Changelog for
root6-tutorials-6.32.06-3.9.noarch.rpm :
* Sun Sep 22 2024 Atri Bhattacharya
- Update to version 6.32.06:
* [gh#root-project/root#15178] ROOT generates CMake warnings when building from the tarball
* [gh#root-project/root#16219] Module map on the new XCode version for macos15-beta
* [gh#root-project/root#16249] Iterating with a range for does one extra iteration
* [ROOT-10902] SMatrix read from TTree contains all zeroes
* Wed Aug 14 2024 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 6.32.04:
* [gh#root-project/root#7223] [RF] RDataFrame to RooDataSet/RooDataHist conversion
* [gh#root-project/root#7782] [RF] Allow to set nbins for RooPlot (or disallow)
* [gh#root-project/root#9838] [RF] RooCurve::Average() overestimating average values of standard precision curves on small
* [gh#root-project/root#11565] [RF] Crash in RooStats::ToyMCSample::GenerateToyData
* [gh#root-project/root#13387] Please recover SrvAuthenticate from libSrvAuth library
* [gh#root-project/root#14541] [ROOT-6193] Editor for palette axis cannot set title properties
* [gh#root-project/root#15104] new PyROOT/cppyy fails to pickle enums
* [gh#root-project/root#15161] Attribute (getitem) differences for PyROOT objects in ROOT master
* [gh#root-project/root#15234] cppyy - wrong object type when iterating over a polymorphic container
* [gh#root-project/root#15269] Iterators in pyROOT working differently in ROOT master compared to 6.30/02
* [gh#root-project/root#15315] PyROOT Example with inheriting from ROOT.Math.IMultiGenFunction doesn’t work after recent cppyy upgrade
* [gh#root-project/root#15425] TTreeProcessorMP processes events multiple times when there are more threads than entries
* [gh#root-project/root#15755] [RF][HS3] Higgs discovery workspaces roundtrip
* [gh#root-project/root#15874] [Hist] Backwards compatibility broken for THnSparseL in 6.32
* [gh#root-project/root#15887] Broken plot .C macros for default Name() argument in plotOn()
* [gh#root-project/root#15977] [gui] Event StatusBar does not work well when TMarker outside of zoom region
* [gh#root-project/root#15986] Problems with TUri compilation
* [gh#root-project/root#16031] VecOps binary functions not using the right types
* [gh#root-project/root#16038] Could NOT find Vdt error when using 6.32.02 docker image
* [gh#root-project/root#16087] [docs] Potential typo in function name case: DistanceToPrimitive
* [gh#root-project/root#16201] PyROOT Support most recent numba version 0.60.0 intervals
* [ROOT-6286] Reading a TChain and TTreeCache
* [ROOT-7991] THnSparse::ProjectionND yields disfunctional histogram
* [ROOT-8238] TPrincipal tries to make histograms with nbin=0
* [ROOT-8519] Bug when use simple math functions in TTree::SetAlias()- Add root6-gitinfo-use-file-timestamp.patch: Set timestamp info in installed configuration file to top-level modification time instead of setting it to current buildtime. This avoids a potential reproducibility issue.
* Sun Jul 07 2024 Atri Bhattacharya - Fix sed snippet used to replace env-based python script hashbangs.
* Sat Jun 22 2024 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 6.32.02:
* [gh#root-project/root#7236] Memory leak in TFile::WriteObjectAny, depending on data type.
* [gh#root-project/root#10075] Difficult to configure Xrootd to use non-builtin openssl.
* [gh#root-project/root#14051] [web graphics] Web graphics resizes canvas despite canvas size definition in the macro.
* [gh#root-project/root#15321] [MSVC] Root is failed with error G694476FC: static_assert failed “Unexpected size”.
* [gh#root-project/root#15405] [RF] ExternalConstraints documentation incorrect for RooMCStudy.
* [gh#root-project/root#15430] Test failures with Python 3.13.
* [gh#root-project/root#15473] Segmentation fault when building with the mold linker.
* [gh#root-project/root#15498] gPad is not consistent in pyROOT with web canvas.
* [gh#root-project/root#15511] Possible memory corruption in cling.
* [gh#root-project/root#15579] Performance regression (slowdown) in ALICE event generation.
* [gh#root-project/root#15686] JITted code changes the execution order of computation graph nodes.
* [gh#root-project/root#15688] PyROOT TProfile2D::Fill ambiguities preventing use of some signatures in pyROOT.
* [gh#root-project/root#15690] [RF] SegFault in RooBernstein::fillBuffer.
* [gh#root-project/root#15694] [RF] New RooFit EvalBackend returning incorrect result for binned likelihoods.
* [gh#root-project/root#15703] Leaking memory though strings in PyROOT.
* [gh#root-project/root#15727] Windows CMake project cannot find_library() after integrating with ROOT..
* [gh#root-project/root#15751] [RF] Using a conditional RooProdPdf in a multi-channel fit spawns too many integrals with new CPU evaluation backend.
* [gh#root-project/root#15791] JS ROOT does not draw tprofile2d correctly with “TEXT” draw option.
* [gh#root-project/root#15799] pyunittests-pyroot-pyz-ttree-setbranchaddress segfaults with Python 3.13.
* [ROOT-7412] Strange results looking for nested types.
* [ROOT-8439] PyROOT does not treat exceptions properly in overloaded methods.
* [ROOT-9307] TPad::GetListOfPrimitives() double deletion error in TList::Clear().- Refresh root6-fontconfig.patch from Fedora for series 6.32.X.- Use python3.11 specifically for openSUSE Leap 15.X (python >= 3.9 is now required for build).- Use GCC 9 for openSUSE Leap 15.X builds (std=c++17 supporting compiler needed for use).- Run tests for minuit2 flavour.- Convert foo-devel like BuildRequires to pkgconfig(foo) ones where possible.
* Tue May 28 2024 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 6.32.00:
* Long list of changes, see
* Thu Apr 04 2024 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 6.30.06:
* [ROOT-9000] - Fix memory leak when reassigning static TSpline3 with new data.
* [gh#root-project/root#6535] TDataMember::SetterMethod().
* [gh#root-project/root#7952] Template with result_of only works in same cell in which it\'s defined.
* [gh#root-project/root#7960] Warnings about Missing std::pair dictionaries with 6.24.
* [gh#root-project/root#8435] does not set properly JUPYTER
* env vars with gnuinstall=ON.
* [gh#root-project/root#9594] Systematic build failure of ROOT master in the LCG DEBUG builds since Jan 15th.
* [gh#root-project/root#13130] Valgrind reports leak when constructing TChain.
* [gh#root-project/root#14247] [gui] TGSpeedo class broken in 6.30 binary release Ubu22.04.
* [gh#root-project/root#14458] Crash when doing Weighted Likelihood fit.
* [gh#root-project/root#14508] Using LZMA compression with RNTupleWriter leads to memory corruption.
* [gh#root-project/root#14634] conflict with installed nlohman/json.
* [gh#root-project/root#14769] Build error with \"nlohmann/json.hpp: No such file or directory\" in spack (unit tests build, with –test=root option).
* [gh#root-project/root#14793] 6.26 cannot read file written with 6.30.4.
* [gh#root-project/root#14964] ROOT-HEAD fails with \"cling interactive line includer >>>: fatal error: module file \'[snip]/Vc.pcm\' not found: module file not found\".
* Fri Mar 01 2024 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 6.30.04:
* [gh#root-project/root#7207] Cling memory leaks
* [gh#root-project/root#11743] CMake >= 3.24 fails to build LZMA: WARNING: ‘aclocal-1.15’ is missing on your system.
* [gh#root-project/root#12023] SIGSEGV from Destructor of ROOT::RDF::RNode
* [gh#root-project/root#13110] Bug in TDecompBase::DiagProd
* [gh#root-project/root#13697] Unexpected behaviour of KSTest with toys (“X” option) for identical histograms
* [gh#root-project/root#14085] does not recognize bash when running in qemu-x86_64 #14085
* [gh#root-project/root#14157] Minuit2 standalone build: StandAlone.cmake looks for the wrong path for VERSION_FILE
* [gh#root-project/root#14162] RooFFTConvPdf is not working for ROOT 6.30/02
* [gh#root-project/root#14163] cmake find_package ROOT broken with 6.30, nlohmann and vdt are builtin but not found
* [gh#root-project/root#14188] cmake find_package ROOT 6.30 broken: it requires nlohmann-json
* [gh#root-project/root#14195] cmake find_package VDT not found in root docker container
* [gh#root-project/root#14223] Extremely long startup time when loading dictionaries with pyroot
* [gh#root-project/root#14225] [RF] Segmentation fault in ROOT 6.30 workspace creation
* [gh#root-project/root#14229] [6.30] root-config –git-revision broken
* [gh#root-project/root#14256] TAxis::GetTicks and TAxis::SetTicks are inconsistent. Significantly so.
* [gh#root-project/root#14277] Cling triggers a huge number of openat calls when loading libraries
* [gh#root-project/root#14302] The command “root –notebook” is not allowed on Windows 11
* [gh#root-project/root#14376] build failure with mysql 8.3- More specific file list for python package.- Drop upstreamed patches:
* root6-minuit2-standalone-correct-version-file.patch
* root6-minuit2-standalone-libdir.patch
* Tue Dec 12 2023 Atri Bhattacharya - Disable building tests, we do not run tests anyway since most require network connectivity to download additional files.
* Fri Dec 01 2023 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 6.30.02:
* Long list of changes, see Drop configuration options pertaining to deprecated or removed features.- Add root6-minuit2-standalone-correct-version-file.patch: Fix version file lookup in cmake when building minuit2_standalone (gh#root-project/root#14157).- Drop patches no longer required:
* root6-clang-ignore-gcc-options.patch.
* root6-minuit2-standalone-add-compilation-flag.patch.- _constraints: Upto 30 GB hard disk space now required.- New BuildRequires: cmake(ryml).- Update suse_version numbers testing for Tumbleweed to 1699.- Re-organise BuildRequires to only pull in required packages for minuit2_standalone flavour.
* Sun Jun 18 2023 Atri Bhattacharya - Use python3 as pythons to always use distro default python3 to build.- Add root6-python3.11-no-code.h.patch to use Python.h instead of code.h, with the latter dropped from python 3.11.- Drop snippet deleting backup files from buildroot; these are no longer installed.- Pass CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR=%{_includedir}/root to get the headers to install to the correct dir.
* Sat Jun 17 2023 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 6.28.04:- Refresh patches.- Drop root6-no-gtest.patch: no longer required; pass builtin_gtest=OFF to cmake during configure instead.
* Mon Jan 09 2023 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 6.26.10:
* [gh#root-project/root#11191] TBrowser does not show TGeo volume names.
* [gh#root-project/root#11686] Missing Rint dependency for rootcling.
* [gh#root-project/root#11515] Error in TInterpreter::Calc with no output stack in seemingly random distributed rdf test execution.
* [gh#root-project/root#11713] Add support for Python 3.11.
* [gh#root-project/root#11714] ACLiC broken on macOS 13 Ventura.- Minor specfile cleanups.
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 6.26.08:
* [gh#root-project/root#11080] Backport the fix on computation of the radiation and nuclear interaction lengths.
* [gh#root-project/root#11128] Clang can\'t build ROOT anymore due to a new added diagnostic about undefined behavior.
* [gh#root-project/root#11130] ROOT doesn\'t compile with new nlohmann-json version 3.11.0.
* [gh#root-project/root#11239] Build failure on Ubuntu22.04, when ROOT builds FTGL itself.
* [gh#root-project/root#11222] [DF] gtest-tree-dataframe-test-dataframe-snapshot fails with AddressSanitizer.
* [gh#root-project/root#11207] [DF] Bad interaction between `Alias` and TTree sub-branches.
* [gh#root-project/root#10645] [TTreeReader] Cannot read `Float16_t` branch.
* [gh#root-project/root#11260] `TTreeReaderArray` does not support `Double32_t`.
* [gh#root-project/root#11259] genreflex crash in `TMetaUtils::ReSubstTemplateArg` with gcc12 headers.
* [gh#root-project/root#11312] Build failure with nlohmann/json 3.11.
* [gh#root-project/root#10742] `READ_WITHOUT_GLOBALREGISTRATION` has no effect on remote files.
* [gh#root-project/root#11383] Deadlock in ErrorHandler when invoked at library initialization time..
* [gh#root-project/root#11396] [RF] Buggy range overlap check in createNLL when SplitRange option is used.
* [gh#root-project/root#11414] [RF] Renaming dataset fails when total number of dataset in workspace reached 10.
* [gh#root-project/root#11330] [core] `kNotDeleted` mechanism is broken on some platforms.
* [gh#root-project/root#10828] `TH1::Merge` does not extend axes properly for certain histograms with labels.
* [gh#root-project/root#11333] `THnSparse::Add()` does not preserve weights.
* [gh#root-project/root#10382] [TNDArrayT] Backward incompatibility: Error reading from ROOT Files created with earlier versions - Streamer bug.
* [gh#root-project/root#11436] Missing StreamerInfo in file containing nested collection that is non-split but stored member wise.
* [gh#root-project/root#11332] [RF] Batchmode ignores `depsAreCond` in Conditional when creating a `RooProdPdf`.
* [gh#root-project/root#11508] [DF] Wrong entries processed with a `Range` with begin+stride.
* [gh#root-project/root#11390] `Display` does not respect parameters if another operation is booked before printing.
* [gh#root-project/root#8962] `SetClusterPrefetch(true)` breaks BulkIO with more than one basket.
* [gh#root-project/root#11329] Dictionary generation of some classes fails on gcc12 (at least in part due to the use of modules).
* Wed Sep 28 2022 Stefan Brüns - Fix build of dependent packages, move all binaries referenced by CMake Config file from utils to the devel package.
* Fri Sep 23 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Make freesans and droid font Requires more specific -- gnu-free-fonts and google-droid-fonts respectively -- to resolve choices when building packages dpenedent on root6-devel.
* Wed Sep 21 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 6.26.06:
* [gh#root-project/root#10814] Error in REveBox.cxx while building root 6.26.04
* [gh#root-project/root#10403] Update civetweb to 1.16 once it’s released
* [gh#root-project/root#10759] root-config fails if spaces are part of ROOTSYS path
* [gh#root-project/root#11002] [DF] Wrong regex substitution when generating code to jit
* [gh#root-project/root#10920] [DF] RDataFrame confused by array variables in 6.26/04
* [gh#root-project/root#6932] rdf.Snapshot columnList - automate size columns
* [gh#root-project/root#11026] Integer overflow in TEntryList
* [gh#root-project/root#10872] [DF] Wrong entries are loaded from friend trees with distributed RDF
* [gh#root-project/root#11017] [RF] RooDataSetHelper doesn’t respect RooRealVar range
* [gh#root-project/root#10840] [RF] HistFactory PreprocessFunction::PrintXML() needs to escape special characters to produce valid XML
* [gh#root-project/root#10869] [RF] sPlot does not work with RooAddPdf in 6.26/04
* Tue Jun 21 2022 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 6.26.04:
* [gh#root-project/root#9127] roofit plotOn issue.
* [gh#root-project/root#10390] Wrong file names created in distributed Snapshot.
* [gh#root-project/root#10351] macOS 12: TViewPubDataMembers uses deprecated std::iterator.
* [gh#root-project/root#10473] [RooFit] Crash when RooSimultaneous does not contain a pdf for each value of the index category.
* [gh#root-project/root#9070] Inconsistent behavior when editing constraint terms in HistFactory models.
* [gh#root-project/root#9406] Low-statistics fits terminate with BatchMode and NumCPU arguments.
* [gh#root-project/root#10548] Use of undeclared identifier on Mac ARM.
* [gh#root-project/root#10478] runtime_cxxmodules fails to build with GCC12.
* [gh#root-project/root#10586] [TMVA][SOFIE]Generated headers are missing include guards.
* [gh#root-project/root#10538] AdditionalData is not exported to XML.
* [gh#root-project/root#10578] SHA-256 Hash Mismatch for xrootd.- Changes from version 6.26.00 and 6.26.02:
* Many changes, see Refreshed patches (minor rebasing to apply cleanly):
* root6-fontconfig.patch
* root6-minuit2-standalone-add-compilation-flag.patch
* root6-minuit2-standalone-libdir.patch
* root6-no-gtest.patch
* root6-reduce-compile-memory.patch- Update definition of pythons to 3.10 for openSUSE >= 1550.- Change subpackages %{name}-test, %{name}-tutorials, %{name}-config, and %{name}-emacs to noarch as recommended by %rpmlint.- Do not mv DistRDF for openSUSE < 1550, as it is not generated (fixes build failures for 15.4).
* Wed Dec 29 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update constraints to avoid OOM build failures (especially on aarch64).
* Tue Sep 28 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Turn memtest off to build against glibc >= 2.34 (gh#root-project/root#9031).
* Tue Sep 21 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 6.24.06:
* [#8931] - TDirectory::RegisterGDirectory is MT unsafe.
* [#8011] - Bug in RooAbsPdf::extendedTerm when expected events is negative.- Changes from version 6.24.04:
* [#8503] - ranluxpp code is using left shift of negative value - 1 which is undefined per the C standard.
* [#8641] - RooStats::HypoTestInverterResult::FindIndex fails if xvalue == 1.
* [#8767] - [netxng] Crash in on-exit destruction of an TNetXNGFile object.
* [#8739] - [DF] Cannot read files that don’t have a .root extension with IMT on.
* [#8713] - [tree] TTreeCache is turned off when fAutoFlush == 0.- root6-emacs: Switch \"Supplements: packageand(root6-devel:emacs)\" to \"Supplements: (root6-devel and emacs)\".
* Sat Aug 07 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Add back roots.exe executable to root6-devel (removed by mistake in previous iteration).
* Thu Jul 29 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Obsolete root6 package and have it provided by root6-devel; split binaries previously installed by root6 into (new subpackage) root6-utils or root6-devel depending on whether they are utilities to work with root files or required for core root programming respectively.- Rename python package (python3-root6) to have the correct multiflavor prefix (we still only build for the default py3, i.e. python38-root6).- New BuildRequires: z3-devel, python-pygments, python-PyYAML.- Update %{name}-rpmlintrc file to suppress more false positives.
* Fri Jul 02 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 6.24.02:
* Improved scaling behavior of RDataFrame with high core counts (32+ cores).
* Fixed memory leaks and memory errors.
* GCC11 fixes.
* An issue opening remote files on some servers.
* Parsing of .
* Several bug fixes in RooFit.- Changes from versions 6.24.00 and 6.24.02:
* See Drop patches incorporated upstream:
* root6-include-limits-header.patch
* root6-fix-libafterimage-building.patch
* root6-jupyroot-license.patch.- Minor rebase of applicable patches so they apply cleanly.
* Tue Jun 15 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Add root6-include-limits-header.patch: Include limits header (gh#root-project/root#8107).
* Sun Mar 07 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Instead of deleting root\'s config scripts, install them to the system profile.d dir as part of a new root6-config package.
* Wed Mar 03 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Add root6-fix-libafterimage-building.patch: Fix libafterimage with recent ar; patch taken from upstream PR [gh#root-project/root#7345,gh#root-project/root#7346].
* Thu Feb 25 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 6.22.06:
* [gh#root-project/root#6840] TClass for pair sometimes have the wrong offset/size.
* [gh#root-project/root#6540] Crash message should point to github.
* [gh#root-project/root#6797] TCling::UpdateListOfLoadedSharedLibraries() Linux thread safety.
* [gh#root-project/root#6331] Fedora 32 test failures.
* [gh#root-project/root#6856] error when creating a python class inheriting from a ROOT class, 6.22/02.