Changelog for python312-Pint-0.24.3-40.5.noarch.rpm :
* Mon Aug 05 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 0.24.3: * Fix the default behaviour for pint-convert (cli) for importing uncertainties package (PR #2032, Issue #2016) * Added mu and mc as alternatives for SI micro prefix * Added ℓ as alternative for liter * Support permille units and `‰` symbol (PR #2033, Issue #1963) * Mon Jul 08 2024 Steve Kowalik - Update to 0.24.1: * Fix custom formatter needing the registry object. * Support python 3.9 following difficulties installing with NumPy 2. * Fix default formatting of dimensionless unit issue. * Fix bug preventing custom formatters with modifiers working. * Fix detection of invalid conversion between offset and delta units. * Added dBW, decibel Watts, which is used in RF high power applications. * NumPy 2.0 support * Implement numpy roll (Related to issue #981) * Implement numpy correlate * Add `dim_sort` function to _formatter_helpers. * Add `dim_order` and `default_sort_func` properties to FullFormatter. * Fixed bug causing operations between arrays of quantity scalars and quantity holding array resulting in incorrect units. * Fix LaTeX siuntix formatting when using non_int_type=decimal.Decimal. * Added refractive index units. * Fix converting to offset units of higher dimension e.g. gauge pressure * Fix unhandled TypeError when auto_reduce_dimensions=True and non_int_type=Decimal * Improved error message in `get_dimensionality()` when non existent units are passed. * Sun Feb 04 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 0.23: * Add _get_conversion_factor to registry with cache. * Homogenize input and ouput of internal regitry functions to facility typing, subclassing and wrapping. (_yield_unit_triplets, ) * Generated downstream_status page to track the state of downstream projects. * Improve typing annotation. * Updated to flexparser 0.2. * Faster wraps * Add codspeed github action. * Move benchmarks to pytest-benchmarks. * Support pytest on python 3.12 wrt Fraction formatting change * Fixed Transformation type protocol. * Documented to_preferred and created added an autoautoconvert_to_preferred registry option. * Enable Pint to parse uncertainty numbers. * Optimize matplotlib unit conversion for Quantity arrays * Add numpy.linalg.norm implementation. * Thu Dec 28 2023 ecsos - Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons} * Tue Aug 01 2023 Markéta Machová - Update to 0.22 * Add PEP621/631 support. * Exposed matplotlib unit formatter * Add new SI prefixes: ronna-, ronto-, quetta-, quecto-. * multiple numpy compat fixes * Parse \'°\' along with previous text, rather than adding a space, allowing, eg \'Δ°C\' as a unit. * Drop Python 3.8 compatability following NEP-29. * Drop NumPy < 1.21 following NEP-29. * Migrated fully to pyproject.toml. * Wed Jan 04 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 0.20.1: * Reorganized code into facets. * The definition parser is now completely appart, making it easy to try other formats. * Extra requires for optional packages are now explicit in setup.cfg * Parse both Greek mu and micro Unicode points without error. * Added angular frequency documentation page. * Move ASV benchmarks to dedicated folder. (Issue #1542) * Implement `numpy.broadcast_arrays` (#1607) * An ndim attribute has been added to Quantity and DataFrame has been added to upcast types for pint-pandas compatibility. (#1596) * Fix a recursion error that would be raised when passing quantities to `cond` and `x`. * Update test_non_int tests for pytest. * Create NaN-value quantities of appropriate non-int-type (Issue #1570). * New documentation format and organization! * Better support for pandas and dask. * Tue May 31 2022 Arun Persaud - specfile: * update copyright year * require python >= 3.8, numpy >= 1.19- update to version 0.19.2: * Add the \"separate_format_defaults\" registry setting (Issue #1501, PR #1503) * Handle definitions AATTimport from relative paths on Windows (Issue [#1508], thanks khaeru)- changes from version 0.19.1: * Provide a method to iter the definitions in the order they appear, recursing the imported files. (Issue #1498)- changes from version 0.19: * Better separation between parsing and loading of definitions. Implement a parsed \"binary\" version of \"textual\" definition files. Infrastructure to disk cache parsed definition files and RegistryCache resulting in a 10X speed up in registry instantiation when enabled. (Issue #1465) * Deprecate the old format defaulting behavior and prepare for the new one (Issue #1407) * Fix a bug for offset units of higher dimension, e.g. gauge pressure. (Issue #1066, thanks dalito) * Fix type hints of function wrapper (Issue #1431) * Upgrade min version of uncertainties to 3.1.4 * Add a example for `register_unit_format` to the formatting docs (Issue #1422). * Fix setting options of the application registry (Issue #1403). * Fix Quantity & Unit `is_compatible_with` with registry active contexts (Issue #1424). * Allow Quantity to parse \'NaN\' and \'inf(inity)\', case insensitive * Fix casting error when using to_reduced_units with array of int. (Issue #1184) * Use default numpy `np.printoptions` available since numpy 1.15. * Implement `numpy.nanprod` (Issue #1369) * Fix default_format ignored for measurement (Issue #1456) * Add `pint.testing` with functions to compare pint objects in tests (Issue #1421). * Fix handling modulo & floordiv operator in pint_eval (Issue #1470) * Fix `to_compact` and `infer_base_unit` for non-float non_int_type. * Fix `to_reduced_units` to work with dimensionless units. (Issue [#919]) * Fix parsing of units string with same canonalized name (Issue [#1441] & #1142) * The pint-pandas example notebook has been moved to the pint-pandas package. * New Units + `sverdrup` (PR #1404) + `cooling_tower_ton` (PR #1484) * Breaking Changes + Update hour default symbol to `h`. (Issue #719) + Replace `h` with `ℎ` (U+210E) as default symbol for planck constant. + Change minimal Python version support to 3.8+ + Change minimal Numpy version support to 1.19+ * Sat Nov 27 2021 Arun Persaud - specfile: * added version requirement to numpy- update to version 0.18: * Implement use of Quantity in the Quantity constructor (convert to specified units). (Issue #1231) * Rename .readthedocs.yml to .readthedocs.yaml, update MANIFEST.in (Issue #1311) * Fix a few small typos. (Issue #1308) * Fix babel format for `Unit`. (Issue #1085) * Fix handling of positional max/min arguments in clip function. (Issue #1244) * Fix string formatting of numpy array scalars. * Fix default format for Measurement class (Issue #1300) * Fix parsing of pretty units with same exponents but different sign. (Issue #1360) * Convert the application registry to a wrapper object (Issue #1365) * Add documentation for the string format options. (Issue #1357, [#1375], thanks keewis) * Support custom units formats. (Issue #1371, thanks keewis) * Autoupdate pre-commit hooks. * Improved the application registry. (Issue #1366, thanks keewis) * Improved testing isolation using pytest fixtures. * Breaking Changes + pint no longer supports Python 3.6 + Minimum Numpy version supported is 1.17+ + Add supports for type hints for Quantity class. Quantity is now a Generic (PEP560). + Add support for [PEP561](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0561/) (Package Type information) * Mon Apr 19 2021 Steve Kowalik - Update to 0.17: * Add the Wh unit for battery capacity measurements * Fix issue with reducable dimensionless units when using power (Quantity * *ndarray) * Fix comparisons between Quantities and Measurements. * UnitsContainer returns false if other is str and cannnot be parsed * Fix numpy.linalg.solve unit output. (Issue #1246) * Support numpy.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view. (Issue #1255) * Move all tests to pytest. * Quantity comparisons now ensure other is Quantity. * Add sign function compatibility. * Fix scalar to ndarray tolist. * Fix tolist function with scalar ndarray. * Implements a first benchmark suite in airspeed velocity (asv). * Power for pseudo-dimensionless units.- No longer build for Python 3.6, due to no NumPy. * Wed Jan 20 2021 John Vandenberg - Use %python_alternative to fix multi Python 3 builds