Changelog for jupyter-bqplot-jupyterlab-0.5.44-lp160.9.13.noarch.rpm :

* Fri Jul 12 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 0.12.43
* fix: domain should not be reset when min/max are set #1638
* Tue Mar 05 2024 Ben Greiner - Skip python39: no longer supported since ipython 8.19 (through ipywidgets)
* Fri Feb 09 2024 Ben Greiner - Don\'t build for python312 yet: ui-test failure of unknown reason gh#bqplot/bqplot#1639
* Sat Dec 23 2023 Ben Greiner - Update to 0.12.42, jupyter frontend 0.5.43
* fix: set domain to (0, 1) when no data is present by AATTmaartenbreddels in #1619
* Sat Oct 14 2023 Ben Greiner - Update to 0.12.40
* fix: remove numpy upper bound pin by AATTmaartenbreddels in #1601
* fix: background color of figure was not computed properly by AATTmaartenbreddels in #1603
* fix: axis formatting depended on initial values or changes [#1541]
* fix: resize not always working by AATTmariobuikhuizen in #1598
* Backport PR #1511 on branch 0.12.x (Fix missing interpolation options) by AATTmeeseeksmachine in #1525
* feature: custom axis labeling from kernel side (tick_labels). by AATTmaartenbreddels in #1526
* Backport PR #1506 on branch 0.12.x (Add +, x and . as markers) by AATTmeeseeksmachine in #1529
* Backport PR #1505 on branch 0.12.x (Plotting Widgets) by AATTmeeseeksmachine in #1530
* Backport PR #1539: fix: figure is not updating when margins change by AATTmariobuikhuizen in #1581
* Backport resize observer PR #1531 by AATTmartinRenou in #1593
* fix: panning in a by CSS rotated plot doesn\'t work correctly by AATTmariobuikhuizen in #1585
* Fix luminowidget error for ipywidgets 7 by AATTmartinRenou in [#1523]
* Exclude tests top-level package, add some JupyterLab trove classifiers by AATTmeeseeksmachine in #1518
* Fix processPhosphorMessage for ipywidgets 7 by AATTmeeseeksmachine in #1522
* ipywidgets 8 support by AATTmartinRenou in #1517
* fix: line label invisible in dark theme by AATTmeeseeksmachine in [#1472]
* Add default color CSS selectors to node text by AATTmeeseeksmachine in #1473
* feat: log scale support for ScatterGL Mark by AATTmaartenbreddels in #1424
* Backport PR #1426 on branch 0.12.x (Fix index selector jumping back to 0) by AATTmeeseeksmachine in #1427
* Sun Nov 14 2021 Ben Greiner - Update to 0.12.31, jupyter fronted 0.5.32
* no release notes- Fix jupyter config paths
* Sat Apr 10 2021 Ben Greiner - Update to 0.12.25
* no release notes- Add jupyterlab extension subpackage- Use upstreams jupyter-bqplot versioning in new subpackage names- Skip python36 build- Tests are not in the PyPI sdist, get them from GitHub.- No mock- Test notebooks with nbval
* Mon Jun 29 2020 Marketa Calabkova - Update to 0.12.13
* Bars: Use arrow function
* Tue Jun 09 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 0.12.12:
* Minor fixes around
* Mon Feb 10 2020 Todd R - Update to 0.12.3
* Add versions lookup table in the README
* Axis: Fix axis side validation
* Binary Serializers: Add support for pandas.Timestamp array
* DOC: Fix a few Sphinx warnings
* GridHeatMap: Add tests
* GridHeatmap: Fix selection
* MarketMap: Fix text style at creation
* Pie: Add tests
* Pie: Fix Labels and data update
* Remove unused function
* Update tests
* added a tutorial for building compound widgets
* cleaned up notebook metadata hence reducing the size of the file
* cleared metadata thereby reducing file size significantly
* cleared metadata, fixed image path and url link to image documentation
* cleared output cells, used pyplot to reduce code and removed redundant widgets
* Wed Jan 15 2020 Todd R - Update to 0.12.2
* Tests: Use DOM element API for fetching the fill style
* Hist: Add tests
* Hist: Add support for selected_style and unselected_style in Hist
* Hist: Remove unused method
* Hist: Respect the \'colors\' attribute when coloring the bars
* Hist: Use same default colors value as in Bars
* test: background color changed due to css fix
* test: tests should include css
* fix: screenshot CSS was missing CSS variables
* Refactor Figure sizing logic
* Cleaning Heatmap implementation
* fix: make pan and zoom work with Logscale
* fix: use z-index:0 for all layers to not overlap with higher z-index …
* fix: avoids CORS error when building css for svg screenshot
* fix: ColorScale can miss events because render does not return a Promise
* add event listeners and classes to render tooltip for OHLC mark
* add labels to bar mark
* Add TypeScript annotations, refactoring, setters/getters
* Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.15 in /js
* Bump mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 in /js
* Bump js-yaml from 3.7.0 to 3.13.1 in /js
* Mon Nov 18 2019 Todd R - Update to 0.12.1
* Axis width fix
* fix: call super.process_hover/click consistently and without argument as array
* Tue Nov 12 2019 Todd R - Update to 0.12.0
* Add cross marker
* Add same view padding as in the base Scatter
* Add triangle-up triangle-down markers
* Add validators Python side on the row and column array sizes
* Added missing import \'d3-selection-multi\'
* Added support for cell labels
* Attributes update refactoring
* Binary support for all Marks and Selectors
* Bugfix for d3.event -> d3.getEvent()
* Bugfix for styles
* Bugfixes to bars & hist for d3.event, and move to new processing
* Classes to distinguish figure and interaction
* Clean ScatterGL implementation
* Convert Axis, Figure, Scale and Tooltip to use es2015 classes.
* Convert Bars to es2015 classes.
* Convert build to use TS 3.4
* Convert scale hierarchy to use es2015 classes
* Disable strict and noImplicitAny
* Don’t shadow the _ global.
* Enable webpack production mode
* Expose python2.7 issue
* Figure: DOM simplification for overlay pattern and small fixes
* Figure: fix \'timing\' issue with setting interact
* Figure: fixes annoying Infinity error caused by a non-physical min_as…
* Figure: support for pixel_ratio for WebGL pixel size control (~=retin…
* Fix Bars multi-selection
* Fix BoxPlot selection
* Fix ColorScaleModel domain type
* Fix DateColorScale
* Fix Graph selection
* Fix GridHeatMap color update
* Fix GridHeatMap selection
* Fix GridHeatMapModel model
* Fix MarkModel model
* Fix MarketMap color when data is NaN
* Fix MarketMap coloring issue
* Fix OHLCModel model
* Fix Pie chart
* Fix Pie selection
* Fix PieModel model
* Fix Scales models
* Fix SquareMarkerMap by removing it
* Fix animation filename in introduction.rst
* Fix colormap creation and take color domain into account
* Fix compilation errors in Bar.ts
* Fix compilation errors.
* Fix date serialization
* Fix error message to mention bqplot
* Fix exports
* Fix figure model
* Fix heatmap in the case of a reversed scale
* Fix index
* Fix labels models
* Fix missing OHLC model attribute
* Fix multiselection in the Scatter plot
* Fix number of attributes issue for Firefox
* Fix offset issue in OrdinalScale
* Fix or hack around compilation errors from d3
* Fix package.json for Jupyter Lab extension
* Fix padding update
* Fix rangeBand -> bandwidth
* Fix reset_hover method name collision
* Fix scale assignment
* Fix tooltip color and click event for MarketMap
* Fix tooltip layout issue
* Fix/workaround for when nan\'s enter brush selector causing infinite loop
* Fixed ColorAxis export
* Fixed Map.ts
* Fixed MultiSelector
* Fixed OrdinalScale padding
* Fixed boxplot: rangeBand -> bandwidth
* Fixed drag in ScatterBase.ts
* Fixed padding in ordinal scale
* Fixed selectors
* Fixup color axis domain
* Import d3 by itself.
* Inherit `process_interactions` from Mark
* Large scatter plots using WebGL
* Make fill_opcities work with fill=inside
* Move mixins to duplicated code instead.
* Only add on click handler to newly added elements. Fixes bug.
* Only create WebGL context when needed
* Polyfill jupyterlab CSS variables
* Refactor event handling into subhandlers
* Refactored marker circle,square and arrow, almost pixel perfect
* Replaced var with const and let
* Revert \"adding labels to cells natively\"
* Revise outlier selection method
* Set # of axis ticks for DateScale by width
* Set auto width
* Specify a type for THREE.Color.
* Switch off overlay when no figure interaction
* Update to jupyterlab 1.0
* Upgraded to d3 v5
* Use CSS variables
* Use binary buffers for Map.selected attribute
* Use const instead of let
* Use css variables
* Use d3-scale-chromatic to fix error
* We never use the output of invert_pixel, so make the function return …
* WebGL support for bqplot (threejs based)
* accept non-numbers for data
* accept string types at the kernel side
* add ability to disable bar chart stroke outline
* add square marker, and make it fast (no texture)
* add support for Boxplot selection
* add theme trait to Figure
* added color data
* added legend support
* added support for labels in grid heat map by adding two attributes: d…
* added support for string type (this should fix the infinite recursive…
* adding serializer for image x,y
* allow for nans to stay in the brush selector
* allow scaling up of png images and have a good default for high dpi
* bugfix: make panzoom take scale-reversal into account
* expose bug of not supporting ordinal values in lines
* fix array deserialization for some versions of python/numpy
* fix scales for x, y, and size to match bqplot
* fix scatter color updating
* fix webgl canvas: take margin changes into account
* fix(events): add new transparent rectangle in figure to catch events
* fix(scattergl): color scale uniforms should update when color changes
* fix: Upgrade to raw-loader 2 (like jupyter lab) so that we can load t…
* fix: after changing geo, material needs updating
* fix: always make the (webgl) canvas absolute and skip pointer events
* fix: brush selectors threw exception with no selection, fixed order o…
* fix: close vbox as well as figure to avoid issues with voila
* fix: events from the background were never captured because they were…
* fix: implement relayout for ScatterGL
* fix: selection not using get_typed_field
* fix: timing of relayout
* fix: use the default value or premultipliedAlpha: true
* fixed an issue where \'selected\' wasn\'t getting updated on empty brush
* fixed code where d3.format fails for null formats
* fixes: BrushSelector was sending lists causing roundtrips
* increased pie label font size to 12px
* initial start for binary serialization
* no need to call layout before marks are done (fixes a bug)
* performance fix: Float32Array.from is slow, use a loop, 100x faster
* prevent zero bar width and make sure plot is still drawn when bar width
* refactor png rendering and sanity check by checking a pixel color
* removed layout attribute, since it\'s causing problems on JS side
* removed metadata and using pyplot wherever possible
* removed setting opacity of polylines
* renamed Mega to GL
* respect animation_duraction of Figure
* scaling of scatter goes as sqrt(size)
* scatter label colors
* silence brush events on selected_changed
* support arrays with object type if they are all strings
* using var(--bq-content-font-color) for pie polyline stroke
* Sat Jul 27 2019 Todd R - Update to version 0.11.6
* Update for JupyterLab 1.0
* added cells for updating display_format and font_style
* adding labels to cells natively
* cleaned up code which makes selections
* cleanup and added an example with \'freeze_tooltip_location\'
* added option to freeze/unfreeze tooltip location
* changed selected_stroke to orangered
* fixed paths to data files
* centering the labels
* Tue May 14 2019 Todd R - Fix dependencies
* Thu Apr 25 2019 Todd R - Update to version 0.11.5
* silence brush events on selected_changed- Update to version 0.11.4
* Scatter label color now follow theme
* Fixup color axis domain
* Fixup election example notebook- Update to version 0.11.3
* Fixup interaction layer wrt typed fields
* Set # of axis ticks for DateScale by width
* fixed an issue where \'selected\' wasn\'t getting updated on empty brush
* Revise outlier selection method
* Fix d3 selections
* not setting default labels in lieu of empty labels
* increased pie label font size to 12px
* Make fill_opcities work with fill=inside- Rename to to match python package naming guidelines.- Split jupyter components into own subpackage.
* Sat Dec 22 2018 Todd R - Update to version 0.11.2
* Merge pull request #742 from ChakriCherukuri/pyplot_fix
* fixed an issue with marker strings (default_colors renamed to colors)
* use trait instead of setter
* fix: empty brush updates brush.selected
* Don\'t squeeze array because of single stacked bar
* apply selected styles on redraw
* Listen to colorscale changes in GridHeatMap
* Adding extrapolation option for ColorScale
* Do light/dark styling with JupyterLab theming system.
* add auto_detect_outliers property to front-end model
* Fri Sep 28 2018 Todd R - Update to version 0.11.1
* Fixup notebook links
* Fixup marker update in Scatter plot
* package-lock update
* Wed Apr 25 2018 Don\'t need to manually enable extension.
* Sun Apr 22 2018 Double-check target directory.
* Fri Apr 20 2018 Initial version