Changelog for kphotoalbum-5.12.0git0~0eb7e93-231.3.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Nov 27 2023 Christophe Marin - Update to 5.12.0 New features:
* Support annotating images from the viewer by using letters to assign tags
* Add option to sort category page by natural order (kde#475339)
* Allow selecting a date range in the DateBar via keyboard
* Allow closing the annotation dialog\'s fullscreen preview using the Escape key- Drop patch, no longer needed:
* kphotoalbum-exiv2.patch
* Thu Nov 09 2023 Dominique Leuenberger - Add kphotoalbum-exiv2.patch: Fix linking against
* Wed Jul 12 2023 Christophe Marin - Update to 5.11.0
* Fix issue where non-empty time units in the date bar were incorrectly greyed out (kde#467903)
* Fix bug with the date bar showing and selecting incorrect date ranges (kde#468045)
* Fix crash when the annotation dialog is opened from the viewer window and the viewer is closed before the annotation dialog (kde#470889)
* Fix inconsistent UI where menu actions would not immediately be updated to reflect a change (kde#472109, kde#472113)- Drop patches, now upstream:
* 0001-Fixed-compilation-with-exiv2-0.28.patch
* 0002-Less-macros-by-simply-using-auto.patch
* 0003-Use-Exifdatum-toInt64-instead-of-toUint32.patch
* Tue Jul 04 2023 Christophe Marin - Add patches:
* 0001-Fixed-compilation-with-exiv2-0.28.patch
* 0002-Less-macros-by-simply-using-auto.patch
* 0003-Use-Exifdatum-toInt64-instead-of-toUint32.patch
* Sun Apr 16 2023 Carsten Ziepke - Update to 5.10.0 Changed
* View-related actions formerly found in the \"Settings\" menu were moved to the \"View\" menu.
* Make options \"Display Labels in Thumbnail View\" and \"Display Categories in Thumbnail View\" reachable via the \"View\" menu and allow both actions to be assigned keyboard shortcuts
* Store the untagged tag information inside the index.xml file instead of the Settings
* Change scroll direction in the annotation dialog\'s date edit fields to match common (western) expectations and the date picker.
* Prevent scrolling past the occupied areas of the date bar.
* Files are now always created with group read/write permissions
* When exiting the demo mode, the demo database is now always saved if it isn\'t deleted. Fixed
* Improve readability of \"Show Tooltips in Thumbnails Window\" tooltip.
* Fix image selection order for newly added images
* Improve date bar behavior when zooming the date bar and changing views Removed
* Default shortcut for \"View\" images was removed.
* Pressing \"Enter\" to open the viewer is now the preferred way. To restore the old behavior, reassign the shortcut via \"Settings | Configure Keyboard Shortcuts...\". Dependencies
* CMake: 3.18
* Qt5: 5.15
* KDE Frameworks: 5.78- Fix one rpmlint warnings
* Thu Feb 23 2023 Carsten Ziepke - Update to 5.9.1
* Hotfix: Due to a problem with the tarme.rb releasme script, the 5.9.0 tarball lacked all l10n data. We thus had to withdraw the release and tag a new one.- Changes in 5.9.0
* Bugfix: Fix crash when forgetting to select images upon import
* Bugfix: Fix faulty assertion when video thumbnail files cannot be written
* Bugfix: Remove incomplete URL encoding of non-ASCII characters in HTML export
* Bugfix: Fix crash when reimporting deleted files from a .kim file
* Bugfix: Fix multiple issues identified by code analysis tools.
* Deprecation: Tip of the day feature was removed because it is no longer supported by KDE Frameworks.
* Enhancement: Generic file metadata can now be viewed via the Exif metadata dialog.
* Enhancement: Support other video backends (libVLC, QtAV) in addition to Phonon.
* Enhancement: Add volume controls to video player.- Update minimum cmake version- Add BuildRequires QtAV-devel and pkgconfig(libvlc)
* Sun Jun 27 2021 Wolfgang Bauer - Update to 5.8.1
* Enhancement: The \"Copy to/Move to\" action (triggered by pressing F7/F8) can now be run both from the browser and the viewer, using the same interface and caching the same last target directory
* Change: Search field no longer gets focus by default (you can press \'/\' to focus)
* Enhancement: Improve focus switching behavior when using Tab/Shift-Tab
* Enhancement: Add freeform text search to thumbnail view (kde#321502)
* Enhancement: UI improvements for MapView
* Enhancement: Performance improvement when many thumbnails are shown in the MapView
* Enhancement: Allow relative local URLs in \"Open list of files\" dialog
* Enhancement: Add option \"--vacuum\" to kpa-thumbnailtool
* Bugfix: Fix searching for label (introduced in version 5.4.1)
* Bugfix: Make splash screen text readable with dark themes
* Bugfix: Fix crash in context menu of full-screen preview of annotation dialog
* Change: Start maximized on first startup
* Change: Click behavior for overview page now honors system-preference for double- or single-click- Drop Fix-build-with-Qt-versions-before-5.12.patch, merged upstream
* Thu Aug 27 2020 Christophe Giboudeaux - Spec cleanup
* Mon Aug 10 2020 Update to 5.7.0
* Code cleanup: + Removed old macros in favor of C++11 features + Fixed all deprecation warnings emerged with Qt 5.14 + Updated old SIGNAL() and SLOT() connects
* Change: We now no longer depend on libkgeomap and now use Marble directly to display geographic information for images and maps
* Change: Store thumbnail size in thumbnail cache. Warning: After the thumbnail cache was converted to the new format, older versions of KPhotoAlbum can no longer read it!
* Change: Remove fake password-protection from privacy lock. Even with the warning message it might give somebody a false sense of security.
* Change: Don\'t display HTML export themes missing a name
* Bugfix: Make sure tag groups are always added to tag list as well (kde#423334)
* Bugfix: Fix crash when changing the toolbar
* Bugfix: Fix handling of negation in searches (kde#334672)
* Bugfix: Consistent UI even with dark color schemes
* Bugfix: Fix behavior of refresh button (introduced in version 5.5)
* Bugfix: Fix crash when images are deleted while the viewer window is open
* Bugfix: Always show deletion dialog when closing the viewer and images are marked for deletion
* Bugfix: Fix crash when dragging an image beyond the last thumbnail (kde#418251)
* Bugfix: Fix computation of cell height
* Bugfix: kpa-merge should not fail if an item of id 0 exists in an index file
* Bugfix: Fix crash when ffmpeg can not extract video thumbnails (kde#422555)
* Bugfix: Removing a token no longer makes it disappear from the annotation dialog (kde#423978)
* Bugfix: Sanitize input for the Tokens category, make Folder and Media Type categories read-only (kde#423979)
* Deprecation: Remove support for KIPI plugins
* Deprecation: Drop python2 API and associated python scripts
* Enhancement: Experimental: offer options for image search tuning
* Enhancement: Smaller improvements to the import dialog
* Feature: Support for custom color schemes. Note: This feature replaces the custom background color for the thumbnail view.
* Feature: Add new utility kpa-thumbnailtool- Add Fix-build-with-Qt-versions-before-5.12.patch to make it build on Leap 15.1
* Wed Feb 12 2020 Update to 5.6.1
* Bugfix: Fix crash when associating tags with image areas (kde#417360)- Drop Fix-crash-when-associating-a-tag-with-an-area.patch, merged upstream