Changelog for brewtarget-4.0.3-1.6.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Sep 16 2024 ecsos - Update to 4.0.3
* New Features - None
* Bug Fixes - Yeasts have no Attenuation 812 - Inventory not displaying and crash when try to edit 814- Changes from 4.0.2
* New Features - None
* Bug Fixes - Unable to add ingredients to recipe (4.0.X) 810- Changes from 4.0.1
* New Features - None
* Bug Fixes - Windows installation blocked by Data Conversion failure 804 - DefaultContent004-MoreYeasts.json not in cmake files 806- Changes from 4.0.0
* New Features - Import from, and export to, BeerJSON 388 - Support for optional fields (ie where value can be blank) - Lovibond as color unit option 428 - Use Brewerwall ingredient data 290 - Update Styles to 2015 or even 2021 BJCP Guidelines 125 - Add alcohol tolerance as optional parameter in yeast database model and manufacturer\'s link ? 639 - Remove Default amounts in ingredients editors 359 - Mechanism to add new content 750 - Add \"each\" as a unit of measurement 383
* Bug Fixes - Default SQLite database file: hop, fermentable, mashstep, misc and yeast tables have unused columns 557 - Problem with Windows installer NSIS plugins 522 - Add values for pH 386 - Hops Use combo has entry that says \"Aroma\" but ends up listed as \"Post-Boil\" in the display 775 - We currently display a Recipe\'s date as \"Brew Date\", when it should probably be \"Creation Date\" 619
* Mon Sep 16 2024 ecsos - Update to 3.0.11
* New Features - None
* Bug Fixes - Crash changing fermentation duration 785 - Tabs on Editor Windows not displaying correctly on macOS 787 - Efficiency into boil kettle calculation unstable after closing and re-opening Brewtarget 789- Changes from 3.0.10
* New Features - None
* Bug Fixes - Database error since 3.0.7 #780 - Restoring database from another version of Brewtarget (self-compiled version 2.0.4 from 2018 codebase) on MacOS 11.7.8 causes application to fail to load on Brewtarget 3.0.9 on Linux Mint 21.1 #766 - Postgres issue w/ fresh install #760 - Import Error #751- Changes from 3.0.9
* New Features - None
* Bug Fixes - Broken build on Linux Mint #738 - \"Brew it\" crashes Mac app #747 - Memory access crash on create new recipe #748- Changes from 3.0.8
* New Features - Case insensitive matching of unit names (mL vs ml etc) #725 - More fields show their units (eg \"%\", \"vol\", etc) and number of decimal places on some fields is amended
* Bug Fixes - Errors in SucroseConversion.cpp when Compiling on Windows 10 under Visual Studio 2022 #743 - M_PI undefined when Compiling on Windows 10 under Visual Studio 2022 #741 - Water chemistry is still broken #736 - Some more confusion about decimal separators #733- Changes from 3.0.7
* New Features - None
* Bug Fixes - import or export xml records crashes 3.0.x Win app #711 - win10 native MSYS2 build make package error 714 - Hop calculation issues 715 - Reset values of Specific Heat 719- Changes from 3.0.6
* New Features - None
* Bug Fixes - brewkenPersistentSettings.conf? #694 - Could not decode \"Pellet\" to enum and others #695 - Brewtarget logo is missing from main window #697 - Drag and drop is broken #701 - WARNING : QObject::connect: No such signal BrewNote::brewDateChanged(QDateTime) in /home/mik/brewtarget/mik/src/BtTreeModel.cpp #703 - Water chemistry was misbehaving #705 - core dump when right clicking the OG label on the main screen #708 - Hop calculation issues #715 - Hop editor crashes App #717- Changes from 3.0.5
* New Features - None
* Bug Fixes - macOS release v3.0.3 is damaged #679 - Boil Time not saved when you edit a copied recipe #688 - Imported recipes are inconsistent and inaccurate #689- Changes from 3.0.4
* New Features - None
* Bug Fixes - Compiling Brewtarget from source for the first time produces a Segmentation Fault #669 - Desktop file and icon installed to wrong location on Linux #683 - macOS release v3.0.3 is damaged #679 - Water Chemistry: Crash when selecting added salt name or amount #685- Changes from 3.0.3
* New Features - None
* Bug Fixes - Flags in language selection #675- Changes from 3.0.2
* New Features - None
* Bug Fixes - LGPL-2.1-only and LGPL-3.0-only license text not shipped #664 - Release 3.0.1 is uninstallable on Ubuntu 22.04.1 #665 - Turkish Language selection in settings not working [#670])#670)- Changes from 3.0.1
* New Features - None
* Bug Fixes - 3.0.0 release puts config and DB in the wrong folder #662 - Brewtarget exit after clicking on... #649- Changes from 3.0.0
* New Features - PostgreSQL 9.5 is now a supported database - SQLite database is automatically backed up - Temporary database has been removed, in favor of the automated backups - All writes are now live -- no need to save your work. - Three new mash types have been added: Batch Sparge, Fly Sparge and No Sparge. The maths should work. - Units and scale now work for input as well as output - Recipe versioning - UI state persists - Improved equipment editor - Undo/Redo #370 - XML import is more robust - Improved display on HDPI displays
* Bug Fixes - 2.3.0 usability enhancement #179 - 2.4 creating recipe crashes brewtarget #419 - 2.4 Verson #481 - ABV Calculation Error #398 - Adding yeast to a recipe crashes when using postgresql #508 - Adjusting volume on preboil tab doesn\'t change bk efficiency #255 - A new dir misbehave? #643 - Avoid recipe recalc on load enhancement #270 - A zombie recipe ;), just cosmetic thing. #645 - Backup Database - can\'t choose filename, and clicking Cancel gives error #497 - Bad css on recipe output #251 - Beer XML imports don\'t seem to be working. #576 - beerxml import seems broken #500 - Boil time for hops is shown in whole hours (90 min -> 2h) #560 - Brew it / generate brew notes #403 - Brewnotes don\'t work any more #417 - BrewNote should contain a copy of a the recipe on the day it was brewed. enhancement normal priority #106 - Brewtarget (2.4.0) crashes when copying recipe #589 - brewtarget crashed, now I am warned there are two instances running #533 - Brewtarget crashes when exporting a recipe with a Sparge mash #626 - Brewtarget doesn\'t stop you running multiple instances #526 - Brewtarget::initialize() fails on a blank system #210 - Brewtarget misinterprets the mash temperatures: 65,000 C as 65.000,000 C #569 - Brewtarget release 2.4.0 is coming #271 - Brewtarget should log its version number #495 - Broken unit tests after #453 #455 - BT 2.3.1: BeerXML output does not contain estimated IBU value #452 - BT DEV 2.4.0 - dependency libgcc-s1 on ubuntu 18.04 #623 - btOS - BrewTarget OS GNU Linux Embedded - RaspberryPI 3 #355 - BtTreeView selected items take precedence over locally selected entities #340 - Buggy refactor #230 - Bug: Incorrect mash temperature is shown in editor and grid #220 - Bug With database not creating in windows on fresh install #486 - Building on windows and getting started on Windows? #397 - Build problems on guidsx #248 - Cannot delete style #371 - Cannot Start Brewtarget #470 - Can\'t add mash step in dev #221 - Can\'t delete a style from the tree #155 - Can\'t enter 90 minutes in hops schedule duplicate #243 - Chaging unit or scale on a table column does not automatically refresh #43 - Changing IBU formula or mash/fwh percentages, nothing happens #223 - CI/CD automated builds #456 - Color of the malt as displayed in the treeView_ferm is expressed in SRM regardless of unit settings #345 - Compile error in MashWizard.cpp #422 - Copy database doesn\'t copy the settings table properly #306 - Copying database fails #303 - \"Copy Recipe\" doesn\'t input inventory quantities #72 - core dump on creating new database #142 - Core dump when closing brewtarget #311 - Crash at closing after deleting a hop #116 - Crash when creating new Equipment #634 - Crash when importing .xml-file #280 - Creating a new recipe makes the program crash on start-up #518 - Custom instructions aren\'t added to Recipe #656 - Database gone/reset to defaults #469 - Database performance #309 - DatabaseSchemaHelper::create doesn\'t define mashstep table properly #145 - DatabaseSchemaHelper() defines hop table incorrectly #150 - DatabaseSchemaHelper defines as not null #149 - Database VANISHED!!! #247 - Database wiped on Mac OS X 10.12 due to logout #333 - \"Date First Brewed\" should default to date recipe was created #301 - DB edits in Options dialog #570 - Default database directory location #272 - default_database.sqlite is a little broken #476 - Deleting equipment, style or named mash dumps core #237 - Deleting fermentable from recipe causes a crash. #436 - Dependencies are not the same in the main README and the vagrant provisioning file #376 - develop branch announcement #168 - develop crashing on adding equipment to a new recipe #507 - Disconnected signal/slot pair when printing #276 - Display amount always in volumeunit in yeast editor #183 - Docker with Linux+Brewtarget 2.4.0 #393 - Doesn\'t build using cmake 3.x #409 - dpkg -i deb throws up errors - old dependenices listed as required #489 - Editing mash crashes the program #606 - Enable GitHub Discussions? #528 - Error in equipment editor definitions #214 - Feature proposal: Duplicate button in inventory #332 - Feature request: Add logging options to GUI #474 - Feature request - Alpha % in Inventory Report #466 - Fermentable added to recipe has inventory amount set to zero. #396 - FG calculation does not take into account unfermentable ingredients (example: Lactose) #358 - Final Batch Sparge always assuming 15min in Mash Wizard enhancement normal priority #63 - First wort hop adjustment too high by a factor of 100 #177 - Fixed efficiency #641 - Foreign keys seem to need to be last #144 - fromXML methods are not fault tolerant #239 - Generate instructions on a new recipe dumps core #513 - Graphical/text representation of gravity,color, IBUs, etc has mis-sized and truncated text #484 - Graphics on new install glitched #537 - Half the recipes in a folder are moved when dragged-and-dropped into another folder #195 - High DPI Display problems #434 - Hops inventory does not update duplicate #324 - HopSortFilterProxy isn\'t quite behaving properly on TIMECOL #182 - HTML and XML files #646 - Hydrometer 60F calibration #330 - I broke database conversions again #580 - IBU/color formulas do not persist #133 - Importing an XML file from our export throws a lot of warnings #475 - Importing a recipe is broken #444 - Improve XML import/export error handling. enhancement normal priority #421 - Incorrect balloon comments for Strike Temp and Final Temp #54 - Incorrect mash temperature is shown in editor and grid #220 - Ingredients - add Levteck yeast enhancement #284 - Initialising a new database #319 - Initial value of IBU Adjustments erroneous on systems that use coma as decimal separator #158 - Installer: skip terminates #11 - Instant crash when export to print (on Ubuntu) #250 - Instruction increment trigger may be broken #141 - Inventory error?! Unknown signal. Trying to add inventory to yeasts. #601 - Is there anyone building this on macOS? #375 - I was thinking about windows installer build #512 - Keep inventory when copying a recipe [#72] (#72) - Kettle volume loss due to trub #385 - Macbook pro retina display fonts are pixelated (HiDPI) enhancement normal priority #259 - Make XML import more robust #504 - Mash Designer - batch sparge type has no affect on water slider amount range #282 - Mash Designer lets you over-shoot target collected wort volume #339 - Mash designer - lower step temperature causes negative infusion #94 - Mash designer produces inconsistent results #279 - Mash Designer Temperature Bugs #412 - Mash Designer - temperature slider reversal #283 - Mash Profile deletion causes fatal error #342 - Mash wizard creates fly sparge step even when \"No sparge\" radio button checked #351 - Mash wizard does not adjust sparge water temperature for changes in mash temperature #357 - Minimum and maximum recommended IBU values do not change when switching between Tinseth\'s and Rager\'s #630 - Moving mash steps causes crash. #265 - Moving mash steps doesn\'t update form. #267 - Nested html documents in recipe printout #277 - New ingredient can\'t be created into a folder #117 - Newly created folders are not stored in the db #346 - New MashStep doesn\'t get saved properly #628 - New mash type are behaving poorly #244 - No menu question #136 - Notepad style recipe option. #394 - Not linking with QtSvg: macdeployqt misses the svg plugins #169 - Number of decimals for the color in the fermentable editor #314 - OG P wrongly calculated for OG sg in refractometer tool #159 - Old recipe crashes Brewtarget #420 - OSX - Crashes when run directly from DMG (read-only installer image) #269 - Pedantic compiler warnings #233 - Persistent backups and temporary backups enhancement #261 - PPA is out of date #381 - PPA is Way Out of Date #236 - Printed pages do not fill page width on high-dpi displays #88 - Printing not working in develop #263 - Printouts are black with dark theme #454 - Print preview is no longer WYSIWYG #258 - Problems with OGs and FGs for each style (2.3.0) #166 - Problem with amounts in inventory #532 - Program crashes after moving up or down a mash step for an empty mash profile #180 - Put string constants for property names in namespaces and match names to values #520 - QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath: Please instantiate the QApplication object first bug needs info #115 - qt 5.11 breaks fermentables #416 - QT5 minimal version #521 - QtMultimedia gstreamer link issue #9 - Recalc button enhancement #135 - Recipe Extras Tab >> Notes & Taste Notes should be saved? #365 - Recipe versioning #327 - Removing ingredient from the recipe does not update calculated beer parameters #341 - Request: Double click ingredient opens ingredient editor #350 - Require specific minimum Qt version in CMakeLists.txt #152 - Right-click on top level Recipes in treeview Segfaults with null pointer #609 - Saving a \"note\" to a the dated tab causes application to crash #483 - Saving error #373 - Scottland -> Scotland #529 - Segfault merging database #291 - Signals, signals everywhere enhancement #274 - Slots: signals in BeerXMLElement subclasses? #473 - Specific heat label fix (cal/(gK)) to (Cal/(gK)) #404 - SQL Database Error in mashstep #461 - SQLite to postgres is broken. Again. #505 - Support for Brew-in-a-bag enhancement #41 - TESTs failing when Testing::initTestCase() is creating new Hop or Fermentable #604 - Text Notes on Brew Days gone and do not work anymore #457 - Thank you very much for the free open source program! #494 - The feature of calculating ingredients enhancement #188 - There is no Q_PROPERTY line in brewnotes for the new attenuation field #440 - Time automatically displayed in hours if the value in minute exceeds 60 min enhancement #46 - TravisCI can\'t find webkit because it\'s gone forever #217 - Trying to delete \"brewtarget\" folder in the Recipes list causes segfault #338 - Tun Volume Entered is 0 #298 - Two running Brewtargets Resets Database #73 - Two Running Brewtargets Resets Database #73 - Typo in Yeast editor #384 - UI -2.3.0 usability enhancement #179 - UI compiler complains about missing widget #209 - UI - DB edits in Options dialog #570 - Unable to build on Linux Mint 18.1 #337 - Units on input are not working #238 - updating the database is misbehaving #564 - Updating the inventory seems broken #315 - use bool type in schema enhancement normal priority #148 - UTF-8 compatible export for BeerXML #624 - Version 2.4.0 branched #289 - We are not properly deleting things #164 - When removing a style through Style Editor and clicking on cancel the change is not undone enhancement #198 - When you change the scale of the Boil Time in the equipment dialog the prg crash #137 - Where is database stored? #441 - Why does MainWindow create a recipe by poking directly into the Database()? #446 - Why Xerces & Xalan? #625 - Will there be version 2.3.1 for Windows? #464 - Windows build failing with error: \'M_PI\' was not declared in this scope #538 - Windows build fails #292 - Xerces-C and Xalan-C is not included in NSIS Installer #567 - XML recipe import not setting amounts #588 - Yeast attenuation min-max #410
* Wed Feb 03 2021 ecsos - Remove libqt4-devel and pkgconfig(phonon) from Buildrequires and only use pkgconfig(phonon4qt5).
* Sun Nov 24 2019 Update to 2.3.1
* New Features - None
* Bug Fixes - Bad amount/weight behavior in yeast editor #183 - Bad time sorting in hop table #182 - First wort hop adjustment 100x too high #177 - OG in Plato wrongly displayed in refracto dialog #159- Rebase brewtarget-fix_deprecated_macro.patch
* Wed Jun 13 2018 insert brewtarget-fix_deprecated_macro.patch- little rebase spec file
* Sun Jul 09 2017 Initial package