Changelog for stellarium-24.3-148.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Sep 23 2024 Arjen de Korte - Update to 24.3
* Performance improvements for computation of Solar system bodies positions
* Improvements in plugins and AstroCalc tools
* Updates in sky cultures
* Updates in GUI
* Sun Jun 23 2024 Arjen de Korte - Update to 24.2
* Improvements in plugins and AstroCalc tools
* Updates in sky cultures
* Updates in GUI
* Mon Mar 25 2024 Arjen de Korte - Update to 24.1
* Added low graphics mode
* Improvements in plugins and AstroCalc tools
* Improvements in Scripting Engine
* Updates in Core
* Sun Dec 24 2023 Arjen de Korte - Update to 23.4
* New plugin: Lens Distortion Estimator (experimental)
* New sky culture: Tibetan Lunar Mansions
* Changed GUI: ability to change the look via normalStyle.css
* Added new MESA for Windows packages
* Added support Windows/ARM64 packages
* Added support the origins of nomenclature names
* Improvements in plugins and AstroCalc tools
* Improvements for performance on macOS/ARM64
* Mon Sep 25 2023 Arjen de Korte - Update to 23.3:
* New plugin: Missing Stars
* Allow semitransparent landscapes
* Added discovery circumstances for Solar system bodies
* Improve orbit drawing for minor bodies
* Show named impact features as ellipses
* Major changes in Navigational Stars plugin
* Observing List fixes
* Unambiguous comet names
* Mon Sep 18 2023 Christophe Marin - Look for the Qgpsmm pkgconfig file which is going to be split from libgps-devel (boo#1215444)
* Sun Jul 02 2023 Arjen de Korte - Update to 23.2:
* Vectorize marker of deep-sky objects
* Updated support locations
* Discovery circumstances for solar system objects
* Wed Jun 28 2023 Paolo Stivanin - Add indi2_support.patch: add support for INDI 2.x (boo#1207852)
* Mon Mar 27 2023 Guillaume GARDET - Update to 23.1:
* Fixes CVE-2023-28371
* Changelog: Remove upstreamed patch:
* stellarium-gh2970.patch
* Mon Mar 06 2023 Arjen de Korte - Update _constraints to require at least 8 GB of disk and 16 GB of memory. Also require at least 4 GB of memory per build job to prevent running out of memory on build servers with lots of cores/threads.
* Mon Feb 13 2023 Paolo Stivanin - Add dependency on the newly introduced INDI 1.x package. Since Stellarium doesn\'t support INDI 2.x, we need to depend on this temporary package until INDI 2.x is fully supported. (boo#1207852)
* Tue Jan 10 2023 Guillaume GARDET - Add patch to fix build on aarch64 with openGL ES 2:
* stellarium-gh2970.patch
* Sun Dec 25 2022 Arjen de Korte - update to 1.2:
* New projection: Equirectangular (fills the screen)
* Improved rendering of Milky Way, Zodiacal Light and landscapes
* Improved rendering of the Moon
* Improved HiDPI behaviour
* Use Noto as default font
* Added Modern (IAU), Tikuna and Seri sky cultures
* Added Chinese and Bahai calendars (Calendars plugin)
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Arjen de Korte - update to 1.1:
* Added support OpenGL 3.3 Core profile
* Changed core: switch to use CalcMySky v0.2.1
* Changed GUI: allow user CSS
* Fixed compiling with Qt 6.4
* Fixed Telescope Control plugin
* Removed Dakota & Ojibwe sky cultures: this is on request of the original contributors, and following a misunderstanding about licensing.- Remove upstreamed patches - use-QString-instead-of-QByteArray.patch - make-support-XLSX-files-optional.patch
* Sun Oct 09 2022 Arjen de Korte - update to 1.0:
* A new, much better skylight model
* Many details around eclipses
* Updated Observation List features
* New features in AstroCalc tool
* HiDPI improvements
* Better dithering
* New skyculture: Samoan
* Updated several skycultures
* Updates in Angle Measure, Satellites, Oculars, Remote Control, Pulsars plugins
* Many more bugfixes.- Add patch from upstream to allow building with Qt >= 6.4.0 + use-QString-instead-of-QByteArray.patch- Add patch from upstream to make XLSX support optional + make-support-XLSX-files-optional.patch
* Thu Jul 07 2022 Arjen de Korte - update to 0.22.2:
* Added recognition licenses for skycultures
* Many improvements in the Satellites plugin, esp. display of earth shadow and filtering
* Improvements in AstroCalc: graphs, eclipses, transits
* Improvements in Meteor Showers, Exoplanets and the Navigational
* Stars plugins
* Updated DSO catalog
* Fixed ANGLE mode for some rare cases
* A large number of bug fixes and closed feature requests and enhancements
* Sun Apr 17 2022 Arjen de Korte - update to 0.22.1:
* Added fixed equatorial grid/line
* Added new sky cultures
* Fixed building Stellarium (AppImage)
* Updated DSO catalog
* Sun Mar 27 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 0.22:
* AstroCalc: Eclipse Finder
* AstroCalc: RTS (Rises, Transits, Settings)
* Switch from Bortle scale to physical brightness values for light pollution.
* Allow tweaks for the atmosphere brightness/color model and tone mapping
* Several new calendars in the Calendars plugin
* Seasonal polar caps on Mars
* New and improved sky cultures
* Larger textures allowed in Scenery3D
* Improved OnlineQueries and Satellites plugin
* Many fixes in core and plugins.
* Technical preparations towards a major upgrade of the internal Qt framework.
* Tue Feb 08 2022 Paolo Stivanin - Don\'t create a duplicated stellarium.desktop file -- there\'s already org.stellarium.Stellarium.desktop that\'s being installed.
* Sat Dec 25 2021 Arjen de Korte - Update to 0.21.3:
* Better handling of minor bodies with outdated orbital elements
* \"Goto next day at same altitude\" functionality for selected objects
* Mark a few special points on the planets
* Three refined Arab skycultures
* Updated Mul-Apin skyculture with new artwork
* Improved OnlineQueries and Satellites plugin
* Fixed a problem with LX200 telescopes
* Many fixes in core and plugins- Remove upstreamed patches - stellarium-documentation.patch - stellarium-remove-qt-5_12-code.patch - stellarium-minimum-qt-5_9.patch
* Mon Sep 27 2021 Arjen de Korte - Update to 0.21.2:
* Annual aberration correction. Planet positions are finally very accurate!
* Bookmarks replaced by Observation Lists
* Politically neutral geonames
* Right-click opens plugin configuration
* Improved computation of rising, transit, setting times
* \"Goto next twilight\" functionality
* Two new Greek skycultures
* Updated Mul-Apin skyculture with new artwork
* Improved fidelity of Lunar eclipses
* Fixed display of stellar proper motion
* Many fixes in core and plugins- Add patches from upstream to allow building with Qt >= 5.9.0 + stellarium-documentation.patch + stellarium-remove-qt-5_12-code.patch + stellarium-minimum-qt-5_9.patch
* Thu Jun 24 2021 Paolo Stivanin - Update to 0.21.1:
* Updated designations of stars and handling of list of designations and common names those stars
* Updated Almagest and al-Sufi skycultures
* Many changes in plugins
* Many fixes in core and plugins for support HiDPI devices
* Enhancements in visualization of markings and in scripting engine
* Lots of other fixes
* Wed Mar 31 2021 Paolo Stivanin - Update to 0.21.0:
* Added accurate planet axis orientation and rotation
* Added lunar libration (GH: #877)
* Added lines for the Invariable Plane and Projected Solar Equator
* Added solar altitude to planetary feature nomenclature
* Added describe planetary coordinates and changes in the nomenclature display into Stellarium User Guide
* Added new language: Spanish (Latin America)
* Added ability to scaling of Sun and planets (GH: #1263)
* Added new magnitude algorithms for planets from Mallama&Hilton 2018
* Added Earth shadow circles for topocentric observer (GH: #430)
* Added new 4k texture for the Moon
* Added lower limit for aFOV parameter of ocular in the GUI to avoid input wrong data
* Added visibility of an antisolar point for other planets
* Added ability to get all designations of DSO in scripts
* Added ability to show hourly motion in decimal degrees
* Added more cardinal points (GH: #1522, #1529)
* Added ability to switching off drawing of Solar glare
* Added a new sky culture based on Al-Sufi \"Book of Fixed Stars\" written ~ 964 AD
* Added Old Hindu calendars
* Added Islamic (algorithmic) and Hebrew calendar.
* Added French Revolution calendar (arithmetic version)
* Added Persian (arithmetic) calendar
* Added button to set standard atmosphere
* Added ability to translation/transliteration of Roman (latin) terms
* Added ability to use UTC time when navigational stars are displayed
* Added acknowledgment section into Help/About window (GH: #1568)
* Added cosmetic fix for radio communication data: no need extra precision to show data in Satellites plugin
* Fixed compatibility of ToneReproducer shader with GLES
* Fixed retranslation of calendars (GH: #1545)
* Fixed vertical position of calendar info panel
* Fixed height-dependent twinkle for star-like objects
* Fixed capturing a screenshots under macOS High Sierra and later
* Fixed documentation for API
* Fixed display the extincted magnitudes for all objects
* Fixed reading textures (GH: #1547)
* Fixed alignment of an intercardinal direction markers
* Fixed work of multisampling mode when in Spout isn’t used
* Fixed visualization zodiacal light at low Bortle values
* Fixed the drawing a degrees on compass on HiDPI devices
* Fixed search short phrases (GH: #1528)
* Fixed orientation of Jupiter, Uranus and Venus (GH: #357)
* Fixed inexact rotation of Moon (GH: #347)
* Fixed wrong rendering of Jupiter (GH: #1261)
* Fixed incorrect moon terminator (GH: #973)
* Fixed a skybox.ssc script (GH: #1461)
* Fixed crash when trails are enabled (GH: #1471)
* Fixed crash when choosing Zero Horizon landscape (GH: #1466)
* Fixed displaying labels of coordinate grids on HiDPI devices
* Fixed a labeling hour angles (GH: #1457)
* Fixed API docs
* Fixed styles of QMessageBox and QColorDialog (GH: #1451)
* Fixed WUI of Remote Control plugin
* Fixed HiDPI issue for Observability plugin
* Fixed the placement of cardinal marks when compass mark is enabled on the HiDPI devices
* Fixed placement of the value of equation of time for HiDPI devices
* Fixed crash at exit (GH: #1479)
* Fixed work of Spout mode: inhibit multisampling when in Spout mode
* Fixed DOI link for “Calendrical Calculations” (GH: #1562, #1566)
* Fixed missing strings for translation (GH: #1562, #1566)
* Fixed tooltips and placeholders (GH: #1562, #1566)
* Fixed comments for translators (GH: #1562, #1566)
* Fixed artifacts in the GUI when language is changed
* Fixed images and typos in Stellarium User Guide
* Fixed bibliography in Stellarium User Guide
* Fixed the figure of Virgo constellation (GH: #1570)
* Fixed stupid typos in satellites.json file
* Fixed illumination during Lunar eclipse in Scenery 3D plugin
* Fixed behavior “Clear” button in Script Console (GH: #1499)
* Fixed lunar magnitude: try an accurate Lunar magnitude formula
* Fixed lunar eclipses: redo the eclipse push effect for lunar eclipses
* Fixed Mesa mode for Windows (GH: #1551)
* Fixed multisampling on non-Windows systems (GH: #1553)
* Fixed typos in Al-Sufi skyculture
* Updated AstroCalc/Phenomena tool (GH: #1520)
* Updated planetary features data
* Updated core: slight restructuring of Planets, Comets, MinorPlanets, SolarSystem loader
* Updated core: using data from WGCCRE reports 2009, 2015 and Explanatory Supplement to the AA 2013 (with error fixed by the 1992 ed.) for rotation elements
* Updated core: keeps original Stellarium planet rotation model (undocumented) where new rotation elements are unavailable
* Updated code of INDI client to version 1.8.5
* Updated code for building Stellarium without NLS and Scripting support
* Updated GUI (GH: #1204)
* Updated Satellites plugin
* Updated default satellites database
* Updated GUI of Navigational stars plugin
* Updated default pulsars catalog
* Updated description of supernovae plugin (GH: #500)
* Updated description of calendars plugin in Stellarium User Guide
* Removed proper name for NGC 2194 (GH: #1530)
* Removed Arabic skyculture: Arabic SC was replaced by more accurate \"al-Sufi\" skyculture
* Mon Feb 15 2021 Paolo Stivanin - Remove duplicated desktop file- Remove zero length files