Changelog for libdav1d7-1.x+git.20240626T112043~2355eeb-32.6.x86_64.rpm :

* Fri Jun 28 2024 obs-service-tar-scmAATTinvalid- Update to version 1.x+git.20240626T112043~2355eeb:
* AArch64: Move constants of DotProd subpel filters to .rodata
* aarch64: Explicitly use the ldur instruction where relevant in mc_dotprod.S
* Add Arm OpenBSD run-time CPU feature detection support
* x86: Add 6-tap variants of high bit-depth mc SSSE3 functions
* itx: restrict number of columns iterated over based on EOB
* cli: Prevent buffer over-read
* AArch64: Fix potential out of bounds access in DotProd H/HV filters
* x86: Eliminate hardcoded struct offsets in refmvs load_tmvs() asm
* refmvs: Consolidate r and rp_proj allocations
* refmvs: Remove dav1d_refmvs_init()
* Fri Mar 18 2022 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 1.0.0
* Automatic thread management.
* Add support for AVX-512 acceleration.
* x86 code speedup (from SSE2 to AVX2).
* New grain API to ease acceleration on the GPU.
* New API call to get information of which frame failed to decode, in error cases.
* Numerous small bug fixes.- Bump soversion to 6
* Fri Sep 03 2021 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 0.9.2
* x86: SSE4 optimizations of inverse transforms for 10bit for all sizes
* x86: mc.resize optimizations with AVX2/SSSE3 for 10/12b
* x86: SSSE3 optimizations for cdef_filter in 10/12b and mc_w_mask_422/444 in 8b
* ARM NEON optimizations for FilmGrain Gen_grain functions
* Optimizations for splat_mv in SSE2/AVX2 and NEON
* x86: SGR improvements for SSSE3 CPUs
* x86: AVX2 optimizations for cfl_ac
* Thu Jul 29 2021 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 0.9.1
* 10/12b SSSE3 optimizations for mc (avg, w_avg, mask, w_mask, emu_edge), prep/put_bilin, prep/put_8tap, ipred (dc/h/v, paeth, smooth, pal, filter), wiener, sgr (10b), warp8x8, deblock, film_grain, cfl_ac/pred for 32bit and 64bit x86 processors
* Film grain NEON for fguv 10/12b, fgy/fguv 8b and fgy/fguv 10/12 arm32
* Fixes for filmgrain on ARM
* itx 10bit optimizations for 4x4/x8/x16, 8x4/x8/x16 for SSE4
* Misc improvements on SSE2, SSE4
* Sun May 16 2021 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 0.9.0
* x86 (64bit) AVX2 implementation of most 10b/12b functions, which should provide a large boost for high-bitdepth decoding on modern x86 computers and servers.
* ARM64 neon implementation of FilmGrain (4:2:0/4:2:2/4:4:4 8bit)
* New API to signal events happening during the decoding process
* Wed Mar 24 2021 Luigi Baldoni - Disable LTO (fix boo#1183956)
* Mon Feb 22 2021 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 0.8.2
* ARM32 optimizations for ipred and itx in 10/12bits, completing the 10b/12b work on ARM64 and ARM32
* Give the post-filters their own threads
* ARM64: rewrite the wiener functions
* Speed up coefficient decoding, 0.5%-3% global decoding gain
* x86 optimizations for CDEF_filter and wiener in 10/12bit
* x86: rewrite the SGR AVX2 asm
* x86: improve msac speed on SSE2+ machines
* ARM32: improve speed of ipred and warp
* ARM64: improve speed of ipred, cdef_dir, cdef_filter, warp_motion and itx16
* ARM32/64: improve speed of looprestoration
* Add seeking, pausing to the player
* Update the player for rendering of 10b/12b
* Misc speed improvements and fixes on all platforms
* Add a xxh3 muxer in the dav1d application
* Sat Jan 02 2021 Update to version 0.8.1
* Keep references to buffers valid after dav1d_close(). Fixes a regression caused by the picture buffer pool added in 0.8.0.
* ARM32 optimizations for 10bit bitdepth for SGR
* ARM32 optimizations for 16bit bitdepth for blend/w_masl/emu_edge
* ARM64 optimizations for 10bit bitdepth for SGR
* x86 optimizations for wiener in SSE2/SSSE3/AVX2
* Tue Nov 24 2020 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 0.8.0
* Improve the performance by using a picture buffer pool;
* ARM32 optimizations for 8bit bitdepth for ipred paeth, smooth, cfl
* ARM32 optimizations for 10/12/16bit bitdepth for mc_avg/mask/w_avg, put/prep 8tap/bilin, wiener and CDEF filters
* ARM64 optimizations for cfl_ac 444 for all bitdepths
* x86 optimizations for MC 8-tap, mc_scaled in AVX2
* x86 optimizations for CDEF in SSE and {put/prep}_{8tap/bilin} in SSSE3- Bump soversion to 5- Drop dav1d-nasm-2.15.patch (merged upstream)
* Tue Sep 01 2020 Dominique Leuenberger - Add dav1d-nasm-2.15.patch: Fix compilation with nasm 2.15.