Changelog for musescore-fonts-4.4.2-206.5.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Sep 18 2024 Marcus Rueckert - Update to 4.4.2 This update addresses stability issues, fixes a problem with MuseScore Studio\'s online functionality, improves playback quality especially on less powerful computers, and includes several other enhancements and fixes in various areas. For more information, please see the announcement on MuseScore.org. * Sun Sep 08 2024 Marcus Rueckert - Update to 4.4.1 This update contains more than 50 bug fixes and stability improvements. Most importantly: - A problem was fixed that caused some Windows users to see only an empty screen, depending on their graphics setup - Scores with multi-byte (i.e. \"non-English\") characters in the filename can be opened again on Windows - Several crashes have been fixed - The interaction with dynamics and hairpins has been further refined - An issue preventing playback of lyrics with Muse Choir and VOXOS Epic Choirs has been fixed Please see the announcement on musescore.org for more information.- drop patches from upstream: 56db7728d4f4534c83eb875174560c0a7f978cb8.patch 696279e362afe72db5e92f8a47aa64b3a0e86a86.patch * Thu Aug 29 2024 Marcus Rueckert - Add fix-menubar.patch to test Fabian\'s suggestion in https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/24097 * Wed Aug 28 2024 Marcus Rueckert - Fix the requires exclude * Wed Aug 28 2024 Marcus Rueckert - Replace local patches with upstream patches: dropped: no-libraries-from-internet.patch pass-in-freetype2.patch added: 56db7728d4f4534c83eb875174560c0a7f978cb8.patch 696279e362afe72db5e92f8a47aa64b3a0e86a86.patch * Wed Aug 28 2024 Marcus Rueckert - ignore requires for internal QML components * Wed Aug 28 2024 Marcus Rueckert - the app mode define for cmake switched to MUSE_APP_BUILD_MODE * Wed Aug 28 2024 Marcus Rueckert - BR hicolor-icon-theme for directory ownership * Wed Aug 28 2024 Marcus Rueckert - Added pass-in-freetype2.patch: We also need to check for HarfBuzz as the internal drawing code also loads HarfBuzz header files. The finder is a copy of the same file already in the freetype intree copy. * Wed Aug 28 2024 Marcus Rueckert - update patch with the changes from the pull request- enable internal drawing code again * Wed Aug 28 2024 Marcus Rueckert - disable internal drawing code because it requires an msdfgen.h * Wed Aug 28 2024 Marcus Rueckert - add BR for glibc locale package and set UTF-8 locales as the tooling complains about non UTF-8 locales * Wed Aug 28 2024 Marcus Rueckert - added no-libraries-from-internet.patch: use patch proposed in https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/24235#issuecomment-2313896167 * Tue Aug 27 2024 Marcus Rueckert - enable use of system libraries for tinyxml2 and opus(enc) * Tue Aug 27 2024 Marcus Rueckert - switch to Qt6- drop use-qtmake-qt5.patch as Qt5 is no longer used * Tue Aug 27 2024 Marcus Rueckert - MuseScore 4.4.0: - Playback features and improvements - Support for Muse Sounds Drumline * libraries, including score migration from MDL, and ability to trigger different playback samples via sticking text. - Support for Muse Sounds choral libraries, including lyric text to trigger different phoneme samples. - Dynamics now apply independently to voices and staves (N.b. varies depending on sound technology used. Please consult the handbook for details). - Dynamics now use optimal playback parameters (varies depending on sound technology) for more realistic playback. - Significant audio engine optimisations (including lower buffer sizes), significantly reducing note input latency when using a MIDI keyboard, and massively reducing audio export times. - Hidden instruments can now be muted/soloed in the mixer. - Engraving features and improvements - Items such as dynamics/hairpins, text, and line objects no longer have to be attached (\'anchored\') to a note or rest, but can also be attached to rhythmic subdivisions within any duration. - Dynamics/hairpins can be assigned to specific voices with appropriate default placement, and can also be centered between a grand stave. There are also new style options to control the default positioning of dynamics/hairpins. - Dynamics and hairpins now snap more intelligently to each other, enabling better horizontal alignment. There are new controls in Properties for snapping and unsnapping these objects. - The layout system for accidentals has been rewritten, and SMuFL cutouts are now being used. This results in a more elegant and compact layout, especially in complex chords. New style options allow further configuration. - New style options for lyrics. - New style options for fretboard diagrams, including the ability to add fingerings. - Header and footer improvements, including the ability to add multi-line copyright text. - New option for \"French-style\" beams. - New options for hiding/showing instrument labels. - Improved alignment and interactions for ghost/dead notes in guitar notation. - New style options to show/hide double barlines before time and key signatures. - Cross-stave beam improvements, including better vertical spacing and new options to set beams above or below staves. - Many small improvements to how shapes and skylines have been calculated, allowing a more flexible layout. - Increased use of SMuFL symbols within text for pedal markings, ottavas, codas/segno markings, and tuplet numbers. - Frames can now be scaled with stave size. - Percussion sticking is now centered on the notehead and aligned to a common baseline across the system. - New option for separating layout of similarly-stemmed voices. - Thickness of slurs and ties can now be set independently. - Grace note slashes can now be toggled on or off in Properties. - The \'Explode\' and \'Implode\' functions now copy dynamics and text annotations, also taking their voice assignment into account. Grace notes are now also taken into account when exploding measures. - Many other improvements, including MusicXML improvements (See this detailed summary on our forum). - Interaction improvements - Multiple selected notes retain their selection after their durations are changed. - Notes can be entered into different voices without having to start at the beginning of the bar. - Palette objects now snap more intelligently to their applicable in-score objects when being dragged. - Backend updates - Linux support for Wayland has been improved. The AppImage can now be launched in Wayland mode by setting the QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland environment variable. Additionally, a positioning issue with popups, menus and tooltips has been resolved. - Plus hundreds of bug fixes. See our GitHub project for the full list of improvements. https://github.com/orgs/musescore/projects/34 * Wed Jun 12 2024 Marcus Rueckert - MuseScore 4.3.2: - This update includes crash fixes and performance improvements. * Thu May 30 2024 Marcus Rueckert - MuseScore 4.3.1: This update fixes a critical usability issue affecting AZERTY keyboard users. The shift modifier key can now be used to trigger number keys, enabling note durations to be changed using the default shortcuts. This release also improves CPU performance when using Muse Sounds, and resolves a number of playback bugs associated with repeats. Additional fixes: - Playback now falls back to MS Basic if SoundFonts are missing. - Volume levels of MS Basic are now better balanced between note input and playback modes. - An issue preventing instrument names from being deleted from beginning of staves has been resolved. - Fixed a bug where synthesizers incorrectly defaulted to the piano sound. - Fixed a crash preventing certain scores with hidden clefs from opening. See the full list of improvements here: https://github.com/orgs/musescore/projects/46/views/2- drop patches which are included in the update: 0001-Increase-file-version-number-to-430.patch 0002-Fix-utests-1.patch 0003-Fix-utests-2.patch 0004-Fix-utests-3.patch 0005-Fix-utests-4.patch 0006-Fix-utests-5.patch * Sun May 26 2024 Marcus Rueckert - Add patch series that was included in the usptream binaries but not in the 4.3.0 tag: https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/22984 0001-Increase-file-version-number-to-430.patch 0002-Fix-utests-1.patch 0003-Fix-utests-2.patch 0004-Fix-utests-3.patch 0005-Fix-utests-4.patch 0006-Fix-utests-5.patch * Wed May 08 2024 Marcus Rueckert - MuseScore 4.3.0: - New \"sound flags\" can now be accessed via stave text when using Muse Sounds instruments, offering a choice of various instrument modifications and playing techniques that can be heard in playback. - The drumset panel now updates to show available sounds depending on instrument selection in the mixer. - Various percussion mapping improvements. - New options for controlling visibility of clefs and key signatures, as well as ties and parentheses on tablature staves. - New option in Format menu to \"reset entire score to default layout\". - Improved quality of MusicXML import. - Improved placement of slurs that cross system breaks. - Tempo change lines can now be extended across systems using keyboard shortcut. - Improved selection box behaviour, resolving an issue with continuous view. - Resolved playback issue with repeats after section breaks. - Resolved issues where notation elements were disappearing from parts. - Resolved Muse Sounds playback issue affecting overlapping unison notes. - Resolved issue affecting unintended deletion of melisma lines. - Updated product name to \"MuseScore Studio\" throughout the app. - Fixed numerous crashes. * Mon Apr 29 2024 Cor Blom - Delete unnecesaary require of \"pipewire-alsa if pipewire\" (boo#1220821) * Thu Feb 15 2024 Cor Blom - Update version check for Leap 15.6 so that gcc 12 is used also there * Thu Feb 01 2024 Lubos Kocman - Use valid SPDX tag GPL-3.0 WITH Font-exception-2.0 * Thu Jan 25 2024 Konstantin Voinov - Add changelog from https://github.com/orgs/musescore/projects/36/views/2- MuseScore 4.2.1: * [MusicXML import] fermatas on barlines #19770 * Crash after changing beam type to No beam in Properties #21099 * Crash when trying to open a midi score that musescore 4.1.1 was able to open #21020 * MacBook MuseScore App Crashing #20936 * [MU4 Tech Debt] Unit tests in src/notation are never running #10667 * No longer able to drag a section of music to transpose it. #20606 * Minimum distance field does not update when value changes #13261 * [MU4 Issue] Playback not in sync with playhead when changing instrument in mixer #15047 * Pauses not working properly and delaying playback #17329 * [MU4 Issue] Caesuras do not Update Playback #15773 * [MuseSounds Issue] Pauses not Working, Playback Clipped Sometimes, Removing Pauses makes it Worse #15578 * Cmd+Delete measures and undo crashes MuseScore #20947 * [MU4 Issue] Pause (fermata/caesura) duration not honored until save/reload #15305 * Crash after deleting measure with tempo mark and closing orchestral score #20955 * Pedal text not rendering at all when I insert a marking with said text #20646 * Glissandos don\'t play back on tied notes. #20570 * Opening and closing mixer while note input mode is enabled causes strange visual bug in score view #20761 * Pedals do not work on mallet percussion instruments #20579 * Sounds continue across Section Break #20557 * Fix a translatable string not being detected by lupdate #20684 * adding caesura causing playback problems after 4.2 update #20669 * Improve export of technical indications #20252 * Huge & misplaced tie mark when moving note between voices #20967 * Measure number not refreshed after excluding from count #20768 * Super long sustain in solo strings where it shouldn\'t be present #20714 * Playback bug with tied (whole-)notes after tempo change (note duration is longer/shorter than it should) #20577 * Changing instrument mid-playback causes music to restart but tracking header continues from where it was #20593 * MIDI Note Input - Yamaha MX88 #18609 * [MU4 Issue] Instrument sounds play from start point if changed while playing #15445 * Fixed folder names for excerpts with non-English characters #20843 * Drumset preview pane not showing correct stem direction #20785 * [MU4 Issue] Note input from MIDI keyboard can be not so accurate as in MU3, some notes are not picked up when entering chords (Mac) #12694 * Midi input stops working and needs a reload #20488 * Selecting the title and then Voice 2 crashes #20872 * MuseScore 4.1.1 problem on Mac with USB MIDI-IN interface connected to CASIO Previa PX-S5000 e-piano #19990 * Add support for sostenuto pedal to MusicXML and MEI #20219 * Missing text/staff line properties compared with MS3 #17074 * Crash when adding and removing staves and undoing and redoing #17494 * Undoing after copy-pasting rest causes crash #18499 * Incorrect export of MusicXML format #20490 * 4.2.0 ARM appimages removed after release #20578 * Visual bug in continuous mode #20551 * Cross staff beam + Grace notes crashes #20808 * Tremolo glitchery #20563 * Measure and Staff/Part properties dialogs don\'t work via keyboard (and crash) #20580 * cresc. line is not clickable #20561 * cresc. line disappears when the start text is out of view #20560 * Playback cursor eats cresc. line #20562 * Crash when trying to save while two projects are open, and when trying to copy and paste within a project (one score) #20572 * crash when deleting courtesy key signature #20622 * Beamed rest doesn\'t go across the staff when the beam is cross-staff #20619 * Replace Instrument dialog: OK/Cancel buttons wrongly positioned when instrument description is long #20617 * Score and parts synchronization strings need English (US) localization #20636 * Tie start point is offset by lyrics #20735 * Lines continued on next system are not visible #20661 * \"Show Invisible\" does not always show invisible lines #20662 * MuseScore 4.2 crashes when appending frames on scores with opened parts. #20716 * The placement of the arpeggio is completely incorrect when the chord is on another staff #20715 * Line end at system break unhides next system #20782 * Crash with cross-staff arpeggio and tablature #20765 * Sudden abort of pdf export #20780 * [Task] Add ability to open score in previous version of MuseScore in dev builds (add checkbox to DevTools) #20899 * Crash on score created from template containing slurs #20620 * Playback loop boundaries get scaled and shifted (UI doesn\'t reflect that) after tempo text editing. #20713 * [Properties] \'Always display an accidental\' sign doesn\'t rewrite when changing ornament interval for ornament lines (trill) #20903 * Invisible lines of text lines are not clickable #16922 * Part rename doesn\'t mark score as having unsaved changes #20698 * 95% chance of crashing when opening a certain score (Unable to add event for track, INFO chunk size mismatch) #21003 * Crash when delete measure with tremolo+slur in score with opened parts #21065 * The long closing time of the program fix #21019 * Crash on undoing change beam mode #21069 * no playback on percussion glissando #20685 * Wed Jan 24 2024 Michael Vetter - Update to 4.2.1: No changelog provided * Wed Dec 20 2023 Konstantin Voinov - Update to 4.2.0 New features: * A new system for notating guitar bends, including playback support * A new system for easily displaying alternate string tunings for plucked string instruments * Much improved control over synchronicity of notation elements between main score and parts * The ability to select individual sounds within SoundFonts, and a bespoke system for categorising sounds in our default SoundFont, MS Basic * An enhanced upload flow to audio.com, including the ability to replace existing audio files online * A convenient list view for seeing all your scores in the Home tab * The ability to open scores in the desktop app directly from musescore.com * Playback support for harp glissandi via the harp pedal widget * Microtonal playback support * A new note input mode for Braille music notation (Thanks to AATTdaisy and AATTSMCenter) * \"A tempo\" and \"primo tempo\" elements in Palettes (Thanks to community contributor AATTrtbo) * The option to import/export scores in the MEI file format (Thanks to community contributors AATTlpugin and AATTrettinghaus). In addition, please see this document (https://musescore.org/en/node/356876) for a complete list of engraving improvements, including: * Improved handling of arpeggios spanning multiple staves and voices, * More placement options for ties * Significant layout and interaction improvements * MusicXML improvements * A multitude of refinements to key signatures, time signatures and parts (Thanks to community contributor AATTsammik).- Update source URL in spec- Update cmake flags- Use %exclude for unneeded development files- Update README.SUSE- Disable JACK as it wasn\'t actually used * Thu Sep 14 2023 Lukas Müller - Build as release again. The option was renamed in https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/commit/e173d46bd0610aec9dad83d982c2e9c612897bea. * Mon Aug 28 2023 Cor Blom - Add comment to exludearchline * Wed Aug 16 2023 Cor Blom - Build on 15.5 and older with newer gcc to make it build- Build without explicitly setting revision. This is set automatically.- Exclude not supported archs: aarch64 ppc64 ppc64le * Tue Aug 15 2023 Cor Blom - Disable update module (-DBUILD_UPDATE_MODULE:BOOL=OFF) https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/15617 is fixed * Fri Aug 11 2023 Cor Blom - Update tp 4.1.1 New features in 4.1: * New engraving and playback support for ornaments, including the ability to set custom alterations for trills, turns and mordents * A major improvement to the app\'s performance, allowing larger scores to play back up to 60% more efficiently * A dedicated new default reverb, which can be adjusted for each instrument track as well as globally across the entire mix * New auxiliary sends in the mixer, allowing instrument tracks to be routed to dedicated auxiliary channel strips for applying audio effects * New engraving and playback support for capos on guitar staves * New feature for displaying harp pedal diagrams * Dynamics and expression text now automatically combine, plus new controls for scaling and positioning dynamics * New live Braille module, including a panel that displays selected measures as Braille music notation (enabling more efficient score reading on Braille displays) * Upload audio directly to audio.com, allowing you to build a portfolio of your audio content to share with the world * View and open your online scores from musescore.com directly from the desktop app Other updates: * Save to cloud: option to make a score \"unlisted\" * Publish to musescore.com: option to either replace the existing published score, or publish the score as a new file * New loading screen when opening multiple instances of the app on macOS * Fixed syllable-based pasting of lyrics * A more reliable VST scanning process * Around 100 engraving fixes and improvements (Read this article on musescore.org for a complete list) * Numerous bug fixes- Removed patches: * 0dde64eef84.patch * fix-for-latest-qt-declarative.patch * musescore-4.0.2-return.patch * Fri Apr 28 2023 Cor Blom - Add fix-for-latest-qt-declarative.patch to fix boo#1210932 * Thu Mar 16 2023 Michael Vetter - Update to 4.0.2: * Score corruption fixes - Multiple issues causing score corruption have been fixed - Part scores are now scanned for corruptions - There is now a more comprehensive system for alerting you when there are corruptions identified on your score (including a mechanism to help you avoid saving those corruptions) * Usability improvements - The Properties panel has been improved so it\'s possible to edit the visibility, colour and play settings of individual notes within chords - Toggling visibility of notes within chords now produces more predictable results - Images in frames can now be deleted - Parts can now be reset to their original layout - The UI is now easier to interact with when the user is holding the mouse unsteadily - The audio export process can now be cancelled - There\'s a new feature to save relevant diagnostic files (making it easier to get support from MuseScore developers) * Performance enhancements - Major improvements to how MuseScore handles with WASAPI (Benefits Windows users) * Bugs squashed and regressions repaired - Various crashes have been fixed (including numerous VST-related crashes) - Zoom controls in the status bar are easier to use and more intuitive - Various problems with the visual behaviour of the app on second monitors are now resolved - Text line spacing option has been reinstated in Properties - Some playback problems have been resolved, including when entering tablature notation, and when changing the tempo using the tempo slider - Multiple other minor bug fixes * A ton of engraving fixes and improvements - Multiple fixes to system-line objects - Several errors arising from setting notes to cue size are resolved - Fixes to the behaviour of system objects - Various fixes to the behaviour of stems - Voices now align correctly in \'full\' tab staves - Sticking in percussion music no longer breaks slurs - Slurs now show correctly in parts when only some voices are displayed - Cross-page glissando lines have been finessed - Various collisions have been resolved (clefs and key signatures, accidentals and cross-staff beams)- Add musescore-4.0.2-return.patch: to make the compiler happy * Sat Mar 11 2023 Cor Blom - More licenses found, also include licenses for sources we don\'t build. The license line also applies to the SRPMs * Wed Mar 08 2023 Cor Blom - Update Licenses * Thu Mar 02 2023 Christophe Marin - Don\'t package the KDDockWidgets development files. It\'s only a third party library that cannot be used for anything.- Update build constraints- Spec cleanup * Mon Jan 16 2023 Michael Vetter - Update to 4.0.1: * Fixed a crash on startup with specific VST instruments present * Fixed a crash on deleting particular staves * Fixed a hang on startup involving WASAPI * Fixed corruption on adding or removing beats or measures in certain cases * Fixed shortcuts using numeric keypad * Fixed issues involving system elements and parts * Fixed issues with playback start position * Fixed chord symbol playback on transposing staves * Sun Jan 01 2023 Marcus Rueckert - Fix audio playback support in muse score https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/11220#issuecomment-1365822403 - Fix jack finder by backporting 0dde64eef84.patch: Though the jack code in Musescore seems to be unused and only alsa seems supported - Require alsa-plugins-pulse or pipewire-alsa to make playing out of the box- prepare disabling the update check but it is currently not possible due to https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/15617- cmake searches for ogg support: add proper BR * Thu Dec 29 2022 Hans-Peter Jansen - Switch to RelWithDebInfo build- Fix Leap build issue (missing -ldl)- Add README.SUSE and referring notes- Add 8 GB disk contraints * Sat Dec 17 2022 Cor Blom - Do not build crashpad and remove the prebuilt crashpad binary * Fri Dec 16 2022 Cor Blom - Remove explicit opus-devel require * Fri Dec 16 2022 Cor Blom - Add Qt5QuickTemplate2 to BuildRequires- Remove opus devel files and add requires to system files * Thu Dec 15 2022 Cor Blom - Update to 4.0: Changes in interface, graving, soundsystem, mixer, everything See https://musescore.org/nl/node/337788- Removed unused patches: * no-webview-in-startcentre.patch * use-system-qtwebengine-files.patch * Sat Aug 27 2022 Cor Blom - Add soundfont and related files that cmake tries to download during build (MuseScore_General_Changelog.md, MuseScore_General_License.md, MuseScore_General_Readme.md, MuseScore_General.sf3) which contain newer versions of the MuseScore soundfont * Tue Apr 27 2021 Cor Blom - Explicit cmake flag -DBUILD_WEBENGINE=\"OFF\" is needed to build without qtwebengine * Sun Apr 25 2021 Cor Blom - Do not build with qtwebengine on ppc64 and ppc64le * Sun Apr 25 2021 Cor Blom - Change the GenericName in the desktop file to something that is really generic: Music score typesetter * Sat Apr 24 2021 Cor Blom - Add no-webview-in-startcentre.patch to prevent that webview is used in startcentre (boo#1181604) * Tue Feb 09 2021 Fabian Vogt - Add compatibility with qml-autoreqprov * Tue Feb 09 2021 Dura-Kovács - Updated to 3.6.2 * Fixed an issue with gap between staff and final barline with courtesy clef * Fixed an issue when removing spanners from measures outside of the rewrite range * Fixed an accessibility issue with the score migration dialog * Fixed a crash related to QtWebEngineProcess after update * Fixed an issue with timeline showing part name rather than instrument name * Fixed an issue with focus of dockable windows when visibility is toggled * Fixed an issue where custom gliss text reverts to default \"gliss\" * Added missing Flügelhorns to instrument ordering definitions * Fixed an issue where beams cannot be connected over quarter rests * Fixed an issue where staff spacers do not work on last system of page * Fixed an issue with broken swapping of notes/chords with Shift + Left/Right * Fixed an issue with incomplete import from ScoreScan XML file * Fixed an issue with unsaved default settings to pre-3.6 score after \'reset styles to default\' * Fixed an issue with Banjo fifth string fret numbers * Fixed an issue where invisible breath marks impact layout * Fixed a crash during the opening of a score with a missing section break * Applying tremolo is now a toggle operation * Fixed an issue where the Mixer panel is not fully shown when opened * Fixed an issue where an empty rehearsal mark is not deleted after entering a system break * Fixed an issue where multi-measure rest numbers can collide with other elements * Fixed an issue where deleting a breath/caesura leads to the wrong note being selected * Fixed an issue when parts inherit non-default style from score * Fixed a crash when changing time signature at the beginning of a corrupted measure * Fixed an issue with unreadable chord symbols * Updated the close icon for Import Midi Panel (and Find/GoTo) * Fixed an issue with auto-sizing of vertical frames when dragging the height handle * Fri Jan 29 2021 Balázs Dura-Kovács - Updated to 3.6.1 * Fixed a crash on open of a file with start repeat in continuous view * Fixed an issue when switching tabs when opening a score while \"Score migration dialog\" is open * Fixed crashes when rearranging instrument positions and changing Ordering * Fixed an issue where the window is marked as modified, even when the last score is closed * Fixed a crash when opening scores with large orchestration created in older versions of MuseScore * Fixed an issue with incorrect order of Violins in Orchestra template * Fixed a crash when hiding palettes * Fixed an export failure when part name contains a slash * Fixed an issue where spacers do not function when vertical justification is enabled * Added an option to Copy SMuFL Symbol Code for symbols in Master Palette * Clef changes are no longer visible on hidden staves * Fixed an issue where first system indentation can cause measures to not fit on system * Fixed an issue with wrong key signatures upon \"Reset Al Styles\" in concert pitch scores * Display symbols\' SMuFL name in Symbols Palette * Removed corner radius from new default rehearsal mark style * Fixed an issue where custom style defaults are ignored when creating new score from template * Fixed an issue where applying a key change to a selection causes a crash when transposing instruments are involved * Fixed an issue where an incomplete voice in local time signature leads to corruption upon import * Fixed an issue where swapping notes in a two-note tremolo causes corrupted tremolo, and crash * Fixed an issue where two-note tremolos display incorrectly on a stave with custom scale * Fixed an issue where measure number offset changes on reload * It is now possible to copy/paste the LetRing, PalmMute and Vibrato elements * The link on \"Score migration dialog\" now leads to Bilibili if using Chinese- Removed enable-build-with-qt5.15 patch as building with QT 5.15 is now enabled by upstream * Tue Jan 19 2021 Cor Blom - From Balázs Dura-Kovács:- removed fonts/gootville/readme.txt executable bit fix, as it was fixed in upstream- install new fonts, most of them are otf- included additional third party licenses and readme files- added MUSESCORE_REVISION and MUSESCORE_BUILD_CONFIG flags, so that Musescore wouldn\'t think it\'s a dev build- tested on Tumbleweed with Qt 5.15.2. Couldn\'t reproduce issues with with palettes and migration window described here: https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/pull/7119 * Fri Jan 15 2021 Cor Blom - Update to 3.6 * Added the new default notation fonts \"Leland\" * Added the new default text font \"Edwin\" * Added a new dialog that suggests trying out the new engraving defaults * Added automatic score ordering and bracketing * Added automatic vertical justification of staves * Added Mountain Dulcimer instrument and 3-string tab presets * Added portamento for FLUID synthesiser * Added Petaluma notation font * Added mnemonics for \"Save\", \"Save As\" and \"Resource Manager\" * And other improvements and bugfixes, for details see: https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/releases/tag/v3.6- Remove correct-revision.patch- Add enable-build-with-qt515.patch to enable build with Qt 5.15