Changelog for
etcd-for-k8s1.28-3.5.15-150400.8.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Wed Oct 09 2024 Update to version 3.5.15:
* Differentiate the warning message for rejected client and peer connections
* client/v3/watch_test.go: test fmt metadata print
* client/v3/watch.go: use fmt for metadata printing
* Backport: fix(server/embed): enforce non-empty client TLS if scheme is https/unixs
* fix ts with no trailing zeros
* Remove gsutil acl command for bucket permissions.
* dependency: bump tools/mod
* dependency: bump tools/mod to v1.1.3
* dependency: bump tools/mod to v0.0.5
* dependency: bump tools/mod
* dependency: bump tools/mod
* dependency: bump tools/mod
* make: Include tools/mod when checking dependency versions
* Bump Go version to 1.21.12: GO-2024-2963 fix
* Suppress noisy basic auth token deletion log
* github/govuln: don\'t swallow govulncheck errors
* tests/integration: deflake TestV3AuthWithLeaseRevokeWithRootJWT
* etcd 3.5: Install shellcheck if not installed.
* dependency: dump to the highest version v0.18.0
* dependency: bump to the highest version v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd
* dependency: bump to the highest version v0.6.0
* Fix dependency inconsistency detection and add make verify-dep
* dependency: bump from v0.0.0-20210403161142-5e06dd20ab57 to v0.0.0-20220412211240-33da011f77ad
* dependency: bump from 0.17.0 to 0.23.0
* Fix govulncheck CI check on release-3.5
* bugfix: register of walWriteSec
* Support multiple values for allowed client and peer TLS identities(#18015)
* print error log when validation on conf change failed
* scripts/release: shallow clone repository
* Backport removal of asset transparency workflow.
* config: support AllowedCN and AllowedHostname through config file
* scripts: default to using .go-version\'s version for tests and builds
* .
*: sync go toolchain version and add ability to verify versions
* etcdutl: Fix snapshot restore memory alloc issue
* server: Implement WithMmapSize option for backend config
* Add cluster downgrade test.
* Bump bbolt to 1.3.10 for 3.5
* v3rpc: run health notifier to listen on online defrag state change
* build(deps): bump distroless/static-debian11 from `046b92c` to `6d31326`
* gRPC health server sets serving status to NOT_SERVING on defrag
* e2e: add mix version test of adding last ver to current ver.
* server/mvcc: should update currentRev in revMu
* server/storage: update currentRev if scheduledCompact > currentRev
* tests/e2e: reproduce #17780
* server/mvcc: introduce compactBeforeSetFinishedCompact failpoint
* Update the compaction log when bootstrap and update compact\'s signature
* test: add checking snapshot be sent in mix_version_test.
* [backport-3.5] server: ignore raft messages if member id mismatch #17078
* add experimental-snapshot-catchup-entries flag.
* test: add mix version e2e test.
* feat: observe wal write at one time
* Add approvals gh workflows.
* [3.5]Add trivy scan as a job in release workflow
*: LeaseTimeToLive returns error if leader changed
* .github: enable failpoints for integration tests
* Bump to v0.23.0
* Bump go-version to 1.21.9 for release-3.5 due to CVE-2023-45288
* Backport initialization of mu in NewCtxClient to release-3.5
* Backport updates to shellcheck ignores for script.
* Backport rename of release script to
* Backport update for release script to use ssh.
* build(deps): bump distroless/static-debian11 from `7e5c6a2` to `046b92c`
* Fix retry requests when receiving ErrGPRCNotSupportedForLearner
* build(deps): bump distroless/static-debian11 from `9be3fcc` to `7e5c6a2`
* [release-3.5] backport fix watch event loss after compaction
* Fix progress notification for watch that doesn\'t get any events
* Add govuln GitHub workflow
* dependency: bump to v1.33.0
* dependency: bump to v1.9.3
* add uds test cases into e2e TestAuthority
* Add unix socket test to TestNewURLsValue
* pkg/types: Support Unix sockets in NewURLS
* added dial-keepalive-time、dial-keepalive-timeout、permit-without-stream arguments to the grpc-proxy
* Backport ignore old leader\'s leases revoking request
* tests/e2e: backport e2e cluster setup
*: add test-smoke to the pipeline and update test-smoke
* tools/mod: go mod tidy
*: fix failing shellchecks
* server: fix comment to match function name
* tests/e2e: implement EtcdProcess GoFailClientTimeout
* Make CGO_ENABLED configurable for etcd 3.5
* tests/e2e: use WaitLeader in corrupt test
* tests/e2e: implement EtcdProcessCluster WaitLeader
* tests/e2e: implement EtcdProcess Etcdctl
* etcd: Add OpenBSD-specific files for SetKeepAlivePeriod handling
* etcdserver: drain leaky goroutines before test completed
* tests/e2e: move etcdctl to framework/e2e
* [3.5] backport: add backoff to client config
* Mon Apr 08 2024 Update to version 3.5.12:
* version: bump up to 3.5.12
* Bump to v0.17+ to address CVE-2023-48795
* test: fix TestHashKVWhenCompacting: ensure all goroutine finished
* print error log when creating peer listener failed
* mvcc: Printing etcd backend database related metrics inside scheduleCompaction function
* dependency: update go version to 1.20.13
* commit bbolt transaction if there is any pending deleting operations
* add tests to test tx delete consistency.
* Don\'t flock snapshot files
* Backport adding digest for etcd base image.
* Add a unit tests and missing flags in etcd help.
* Add missing flag in etcd help.
* Backport testutils.ExecuteUntil to 3.5 branch
* member replace e2e test
* Check if be is nil to avoid panic when be is overriden with nil by recoverSnapshotBackend on line 517
* Don\'t redeclare err and snapshot variable, fixing validation of consistent index and closing database on defer
* test: enable gofail in release e2e test.
* [3.5] backport health check e2e tests.
* etcdserver: add linearizable_read check to readyz.
* etcd: Update go version to 1.20.12
* tests: Extract e2e cluster setup to separate package
* server: disable redirects in peer communication
* etcdserver: add metric counters for livez/readyz health checks.
* etcdserver: add livez and ready http endpoints for etcd.
* http health check bug fixes
* server: Split metrics and health code
* server: Cover V3 health with tests
* server: Refactor health checks
* server: Run health check tests in subtests
* server: Rename test case expect fields
* server: Use named struct initialization in healthcheck test
* Backport server: Don\'t follow redirects when checking peer urls.
* Backport embed: Add tracing integration test.
* Backport server: Have tracingExporter own resources it initialises.
* Backport server: Add sampling rate to distributed tracing.
* upgrade,, to make it consistent
* CVE-2023-47108: Backport and
* github workflow: run arm64 tests on every push
* etcd: upgrade go version from 1.20.10 to 1.20.11
* Wed Jan 24 2024 Update to version 3.5.10:
* bump bbolt to 1.3.8 for etcd 3.5
* 3.5: upgrade gRPC-go to 1.58.3
* Backport corrupt check test fix \"etcd server shouldn\'t wait for the ready notification infinitely on startup\"
* etcdserver: add cluster id check for hashKVHandler
* [release-3.5]: upgrade gRPC-go to v1.52.0
* backport #14125 to release-3.5: Update to grpc-1.47 (and fix the connection-string format)
* Return to default write scheduler since started using round robin
* Bump go to v1.20.10 Part of
* bump to 0.17.0 Part of
* etcd: upgrade go version to 1.20.9
* Remove obsolete http 1.0 version.
* fix:Ensure that go version is only defined in one file for release-3.5
* Fix panic in etcd validate secure endpoints
* Backport redirect metrics data into file to reduce output.
* increase timeout for grpcproxy test
* test: add v3 curl test to cover maintenance hash/hashkv REST API
* api: fix duplicate gateway url issue
* pkg: add a verification on the pagebytes which must be > 0
* tests: Backport deflake for TestWatchDelay
* tests: Backport deflake for TestPageWriterRandom
* Backport adding unit test for socket options.
* Backport export reuse-port and reuse-address
* Fix goword failure in rafthttp/transport.go.
* Update workflows to use makefile recipes for unit, integration & e2e-release.
* Backport Makefile recipes for common test commands.
* pkg/flags: fix UniqueURLs\'Set to remove duplicates in UniqueURLs\'uss
* Backport fix to e2e release version identifcation.
* Backport #14368 to v3.5
* Follow up
* etcdserver: backport check scheduledCompactKeyName and finishedCompactKeyName before writing hash to release-3.5.
* Backport #13577 Disable auth gracefully without impacting existing watchers.
* clientv3: create keepAliveCtxCloser goroutine only if ctx can be canceled
* [3.5] etcdutl: fix db double closed
* clientv3: remove v3.WithFirstKey() in Barrier.Wait()
* update etcdctl flag description for snapshot restores
* etcdutl: update description for --mark-compacted and --bump-revision flags in snapshot restore command
* Adding optional revision bump and mark compacted to snapshot restore
* Revert \"Merge pull request #16119 from natusameer/release-3.5\"
* Add e2e-arm64.yaml and tests-arm64.yaml to release-3.5 scheduled at 1.30
* Backport .github/workflows: Read .go-version as a step and not separate workflow.
* Add first unit test for authApplierV3
* Early exit auth check on lease puts
* remove stack log when etcdutl restore
* etcdserver: fix corruption check when server has just been compacted
* replace gobin with go install
* [3.5] Backport updating go to latest patch release 1.19.10
* add compact hash check to help
* Fix test of clientv3/naming
* clientv3/naming/endpoints: fix endpoints prefix bug fixes bug with multiple endpoints with same prefix
* grpcproxy: fix memberlist results not update when proxy node down
* Wed Sep 20 2023 Initial package version 3.5.9:
* Version specified in kubernetes v1.28.2