Changelog for
python311-jupyter-leaflet-0.19.2-6.2.noarch.rpm :
* Fri Aug 30 2024 Ben Greiner
- Update to 0.19.2
* fix(docs): GeomanDrawControl was not included in docs navigation by AATTiisakkirotko in #1197
* Fix velocity display_options bug by AATTgiswqs in #1199
* remove broken, deprecated nbextension enable from installation docs by AATTminrk in #1200
* Add basemap model_id to Map._layer_ids attribute by AATTgiswqs in [#1208]
* Improve vector tile layer by AATTlopezvoliver in #1206
* Vector tile layer opacity and visible by AATTlopezvoliver in #1210
* Updated integration tests workflow by AATTkrassowski in #1216
* Interactive vector tile layers by AATTlopezvoliver in #1213- Release
* Missing license in sdist by AATTmartinRenou in #1190
* fix: do not include gifs in ipyleaflet source distribution (26mb->27kb) 96e898f
* fix: do not include .yarn dir in jupyter-leaflet source, (54mbmb->1.3mb) d3b07af
* fix: include dist directory for npm release of jupyter-leaflet fd02487
* Sun May 05 2024 Ben Greiner - Initial specfile for v0.19.0- Now separate from python-ipyleaflet