Changelog for python312-matplotlib-3.9.0-113.3.i586.rpm :

* Thu Oct 03 2024 Daniel Garcia - Disable nbagg and wx plugin also on Leap16
* Wed Jun 05 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 3.9.0 [#]# Plotting and Annotation improvements
* Axes.inset_axes is no longer experimental
* Legend support for Boxplot
* Percent sign in pie labels auto-escaped with usetex=True
* hatch parameter for stackplot
* Add option to plot only one half of violin plot
* axhline and axhspan on polar axes
* Subplot titles can now be automatically aligned
* axisartist can now be used together with standard Formatters
* Toggle minorticks on Axis
* StrMethodFormatter now respects axes.unicode_minus [#]# Figure, Axes, and Legend Layout
* Subfigures now have controllable zorders
* Getters for xmargin, ymargin and zmargin [#]# Mathtext improvements
* mathtext documentation improvements
* mathtext spacing corrections [#]# Widget Improvements
* Check and Radio Button widgets support clearing [#]# 3D plotting improvements
* Setting 3D axis limits now set the limits exactly [#]# Other improvements
* New BackendRegistry for plotting backends
* Add widths, heights and angles setter to EllipseCollection
* image.interpolation_stage rcParam
* Arrow patch position is now modifiable
* NonUniformImage now has mouseover support- Add matplotlib-meson-options-opensuse.patch
* Thu Apr 18 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 3.8.4
* Enable building against numpy 2.0; released wheels are built against numpy 2
* Add a draw during show for macos backend
* Fix color sequence data for Set2 and Set3
* gtk: Ensure pending draws are done before GTK draw
* Update \"Created with\" url in hand.svg
* Avoid modifying user input to
* fix quiver3d incorrect arrow colors
* Sat Mar 23 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 3.8.3:
* Fix crash at exit for PGF backend
* Fri Mar 22 2024 Matej Cepl - Clean up the SPEC file
* Fri Mar 22 2024 Fabian Vogt - Add explicit BuildRequires on Mesa-dri, needed to run tests
* Tue Mar 19 2024 Antonio Larrosa - Do not BuildRequire PyQt6 in SLE15. We don\'t want to include the whole qt6 stack in SLE only for matplotlib tests.
* Tue Mar 05 2024 Ben Greiner - Don\'t build nbagg for python39: ipython not available anymore
* Fri Feb 23 2024 Max Lin - Disable nbagg and wx plugin on Leap15/SLE15
* Leap 15 doesn\'t have IPython stack with python 3.11 build
* python-wxPython with python 3.11 supported needs wxWidgets version >= 3.2.0 as the minimal requirement which Leap15/SLE15 don\'t have that
* Tue Jan 23 2024 Stefan Dirsch - force \'swrast\' (\"llvmpipe\") Mesa/OpenGL driver to be used by setting and exporting LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 to get rid of issues when Mesa is trying to load \'zink\' driver (messages are just warnings, but seem to be fatal for the tests here) (boo#1219095)
* Sun Dec 17 2023 Ben Greiner - Update to 3.8.2
* Bugfix release without API changes- API Changes for 3.8.1 [#]# Behaviour
* Default behaviour of hexbin with C provided requires at least 1 point [#]# Deprecations
* Deprecations removed in contour- What\'s new in 3.8 [#]# Type Hints [#]# Plotting and Annotation improvements
* Support customizing antialiasing for text and annotation
* rcParams for AutoMinorLocator divisions
* Axline setters and getters
* Clipping for contour plots
* Axes.ecdf
* Figure.get_suptitle(), Figure.get_supxlabel(), Figure.get_supylabel()
* Ellipse.get_vertices(), Ellipse.get_co_vertices()
* Remove inner ticks in label_outer()
* Configurable legend shadows
* offset parameter for MultipleLocator
* Add a new valid color format (matplotlib_color, alpha)
* The pie chart shadow can be controlled
* PolyQuadMesh is a new class for drawing quadrilateral meshes
* Shadow shade can be controlled
* SpinesProxy now supports calling the set() method
* Allow setting the tick label fonts with a keyword argument [#]# Figure, Axes, and Legend Layout
* pad_inches=\"layout\" for savefig
* Add a public method to modify the location of Legend
* rcParams[\'legend.loc\'] now accepts float-tuple inputs [#]# Mathtext improvements
* Boldsymbol mathtext command \\boldsymbol
* mathtext has more sizable delimiters
* mathtext documentation improvements
* mathtext now supports \\substack
* mathtext now supports \\middle delimiter
* mathtext operators
* mathtext spacing corrections
* mathtext now supports \\text
* Bold-italic mathtext command \\mathbfit [#]# 3D plotting improvements
* Specify ticks and axis label positions for 3D plots
* 3D hover coordinates
* 3D plots can share view angles [#]# Other improvements
* matplotlib.mpl_toolkits is now an implicit namespace package
* Plot Directive now can make responsive images with \"srcset\"- API Changes for 3.8.0 [#]# Behaviour Changes
* Tk backend respects file format selection when saving figures
* Placing of maximum and minimum minor ticks
* hexbin now defaults to rcParams[\"patch.linewidth\"]
* TwoSlopeNorm now auto-expands to always have two slopes
* Event objects emitted for axes_leave_event
* Streamplot now draws streamlines as one piece if no width or no color variance
* canvas argument now required for FigureFrameWx
* ContourSet is now a single Collection
* SubFigure default facecolor is now transparent
* Reject size related keyword arguments to MovieWriter grab_frame method
* Changes of API after deprecation
* Invalid types for Annotation xycoords now raise TypeError
* Default antialiasing behavior changes for Text and Annotation
* ScalarMappable.to_rgba() now respects the mask of RGB(A) arrays
* Text.get_rotation_mode return value
* PostScript paper type adds option to use figure size
* hexbin mincnt parameter made consistently inclusive [#]# Deprecations
* Calling paths.get_path_collection_extents with empty offsets
* axes_grid1.axes_divider API changes
* bbox.anchored() with no explicit container
* Functions in mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.proj3d
* Arguments other than renderer to get_tightbbox
* The object returned by pcolor() has changed to a PolyQuadMesh class
* LocationEvent.lastevent
* allsegs, allkinds, tcolors and tlinewidths attributes of ContourSet
* ContourSet.collections
* Grouper.clean()
* GridHelperCurveLinear.get_data_boundary
* np_load parameter of cbook.get_sample_data
* RendererAgg.tostring_rgb and FigureCanvasAgg.tostring_rgb
* The parameter of Annotation.contains and Legend.contains is renamed to mouseevent
* Accessing event.guiEvent after event handlers return
* Widgets
* Method parameters renamed to match base classes
* numdecs parameter and attribute of LogLocator
* NavigationToolbar2QT.message is deprecated
* ft2font.FT2Image.draw_rect and ft2font.FT2Font.get_xys
* backend_ps.psDefs
* Callable axisartist Axes
* AnchoredEllipse is deprecated
* Automatic papersize selection in PostScript
* Tick.set_label1 and Tick.set_label2
* Passing extra positional arguments to Figure.add_axes
* CbarAxesBase.toggle_label
* TexManager.texcache
* Artists explicitly passed in will no longer be filtered by legend() based on their label
* FigureCanvasBase.switch_backends
* cbook.Stack is deprecated
* inset_location.InsetPosition is deprecated
* axisartist.axes_grid and axisartist.axes_rgb
* ContourSet.antialiased
* Passing non-int or sequence of non-int to Table.auto_set_column_width
* PdfPages(keep_empty=True)
* Auto-closing of figures when switching backend
* Support for passing the \"frac\" key in annotate(..., arrowprops={\"frac\": ...}) [#]# Removals
* cbook removals
* Groupers from get_shared_x_axes / get_shared_y_axes are immutable
* Deprecated modules removed
* Parameters to plt.figure() and the Figure constructor
* stem(..., use_line_collection=False)
* Positional / keyword arguments
* Methods to set parameters in LogLocator and LogFormatter
* Axes.get_renderer_cache
* Unused methods in Axis, Tick, XAxis, and YAxis
* mlab.stride_windows
* Axes3D
* 3D Axis
* checkdep_usetex removed
* date_ticker_factory removed
* transforms.Affine2D.identity()
* Removals in testing.decorators
* text.get_rotation()
* Passing too many positional arguments to tripcolor
* The filled argument to Colorbar is removed
* Widgets
* Axes3D.set_frame_on and Axes3D.get_frame_on removed
* Miscellaneous internals
* Backend-specific removals
* Removal of deprecated APIs- What\'s new in 3.7 [#]# Plotting and Annotation improvements
* hatch parameter for pie
* Polar plot errors drawn in polar coordinates
* Additional format string options in bar_label
* ellipse boxstyle option for annotations
* The extent of imshow can now be expressed with units
* Reversed order of legend entriespcolormesh accepts RGB(A) colors
* View current appearance settings for ticks, tick labels, and gridlines
* Style files can be imported from third-party packages [#]# Improvements to 3D Plotting
* 3D plot pan and zoom buttons
* adjustable keyword argument for setting equal aspect ratios in 3D
* Poly3DCollection supports shading
* rcParam for 3D pane color [#]# Figure and Axes Layout
* colorbar now has a location keyword argument
* Figure legends can be placed outside figures using constrained_layout
* Per-subplot keyword arguments in subplot_mosaic
* subplot_mosaic no longer provisional [#]# Widget Improvements
* Custom styling of button widgets
* Blitting in Button widgets [#]# Other Improvements
* Source links can be shown or hidden for each Sphinx plot directive
* Figure hooks- API Changes in 3.7 [#]# Behaviour Changes
* All Axes have get_subplotspec and get_gridspec methods now, which returns None for Axes not positioned via a gridspec
* HostAxesBase.get_aux_axes now defaults to using the same base axes class as the host axes
* plt.get_cmap and return a copy
* TrapezoidMapTriFinder uses different random number generator
* FuncAnimation(save_count=None)
* CenteredNorm halfrange is not modified when vcenter changes
* fig.subplot_mosaic no longer passes the gridspec_kw args to nested gridspecs.
* HPacker alignment with bottom or top are now correct
* On Windows only fonts known to the registry will be discovered
* QuadMesh.set_array now always raises ValueError for inputs with incorrect shapes
* contour and contourf auto-select suitable levels when given boolean inputs
* contour no longer warns if no contour lines are drawn.
* AxesImage.set_extent now raises TypeError for unknown keyword arguments
* Change of legend(loc=\"best\") behavior [#]# Deprecations
* Axes subclasses should override clear instead of cla
* rcParams type
* Deprecation aliases in cbook
* draw_gouraud_triangle
* matplotlib.pyplot.get_plot_commands
* matplotlib.tri submodules are deprecated
* Passing undefined label_mode to Grid
* Colorbars for orphaned mappables are deprecated, but no longer raise
* Animation attributes
* contour.ClabelText and ContourLabeler.set_label_props
* ContourLabeler attributes
* backend_ps.PsBackendHelper and backend_ps.ps_backend_helper
* backend_webagg.ServerThread is deprecated
* parse_fontconfig_pattern will no longer ignore unknown constant names
* BufferRegion.to_string and BufferRegion.to_string_argb
* num2julian, julian2num and JULIAN_OFFSET
* unit_cube, tunit_cube, and tunit_edges
* Most arguments to widgets have been made keyword-only
* SimpleEvent
* RadioButtons.circles
* CheckButtons.rectangles and CheckButtons.lines
* OffsetBox.get_extent_offsets and OffsetBox.get_extent
* legend.legendHandles
* ticklabels parameter of Axis.set_ticklabels renamed to labels
* offsetbox.bbox_artist
* Quiver.quiver_doc and Barbs.barbs_doc
* Deprecate unused parameter x to TextBox.begin_typing
* Deprecation of top-level cmap registration and access functions in
* BrokenBarHCollection is deprecated
* Passing inconsistent loc and nth_coord to axisartist helpers
* passthru_pt
* axes3d.vvec, axes3d.eye,, and
* Line2D [#]# Removals
* epoch2num and num2epoch are removed
* Locator and Formatter wrapper methods
* Interactive cursor details
* auto_add_to_figure=True for Axes3D
* The first parameter of Axes.grid and Axis.grid has been renamed to visible
* Removal of deprecations in the Selector widget API
* Unused positional parameters to print_ methods
* QuadMesh signature
* Expiration of FancyBboxPatch deprecations
* Testing support
* Auto-removal of grids by pcolor and pcolormesh
* Modification of Axes children sublists
* Passing incorrect types to Axes.add_
* methods
* ConversionInterface.convert no longer accepts unitless values
* Normal list of Artist objects now returned by HandlerLine2D.create_artists
* rcParams will no longer cast inputs to str
* Case-insensitive scales
* Support for nx1 = None or ny1 = None in AxesLocator and Divider.locate
* change signature of .FigureCanvasBase.enter_notify_event
* Colorbar tick update parameters
* plot directive removals
* Miscellaneous removals- Drop pyparsing-workaround-setName.patch- Update the -qt5 backend module name to -qt since it also supports PyQt6 and PySide{2,6}- Add nbagg backend subpackage- Test some optional stuff outside of Ring1
* Tue Jul 11 2023 Markéta Machová - add pyparsing-workaround-setName.patch as a part of a workaround for boo#1213007
* it changes the behaviour for the debugging purposes, the laic end user shouldn\'t notice
* Mon May 08 2023 Johannes Kastl - add sle15_python_module_pythons
* Wed Feb 08 2023 Arun Persaud - update to version 3.6.3:
* Fix Artist removal from axes_grid1 Axes classes
* Fix inset_locator in subfigures
* Fix scatter on masked arrays with units
* Fix colorbar ticks with log norm contours
* Fix deprecation warnings in GTK4 backend
* Fix using relative paths in HTMLWriter
* Improve failure message from rcParams string validation for tuple inputs
* Improve performance of QtAgg backends
* No longer modify pil_kwargs argument to imsave and savefig
* Thu Dec 22 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to 3.6.2
* Avoid mutating dictionaries passed to subplots
* Fix bbox_inches=\'tight\' on a figure with constrained layout enabled
* Fix auto-scaling of ax.hist density with histtype=\'step\'
* Fix compatibility with PySide6 6.4
* Fix evaluating colormaps on non-NumPy arrays
* Fix key reporting in pick events
* Fix thread check on PyPy 3.8
* Handle input to that is all NaN
* Make rubber band more visible on Tk and Wx backends
* Restore (and warn on) seaborn styles in style.library
* Restore get_renderer function in deprecated tight_layout
* nb/webagg: Fix resize handle on WebKit browsers (e.g., Safari)- Release 3.6.1
* A warning is no longer raised when constrained layout explicitly disabled and tight layout is applied
* Add missing get_cmap method to ColormapRegistry
* Adding a colorbar on a ScalarMappable that is not attached to an Axes is now deprecated instead of raising a hard error
* Fix barplot being empty when first element is NaN
* Fix FigureManager.resize on GTK4
* Fix fill_between compatibility with NumPy 1.24 development version
* Fix hexbin with empty arrays and log scaling
* Fix resize_event deprecation warnings when creating figure on macOS
* Fix build in mingw
* Fix compatibility with PyCharm\'s interagg backend
* Fix crash on empty Text in PostScript backend
* Fix generic font families in SVG exports
* Fix horizontal colorbars with hatches
* Fix misplaced mathtext using eqnarray
* stackplot no longer changes the Axes cycler- Release 3.6.0 [#]# Figure and Axes creation / management
* subplots, subplot_mosaic accept height_ratios and width_ratios arguments
* Constrained layout is no longer considered experimental
* New layout_engine module
* Compressed layout added for fixed-aspect ratio Axes
* Layout engines may now be removed
* Axes.inset_axes flexibility
* WebP is now a supported output format
* Garbage collection is no longer run on figure close [#]# Plotting methods
* Striped lines (experimental)
* Custom cap widths in box and whisker plots in bxp and boxplot
* Easier labelling of bars in bar plot
* New style format string for colorbar ticks
* Linestyles for negative contours may be set individually
* Improved quad contour calculations via ContourPy
* errorbar supports markerfacecoloralt
* streamplot can disable streamline breaks
* New axis scale asinh (experimental)
* stairs(..., fill=True) hides patch edge by setting linewidth
* Fix the dash offset of the Patch class
* Rectangle patch rotation point [#]# Colors and colormaps
* Color sequence registry
* Colormap method for creating a different lookup table size
* Setting norms with strings [#]# Titles, ticks, and labels
* plt.xticks and plt.yticks support minor keyword argument [#]# Legends
* Legend can control alignment of title and handles
* ncol keyword argument to legend renamed to ncols [#]# Markers
* marker can now be set to the string \"none\"
* Customization of MarkerStyle join and cap style [#]# Fonts and Text
* Font fallback
* List of available font names
* math_to_image now has a color keyword argument
* Active URL area rotates with link text [#]# rcParams improvements
* Allow setting figure label size and weight globally and separately from title
* Mathtext parsing can be disabled globally
* Double-quoted strings in matplotlibrc [#]# 3D Axes improvements
* Standardized views for primary plane viewing angles
* Custom focal length for 3D camera
* 3D plots gained a 3rd \"roll\" viewing angle
* Equal aspect ratio for 3D plots [#]# Interactive tool improvements
* Rotation, aspect ratio correction and add/remove state
* MultiCursor now supports Axes split over multiple figures
* PolygonSelector bounding boxes
* Setting PolygonSelector vertices
* SpanSelector widget can now be snapped to specified values
* More toolbar icons are styled for dark themes [#]# Platform-specific changes
* Wx backend uses standard toolbar- Drop upstream patch fix-tests-pytest72.patch- Move to PEP518 build
* Wed Dec 07 2022 Daniel Garcia - Add fix-tests-pytest72.patch to fix tests failing with pytest 7.2 gh#matplotlib/matplotlib#24173
* Fri Nov 11 2022 Daniel Garcia - Remove also setuptools_scm_git_archive dependency as it\'s suggested in the release post
* Fri Nov 11 2022 Daniel Garcia - Allow build with setuptools_scm>=7
* Sun Aug 14 2022 Arun Persaud - specfile:
* removed pathc matplotlib-pr22975-fixarray.patch; included upstream- update to version 3.5.3:
* Fix alignment of over/under symbols
* Fix bugs in colorbars: + alpha of extensions + drawedges=True with extensions + handling of panchor=False
* Fix builds on Cygwin and IBM i
* Fix contour labels in SubFigures
* Fix cursor output: + for imshow with all negative values + when using BoundaryNorm
* Fix interactivity in IPython/Jupyter
* Fix NaN handling in errorbar
* Fix NumPy conversion from AstroPy unit arrays
* Fix positional markerfmt passed to stem
* Fix unpickling: + crash loading in a separate process + incorrect DPI when HiDPI screens
* Thu May 26 2022 Ben Greiner - Skip a flaky leak test, move sigint test skip to all archs- Add matplotlib-pr22975-fixarray.patch, gh#matplotlib/matplotlib#22975, required for astropy 5.1
* Wed May 04 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 3.5.2:
* Preliminary support for Windows on arm64 target has been added; this requires FreeType 2.11 or above.- drop matplotlib-pr22780-Pillow-deprecations.patch (upstream)
* Tue Apr 12 2022 Ben Greiner - Add matplotlib-pr22780-Pillow-deprecations.patch for deprecation errors with Pillow -- gh#matplotlib/matplotlib#22780- Skip any test with svg png or pdf in its id for non x86_64, as image comparison tests compare to x86_64 references.
* Tue Dec 14 2021 Ben Greiner - Skip tests which crash with oom
* Sun Dec 12 2021 Ben Greiner - Update to version 3.5.1
* Figure and Axes creation / management - subplot_mosaic supports simple Axes sharing - Figure now has draw_without_rendering method - Figure __init__ passes keyword arguments through to set
* Plotting methods - Add Annulus patch - set_data method for FancyArrow patch - New arrow styles in ArrowStyle and ConnectionPatch - Setting collection offset transform after initialization
* Colors and colormaps - Colormap registry (experimental) - Image interpolation now possible at RGBA stage - imshow supports half-float arrays - A callback registry has been added to Normalize objects
* Titles, ticks, and labels - Settings tick positions and labels simultaneously in set_ticks
* Fonts and Text - Triple and quadruple dot mathtext accents - Font properties of legend title are configurable - Text and TextBox added parse_math option - Text can be positioned inside TextBox widget - Simplifying the font setting for usetex mode - Type 42 subsetting is now enabled for PDF/PS backends
* rcParams improvements - Allow setting default legend labelcolor globally
* 3D Axes improvements - Axes3D now allows manual control of draw order - Allow changing the vertical axis in 3d plots - plot_surface supports masked arrays and NaNs - 3D plotting methods support data keyword argument
* Interactive tool improvements - Colorbars now have pan and zoom functionality - Updated the appearance of Slider widgets - Removing points on a PolygonSelector - Dragging selectors - Clearing selectors - Setting artist properties of selectors - Ignore events outside selection - CallbackRegistry objects gain a method to temporarily block signals - Directional sizing cursors
* Sphinx extensions - More configuration of mathmpl sphinx extension
* Backend-specific improvements - GTK backend - Qt backends - HiDPI support in Cairo-based, GTK, and Tk backends - Qt figure options editor improvements - WX backends support mouse navigation buttons - WebAgg uses asyncio instead of Tornado- Add gtk4 and gtk-common subpackages
* Wed Dec 08 2021 Steve Kowalik - Skip some broken tests with new pyparsing.
* Sat Oct 23 2021 Axel Braun - version 3.4.3 Patches removed (in version 3.4.3): inkscape11.patch 0001-FIX-Pillow-asarray-bug.patch 0002-Dont-modify-arrays-when-masking-values-for-log.patch
* Tue Jul 27 2021 Markéta Machová - Fix tests with inkscape11.patch
* Wed Jul 07 2021 Antonio Larrosa - Add patches from upstream to fix an raised exception saying \"__array__(): takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given\" and an incompatibility with numpy 1.21.0 (slightly rebased):
* 0001-FIX-Pillow-asarray-bug.patch
* 0002-Dont-modify-arrays-when-masking-values-for-log.patch
* Fri May 14 2021 Arun Persaud - update to version 3.4.2:
* Generate wheels usable on older PyPy7.3.{0,1}
* Fix compatibility with Python 3.10
* Add subplot_mosaic Axes in the order the user gave them to us
* Correctly handle \'none\' facecolors in do_3d_projection
* Ensure that Matplotlib is importable even if there\'s no HOME
* Fix CenteredNorm with halfrange
* Fix bar_label for bars with NaN values
* Fix clip paths when zoomed such that they are outside the figure
* Fix creation of RangeSlider with valinit
* Fix handling of \"d\" glyph in backend_ps, fixing EPS output
* Fix handling of datetime coordinates in pcolormesh with Pandas
* Fix processing of some errorbar arguments
* Fix removal of shared polar Axes
* Fix resetting grid visibility
* Fix subfigure indexing error and tight bbox
* Fix textbox cursor color
* Fix TkAgg event loop error on window close
* Ignore errors for sip with no setapi (Qt4Agg import errors)
* Fri May 07 2021 Ben Greiner - Update build and runtime TeX requirements for -latex subpackage.
* Thu Apr 29 2021 Steve Kowalik - Add a required BuildRequires on tex(geometry.sty).
* Sun Apr 04 2021 Arun Persaud - specfile:
* update numpy requirement
* removed patch no-builddir-freetype.patch and instead put the source files directly into a directory that works with the current build system
* also added qhull source code (which otherwise the build process tries to download)- update to version 3.4.1:
* fix errorbar when specifying fillstyle
* fix Inkscape cleanup at exit on Windows for tests
* fix legends of colour-mapped scatter plots
* fix positioning of annotation fancy arrows
* fix size and color rendering for 3D scatter plots
* fix suptitle manual positioning when using constrained layout
* respect antialiasing settings in cairo backends as well- changes from version 3.4.0:
* Figure and Axes creation / management + New subfigure functionality + Single-line string notation for subplot_mosaic + Changes to behavior of Axes creation methods (gca, add_axes, add_subplot) + add_subplot/add_axes gained an axes_class parameter + Subplot and subplot2grid can now work with constrained layout
* Plotting methods + axline supports transform parameter + New automatic labeling for bar charts + A list of hatches can be specified to bar and barh + Setting BarContainer orientation + Contour plots now default to using ScalarFormatter + Axes.errorbar cycles non-color properties correctly + errorbar errorevery parameter matches markevery + hexbin supports data reference for C parameter + Support callable for formatting of Sankey labels + Axes.spines access shortcuts + New stairs method and StepPatch artist + Added orientation parameter for stem plots + Angles on Bracket arrow styles + TickedStroke patheffect
* Colors and colormaps + Collection color specification and mapping + Transparency (alpha) can be set as an array in collections + pcolormesh has improved transparency handling by enabling snapping + IPython representations for Colormap objects + Colormap.set_extremes and Colormap.with_extremes + Get under/over/bad colors of Colormap objects + New cm.unregister_cmap function + New CenteredNorm for symmetrical data around a center + New FuncNorm for arbitrary normalizations + GridSpec-based colorbars can now be positioned above or to the left of the main axes
* Titles, ticks, and labels + supxlabel and supylabel + Shared-axes subplots tick label visibility is now correct for top or left labels + An iterable object with labels can be passed to Axes.plot
* Fonts and Text + Text transform can rotate text direction + matplotlib.mathtext now supports overset and underset LaTeX symbols + math_fontfamily parameter to change Text font family + TextArea/AnchoredText support horizontalalignment + PDF supports URLs on Text artists
* rcParams improvements + New rcParams for dates: set converter and whether to use interval_multiples + Date formatters now respect usetex rcParam + Setting image.cmap to a Colormap + Tick and tick label colors can be set independently using rcParams
* 3D Axes improvements + Errorbar method in 3D Axes + Stem plots in 3D Axes + 3D Collection properties are now modifiable + Panning in 3D Axes
* Interactive tool improvements + New RangeSlider widget + Sliders can now snap to arbitrary values + Pausing and Resuming Animations
* Sphinx extensions + plot_directive caption option
* Backend-specific improvements + Consecutive rasterized draws now merged + Support raw/rgba frame format in FFMpegFileWriter + nbAgg/WebAgg support middle-click and double-click + nbAgg support binary communication + Indexed color for PNG images in PDF files when possible + Improved font subsettings in PDF/PS + Kerning added to strings in PDFs + Fully-fractional HiDPI in QtAgg + wxAgg supports fullscreen toggle
* Sat Feb 13 2021 Benjamin Greiner - Skip python36 build. Due to NEP 29 there is no python36-numpy in Tumbleweed anymore.
* Sat Jan 30 2021 Arun Persaud - update to version 3.3.4:
* Fix WebAgg initialization.
* Fix parsing QT_API setting with mixed case.
* Fix build with link-time optimization disabled in environment.
* Fix test compatibility with NumPy 1.20.
* Fix test compatibility with pytest 6.2.
* Thu Jan 14 2021 Benjamin Greiner - Update to v3.3.3 This release contains several critical bug-fixes:
* Fix calls to Axis.grid with argument visible=True.
* Fix fully masked imshow.
* Fix inconsistent color mapping in scatter for 3D plots.
* Fix notebook/nbAgg figures when used with ipywidgets in the same cell.
* Fix notebook/nbAgg/WebAgg on older (e.g., Firefox ESR) browsers.
* Fix pcolormesh with datetime coordinates.
* Fix performance regression with datetimes.
* Fix singular ticks with small log ranges.
* Fix timers/animations on wx and notebook backends.
* Remove certifi as a hard runtime dependency.- Changelog for v3.3.2 This release contains several critical bug-fixes:
* fix Axis scale on twinned Axes
* fix auto-close of Figures in nbagg
* fix automatic title placement if Axes is off the Figure
* fix autoranging of log scales with barstacked histogram
* fix extra redraws when using Button or TextBox widgets
* fix imshow with LogNorm and large vmin/vmax ranges
* fix plotting Pandas DataFrame with string MultiIndex
* fix scatter with marker=\'\'
* fix scatter3d color/linewidth re-projection
* fix state of mode buttons in TkAgg backends
* include license files in built distribution
* reduce Visual C++ runtime requirements on Windows- Changelog for v3.3.1 This release contains several critical bug-fixes:
* fix docstring import issues when running Python with optimization
* fix hist with categorical data, such as with Pandas
* fix install on BSD systems
* fix nbagg compatibility with Chrome 84+
* fix ordering of scatter marker size in 3D plots
* fix performance regression when plotting Paths
* fix reading from URL in imread
* fix several regressions with new date epoch handling
* fix some bad constrained and tight layout interactions with colorbars
* fix use of customized toolbars in TkAgg and WXAgg backends- remove transparent_markers.pdf- fix rich rpm recommends- fix broken compilation of cache files
* Thu Jan 14 2021 Benjamin Greiner - Run backend tests without xdist. They fail when they end up in the wrong process.