Changelog for
python310-pg8000-1.31.2-1.9.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Jul 03 2024 Bruno Friedmann
- update to bugfix version 1.31.2 + Fix bug where parameter_statuses fails for non-ascii encoding. + Add support for Python 3.12- update Version 1.31.1 + Move to src style layout + packaging use Hatch rather than setuptools.- update Version 1.31.0 + ssl_context connection parameter can have one of four values: None - The default, meaning it\'ll try and connect over SSL but fall back to a plain socket if not. True - Will try and connect over SSL and fail if not. False - It\'ll not try to connect over SSL. SSLContext object - It\'ll use this object to connect over SSL.- update Version 1.30.5 + Fix bug that now means the number of parameters can be as high as an unsigned 16 bit integer will go.- update Version 1.30.4 + Add support for more range and multirange types. + Make the Connection.parameter_statuses property a dict rather than a dequeue.-update Version 1.30.3 + Fix problem with PG date overflowing Python types. Now we return the str we got from the server if we can\'t parse it.
* Tue Oct 10 2023 Bruno Friedmann - update to bugfix version 1.30.2
* Mon Aug 14 2023 Bruno Friedmann - update to version 1.30.1 + fix upload to PyPI- update to version 1.30.0 + Remove support for Python 3.7 + Add a sock keyword parameter for creating a connection from a pre-configured socket.- packaging: remove leftover importlib_metadata
* Mon Jul 03 2023 Bruno Friedmann - update to version 1.29.8 + Ranges don\'t work with legacy API.- update to version 1.29.7 + Add support for PostgreSQL range and multirange types. Previously pg8000 would just return them as strings, but now they\'re returned as Range and lists of Range. + The PostgreSQL record type is now returned as a tuple of strings, whereas before it was returned as one string.- update to version 1.29.6 + Fixed two bugs with composite types. Nulls should be represented by an empty string, and in an array of composite types, the elements should be surrounded by double quotes.- update to version 1.29.5 + Fixed bug where pg8000 didn\'t handle the case when the number of bytes received from a socket was fewer than requested. This was being interpreted as a network error, but in fact we just needed to wait until more bytes were available. + When using the PGInterval type, if a response from the server contained the period millennium, it wasn\'t recognised. This was caused by a spelling mistake where we had millenium rather than millennium. + Added support for sending PostgreSQL composite types. If a value is sent as a tuple, pg8000 will send it to the server as a ( delimited composite string.- update to version 1.29.4 + Fixed bug in pg8000.dbapi in the setinputsizes() method where if a size was a recognized Python type, the method failed.- packaging: + added wheel related dependencies + fix requires list + fix files list globbing + reformat with spec-cleaner
* Wed Dec 14 2022 Bruno Friedmann - update to version 1.29.3 + Upgrade the SCRAM library to version 1.4.3.- update to version 1.29.2 + Fixed a bug where in a literal array, items such as \
and \\r weren\'t escaped properly before being sent to the server. + Fixed a bug where if the PostgreSQL server has a half-hour time zone set, values of type timestamp with time zone failed. This has been fixed by using the parse function of the dateutil package if the datetime parser fails.
* Thu Jun 23 2022 Bruno Friedmann - update to version 1.29.1- Move build and install to pep517 tools- update copyright year
* Mon Nov 22 2021 Bruno Friedmann - Update to version 1.23.0 see changelog Packaging cleanup with spec-cleaner + Updated upstream URL + Remove included scramp module
* Mon Feb 12 2018 Packaging : move to single spec + spec-cleaner -m- Update to version 1.11.0 2017-08-16 + Note that this version is not backward compatible with previous versions. See complete changes at
* Wed Dec 04 2013 Update to version 1.9.0 + No changelog available- Remove CFLAGS definition- Use tarball from
* Thu Oct 24 2013 Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)