Changelog for odamex-10.6.0-1.9.i586.rpm :

* Tue Sep 17 2024 Martin Hauke - Update to version 10.6.0 Added
* Added support for DOOM + DOOM II Steam release (IWAD searching only - widescreen asset support coming in next version).
* Added support for UMAPINFO LABEL fields.
* Added support for doublesky and sky2 MAPINFO fields.
* Restored support for ZDoom/Hexen scrolling skies. Changed
* Changes to MAPINFO parser and read priority. Fixed
* Some fixes to old Vanilla Doom style intermission screen.
* Client wad downloader can now locate wads with spaces in their names.
* Correct a demo playback issue related to the viewer\'s camera.
* Items picked up by a player aren\'t added to their local item count.
* Fixed renderer not properly displaying non-power of 2 width textures.
* Avatars (online voodoo dolls) are no longer blocked by monster-blocking lines.
* Prevent voodoo dolls from affecting player viewheight in single player.
* Fixed height transfer sector ceiling/floor plane visibility check.
* Sat May 18 2024 Martin Hauke - Update to version 10.5.0 Added
* When a player becomes a spectator, display the number of kills and deaths they had in a message.
* Added Freedoom 0.13.0 support to the IWAD Loader.
* Added par times for Chex Quest. Changed
* g_coopthingfilter is now g_thingfilter. This variable can be used to: 1) remove weapons flagged for cooperative; 2) remove all things flagged for cooperative; 3) remove all things that can be picked up.
* Improvement to game controller support, via improved deadzones and flushing unused game controller events.
* Updated the network connection error graphic to include text indicating there is a network issue.
* Improvements to SIMD flags in our CMake configuration. Fixed
* The in-game wad downloader can now locate wad files with mixed case file names.
* MBF21 instakill sector no longer kills players in IDDQD mode.
* Corrected aliasing errors in multiple areas of the code, along with other general code improvements.
* Improved vanilla demo testing and accuracy over last release.
* Backed out changes to conveyor handling introduced in 10.4.0. These changes fixed thing behavior on conveyors, but caused some monsters to no longer spawn in-game.
* Fixed a crash when changing wads with different HORDEDEFs.
* Sun Aug 27 2023 Martin Hauke - Update to version 10.4.0 Added
* Addition of ultra widescreen support, as well as automatic aspect ratio detection.
* Include preset colors in the player setup menu.
* Added an options menu to the client launcher.
* Double clicking an iwad in the client launcher now launches the game.
* Out-of-the-box improvements to Chex Quest support, including green screen tinting.
* Add more helpful messaging to Horde and Survival Coop modes. Changed
* Improvements to IWAD selection on the client launcher.
* Player setup menu improvements.
* Rewrite of the portmidi music driver.
* Minor changes to default horde waves packaged with Odamex.
* Improved options for frames-per-second selection in the video options menu.
* Quality of life improvements to preferred weapon order menu.
* Allow movebob and red damage screen correction on clientside by default. Can still be controlled by server.
* Only read a UMAPINFO file if both a UMAPINFO and MAPINFO file exist. Fixed
* Allow bypassing no-cheat rules in all skill levels offline.
* Restore floor damage text obituaries.
* Corrected generic text obituaries displaying backwards.
* Removed ZMAPINFO support as it was breaking a lot of wads.
* MBF21 +RIP projectiles now work as intended.
* Custom dehacked projectiles now display in a sane way on the killfeed.
* Fix MAPINFO token compat_invisibility from causing an error.
* MBF21 custom tracer projectiles no longer seek spectating players.
* Fixed items desyncing between client and server on Boom/ZDoom conveyor floors.
* Sat Dec 10 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 10.3.0
* Add patch:
* fix-build.patch
* Sun May 29 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 10.1.0
* Remove patch (not longer needed):
* odamex-0.9.0-Unbundle-miniupnpc.patch
* Thu Sep 16 2021 Martin Hauke - Add patch:
* odamex-0.9.0-Unbundle-miniupnpc.patch- Specfile cleanup- Update to version 0.9.5 Bug Fixes
* Fixes an exploit allowing clients to spy players when they\'re not supposed to.- Update to version 0.9.4 Bug Fixes
* An occasional crash caused by the fuzz drawer has been pinpointed and fixed.
* An instance of Tutti Frutti that showed up in tall wall and sky textures that had more than one post per column has been taken care of.
* Fixes many of 32in24-17\'s sky textures.
* Teleport line type 208 now works again.
* Fixes BFG teleporter in lazarus1k map08.
* Certain classes of corrupt patches that would have crashed the game now raise an error instead. Changes
* In 3-Team modes, dead players on a team who is completely out of lives can now spectate other teams as well. Additions
* Support for DogSoft as a WAD downloading source.
* A new setlobbymap console function that can apply lobby functionality to any arbitrary map in any loadable WAD. There is also a clearlobbymap that clears any currently set lobby map.
* Ctrl-PageUp and Ctrl-PageDown now scroll the console 16 lines at a time.- Update to version 0.9.3 Bug Fixes
* An issue where a player health desync was leading to ghost players has been resolved.
* Friendly target nameplates are now always visible unless the client turns them off.
* During demo playback, target nameplates now show health indicators.
* Note that at this stage the health indicator is considered a debugging tool and is not 100% accurate - thus why it\'s limited to demos for now.
* Addressed an issue where non-keyboard buttons couldn\'t be unbound.
* mute_spectators was also blocking spectator teamchat, now it doesn\'t anymore.- Update to version 0.9.2 Bug Fixes
* g_coopthingfilter was filtering out too many things on certain settings.
* MAP08 should now sound like it\'s supposed to, instead of being way too loud.
* Several memory bugs were uncovered by the switch to the OZone heap, fixing these makes the Mac and Linux ports much more stable.
* Half of the default 32 sound channels were non-functional and led to missing sounds and priority problems.
* Z-teleport height bug was not being properly emulated in Final Doom.
* Door sectors with linedefs in them were getting confused.
* Door thinkers were getting destroyed the tick after they closed, this desynced demos because of course it did.
* Door sounds were not being played when manually reopning them.
* Generalized and zero-tag doors were not checking the correct sector when raising.
* Several more MAPINFO tokens were not being skipped past properly, now we are.
* lookup in MAPINFO no longer dies if the language string can\'t be found.
* sky1 and sky2 now properly support optional scroll speeds. Changes
* These handles are redeemed for their original data when necessary, and automaitcally expire on WAD switch.
* Attempts to draw a stale handle results in drawing an empty patch instead of crashing.
* Do not artificually block switching to something in the SSG slot just because doom.wad is loaded.
* Small big font updates to - and =. Additions
* MAPINFO now understands compat_nopassover.- Update to version 0.9.1 Bug-Fixes
* Conneting to servers should now be significantly more reliable for those on less-than-stellar connections.
* Some initial network messages were missing from demos recorded with -netrecord or one of the autorecord settings, now the data should be complete.
* Clearing the lives area of the original status bar while not in a lives gamemode.
* lookdown command was not found.
* Detection of IWAD\'s was too lax, leading to certain situations where a real IWAD was not being loaded.
* Incorrect default value for warmup autostart in duel games.
* Spectators were able to spy 0-lives players, now no longer.
* Dead players who are out of lives can no longer spycycle back to their own eyes.
* Recursive errors now always terminate the game, not just fatal ones. This fixes being unable to quit after an non-fatal error.
* Crash while connecting to a server running a loose DeHackEd file.
* A null pointer changetag crash on failed WAD switch.
* Some MAPINFO tokens were interfereing with Odamex\'s ability to load MAPINFO.
* State cycles should be harder to trigger, and when they do a better error message is displayed.
* Teleport destinations in DOOM format maps were taking forever to xlat to Hexen format in certain circumstances (Sunlust MAP30), the code that handled this was replaced.
* DeHackEd string replacements now properly override built-in LANGUAGE strings in all cases, as well as properly accomodating non-english languages.
* Trying to load a map with zero-length nodes used to crash, now it errors out.
* Colors were not stripped from odasrv logfiles, now they are.
* Used to be possible to crash servers by trying to switch to an invalid team in certain circumstances, no longer.
* Version strings should show up a little nicer in Odalaunch. Changes
* DeHackEd patches located in PWADs can now coexist with externally-loaded patches.
* Removed from the default standard rotation of sites to download from. If Odamex detects that you haven\'t modified that setting from the default while upgrading, it\'ll fix it for you.
* The BIGFONT plus sign is now smaller.
* The zone memory implementation has been changed to one that uses OS-native memory allocation and freeing functions without the \"zone heap\".
* Crash directory error is now clear about what directory it was trying to write to.
* Odamex no longer supports recording Vanilla demos. Playback of Vanilla demos is unaffected and is unlikely to ever be removed. Additions
* Spawn Inventory
* Improvements to the WAD downloader
* A new hud_bigfont setting which changes several fonts in the HUD to use a bigger font.
* A new cl_chatsounds setting which allows you to disable sounds made when someone else on the server talks.
* A new g_coopthingfilter setting, which can suppress multiplayer things from being spawned. It can also spawn everything except weapons.
* Arch-viles can now resurrect crushed monsters as ghost monsters, and there is a new co_novileghosts setting which can toggle the behavior.
* A sv_weapondrop setting much like ZDoom which has players drop their weapon on death.
* Dead players with no lives can now use spectator-specific buttons like mousewheel.
* Error messages boxes are now shown for recursive errors.
* Mon May 03 2021 Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to version 0.9.0
* Numerous fixes for Boom/MBF maps.
* Stacked game modes and settings allowing additional combinations
* Improved Mouse Code
* Console Improvements (new font, enhanced autocomplete)
* New gamemode settings allowing for survival/LMS modes
* In-client WAD Downloading Support
* Join Queue for Spectators
* An Online-friendly Substitute for Voodoo Dolls
* Support for Modern MAPINFO
* Support for Modern LANGUAGE Lumps
* Support for Sprites with 16 Rotations- Update to version 0.8.3
* SDL2 Support
* Numerous optimizations and bug fixes
* Many crashes are now fixed
* Optimizations to iwad identification
* Optimizations to wad downloading
* Updated compatible versions of FreeDoom to include 0.10 to 0.12.1
* Full change log: Drop upstream merged
* 1-odamex-0.7.0-install-rules.patch
* 2-odamex-0.7.0-cmake-options.patch
* 3-odamex-0.7.0-wad-search-path.patch
* Wed Aug 10 2016 Fixed build with gcc >= 6.0 and use system libminiupnpc
* Added 5-odamex-0.7.0-abs-float.patch
* Added 6-odamex-0.7.0-system-libraries.patch
* Added 7-odamex-0.7.0-random-return.patch
* Sat Mar 26 2016 initial packaging of version 0.7.0