Changelog for
xl2tpd-1.3.18-3.3.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon Feb 26 2024 Dominique Leuenberger
- Use %autosetup macro. Allows to eliminate the usage of deprecated PatchN.
* Fri Nov 04 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.3.18
* Add compatability information for Watchguard Firewall.
* Fix issue where in some cases xl2tpd stops trying to connect if it can not resolve server name (DNS failure or WAN temporarily unavailable), even if autodial and redial options are set.
* Sun Mar 27 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.3.17
* Correct a typo in the man page xl2tpd.conf(5)
* xl2tpd-control: fix typo in usage
* Mon Jan 10 2022 Johannes Segitz - Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified:
* xl2tpd.service
* Sat Dec 19 2020 Dirk Müller - update to 1.3.16:
* Re-add braces for if-else that have only statement [Samir Hussain]
* xl2tpd-control refactoring [Alexander Naumov]
* fix travis \'script\' syntax [Alexander Naumov]
* adding xl2tpd-control tests to travis [Alexander Naumov]
* Re-adding text giving more inofrmation about using ipsec with xl2tpd [Samir Hussain]
* Update README: typo, links to RFC, link to travis [Alexander Naumov]
* Travis will test different compiler on linux distro [Samir Hussain]
* Update travis for proper matrix [Samir Hussain]
* Add Focal to travis testing [Samir Hussain]
* yet another man-page update [Alexander Naumov]
* update man-pages, fix typo [Alexander Naumov]
* set_flow: result of operation is garbage or undefined [Alexander Naumov]
* Update README [Alexander Naumov]
* adding xl2tpd.init.patch [Alexander Naumov]
* adding Makefile.patch [Alexander Naumov]
* moving changes to separate file [Alexander Naumov]
* sync/update spec file with official SUSE version [Alexander Naumov]
* Set IP_PKTINFO even if setting of IPPROTO_IP fails (as it was in 1.3.9) [shadyhh]
* Update .gitignore vim swap file [Samir Hussain]
* Travis will test supported Ubuntu LTS distros [Samir Hussain]
* Updating COMPATABILITY_ISSUES with info on Miktrotik servers [Samir Hussain]
* Add work around for Android 10 maxium retries in COMPATIBILITY_ISSUES [Samir Hussain]
* Add compatability issues with Ciso ASA [Samir Hussain]
* Sun Oct 13 2019 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.3.15
* Specify missing log arguments
* Sockopt bug fix for multiple IP\'s
* Wed Apr 17 2019 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.3.14
* Bugfix release, mostly code cleanup
* Wed Mar 20 2019 Jan Engelhardt - Drop ||true from %tmpfiles_create, this is already included in the macro.- Reduce hard dependency on systemd during build.
* Fri Mar 08 2019 Martin Hauke - Run spec-cleaner- Remove support for non-systemd distros- Remove -doc subpackage (contained only some KB text-files and and manpages)- Fix handling of tmpfilesdir- Update to version 1.3.13
* Fix compile warning with USE_KERNEL in xl2tpd.c
* Applying patch that reduces compile warnings and fixes warnings from gcc and clang.
* Fix compiler warnings in network.c
* Add a preproc for Watchguard firewall (Github issue #136)
* Convert from ISO-8859 to UTF-8 [Simon Deziel] Update README to provide latest info on xl2tpd + Linux kernel 4.15+- Update to version 1.3.12
* TOS value to copy to the tunnel header
* Fix for ENODEV (No such device) error with Linux kernel 4.15
* Update xl2tpd.init
* fix version number and upload- Update to version 1.3.11
* only changes related to debian packaging
* Thu Oct 26 2017 Update to version 1.3.10
* Update STRLEN in file.h to 100 (from 80).
* xl2tpd-control: fix xl2tpd hanged up in \"fopen\".
* Update version in spec and opewnrt Makefile.- Update source URL in specfile.