SORTED for sorting ObjectNode properties on serialization (for Canonical JSON) + #4008: Optimize ObjectNode findValue(s) and findParent(s) fast paths + #4009: Locale \"\" is deserialised as null if ACCEPT_EMPTY_STRING_AS_NULL_OBJECT is enabled + #4011: Add guardrail setting for TypeParser handling of type parameters + #4036: Use AATTJsonProperty for Enum values also when READ_ENUMS USING_TO_STRING enabled + #4037: Fix Enum deserialization to use AATTJsonProperty, AATTJsonAlias even if EnumNamingStrategy used + #4039: Use AATTJsonProperty and lowercase feature when serializing Enums despite using toString() + #4040: Use AATTJsonProperty over EnumNamingStrategy for Enum serialization + #4041: Actually cache EnumValues#internalMap + #4047: ObjectMapper.valueToTree() will ignore the configuration SerializationFeature.WRAP_ROOT_VALUE + #4056: Provide the \"ObjectMapper.treeToValue(TreeNode, TypeReference)\" method + #4060: Expose NativeImageUtil.isRunningInNativeImage() method + #4061: Add JsonTypeInfo.Id.SIMPLE_NAME which defaults type id to Class.getSimpleName() + #4071: Impossible to deserialize custom Throwable sub-classes that do not have single-String constructors + #4078: java.desktop module is no longer optional + #4082: ClassUtil fails with java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException trying to setAccessible on OptionalInt with JDK 17+ + #4090: Support sequenced collections (JDK 21) + #4095: Add withObjectProperty(String), withArrayProperty(String) in JsonNode + #4096: Change JsonNode.withObject(String) to work similar to withArray() wrt argument + #4144: Log WARN if deprecated subclasses of PropertyNamingStrategy is used + #4145: NPE when transforming a tree to a model class object, at ArrayNode.elements() + #4153: Deprecated ObjectReader.withType(Type) has no direct replacement; need forType(Type) + #4159: Add new DefaultTyping.NON_FINAL_AND_ENUMS to allow Default Typing for Enums + #4164: Do not rewind position when serializing direct ByteBuffer + #4175: Exception when deserialization of private record with default constructor + #4184: BeanDeserializer updates currentValue incorrectly when deserialising empty Object * Mon Aug 21 2023 Fridrich Strba - Update to 2.15.2 * 2.15.2 (30-May-2023) + #3938: Record setter not included from interface (2.15 regression) * 2.15.1 (16-May-2023) + #3882: Error in creating nested \'ArrayNode\'s with \'JsonNode.withArray()\' + #3894: Only avoid Records fields detection for deserialization + #3895: 2.15.0 breaking behaviour change for records and Getter Visibility + #3897: 2.15.0 breaks deserialization when POJO/Record only has a single field and is marked \'Access.WRITE_ONLY\' + #3913: Issue with deserialization when there are unexpected properties (due to null \'StreamReadConstraints\') + #3914: Fix TypeId serialization for \'JsonTypeInfo.Id.DEDUCTION\', native type ids * 2.15.0 (23-Apr-2023) + #2536: Add \'EnumFeature.READ_ENUM_KEYS_USING_INDEX\' to work with existing \"WRITE_ENUM_KEYS_USING_INDEX\"# + #2667: Add \'AATTEnumNaming\', \'EnumNamingStrategy\' to allow use of naming strategies for Enums + #2968: Deserialization of \'AATTJsonTypeInfo\' annotated type fails with missing type id even for explicit concrete subtypes + #2974: Null coercion with \'AATTJsonSetter\' does not work with \'java.lang.Record\' + #2992: Properties naming strategy do not work with Record + #3053: Allow serializing enums to lowercase (\'EnumFeature.WRITE_ENUMS_TO_LOWERCASE\') + #3180: Support \'AATTJsonCreator\' annotation on record classes + #3262: InvalidDefinitionException when calling mapper.createObjectNode().putPOJO + #3297: \'AATTJsonDeserialize(converter = ...)\' does not work with Records + #3342: \'JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY\' does not work with record wrappers + #3352: Do not require the usage of opens in a modular app when using records + #3566: Cannot use both \'JsonCreator.Mode.DELEGATING\' and \'JsonCreator.Mode.PROPERTIES\' static creator factory methods for Enums + #3637: Add enum features into \'AATTJsonFormat.Feature\' + #3638: Case-insensitive and number-based enum deserialization are (unnecessarily) mutually exclusive + #3651: Deprecate \"exact values\" setting from \'JsonNodeFactory\', replace with \'JsonNodeFeature.STRIP_TRAILING_BIGDECIMAL_ZEROES\' + #3654: Infer \'AATTJsonCreator(mode = Mode.DELEGATING)\' from use of \'AATTJsonValue\') + #3676: Allow use of \'AATTJsonCreator(mode = Mode.PROPERTIES)\' creator for POJOs with\"empty String\" coercion + #3680: Timestamp in classes inside jar showing 02/01/1980 + #3682: Transient \'Field\'s are not ignored as Mutators if there is visible Getter + #3690: Incorrect target type for arrays when disabling coercion + #3708: Seems like \'java.nio.file.Path\' is safe for Android API level 26 + #3730: Add support in \'TokenBuffer\' for lazily decoded (big) numbers + #3736: Try to avoid auto-detecting Fields for Record types + #3742: schemaType of \'LongSerializer\' is wrong + #3745: Deprecate classes in package \'com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsonschema\' + #3748: \'DelegatingDeserializer\' missing override of \'getAbsentValue()\' (and couple of other methods) + #3771: Classloader leak: DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_INTROSPECTOR holds annotation reference + #3791: Flush readonly map together with shared on \'SerializerCache.flush()\' + #3796: Enum Deserialisation Failing with Polymorphic type validator + #3809: Add Stream-friendly alternative to \'ObjectNode.fields()\': \'Set> properties()\' + #3814: Enhance \'StdNodeBasedDeserializer\' to support \'readerForUpdating\' + #3816: TokenBuffer does not implement writeString(Reader reader, int len) + #3819: Add convenience method \'SimpleBeanPropertyFilter.filterOutAll()\' as counterpart of \'serializeAll()\' + #3836: \'Optional\' is not recognized as boolean field + #3853: Add \'MapperFeature.REQUIRE_TYPE_ID_FOR_SUBTYPES\' to enable/disable strict subtype Type Id handling + #3876: \'TypeFactory\' cache performance degradation with \'constructSpecializedType()\' * 2.14.3 (05-May-2023) + #3784: \'PrimitiveArrayDeserializers$ByteDeser.deserialize\' ignores \'DeserializationProblemHandler\' for invalid Base64 content + #3837: Set transformer factory attributes to improve protection against XXE * 2.14.2 (28-Jan-2023) + #1751: \'AATTJsonTypeInfo\' does not work if the Type Id is an Integer value + #3063: \'AATTJsonValue\' fails for Java Record + #3699: Allow custom \'JsonNode\' implementations + #3711: Enum polymorphism not working correctly with DEDUCTION + #3741: \'StdDelegatingDeserializer\' ignores \'nullValue\' of \'_delegateDeserializer\'. * 2.14.1 (21-Nov-2022) + #3655: \'Enum\' values can not be read from single-element array even with \'DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS\' + #3665: \'ObjectMapper\' default heap consumption increased significantly from 2.13.x to 2.14.0 * 2.14.0 (05-Nov-2022) + #1980: Add method(s) in \'JsonNode\' that works like combination of \'at()\' and \'with()\': \'withObject(...)\' and \'withArray(...)\' + #2541: Cannot merge polymorphic objects + #3013: Allow disabling Integer to String coercion via \'CoercionConfig\' + #3212: Add method \'ObjectMapper.copyWith(JsonFactory)\' + #3311: Add serializer-cache size limit to avoid Metaspace issues from caching Serializers + #3338: \'configOverride.setMergeable(false)\' not supported by \'ArrayNode\' + #3357: \'AATTJsonIgnore\' does not if together with \'AATTJsonProperty\' or \'AATTJsonFormat\' + #3373: Change \'TypeSerializerBase\' to skip \'generator.writeTypePrefix()\' for \'null\' typeId + #3394: Allow use of \'JsonNode\' field for \'AATTJsonAnySetter\' + #3405: Create DataTypeFeature abstraction (for JSTEP-7) with placeholder features + #3417: Allow (de)serializing records using Bean(De)SerializerModifier even when reflection is unavailable + #3419: Improve performance of \'UnresolvedForwardReference\' for forward reference resolution + #3421: Implement \'JsonNodeFeature.READ_NULL_PROPERTIES\' to allow skipping of JSON \'null\' values on reading + #3443: Do not strip generic type from \'Class\' when resolving \'JavaType\' + #3447: Deeply nested JsonNode throws StackOverflowError for toString() + #3475: Support use of fast double parse + #3476: Implement \'JsonNodeFeature.WRITE_NULL_PROPERTIES\' to allow skipping JSON \'null\' values on writing + #3481: Filter method only got called once if the field is null when using \'AATTJsonInclude(value = JsonInclude.Include.CUSTOM, valueFilter = SomeFieldFilter.class)\' + #3484: Update \'MapDeserializer\' to support \'StreamReadCapability.DUPLICATE_PROPERTIES\' + #3497: Deserialization of Throwables with PropertyNamingStrategy does not work + #3500: Add optional explicit \'JsonSubTypes\' repeated names check + #3503: \'StdDeserializer\' coerces ints to floats even if configured to fail + #3505: Fix deduction deserializer with DefaultTypeResolverBuilder + #3528: \'TokenBuffer\' defaults for parser/stream-read features neither passed from parser nor use real defaults + #3530: Change LRUMap to just evict one entry when maxEntries reached + #3533: Deserialize missing value of \'EXTERNAL_PROPERTY\' type using custom \'NullValueProvider\' + #3535: Replace \'JsonNode.with()\' with \'JsonNode.withObject()\' + #3559: Support \'null\'-valued \'Map\' fields with \"any setter\" + #3568: Change \'JsonNode.with(String)\' and \'withArray(String)\' to consider argument as \'JsonPointer\' if valid expression + #3590: Add check in primitive value deserializers to avoid deep wrapper array nesting wrt \'UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS\' [CVE-2022-42003, bsc#1204370] + #3609: Allow non-boolean return type for \"is-getters\" with \'MapperFeature.ALLOW_IS_GETTERS_FOR_NON_BOOLEAN\' + #3613: Implement \'float\' and \'boolean\' to \'String\' coercion config + #3624: Legacy \'ALLOW_COERCION_OF_SCALARS\' interacts poorly with Integer to Float coercion + #3633: Expose \'translate()\' method of standard \'PropertyNamingStrategy\' implementations * 2.13.5 (23-Jan-2023) + #3659: Improve testing (likely via CI) to try to ensure compatibility with specific Android SDKs + #3661: Jackson 2.13 uses Class.getTypeName() that is only available on Android SDK 26 (with fix works on ASDK 24) * Mon Oct 17 2022 Fridrich Strba - Update to * (13-Oct-2022) + #3627: Gradle module metadata for \'\' references non-existent jackson-bom \'\' (instead of \'\') * (12-Oct-2022) + #3590: Add check in primitive value deserializers to avoid deep wrapper array nesting wrt \'UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS\' [bsc#1204370, CVE-2022-42003] * 2.13.4 (03-Sep-2022) + #3275: JDK 16 Illegal reflective access for \'Throwable.setCause()\' with \'PropertyNamingStrategy.UPPER_CAMEL_CASE\' + #3565: \'Arrays.asList()\' value deserialization has changed from mutable to immutable in 2.13 + #3582: Add check in \'BeanDeserializer._deserializeFromArray()\' to prevent use of deeply nested arrays [bsc#1204369, CVE-2022-42004] * Wed Jun 15 2022 Fridrich Strba - Update to 2.13.3 * 2.13.3 (14-May-2022) + #3412: Version 2.13.2 uses \'Method.getParameterCount()\' which is not supported on Android before API 26 + #3419: Improve performance of \'UnresolvedForwardReference\' for forward reference resolution + #3446: \'java.lang.StringBuffer\' cannot be deserialized + #3450: DeserializationProblemHandler is not working with wrapper type when returning null * (28-Mar-2022) + No changes since but fixed Gradle Module Metadata (\"module.json\") * (24-Mar-2022) + #2816: Optimize UntypedObjectDeserializer wrt recursion + #3412: Version 2.13.2 uses \'Method.getParameterCount()\' which is not supported on Android before API 26 * 2.13.2 (06-Mar-2022) + #3293: Use Method.getParameterCount() where possible + #3344: \'Set.of()\' (Java 9) cannot be deserialized with polymorphic handling + #3368: \'SnakeCaseStrategy\' causes unexpected \'MismatchedInputException\' during deserialization + #3369: Deserialization ignores other Object fields when Object or Array value used for enum + #3380: \'module-info.java\' is in \'META-INF/versions/11\' instead of \'META-INF/versions/9\' * 2.13.1 (19-Dec-2021) + #3006: Argument type mismatch for \'enum\' with \'AATTJsonCreator\' that takes String, gets JSON Number + #3299: Do not automatically trim trailing whitespace from \'java.util.regex.Pattern\' values + #3305: ObjectMapper serializes \'CharSequence\' subtypes as POJO instead of as String (JDK 15+) + #3308: \'ObjectMapper.valueToTree()\' fails when \'DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_TRAILING_TOKENS\' is enabled + #3328: Possible DoS if using JDK serialization to serialize JsonNode * Wed Oct 20 2021 Fridrich Strba - Update to 2.13.0 (CVE-2020-36518, bsc#1197132) * 2.13.0 (30-Sep-2021) + #1850: \'AATTJsonValue\' with integer for enum does not deserialize correctly + #2509: \'AnnotatedMethod.getValue()/setValue()\' doesn\'t have useful exception message + #2828: Add \'DatabindException\' as intermediate subtype of \'JsonMappingException\' + #2900: Jackson does not support deserializing new Java 9 unmodifiable collections + #2989: Allocate TokenBuffer instance via context objects (to allow format-specific buffer types) + #3001: Add mechanism for setting default \'ContextAttributes\' for \'ObjectMapper\' + #3002: Add \'DeserializationContext.readTreeAsValue()\' methods for more convenient conversions for deserializers to use + #3011: Clean up support of typed \"unmodifiable\", \"singleton\" Maps/Sets/Collections + #3033: Extend internal bitfield of \'MapperFeature\' to be \'long\' + #3035: Add \'removeMixIn()\' method in \'MapperBuilder\' + #3036: Backport \'MapperBuilder\' lambda-taking methods: \'withConfigOverride()\', \'withCoercionConfig()\', \'withCoercionConfigDefaults()\' + #3080: configOverrides(boolean.class) silently ignored, whereas .configOverride(Boolean.class) works for both primitives and boxed boolean values + #3082: Dont track unknown props in buffer if \'ignoreAllUnknown\' is true + #3091: Should allow deserialization of java.time types via opaque \'JsonToken.VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT\' + #3099: Optimize \"AnnotatedConstructor.call()\" case by passing explicit null + #3101: Add AnnotationIntrospector.XmlExtensions interface for decoupling javax dependencies + #3110: Custom SimpleModule not included in list returned by ObjectMapper.getRegisteredModuleIds() after registration + #3117: Use more limiting default visibility settings for JDK types (java. *, javax. *) + #3122: Deep merge for \'JsonNode\' using \'ObjectReader.readTree()\' + #3125: IllegalArgumentException: Conflicting setter definitions for property with more than 2 setters + #3130: Serializing java.lang.Thread fails on JDK 11 and above (should suppress serialization of ClassLoader) + #3143: String-based \'Map\' key deserializer is not deterministic when there is no single arg constructor + #3154: Add ArrayNode#set(int index, primitive_type value) + #3160: JsonStreamContext \"currentValue\" wrongly references to AATTJsonTypeInfo annotated object + #3174: DOM \'Node\' serialization omits the default namespace declaration + #3177: Support \'suppressed\' property when deserializing \'Throwable\' + #3187: \'AnnotatedMember.equals()\' does not work reliably + #3193: Add \'MapperFeature.APPLY_DEFAULT_VALUES\', initially for Scala module + #3214: For an absent property Jackson injects \'NullNode\' instead of \'null\' to a JsonNode-typed constructor argument of a \'AATTConstructorProperties\'-annotated constructor + #3217: \'XMLGregorianCalendar\' doesn\'t work with default typing + #3227: Content \'null\' handling not working for root values + #3234: StdDeserializer rejects blank (all-whitespace) strings for ints + #3235: \'USE_BASE_TYPE_AS_DEFAULT_IMPL\' not working with \'DefaultTypeResolverBuilder\' + #3238: Add PropertyNamingStrategies.UpperSnakeCaseStrategy (and UPPER_SNAKE_CASE constant) + #3244: StackOverflowError when serializing JsonProcessingException + #3259: Support for BCP 47 \'java.util.Locale\' serialization/deserialization + #3271: String property deserializes null as \"null\" for JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY + #3280: Can not deserialize json to enum value with Object-/Array-valued input, \'AATTJsonCreator\' + Fix to avoid problem with \'BigDecimalNode\', scale of \'Integer.MIN_VALUE\' + Extend handling of \'FAIL_ON_NULL_FOR_PRIMITIVES\' to cover coercion from (Empty) String via \'AsNull\' + Add \'mvnw\' wrapper * 2.12.5 (27-Aug-2021) + #3220: (regression) Factory method generic type resolution does not use Class-bound type parameter * 2.12.4 (06-Jul-2021) + #3139: Deserialization of \"empty\" subtype with DEDUCTION failed + #3146: Merge findInjectableValues() results in AnnotationIntrospectorPair + #3171: READ_UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUES_USING_DEFAULT_VALUE doesn\'t work with empty strings * 2.12.3 (12-Apr-2021) + #3108: \'TypeFactory\' cannot convert \'Collection\' sub-type without type parameters to canonical form and back + Fix for [modules-java8#207]: prevent fail on secondary Java 8 date/time types * 2.12.2 (03-Mar-2021) + #754: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY does not work well with \'AATTJsonCreator\' and \'FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES\' + #3008: String property deserializes null as \"null\" for \'JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY\' + #3022: Property ignorals cause \'BeanDeserializer \'to forget how to read from arrays (not copying \'_arrayDelegateDeserializer\') + #3025: UntypedObjectDeserializer\' mixes multiple unwrapped collections (related to #2733) + #3038: Two cases of incorrect error reporting about DeserializationFeature + #3045: Bug in polymorphic deserialization with \'AATTJsonCreator\', \'AATTJsonAnySetter\', \'JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY\' + #3055: Polymorphic subtype deduction ignores \'defaultImpl\' attribute + #3056: MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize instance of \'com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode\' out of VALUE_NULL token + #3060: Missing override for \'hasAsKey()\' in \'AnnotationIntrospectorPair\' + #3062: Creator lookup fails with \'InvalidDefinitionException\' for conflict between single-double/single-Double arg constructor + #3068: \'MapDeserializer\' forcing \'JsonMappingException\' wrapping even if WRAP_EXCEPTIONS set to false * 2.12.1 (08-Jan-2021) + #2962: Auto-detection of constructor-based creator method skipped if there is an annotated factory-based creator method (regression from 2.11) + #2972: \'ObjectMapper.treeToValue()\' no longer invokes \'JsonDeserializer.getNullValue()\' + #2973: DeserializationProblemHandler is not invoked when trying to deserialize String + #2978: Fix failing \'double\' JsonCreators in jackson 2.12.0 + #2979: Conflicting in POJOPropertiesCollector when having namingStrategy + #2990: Breaking API change in \'BasicClassIntrospector\' (2.12.0) + #3005: \'JsonNode.requiredAt()\' does NOT fail on some path expressions + #3009: Exception thrown when \'Collections.synchronizedList()\' is serialized with type info, deserialized * 2.12.0 (29-Nov-2020) + #43: Add option to resolve type from multiple existing properties, \'AATTJsonTypeInfo(use=DEDUCTION)\' + #426: \'AATTJsonIgnoreProperties\' does not prevent Exception Conflicting getter/setter definitions for property + #921: Deserialization Not Working Right with Generic Types and Builders + #1296: Add \'AATTJsonIncludeProperties(propertyNames)\' (reverse of \'AATTJsonIgnoreProperties\') + #1458: \'AATTJsonAnyGetter\' should be allowed on a field + #1498: Allow handling of single-arg constructor as property based by default + #1852: Allow case insensitive deserialization of String value into \'boolean\'/\'Boolean\' (esp for Excel) + #1886: Allow use of \'AATTJsonFormat(with=JsonFormat.Feature .ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_PROPERTIES)\' on Class + #1919: Abstract class included as part of known type ids for error message when using JsonSubTypes + #2066: Distinguish null from empty string for UUID deserialization + #2091: \'ReferenceType\' does not expose valid containedType + #2113: Add \'CoercionConfig[s]\' mechanism for configuring allowed coercions + #2118: \'JsonProperty.Access.READ_ONLY\' does not work with \"getter-as-setter\" \'Collection\'s + #2215: Support \'BigInteger\' and \'BigDecimal\' creators in \'StdValueInstantiator\' + #2283: \'JsonProperty.Access.READ_ONLY\' fails with collections when a property name is specified + #2644: \'BigDecimal\' precision not retained for polymorphic deserialization + #2675: Support use of \'Void\' valued properties (\'MapperFeature.ALLOW_VOID_VALUED_PROPERTIES\') + #2683: Explicitly fail (de)serialization of \'java.time. *\' types in absence of registered custom (de)serializers + #2707: Improve description included in by \'DeserializationContext.handleUnexpectedToken()\' + #2709: Support for JDK 14 record types (\'java.lang.Record\') + #2715: \'PropertyNamingStrategy\' class initialization depends on its subclass, this can lead to class loading deadlock + #2719: \'FAIL_ON_IGNORED_PROPERTIES\' does not throw on \'READONLY\' properties with an explicit name + #2726: Add Gradle Module Metadata for version alignment with Gradle 6 + #2732: Allow \'JsonNode\' auto-convert into \'ArrayNode\' if duplicates found (for XML) + #2733: Allow values of \"untyped\" auto-convert into \'List\' if duplicates found (for XML) + #2751: Add \'ValueInstantiator.createContextual(...) + #2761: Support multiple names in \'JsonSubType.Type\' + #2775: Disabling \'FAIL_ON_INVALID_SUBTYPE\' breaks polymorphic deserialization of Enums + #2776: Explicitly fail (de)serialization of \'org.joda.time. *\' types in absence of registered custom (de)serializers + #2784: Trailing zeros are stripped when deserializing BigDecimal values inside a AATTJsonUnwrapped property + #2800: Extract getter/setter/field name mangling from \'BeanUtil\' into pluggable \'AccessorNamingStrategy\' + #2804: Throw \'InvalidFormatException\' instead of \'MismatchedInputException\' for ACCEPT_FLOAT_AS_INT coercion failures + #2871: Add \'AATTJsonKey\' annotation (similar to \'AATTJsonValue\') for customizable serialization of Map keys + #2873: \'MapperFeature.ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_ENUMS\' should work for enum as keys + #2879: Add support for disabling special handling of \"Creator properties\" wrt alphabetic property ordering + #2885: Add \'JsonNode.canConvertToExactIntegral()\' to indicate whether floating-point/BigDecimal values could be converted to integers losslessly + #2895: Improve static factory method generic type resolution logic + #2903: Allow preventing \"Enum from integer\" coercion using new \'CoercionConfig\' system + #2909: \'AATTJsonValue\' not considered when evaluating inclusion + #2910: Make some java platform modules optional + #2925: Add support for serializing \'java.sql.Blob\' + #2928: \'AnnotatedCreatorCollector\' should avoid processing synthetic static (factory) methods + #2931: Add errorprone static analysis profile to detect bugs at build time + #2932: Problem with implicit creator name detection for constructor detection + Add \'BeanDeserializerBase.isCaseInsensitive()\' + Some refactoring of \'CollectionDeserializer\' to solve CSV array handling issues + Full \"LICENSE\" included in jar for easier access by compliancy tools * 2.11.4 (12-Dec-2020) + #2894: Fix type resolution for static methods (regression in 2.11.3 due to #2821 fix) + #2944: \'AATTJsonCreator\' on constructor not compatible with \'AATTJsonIdentityInfo\', \'PropertyGenerator\' + Add debug improvements wrt [#2807] (\'ClassUtil.getClassMethods()\') * 2.11.3 (02-Oct-2020) + #2795: Cannot detect creator arguments of mixins for JDK types + #2815: Add \'JsonFormat.Shape\' awareness for UUID serialization (\'UUIDSerializer\') + #2821: Json serialization fails or a specific case that contains generics and static methods with generic parameters (2.11.1 -> 2.11.2 regression) + #2822: Using JsonValue and JsonFormat on one field does not work as expected + #2840: \'ObjectMapper.activateDefaultTypingAsProperty()\' is not using parameter \'PolymorphicTypeValidator\' + #2846: Problem deserialization \"raw generic\" fields (like \'Map\') in 2.11.2 + Fix issues with \'MapLikeType.isTrueMapType()\', \'CollectionLikeType.isTrueCollectionType()\' * 2.11.2 (02-Aug-2020) + #2783: Parser/Generator features not set when using \'ObjectMapper.createParser()\', \'createGenerator()\' + #2785: Polymorphic subtypes not registering on copied ObjectMapper (2.11.1) + #2789: Failure to read AnnotatedField value in Jackson 2.11 + #2796: \'TypeFactory.constructType()\' does not take \'TypeBindings\' correctly * 2.11.1 (25-Jun-2020) + #2486: Builder Deserialization with JsonCreator Value vs Array + #2725: JsonCreator on static method in Enum and Enum used as key in map fails randomly + #2755: \'StdSubtypeResolver\' is not thread safe (possibly due to copy not being made with \'ObjectMapper.copy()\') + #2757: \"Conflicting setter definitions for property\" exception for \'Map\' subtype during deserialization + #2758: Fail to deserialize local Records + #2759: Rearranging of props when property-based generator is in use leads to incorrect output + #2760: Jackson doesn\'t respect \'CAN_OVERRIDE_ACCESS_MODIFIERS=false\' for deserializer properties + #2767: \'DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS\' don\'t support \'Map\' type field + #2770: JsonParser from MismatchedInputException cannot getText() for floating-point value * 2.11.0 (26-Apr-2020) + #953: i-I case conversion problem in Turkish locale with case-insensitive deserialization + #962: \'AATTJsonInject\' fails on trying to find deserializer even if inject-only + #1983: Polymorphic deserialization should handle case-insensitive Type Id property name if \'MapperFeature.ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_PROPERTIES\' is enabled + #2049: TreeTraversingParser and UTF8StreamJsonParser create contexts differently + #2352: Support use of \'AATTJsonAlias\' for enum values + #2365: \'declaringClass\' of \"enum-as-POJO\" not removed for \'ObjectMapper\' with a naming strategy + #2480: Fix \'JavaType.isEnumType()\' to support sub-classes + #2487: BeanDeserializerBuilder Protected Factory Method for Extension + #2503: Support \'AATTJsonSerialize(keyUsing)\' and \'AATTJsonDeserialize(keyUsing)\' on Key class + #2511: Add \'SerializationFeature.WRITE_SELF_REFERENCES_AS_NULL\' + #2515: \'ObjectMapper.registerSubtypes(NamedType...)\' doesn\'t allow registering same POJO for two different type ids + #2522: \'DeserializationContext.handleMissingInstantiator()\' throws \'MismatchedInputException\' for non-static inner classes + #2525: Incorrect \'JsonStreamContext\' for \'TokenBuffer\' and \'TreeTraversingParser\' + #2527: Add \'AnnotationIntrospector.findRenameByField()\' to support Kotlin\'s \"is-getter\" naming convention + #2555: Use \'AATTJsonProperty(index)\' for sorting properties on serialization + #2565: Java 8 \'Optional\' not working with \'AATTJsonUnwrapped\' on unwrappable type + #2587: Add \'MapperFeature.BLOCK_UNSAFE_POLYMORPHIC_BASE_TYPES\' to allow blocking use of unsafe base type for polymorphic deserialization + #2589: \'DOMDeserializer\': setExpandEntityReferences(false) may not prevent external entity expansion in all cases [CVE-2020-25649] + #2592: \'ObjectMapper.setSerializationInclusion()\' is ignored for \'JsonAnyGetter\' + #2608: \'ValueInstantiationException\' when deserializing using a builder and \'UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS\' + #2627: JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) does not work on field and method level + #2632: Failure to resolve generic type parameters on serialization + #2635: JsonParser cannot getText() for input stream on MismatchedInputException + #2636: ObjectReader readValue lacks Class argument + #2643: Change default textual serialization of \'java.util.Date\'/\'Calendar\' to include colon in timezone offset + #2647: Add \'ObjectMapper.createParser()\' and \'createGenerator()\' methods + #2657: Allow serialization of \'Properties\' with non-String values + #2663: Add new factory method for creating custom \'EnumValues\' to pass to \'EnumDeserializer + #2668: \'IllegalArgumentException\' thrown for mismatched subclass deserialization + #2693: Add convenience methods for creating \'List\', \'Map\' valued \'ObjectReader\'s (ObjectMapper.readerForListOf()) + Add \'SerializerProvider.findContentValueSerializer()\' methods * Mon Apr 26 2021 Fridrich Strba - Rewrite to use ant for building in order to be able to use it in packages that have to be built before maven * Mon Jan 25 2021 Fridrich Strba - Update to * #2589: \'DOMDeserializer\': setExpandEntityReferences(false) may not prevent external entity expansion in all cases (CVE-2020-25649, bsc#1177616) * #2787 (partial fix): NPE after add mixin for enum * #2679: \'ObjectMapper.readValue(\"123\", Void.TYPE)\' throws \"should never occur\"- Vulnerabilities not affecting this version: * CVE-2020-35728, bsc#1180391 * CVE-2021-20190, bsc#1181118