Changelog for
scribus-1.6.2-kf.109.16.i586.rpm :
* Tue Jul 02 2024 Christophe Marin
- Update to 1.6.2
* Drop patch, merged upstream:
* 0001-Fix-build-failure-with-poppler-24.03.0.patch
* 0001-Fix-incorrect-value-used-in-initial-build-fix-agains.patch
* Fri Mar 08 2024 Christophe Marin - Add patches to fix build with poppler 24.03:
* 0001-Fix-build-failure-with-poppler-24.03.0.patch
* 0001-Fix-incorrect-value-used-in-initial-build-fix-agains.patch
* Wed Feb 07 2024 Christophe Marin - Update to 1.6.1:
* [Scripter] Scripter: add functions to get the items in a group
* [Scripter] Scripter: add the return values for getObjectType
* [Story Editor / Text Frames] Wrapped text appears outside text frame
* [Typography] Hyphenated text is rendering incorrectly in text boxes
* [Usability] DublinCore DocInfo ComboBoxes
* [Usability] PDF/X accurate versions
* [OS-Win32] Windows installer causes reboot on some systems part way through installation
* [User Interface] new document icon in 22x22 is garbage...
* [Language Tools] Can´t paste Spanish content
* [Story Editor / Text Frames] center alignment unprecise in circles
* [Internal] [patch] remove a specific disabled broken code or document what it should do
* [Usability] Y coordinate not updated in popup window
* [Build System] [PATCH] clean up the cmake files
* [User Interface] Create a command launcher
* [Story Editor / Text Frames] inline items produce a box at the start of the frame
* [Story Editor / Text Frames] Incorrect layout of inline items if vertical scale is different of 100%
* [User Interface] Snapping doesn\'t work when scaling frames
* [Canvas] Page margin rect inherits drop shadow properties of line item
* [User Interface] ICC profile comboboxes too short
* [Translation] Wrong polish translation of orphan in edit->styles
* [Graphics / Image Frames] Adding a specific .psd file makes itself and the other frames invisible
* [Scripter] PATCH: scripter: create setRotation(), deprecate rotateObjectAbs() and add a way to use a specific basepoint
* [User Interface] arrange pages still has 3 and 4 pages layouts
* [Canvas] Changing the line blend mode has no effect on the canvas
* [User Interface] Add context menu to the \"Arrange Pages > Document Pages\" Panel
* [User Interface] Spiral Edit Dialog doesn\'t allow angle greater than 360°
* [General] When saving the document, arrows attached to spiral shapes are not saved
* [Scripter] scribus_version and scribus_version_info should be uppercase
* [Build System] [Proposal] Display versions of all libs used by Scribus
* [General] Tooltips show no text
* [User Interface] Drag/Drop of ODT to text frame should trigger the OpenDocument Importer menu
* [Scrapbook] White objects are invisible in scrapbook
* [Printing] Page prints incorrectly on Windows when using layer blend modes
* [Styles] Sort the styles list in style deletion dialog
* [Typography] Hyphenation exceptions delete themselves
* [General] crash when starting the \"insert > glyph\" dialog
* [General] for loop defect
* [Scripter] [PATCH] scripter: accessing page > guides > columns/rows
* [Story Editor / Text Frames] Incorrect rendering of rotated inline items
* [Story Editor / Text Frames] Copying a frame does not activate paste when editing inside of a frame
* [Language Tools] File for Dutch hyphenation patterns gives bad results.
* [General] Crash on startup if file recovery fails
* [Scripter] [PATCH] add setNormalMode() (and setEditMode()) to the scripter
* [Graphics / Image Frames] Export to PDF ignores coloring effect on grayscale PNG
* [User Interface] About box: Some names formatted improperly in Authors tab
* [Build System] Build error caused by removed \'std::unary_function\' template in C++17 mode
* [Build System] Build error caused by conversion between void pointer and function pointer
* [User Interface] About box: table tags not closed
* [User Interface] About box: Some text issues in Translations tab
* [General] Search & Replace \'Replace All\' hangs Scribus when searching for text color
* [Build System] Build failure on newer macOS versions than were available when Scribus was released
* [Translation] Translation problems in story editor when changing language from settings
* [General] Scribus slow and unusable on Wayland
* [User Interface] Document Items Attributes in Document Setup/Preferences
* [Internal] Rename ui/cpalette.
* to ui/colorpalette.
* [Integration] CI fails because of podofo
* [Story Editor / Text Frames] Bad inline object vertical alignement in PDF export
* [Build System] CI on Gitlab is failing on podofo
* [General] Scribus does not build with podofo-0.10.0
* [Internal] Internal page links not updated on page copy
* [Usability] Default button for preferences should be \"Ok\"
* [PDF] Build break with poppler 22.2.0
* [Story Editor / Text Frames] Hyphenation stop being applied after conditional hyphen
* [Master Pages] Crash when clicking on specific text frame in master page
* [User Interface] Keyboard shortcuts always load \"iCalamusTM\" and modifications cannot be saved.
* [Translation] Norwegian nynorsk invalid file
* [Master Pages] Arrange Pages> Document Pages> mini-pages are almost unreadable on hi-res display
* [Translation] Spelling error in French translation
* [PDF] Build break with poppler 22.03.0
* [PDF] Dashed lines imported from PDF have incorrect segment lengths
* [General] Fix various typos
* [Graphics / Image Frames] \"Show readable text\" Option for QR Code on \"Insert Barcode\" Window should be grey out
* [Graphics / Image Frames] QR code generated by \"Insert Barcode\" could not show CJK characters correctly
* [Documentation] Fix various typos
* [Graphics / Image Frames] Issue when opening TIFF file with incorrect embedded ICC profile
* [Scripter] importPage() argument usage documentation
* [Scripter] linkTextFrames() documentation vs GUI
* [User Interface] Scrapbook dialog dropdown menu has unintuitive icon
* [Scripter] Scripter crashes with getAllObjects() on a master page
* [Typography] A white space width become too small when two Latin words are surrounded by CJK characters in a justified paragraph
* [Scripter] Documentation of selectObject() lacks precision
* [Build System] No Document Icon is installed on Linux
* [Import / Export] Cannot export - save as image when active layer is locked.
* [General] Import of Adobe Color Book palettes doesn\'t work
* [Usability] Unremovable or invisible tabulators on the ruler
* [User Interface] Cyrillic in Render Frame Editor English GUI
* [Typography] OpenType c2sc not practically usable
* [General] Scrbus fails to build since code cleanup in r25414
* [Printing] Transparent image sitting above blue frame causes color change on frame where they overlap
* [User Interface] Folder icons are missing in file dialogues
* [General] barcode doesn\'t show readable text
* [Import / Export] Some issues with PDF import
* [Shape Drawing] Scribus crash if you delete a symbol during in \"symbol edit mode\".
* [PDF] Drop shadow of very large shapes shows up wrong in exported PDF
* [User Interface] F12 shortcut does not affect Align and Distribute palette
* [Canvas] Some objects from left masterpage are not rendered
* [Build System] Typo in Findpoppler.cmake?
* [Documentation] Readme file has dead link to Ghostscript
* [Usability] Scribus silently upgrades your file to the new format
* [PDF] Open path with stroke gradient SVG results in closed path in PDF
* [PDF] PDFs with layers do not allow layer exclusion when printing on Mac and Windows using Adobe Reader or FoxIt PDF Reader
* [General] Moving cursor with down arrow jump to end of next frame
* [Usability] If a right to left paragraph follows a left to right paragraph, one of the paragraphs will not work properly
* [Story Editor / Text Frames] \"Permanently replace missing font\" isnt permanent
* [Import / Export] CVG-import faulty
* [Build System] NetBSD: link against libexecinfo for backtrace_symbols
* [User Interface] File selection dialog box always reverts to small size
* [User Interface] Pixelated display in Enhanced Character Palette
* [User Interface] Section Default Numbering
* [User Interface] Scribus first start with tiny window
* [Scripter] Pdf export by python scripter embeds fonts which should be subsetted
* [Import / Export] Inline image disappears when two sla containing ones are merged
* [User Interface] Colors and Fills dialog too narrow
* [User Interface] PageItem Attribute dialog too small by default
* [Scripter] Provide the information about the page number being \"shown\"- Drop patches, merged upstream:
* 0001-16734-Build-break-with-poppler-22.2.0.patch
* 0001-Small-update-vs-latest-code-in-poppler.patch
* 0001-16764-Build-break-with-poppler-22.03.0.patch
* 0001-Enforce-poppler-version-0.86.0.patch
* 0001-16764-Better-patch-avoid-a-memory-leak.patch
* 0001-Fix-build-with-poppler-22.04.0.patch
* scribus-1.5.8-poppler-22.09.0.patch
* Mon Aug 07 2023 Christophe Marin - Disable AI PDF import support until scribus supports Podofo >= 0.10 (cf.
* Tue Sep 20 2022 Christophe Giboudeaux - Add poppler 22.09 compatibility patch:
* scribus-1.5.8-poppler-22.09.0.patch
* Fri Apr 22 2022 Christophe Giboudeaux - Add patch to fix build with poppler 22.04:
* 0001-Fix-build-with-poppler-22.04.0.patch
* Fri Mar 04 2022 Christophe Giboudeaux - Add upstream changes:
* 0001-16734-Build-break-with-poppler-22.2.0.patch
* 0001-Small-update-vs-latest-code-in-poppler.patch
* 0001-16764-Build-break-with-poppler-22.03.0.patch
* 0001-Enforce-poppler-version-0.86.0.patch
* 0001-16764-Better-patch-avoid-a-memory-leak.patch
* Mon Jan 24 2022 Paolo Stivanin - Update to 1.5.8:
* UI Improvements for dark mode and some icon updates and window interactivity
* Improvements to file import (IDML, PDF, PNG, TIFF, SVG)
* Improvements to PDF export
* Improvements with respect to tables (undo/redo, styles)
* Improvements to the Story Editor- Remove 0001-Use-new-hb-subset-api-with-harfbuzz-2.9.0-in-order-t.patch- Remove 0001-16697-Avoid-modifying-container-while-iterating-it.patch- Remove 0002-16635-Replace-hb_subset-removed-in-harfbuzz-3.0-by-h.patch
* Thu Jan 13 2022 Christophe Giboudeaux - Add upstream patch to fix potential crash on startup:
* 0001-16697-Avoid-modifying-container-while-iterating-it.patch
* Thu Jan 13 2022 Bjørn Lie - Pass WANT_CPP17=ON to cmake, fix build with poppler 22.01.0 and newer.
* Fri Sep 24 2021 Fabian Vogt - Add patches to fix build with harfbuzz 3.0.0:
* 0001-Use-new-hb-subset-api-with-harfbuzz-2.9.0-in-order-t.patch
* 0002-16635-Replace-hb_subset-removed-in-harfbuzz-3.0-by-h.patch- Run dos2unix after applying patches
* Mon Apr 26 2021 Wolfgang Bauer - Update to 1.5.7
* General: + Improvements for undo and redo of grouped items + Support for later versions of dependencies such as poppler and podofo + Fixed: Issue with Qt menu heuristics causing translations not to work + As of version 1.5.7, the minimum Qt version to compile Scribus is 5.14
* PDF import: + As of version 1.5.7, Scribus can import text as editable text from PDF files. It should be noted that this new feature is still experimental.
* PDF export: + Improved font embedding for OpenType fonts in PDF/X-4
* User interface: + Unification and standardization of the user interface regarding margins, button and widget sizing, thanks to the tireless work of Gyuris Gellért
* Render frames: + Render frames are now pre-configured for the use of XeLaTeX- Drop patches merged upstream:
* 0001-fix-build-of-pdf-import-plugin-with-poppler-21.03.0.patch
* 0002-fix-build-of-pdf-import-plugin-with-poppler-21.03.0.patch
* 0003-Page-getFormWidgets-returns-unique_ptr-in-poppler-21.04.0.patch- Rebase 0001-Make-sure-information-displayed-on-the-about-window-.patch
* Fri Apr 16 2021 Christophe Giboudeaux - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786)
* Wed Apr 07 2021 Antonio Larrosa - Add patch from upstream to build with poppler 21.04.0:
* 0003-Page-getFormWidgets-returns-unique_ptr-in-poppler-21.04.0.patch
* Fri Mar 19 2021 Antonio Larrosa - Add patches from upstream to fix build with popper 21.03.0:
* 0001-fix-build-of-pdf-import-plugin-with-poppler-21.03.0.patch
* 0002-fix-build-of-pdf-import-plugin-with-poppler-21.03.0.patch