Changelog for
jackson-dataformats-text-2.17.2-20.3.noarch.rpm :
* Thu Sep 26 2024 Fridrich Strba
- Do not require jflex-maven-plugin, but generate the with a simple jflex call
* Wed Aug 07 2024 Fridrich Strba - Update to 2.17.2
* #481: (csv) Fix issue in \'setSchema()\'
* Mon May 20 2024 Gus Kenion - Update to 2.17.1
* No changes since 2.17.0- Includes changes from 2.17.0
* #45: (csv) Allow skipping ending line break (`CsvGenerator.Feature.WRITE_LINEFEED_AFTER_LAST_ROW`) (proposed by Mathieu L)
* #454: (yaml) Unexpected `NumberFormatException` in `YAMLParser` (fix contributed by Arthur C)
* #456: (yaml) Support max Read/Write nesting depth limits (`StreamReadConstraints`/ `StreamWriteConstraints`) for YAML
* #465: (yaml) YAML: consider starting `#` and ending `:` as quotable characters (contributed by Michael E)
* Fri Mar 08 2024 Gus Kenion - Update to version 2.16.1
* Resolve CVE-2023-3894, bsc#1214111
* 2.16.1 (24-Dec-2023) + #445: (yaml) YAMLParser throws unexpected NullPointerException in certain number parsing cases
* 2.16.0 (15-Nov-2023) + #198: (csv) Support writing numbers as quoted Strings with CsvGenerator.Feature.ALWAYS_QUOTE_NUMBERS + #422: (csv) Add removeColumn() method in CsvSchema.Builder + #438: (csv) BigInteger and BigDecimal are quoted if CsvGenerator.Feature.ALWAYS_QUOTE_STRINGS enabled + #400: (yaml) IllegalArgumentException when attempting to decode invalid UTF-8 surrogate by SnakeYAML + #406: (yaml) NumberFormatException from SnakeYAML due to int overflow for corrupt YAML version + #435: (yaml) Minor parsing validation miss: tagged as int, exception on underscore-only values + #437: (yaml) Update SnakeYAML dependency to 2.2
* Sat Sep 09 2023 Fridrich Strba - Reproducible builds: use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for timestamp
* Mon Aug 21 2023 Fridrich Strba - Update to version 2.15.2
* No changes since 2.15.1
* 2.15.1 (16-May-2023) + #404: (yaml) Cannot serialize YAML with Deduction-Based Polymorphism
* 2.15.0 (23-Apr-2023) + #373: (yaml) Positive numbers with plus sign not quoted correctly with \'ALWAYS_QUOTE_NUMBERS_AS_STRINGS\' + #387: (toml) Stack overflow (50083) found by OSS-Fuzz (bsc#1214111, CVE-2023-3894) + #388: (yaml) Add \'YAMLParser.Feature.PARSE_BOOLEAN_LIKE_WORDS_AS_STRINGS\' to allow parsing \"boolean\" words as strings instead of booleans + #390: (yaml) Upgrade to Snakeyaml 2.0 (resolves CVE-2022-1471, bsc#1205944) + #411: (toml) Fuzzer-found issue #57237 (buffer boundary condition) + #415: (yaml) Use \'LoaderOptions.allowDuplicateKeys\' to enforce duplicate key detection
* 2.14.3 (05-May-2023) + #378: Some artifacts missing \'NOTICE\', \'LICENSE\' files
* 2.14.2 (28-Jan-2023) + #356: (toml) Fix TOML parse failure when number token hits buffer edge + #370: (yaml) Replace use of deprecated constructor of SnakeYAML ParserImpl
* 2.14.1 (21-Nov-2022) + #352: Disabling \'CsvParser.Feature.FAIL_ON_MISSING_HEADER_COLUMNS\' has no effect
* 2.14.0 (05-Nov-2022) + #169: (properties) Need a way to escape dots in property keys (add path separator configuration) + #244: (yaml) Add \'YAMLGenerator.Feature.ALLOW_LONG_KEYS\' to allow writing keys longer than 128 characters (default) + #285: (csv) Missing columns from header line (compare to \'CsvSchema\') not detected when reordering columns (add \'CsvParser.Feature.FAIL_ON_MISSING_HEADER_COLUMNS\') + #297: (csv) CSV schema caching POJOs with different views + #314: (csv) Add fast floating-point parsing, generation support + #335/#346: (yaml) Update to SnakeYAML 1.33 + #337: (yaml) Allow overriding of file size limit for YAMLParser by exposing SnakeYAML \'LoaderOptions\' + #345: (yaml) Support configuring SnakeYAML DumperOptions directly + #351: (csv) Make CSVDecoder use lazy parsing of BigInteger/BigDecimal + (yaml) Fixes to number decoding based on oss-fuzz findings
* 2.13.5 (23-Jan-2023) + #343: Incorrect output buffer boundary check in \'CsvEncoder\'
* 2.13.4 (03-Sep-2022) + #329: (yaml) Update to SnakeYAML 1.31
* Tue Jun 14 2022 Fridrich Strba - Initial packaging of jackson-dataformats-text 2.13.3