Changelog for
python311-scikit-dsp-comm-1.2.0-lp160.4.1.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Oct 06 2021 Steve Kowalik
- Remove nose BuildRequires.
* Sun Feb 14 2021 Dirk Müller - skip python 3.6 (no scipy anymore)
* Wed Jul 15 2020 Marketa Calabkova - Update to 1.2.0
* New pulse shaping
* Print statements changed to logging and warnings
* Mon Jun 29 2020 Todd R - Update to version 1.1.0
* Added imports to examples
* Adding FIR and IIR filter design notebook
* Adding FIR csv file
* Adding a device check inside pyaudio_helper before going to pyaudio;
* Adding audio resources for Real-Time ipynb
* Adding base stripped ipynb for pyaudio example
* Adding block diagram figure and updated notebook
* Adding final images to notebook
* Adding full name for music buffer plot image
* Adding images to manifest so they will show up on pypi docs next time.
* Adding ipykernel; missing requirement for jupyter notebooks
* Adding ipynb with changes for paths to files; first widget image added
* Adding jupyter notebook and toctree setup
* Adding mic noise file
* Adding multirate processing notebook
* Adding music buffer capture plot to notebook
* Adding nb examples to a toctree
* Adding nbsphinx setup
* Adding new cell for random seed
* Adding path change for three band equalizer csv
* Adding readme file to docs
* Adding reqs for widget building
* Adding spaces for proper latex parsing
* Adding the Convolutional Codes notebook to the docs
* Adding three band equalizer csv file
* Adds a check for integer values of M only for downsample; Fixes: #16
* Also need ipywidgets
* Bumping version for new releaes with viterbi rate 1/3
* FIR and IIR Filter Design gets its own section
* Fixing doc strings for viterbi
* Fixing in out check function and warning text
* Include license in sdists
* Include license in wheels
* Initializing class elements to blank for accessors
* Making changes to PLL_cbb docstring
* Making return string doc more explicit, refs: #12
* Minimum matplotlib requirement added for rtd
* Modifying PLL doc string
* Modifying doc string to remove indents
* Modifying phase step doc string
* Modifying time step doc string
* Moving print lines to logging output at debug level
* New file to hold jupyter notebook example links
* Now using one file for versioning project; setup and docs
* Optfir module functionality was rewritten into fir_design_helper
* Raising warnings to errors to force correct usage of devices
* Refactoring test to deconflict naming for rate 1/3
* Remove if statement from viterbi_decoder. Get length from rate denomi…
* Remove rate if statements from bm_calc. Get length from rate denomina…
* Removed optfir from
* Removing optfir dependency and fix mlab.find warnings.
* Removing optfir from docs
* Require 0/1 integers for hard decision Viterbi decoding, add examples…
* Test for saturation limit in simpleQuant.
* Use a ValueError to raise an error instead of exiting a users process
* Use fraction for rate instead of string
* Using dc MPSK_bb which has fixes for Ns
* Using markdown long description instead of converting with pandoc
* extend to rate 1/3 convolutional codes
* from future needs to be moved to first line
* ignore vs code JSON file.
* implement two channel (stereo) in loop_audio class
* only_directive is builtin now so removing from extensions list
* using Regexp for 2.7 compat
* Fri Nov 02 2018 Todd R - Initial version