Changelog for python312-py3status-3.58-1.11.noarch.rpm :

* Wed Jun 05 2024 Dawid Adam - update to 3.58:
* conky module: skip invalid conky errors
* weather_owm module: switch to 3.0 API endpoint as 2.5 is deprecated
* Fri May 31 2024 Dawid Adam - update to 3.57:
* docs: explain how to serve mkdocs locally
* add CodeQL workflow for GitHub code scanning
* fmt: fix newer black
* backlight module: add brightnessctl support
* conky module: workaround upstream issues/1479
* volume_status module: fix for default source with pamixer
* Fri May 31 2024 Dawid Adam - update to 3.56:
* remove audio modules in favor of playerctl
* new module dexcom: display glucose readings from your Dexcom CGM system
* arch_updates module: hourly cache_timeout, add a note about alpm-hooks
* volume_status module: pamixer fix command if device is 0
* volume_status module: pamixer: Use default device if none specified
* Fri May 31 2024 Dawid Adam - uprate to 3.55:
* pkg: add dbus tag to pull dependencies \'pip install py3status[dbus]\'
* pkg: drop eol python 3.7 support, add python 3.12
* pkg: pull setuptools for 3.12
* docs(build): move away from readthedocs and switch to automatic github pages
* docs(config): add favicon and rename the site
* readme: drop readthedocs build status
* docs: fix broken 404 urls
* arch_updates module: update auracle from sync to outdated
* bluetooth module: reinitialize dbus to fix after sleep behavior
* lm_sensors module: fix invalid json if specified more than one chip
* nvidia_smi module: fix --list-properties
* vpn_status module: add formatters for displaying IP addresses of VPNs
* Fri May 31 2024 Dawid Adam - update to 3.54:
* arch_updates module: handle yay return code better when there are no updates
* arch_updates module: make it more responsive to system updates
* battery_level module: fix code style
* Fri May 31 2024 Dawid Adam - update to 3.53:
* argparser: remove deprecated interval option
* new module playerctl: control players supported by playerctl
* Tue Aug 01 2023 update to 3.52:
* IMPORTANT: the project has moved from setuptools to pyproject.toml and hatch
* IMPORTANT: gevent support is now deprecated and removed
* core: drop gevent support
* Fri Jun 30 2023 Matej Cepl - Clean up SPEC file.
* Fri Jun 30 2023 Dawid Adam - Update to 3.51:
* NEW: thanks to Andreas Grapentin, py3status can now run in lots of other containers (tmux, term, dzen2, lemonbar...)
* IMPORTANT: modules are moving away from the obsolete pydbus library
* core: implement handling of output_format in py3status for i3bar, dzen2, xmobar, lemonbar, tmux, term, none (#2104), by Andreas Grapentin
* core: autodetect output_format (#2202), by lasers
* fix(module): report module post_config_hook errors thx to AATTlasers (#2208)
* docs(user): add a section to specify that modules dependencies are up to the users
* docs(mkdocs): drop mkdocs-simple-hooks closes #2195
* docs: fix two DeprecationWarning (#2191), by lasers
* docs(audiosink): fix screenshots (#2194), by lasers
* docs(autodoc): remove dead code thx to AATTlasers, closes #2183 (#2193)
* arch_updates module: add support for pikaur (#2182), by vim
* arch_updates module: remove cower support (gone) (#2190), by lasers
* backlight module: drop pydbus, switch to dbus-python
* bluetooth module: report battery percentage if available (#2185), by Alex Tsitsimpis
* clock module: added timezone information to times implicitly using local system timezone (#2197), by Andreas Grapentin
* clock module: minor patch to get the local timezone. (#2189), by Josh Sixsmith
* diskdata module: fix variable init type
* diskdata module: make module work on FreeBSD (#2200), by Björn Busse
* mpd_status module: fix UnboundLocalError (#2199), by Björn Busse
* ns_checker module: replace query() with resolve() (#2207), by Björn Busse
* systemd module: drop pydbus, switch to dbus-python
* vpn_status module: drop pydbus, switch to dbus-python
* Wed Apr 19 2023 Dawid Adam - Update to 3.50:
* update alpine install doc (#2176), by raspbeguy
* battery_level module: fix invalid indexing, skip batteries with unavailable info (#2180), by lasers
* vpn_status module: add wireguard support (#2181), by javiertury
* Tue Feb 28 2023 Dawid Adam - Update to 3.49:
* do_not_disturb module: use \'makoctl mode\' to check current mode. (#2172), by Valdur Kana
* google_calendar module: add support to configure which google calendar will be used (#2174), by Alex Thomae
* Tue Feb 28 2023 Dawid Adam - Update to 3.48:
* IMPORTANT: bluetooth module has been replaced by the bluetooth2 code, please migrate
* python: drop py 3.6 from CI and bump 3.11 (#2166)
* battery_level module: allow icon to not use charging_character (#2158), by Kevin Pulo
* bluetooth module: replaced by bluetooth2 as announced on 2022-10
* check_tcp module: add IPv6 support (#2167), by Björn Busse
* clock module: migrate to standard zoneinfo with 3.7, 3.8 support. (#2155), by Valdur Kana
* events: change the reading timeout to infinity (#2153), by Austin Lund
* kdeconnector module: Active notifications were always 1. (#2170), by Valdur Kana
* kdeconnector module: refactor to use dbus signals to update module (#2168), by Valdur Kana
* kdeconnector module: show cell network type and strength. (#2162) (#2163), by Valdur Kana
* mpris module: fix error self.parent on Py3status module not found. (#2169), by Valdur Kana
* timewarrior module: remove dependency on dateutil (#2161), by Rasmus Rendal
* volume_status module: amixer scontrols uses device and card parameter. (#2152), by Valdur Kana
* volume_status module: deprecate start_delay parameter
* volume_status module: smarter initialization logic with retry, remove start_delay setting (#2165), by Joan Bruguera
* window module: window without title will not produce error on i3msg mode, by Valdur Kana
* core: add inhibition timer on misbehaving signals
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek - Update to 3.47:
* INFORMATION: the upcoming bluetooth module has been merged as bluetooth2, users are encouraged to switch
* core: simpler logic to inhibit out of order signaling
* formatter: add escape command to escape html
* new module from scratch: bluetooth2
* mpris module: different players can use chromium busname, skip cache
* taskwarrior module: add report parameter
* volume_status module: autoselect channel on amixer backend
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek -Update to 3.46:
* INFORMATION: we plan to replace the bluetooth module with a more flexible one in coming releases
* core: use git package for logging git commit information if available
* docs: add Alpine Linux installation instructions
* new audiosink module: switch between pulseaudio sinks from your bar
* sysdata module: ignore ZFS ARC cache in memory usage
* volume_status module: add start_delay to address issue
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek -Update to 3.45:
* official python3.6 support removed
* mail module: fix pathlib adoption
* twitch module: migrate to new Twitch API, fix
* volume_status module: use mapped volume with amixer backend.
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek - Update to 3.44
* IMPORTANT: python3.6 support will be removed on next release
* core: handle SIGTSTP/SIGCONT better for after sleep freezes
* formatter: stop escaping html characters on pango markup
* module_test: add clear_timeout_due
* udev monitor: implement udev events throttling with warnings
* google_calendar module: escape html on event summary for pango
* mpris module: add player_shortname placeholder for displaying player busname
* xrandr module: fix missing \" at the end of documentation line.
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek - Update to 3.43
* core: rework SIGSTP inhibition to support both #2068 and #2107
* formatter: pango markup should escape all html character
* py3.safe_format: add information about invalid format
* py3.safe_format: implement a generic max_width parameter
* requirements: fix click dependency with black
* udev monitor: don\'t trigger actions when i3bar refresh is stopped
* weather_owm module: dont use onecall for better current day forecast
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek - Update to 3.42:
* core: fix root cause of negative update_due
* external_script module: add option \'convert_numbers\' to preserve number formatting
* khal_calendar module: add option to limit the number of returned calendar entries
* mpris module: total rework with bug fixes
* weather_own module: fix onecall when city is specified
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek - Update to 3.41:
* core: drop and log negative new_update_due which causes high cpu load and endless loop (closses #2085) (#2092), by Valdur Kana
* core: switch from time.perf_counter to time.monotonic
* core: timeout due to return something >= 0 instead of None
* new option py3status.stop_signal to disable i3bar stop/resume
* arch_updates module: paru exits with a non-zero status if there are no updates
* battery_level module: fallback to power_now if no current_now
* events: fix pydevd.debugger first click caused \"JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 2 (char 1)\".
* net_iplist module: support parsing iface name with \"AATT\" symbol
* pomodoro module: pyglet and pygame are no longer needed after the merge of
* scratchpad module: workaround for i3ipc 2.2.1 not finding leaves() in sway
* sysdata module: add tctl sensor
* velib_metropole module: drop obsolete module
* weather_owm module: fix forecast by using new onecall api endpoint
* window module: i3ipc backend uses incoming event data and relies less on get_tree.focused() data.a
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek - Update to 3.40:
* README: update readthedocs links to new documentation
* i3 contrib page: update readthedocs links to new documentation
* i3 contrib page: update to sync with
* core: inhibit conflicting SIGCONT SIGTSTP that can be received too fast
* core: fix i3/sway detection
* formatter: support pango special & character
* bump mkdocs from 1.2.1 to 1.2.3 in /requirements
* battery_level module: add configurable status strings
* do_not_disturb module: handle mako using makoctl
* vpn_status module: fix changed dbus signal handler signature
* whoami module: add {hostname} placeholder to output
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek - Update to 3.39
* documentation was refactored to use MkDocs, lots of work has been done
* add a makefile to ease tasks
* create and split project, documentation and tests requirements
* tests: update tox and module tests to match mkdocs md format
* new sway_idle module: to display the idle state of sway wm
* clock module: compatible with tzlocal 3.0
* speedtest module: fix error when clicking too fast
* weather_owm module: _format_sunrise and _format_sunset as aware datetime
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek - Update to 3.38
* update IRC doc to OFTC
* arch_updates module: add paru support
* spotify module: work around play/pause bug in spotifyd
* weather_owm module: added support for displaying wind speeds in knots
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek - Update to 3.37
* require setuptools: py3status/ and tests/ import pkg_resources
* help: clarify connection between --debug and --log-file options
* tox: exit on first error
* bitcoin_price module: remove module due to unmaintained APIs
* exchange_rate module: update code to require an api key fix
* kdeconnector module: add support for version 20.12.3
* lm_sensors module: replace raw with json output
* timewarrior module: remove timezone info from end date
* weather_owm module: avoid customized formats in module_test
* weather_owm module: remove hardcoded rounded numbers
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek - Update to 3.36
* new zypper_updates module: to watch for OpenSuse updates
* clock module: switch back to time.time
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek - Update to 3.35
* fix time modules synchronization bug
* core: fix detection of instances of user provided modules fix
* docs: fix NixOS instructions to address
* add github issue templates
* bluetooth module: add missing requirement
* sysdata module: rename temp_unit to cpu_temp_unit and drop zone config to support intel, amd, RPi
* weather_owm module: add wind direction placeholder
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek -Update to 3.34
* storage: fix Path generation in storage fixes
* battery_level module: fix converting seconds to H:M:S format
* google_calendar module: add options to personalize behavior
* kdeconnector module: fix for battery unavailable
* lm_sensors module: fix an issue when sensors disconnect and are not detected again
* net_iplist module: show only non deprecated ipv6 addresses
* networkmanager module: make format_device less confusing in docstring
* volume_status module: log available devices only on change
* volume_status module: run with either pulseaudio or pipewire installed
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek - Update to 3.33
* HOTFIX: this hotfix release fixes py3-cmd
* IMPORTANT: since we touched a lot of stuff in 3.32, we might have broken stuff.
* command: fix py3-cmd refresh error
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek - Update to 3.32
* IMPORTANT: a lot of python3 and code normalization happened
* core: upgrade to python 3.6 syntax using pyupgrade
* core: modernize python3 code
* py3status code uses f-strings
* use list/generator/dict comprehensions where appropriate
* use pathlib everywhere to manipulate paths and files
* use shutil.which() instead of external which binary
* use time.perf_counter to measure short time periods
* add github project sponsoring
* argparsers: add missing path on default value
* argparsers: make sure FILE and PATH options are Path objects
* battery_level module: fix float formatting with f-strings
* better usage of timedelta/time modules
* ci: switch to GitHub Actions CI
* command: fix binding on PosixPath instead of a bytes-like object
* core: honor the \"colors\" general directive thx to AATTinfabo fixes
* docs: fix building of html docs
* drop travis-ci
* fix sys.path manipulation in as reported by AATTX-dark
* i3status module: use datetime.timezone for a custom tz
* i3status module: add markup support for time,tztime modules,
* mpd_status module: fixes extra space in the state when there\'s no artist
* mpris module: fixes mpris for Chrome, too.
* remove obsolete numeric relics from Python 2
* spotify module: fix QA black format
* Drop Python 3.5 support,
* taskwarrior module: replace pytz with datetime.timezone
* volume_status module: stop spamming logs fixes
* window module: change i3ipc to required dependency
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek - Update to 3.31
* core: new \"on_error\" parameter to control module error behavior
* doc: add CorruptCommit \'s configuration examples
* doc: create a user contributed conf example section thx to
* update python version compatibility, 3.5 is gone, 3.9 is out
* parse_config: report missing file command fixes
* add poweron architecture ppc64le to travis build
* clock module: handle timezone changes, thx to AATTsTiKyt fix
* coin_market module: broken module rewrite fixes
* diskdata module: ignore df -k errors
* do_not_disturb module: enhance dunst support using 1.5.0 dunstctl
* hueshift module: fix initialization incrementing cached value by delta
* i3status: add support for \'%+\' time format
* mpris module: don\'t join the artist fields in BrokenDBusMpris
* spotify module: add spotifyd support
* sysdata module: increasing meminfo readable lines count to support Raspberry Pi4
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek - Update to 3.30:
* battery_level module: fix filter in /sys thanks to AATTnaclander and AATTarmandg
* battery_level module: fix logic to skip batteries and charged state detection
* volume_status module: device parameter can be used as a regex
* volume_status module: log available devices on default mode
* Mon Oct 03 2022 Dawid Respondek - Update to 3.29:
* fix flake8 code linting and black code formatting to pass tests
* py3.requests: return empty json on remote server problem fix
* battery_level module: add power consumption placeholder
* battery_level module: support more battery paths detection
* core modules: remove deprectated function, fix type annotation support
* do_not_disturb module: change pause default from False to True
* google_calendar module: fix imports for newer google-python-client-api versions
* mpris module: implement broken chromium mpris interface workaround
* new module prometheus: display prometheus query results on your bar
* new module watson: to use the watson time-tracking tool
* sysdata module: add {mem,swap}_free, {mem,swap}_free_unit, {mem,swap}_free_percent
* sysdata module: try to use default intel/amd sensors first
* tox CI: force version of black to avoid reformatting failure
* volume_status module: document commands to print possible devices
* Mon Feb 22 2021 Markéta Machová - Drop broken %ifpython3 macro