Changelog for python311-reproject-0.14.0-7.16.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Sep 02 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 0.14.0 [#]# Bug Fixes
* Support readonly arrays in adaptive by AATTsvank in #452
* Fix bug with artifacts in reproject_to_healpix by AATTastrofrog in [#459] [#]# New Features
* Fix multi-threaded reprojection when using Astropy WCS by AATTastrofrog in #434
* Generalize reproject_and_coadd for N-dimensional data, and add option to specify blank pixel value and progress bar by AATTkeflavich in #351
* Improve performance for large datasets and switch to multi-threading by default by AATTastrofrog in #443 [#]# Other Changes
* Don\'t use --pre on Python 3.12 by AATTastrofrog in #445
* Bump minimum required version of astropy-healpix by AATTastrofrog in #446
* Improvements to performance when using dask.distributed by AATTastrofrog in #447
* Add logging calls and fix a couple of dask-related issues by AATTastrofrog in #450
* Add a script to regenerate the aia asdf file and do so by AATTCadair in #439
* Performance improvements for interpolation with map_coordinates by AATTastrofrog in #448- Release v0.13.1 [#]# Bug Fixes
* Ensure reproject_and_coadd handles bg-matching with one input image by AATTsvank in #412
* Fixes for mosaic output pixels not covered by inputs by AATTsvank in #413 [#]# Documentation
* Updated docstrings for output_projection and shape_out to indicate that any APE-14 WCS is acceptable by AATTastrofrog in [#407] [#]# Other Changes
* Add tests for full range of inputs/outputs in healpix functions by AATTastrofrog in #408
* Fix Cython warnings by AATTsvank in #418
* Build against Numpy 2.0.0rc1 or later by AATTastrofrog in #436- Release v0.13.0 [#]# Bug Fixes
* Fix TestReprojectAndCoAdd failure on i386 by AATTolebole in #386
* Fixed a bug that caused reprojected dask arrays to not be computable due to a temporary directory being removed by AATTastrofrog in #390 [#]# New Features
* Add ability to specify output array and footprint in reproject_and_coadd by AATTastrofrog in #387
* Added ability to set block_size=\'auto\' and fix missing parameters in docstrings by AATTastrofrog in #392
* Compute footprint in healpix_to_image by AATTlpsinger in #400 [#]# Other Changes
* Fix compatibility with Cython 3.0.2 and update version in pyproject.toml by AATTastrofrog in #391- Release 0.12.0 [#]# Bug Fixes
* Fix support for NDData objects with dask .data attributes by AATTastrofrog in #365
* Fix docs mosaic page rendering by AATTjdavies-st in #381 [#]# New Features
* Add despike_jacobian option for adaptive resampling by AATTsvank in #366
* Refactor blocked/parallel reprojection by AATTastrofrog in #374
* Add \'first\' and \'last\' moasicking modes to reproject_and_coadd by AATTsvank in #383
* Add modes for nan and inf handling to adaptive algo by AATTsvank in #380
* Added new combine function to compute the minimum and maximum by AATTfjankowsk in #369 [#]# Other Changes
* Dask support improvements by AATTastrofrog in #367
* Fix --remote-data tests by AATTastrofrog in #375
* Update docstring for adaptive defaults by AATTsvank in #378
* Use more points to find image bounds in moasics by AATTsvank in [#382]- Release v0.11.0 [#]# Bug Fixes
* Fix for HighLevelWCS attribute error by AATTkeflavich in #349
* Fixes for solar frames and non-degree units by AATTastrofrog in [#360]
* If shape_out is specified, use this over the array_shape attribute of a WCS object by AATTastrofrog in #361 [#]# New Features
* Allow single inputs to find_optimal_celestial_wcs and add ability to specify HDU by AATTastrofrog in #344
* Add support for specifying output projection as APE 14 WCS with array_shape defined by AATTastrofrog in #345
* Started adding support for allowing dask arrays as input by AATTastrofrog in #352 [#]# Other Changes
* Mark tests that use remote data by AATTsmaret in #339
* Simplify blocked reprojection implementation by using dask and improve efficiency of parallel reprojection by AATTastrofrog in [#314]
* Remove code that was required for astropy<4 by AATTastrofrog in [#346]
* Add a new \'all\' extras for shapely by AATTastrofrog in #363- Release v0.10.0 [#]# Bugs Fixed
* Close FITS files after loading by AATTsvank in #330 [#]# New Features
* Add support for blocked and parallel reprojection in reproject_interp by AATTAlistairSymonds in #214
* Add support for efficiently reprojecting multiple images with the same wcs by AATTsvank in #332
* Add support for APE 14 WCSes in find_optimal_celestial_wcs by AATTastrofrog in #334 [#]# Other Changes
* Changed default filter kernel and boundary mode in reproject_adaptive, and removed order argument. by AATTsvank in [#291]
* Use pixel_to_pixel from astropy.wcs.utils by AATTastrofrog in #315
* Speed up test_blocked_against_single by increasing smallest block size by AATTastrofrog in #319
* Mon Nov 07 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to v0.9.1
* support for Python 3.11- Release v0.9
* Drop support for Python 3.7.
* Infrastructure and packaging updates.
* Made many improvements, bug fixes, and significant speed-ups for the adaptive resampling algorithm, reproject_adaptive. These bug fixes may cause changes to the reprojected images, which are typically negligible.Improvements include the addition of a flux-conserving mode, support for a Gaussian filter kernel, a menu of boundary-handling modes, and a center_jacobian flag to trade speed for accuracy with rapidly-varying transformations.
* Added a roundtrip_coords argument to reproject_adaptive and reproject_interp. By default, all coordinate transformations are run in both directions to handle some situations where they are ambiguous. This can be disabled by setting roundtrip_coords=False which may offer a significant speed increase.
* Sun Feb 06 2022 Ben Greiner - Initial specfile for version 0.8- Required by sunpy testing (optional runtime requirement)