Changelog for
musescore-git-fonts-4.3~git.20230416T165702.a20042989-2.46.noarch.rpm :
* Mon Apr 17 2023 Update to version 4.3~git.20230416T165702.a20042989:
* Fix #17068 Modified setIsVisible function to have setChildren parameter
* code-review fixes
* implemented the ability to use the reverb in the mixer
* added the resolver of the app built-in effects
* returned layouting of stretched bend during note layout
* added AbstractFxResolver to share the effects caching algorithm
* [engraving] added whammybar write
* [engraving] added volta write
* [engraving] added vibrato write
* [engraving] added tuplet write
* [engraving] added trill write
* [engraving] added tremolobar write
* [engraving] added tremolo write
* [engraving] added timesig write
* [engraving] added tie write
* [engraving] added textline write
* [engraving] added text write
* [engraving] added tempotext write
* [engraving] added systemtext write
* [engraving] added systemdivider write
* [engraving] added system write
* [engraving] added symbol write
* [engraving] added sticking write
* [engraving] added stemslash write
* [engraving] added stem write
* [engraving] added stafftype write
* [engraving] added stafftypechange write
* [engraving] added stafftextbase write
* [engraving] added staffstate write
* [engraving] added spacer write
* [engraving] added slur write
* [engraving] added segment write
* [engraving] added rest write
* [engraving] added rehearsalmark write
* [engraving] added playtechannotation write
* [engraving] added pedal write
* [engraving] added paке write
* [engraving] added palmmute write
* [engraving] added page write
* [engraving] added ottava write
* [engraving] added noteline write
* [engraving] added notedot write
* [engraving] added noteevent write
* [engraving] added note write
* [engraving] added mmrest write
* [engraving] added measurerepeat write
* [engraving] added measurenumber write
* [engraving] added marker write
* [engraving] added lyrics write
* [engraving] added location write
* [engraving] added letring write
* [engraving] added ledgerline write
* [engraving] added layoutbreak write
* [engraving] added keysig write
* [engraving] added jump write
* Check for translation errors when generating placeholder translations
* layouting stretched bend correctly
* added some functions in container.h
* Fixed compiling of video converter
* [engraving] added instrumentchange write
* [engraving] added image write
* [engraving] added hook write
* [engraving] added harmony write
* [engraving] added hairpin write
* [engraving] added groups write
* [engraving] added GradualTempoChange write
* [engraving] added glissando write
* [engraving] added fretdiagram write
* [engraving] added fingering write
* [engraving] added figuredbass write
* [engraving] added fermata write
* [engraving] added dynamic write
* [engraving] added clef write
* [engraving] added chordline write
* Fix MSVC compiler warning
* relayout lyric on ticks == 0
* implemented the ability to add an aux channel to the mixer
* Fix align issues by ensuring that the property is reset if needed
* Allow zero-length dashes to lay out so they can be dealt with nicely
* Fix MSVC compiler warning
* not drawing glissando when measure is very narrow
* fix build
* fix crash caused by PR #16223
* [engraving] added chord write
* [engraving] added box write
* [engraving] added bend write
* [engraving] added beam write
* [engraving] added barline write
* [engraving] added BagpipeEmbellishment write
* [engraving] added articulation write
* [engraving] added arpeggio write
* [engraving] added ambitus write
* [engraving] added actionicon write
* [engraving] added accidental write
* Code-style fixes
* Renamed a member to make it more meaningful in the context of sends
* Added built-in reverb effect implementation
* Uncrustify: Faster pre-commit hook to fix code style
* call setContentScaleFactor on Windows only. It causes problems with the scaling of some plugins (for example, Mett Typel - Helm) on macOS
* don\'t allow the vst window to take up more space than the screen size
* gp-import: removed unneсessary logs
* Fixed mistake
* Handle more element types in TRead::readItem
* fixed midi generation for measures with repeats
* Fix MSVC compiler warning
* enable closing the vst window using the Esc key
* fix #17164
* added vtest
* Don\'t add cross-staff items to the skyline
* Fix layout of articulation when on top of cross-staff beams
* Add extra braille tables for use with liblouis
* Fix liblouis build on Windows
* Fix liblouis build on Linux and macOS
* Add option to build liblouis files needed for braille module
* [engraving] fixed codestyle
* [engraving] removed include tread.h
* [engraving] removed read from types
* [engraving] use TRead read
* [engraving] added part, staff read
* [engraving] added palmute read
* [engraving] added types to readItem
* [engraving] added pedal read
* [engraving] added ottava read
* fixed disabling video command
* Add liblouis v3.24.0 to src/braille/thirdparty
* Disable video export code commandline options
* fixed crash on start
* Corrected the mistake
* optimization: eliminated redundant audioChannelsCount() calls
* [engraving] moved some read methods to TRead class
* [engraving] added volta read
* [engraving] added vibrato read
* [engraving] added trill read
* [engraving] added textline read
* [engraving] added system read
* [engraving] added stafftype read
* [engraving] added spacer read
* [engraving] added slurtie read
* [engraving] moved some read methods to TRead class
* [engraving] added sline read
* [engraving] added letring read
* [engraving] added lengerline read
* [engraving] added layoutbreak read
* Instrument name is distinct from long instrument name
* show only one progress dialog for all exported files
* added support for loading plugin containers (such as Waves)
* implemented a more reliable algorithm for generating file names
* hide the splashscreen only after calling all onDelayedInit
* replaced ExportProgressDialog with the general progress component
* Disabled navigation for tooltips
* [engraving] moved some read methods to TRead class
* [engraving] added gradualtempochange read
* [engraving] added glissando read
* [engraving] moved some read methods to TRead class
* [engraving] added box read
* [engraving] added actionicon read
* Close all tooltips, menus and popups when opening dialogs
* Fix crash because we\'re modifying vector while iterating
* Make the methods for inserting parts less confusing
* CI. Collect playlists for Home->Learn page
* Removed YouTube API, use s3
* integrated the new audio plugin scanner
* optimization
* Unify the data type as double, and use RealIsEqual() to judge equality
* fix Font point size fields in Properties panel only show/accept wholFont point size fields in Properties panel only show/accept whole numbers #16764
* Create a different latest nightly symlink for each branch
* relayout stem slash on stem bbox calculation
* vtest for mixed direction slur attach on tab staves
* fix mixed-stem slur endpoint calcs on tab staff
* ensure tuplet bracket type is set on creation according to score style
* add vtest for rhythmic slash stems
* Only apply special stem lengthening to non-fixed notes
* [engraving] added systemdivider read
* [engraving] added mmrestrange read
* [engraving] added measurenumber read
* [engraving] added marker, jump read
* [engraving] added ambitus read
* [engraving] added beam read
* [engraving] added tuplet read
* [engraving] added fermata read
* [engraving] added sticking, rehearsalmark, instrumentchange... read
* [engraving] added tempotext read
* added tremolobar read
* Fix #16701: set min zoom to 5 and min zoom dropdown to 25
* [engraving] fixed rest read
* [engraving] added read fretdiagram
* [engraving] added read harmony
* [engraving] added read dynamic
* [engraving] added read stafftext
* [engraving] added keysigrw
* [engraving] added timesigrw, grouprw
* [engraving] added clefrw
* [engraving] added measurerepeatrw
* fixed read excerpts
* fixed #16740: Activate section by mouse clicking only for exclusive sections(in popups and dialogs)
* squash commits
* fix #17049: crash while pasting elements
* doc: fixed some typos in
* Fixed typos in plugins2to3 docs
* fixed typos in
* [engraving] added breathrw
* [engraving] added mmrestrw, restrw
* [engraving] added tremolorw
* [engraving] added arpeggiorw
* [engraving] added stemslashrw
* [engraving] added hookrw
* [engraving] added stemrw
* [engraving] added fingeringrw
* [engraving] added chordlinerw
* [engraving] added bendrw, notedotrw
* [engraving] added accidentalrw
* [engraving] added noterw
* Fix the \"Full screen\" menu item
* gp-import: removed excess setupping of string data
* Fix QML error in Format > Style > Rests
* Format > Style: fix Tab navigation order for offset controls
* fix [MU4 Issue] Saving parts with a dot in the name truncates at the wrong point #15736
* fixed infinite loop during layout fo small page sizes
* Fix MSVC compiler warning
* fix #16476: ignore lyrics/slurs when changing note visibility
* simplified the algorithm for changing the visibility of notes
* [engraving] added lyricsrw, textbaserw
* [engraving] chordrw chordrestrw
* [engraving] added locationrw
* [engraving] added imagerw
* [engraving] removed old code
* [engraving] added barlinerw, symbolrw, bsymbolrw, fsymbolrw
* Fix #16994: crash regression related to beams
* midi-renderer: fixed applying effect for pitchbend
* Apply !showbacktied rules per system, not per measure
* Adjust spanners when measures are deleted
* Fix MSVX compiler warnings
* Fix MSVC compiler warnings
* [engraving] fixed crash on articulation read
* Fix selecting measure after first page
* Temporary disable generation of vtests
* Resolving rebase conflicts
* Added vtest
* Introducing narrow spacing management
* Don\'t break measures spanned by a noBreak
* A definitive solution to clefs spacing
* [engraving] added articulationrw, engravingitemrw, propertyrw
* recompute _minMove and _maxMove in layout2Cross
* move BeamLayout to its own file
* fingering vs articulation
* Fingering VS Articulation
* review changes
* Fix utests
* Extract beam layout algorithm into separate class
* added vtest
* Introduce clickableShape for items
* Fix #14650
* Performance improvement
* Exposing default rest offset to Style dialog
* Fix utests
* Vtest changes and additions
* A complete overhaul of rest vertical positioning
* Fix MSVC compiler warnings
* Fix MSVC compiler warning
* Fix MSVC compiler warnings
* Avoid rounding errors by using ticks
* [engraving] added readinoutdata, moved readcontext to private
* added iscorereader interface
* [engraving] renamed scorereader to mscloader
* fix utests
* Allow brackets to be invisible
* added the --register-failed-audio-plugin option to ensure that incompatible plugins are registered in separate processes
* AudioPluginProbe -> AudioPluginRegistration
* tests
* implemented the progress component
* refactored CommanLineController: now we can use it before creating an instance of QApplication
* Fix rebase conflicts
* added vtest
* Beamlet scaling correction
* Tuplet scaling corrections
* Slur scaling corrections
* Cleanup: refactoring of magnification functions for chord/rest
* Fix utests
* Call spatiumChanged() on all children after cloning items
* Avoid scaling offset twice when spatium is changed
* added vtest
* const correction
* Fix fingering on cross beams
* added vtest
* Several corrections to chord layout
* MMRest width correction
* Fix utests
* When cloning ChordLine, we must find new note
* Avoid repeated calls to startCR() and endCR()
* Slur collision optimization
* Don\'t enter if condition unnecessarily
* Avoid unnecessary copies of Shape objects
* Don\'t pass a Score
* to Shape::minHorizontalDistance
* added vtest
* Several corrections to rests with ledger lines
* Update SPDX license name in the AppData file
* relayout articulations on stem extension for cross-staff
* Refactor implementation of IMainWindow interface
* Revert \"Downgraded gcc version for backend\"
* Updated docker to ubuntu 20
* Updating backend build env to Ubuntu 20.04
* add annotations within tuplet consistent with non-tuplet segments
* fixed #16794: If autohide enabled for the taskbar, then indent from the edge of the monitor to be able to show the taskbar
* fix volta hiding utest ref file
* Fix MSVC compiler warnings
* Prevent negative spanners
* Remove chordrests in deleted measures from beams
* Fix vtests by adding break 8th properties to rests
* allow beam breaks on beam-inset rests
* Hooks trigger an additional computation of up
* Recompute default stem length when hook is added
* prevent addition of unneeded beam fragments in cross-measure situation
* Factor out list building into its own method
* Add a vtest for new dot avoidance functionality
* Improve the dot adjustment algorithm
* Fix compilation error with GCC 13
* implemented scanning and registration of audio plugins
* midi-render: adjusted vibrato amplitude and period
* temporarily disabled the broken test
* Slur collision correction
* added vtest
* Add grace notes to skyline
* Fix #15759: Disable \"Save as default\" button when multiple elements with different values selected
* Fix reading files where rests in non-first voices have been deleted
* Fix 13608: make play-next-chord in just-opened score select first note instead of barline or clef
* fixed midi channel for grace notes
* Fix MSVC Compiler warnings
* Fix MSVC Compiler warnings
* fixed make draw data state
* remove skip vtests failure with label vtests
* added skip vtests failure with label vtests_skip_failure
* implemented the missing method
* Updated compilation instruction links
* Fix deprecation warnings in vtests CI
* Hide Hooks section when it contains no visible controls
* Allow start hooks for most text line types
* Implement design for start hook / end hook sections
* Cleanup of the previous commits
* chore: missed cleanups [skip ci]
* refactor: simplify hook height PropertyItems
* style: cleanup old code and `titleText`s [skip ci]
* feat (text-line): separate start and end hook heights
* Correct cross-beam spacing in narrow situations
* Fix broken editing dynamics when selecting all
* added vtest
* Correct scaling calculations for chordLine items
* added vtest
* Fix glissando glitch
* Change default minMMRestWidth style value
* MMRest bug fix
* Only put beamlets before if the beam level above is also before
* utest for mxml import articulation combinations
* Add combinations for soft-accent
* Add ability to export combined articulations,
* Combine articulations when appropriate in mxml import
* simpler calculation for tie attach point for slashed heads
* vtest for tie attach points for stemless slashed heads
* Add special handling to non-stemmed slash heads
* code review fixes
* fixed #16728: Fixed calculating dialog size
* implemented the vst plugin meta reader
* implemented the vst plugins scanner
* implemented the register of known plugins
* new utests for volta hiding in musicxml import
* Ignore voltas with print-object=\"no\" on mxml import
* Chord Symbols duration calculation requires the use of utick- Add additional devel files
* Thu Mar 16 2023 Update to version 4.1~git.20230316T144922.5e39b1fc:
* midi-renderer: removed wrong use of effects
* fix #14859: Missing part-group stop in MusicXML export
* fix #15526: [MU4 Issue] Part group barlines not respected in MusicXML import
* Small correction to Segment width offset
* added vtest alternative on CI
* Antialiase plugin thumbnails
* Fix #16811: Remove Report a bug option
* Leading space correction
* add vtest
* fix utest for slightly better grace note stem length outside staff
* treat grace note beams as small
* Reset the current project in the global context
* Treat straight flags like beams
* Avoid overlapping brackets
* added vtest
* Minimum tie length correction at start of system
* added vtest
* Fix system lines alignment on MMRests
* Added vtest
* Fix TAB alignment issue
* added required modules for vtest (old) configuration
* Fix #329060, fix #48251: [MusicXML export] decimals in metronome markings get separated
* Fix incorrect rests when filling measure
* Fix #342825: MusicXML import: G-Clef 15ma bassa imports as G-Clef
* added build and pack script for vtests on CI
* Added schedule for backend
* Fixed compiling of video converter
* Fix crash on transpose of specific 3.6 score
* Fixed error: In the GNU C Library, \"major\" is defined by
* Fix #16761: clear measures after box properties are set
* Fix a translatable string that contained a trailing space
* Fix #16658: Position of articulations is incorrect in imported MusicXML files from Reaper
* Fix #341456: Increase max time sig scale to 1000
* Fix #343436: Crash on saving after adding note-anchored lines
* Use the action from the new `musescore/github_actions` repo
* Issue triage: switch to `cbjeukendrup/assign-by-label`
* fix visibility of text in KeyNav
* fixed #16702: if after moving the dialog does not fit on the screen, then adjust the size of the dialog
* added scan files for codestyle
* midi-render: disabling channel lookup for midi export
* Fix #16703: swap zoom in/out controls in status bar
* midi-renderer: adjusted vibrato period and amplitude
* Fix #13411. Changed \'Capo line\' to \'Barré line\'
* renamed the existing application modes
* introduced the --audio-plugin-probe option
* added midi instrument effect handling, removed palm mute processing from guitar pro import
* implode from multiple voices accidentals fix
* fix #16624: midi export regression
* Fix #13535: Page number selection should be disabled
* Fix #15328: Removed automatic update after editing properties
* If the current project is valid then we should resetup the playback
* Do not reset value when saving score
* Corrected the logic of the variable
* Fix a translatable string for consistency
* Switch to assert due to PR #15938
* Fix #13454: Fingering & Sticking should be added to all notes
* Update unit tests
* Don\'t ignore C major key sig at the beginning of a score file
* Don\'t delete initial C major key signatures when toggling concert pitch
* Fix key signatures regarding concert pitch when cloning staff
* Update \"Concert pitch\" checkbox when switching between notations
* Fix #13485: cresc. and dim. properties popups affect each other
* Fix #14567: Add 7, 8, 9 to Guitar string numbers in palettes
* Fix #15746: Repeat texts not outside voltas
* Run lupdate
* Fix untranslatable strings in corruption details dialog
* Work only with Page mode
* Revert \"added the ability to manually reproduce #15636\"
* fix #15636: handle error 401 correctly: refresh the access token and retry the request
* don\'t call progress->finished until we finish uploading
* simplification: removed authorization from uploadScore/uploadAudio
* fixed displaying the offset property
* the \"cue size\" option will always affect the entire chord
* Excerpts also should be in page mode
* Regression, print the main score also
* deal with deleted system object staves
* Ensure _elements is sorted
* Added vtest
* Cross-staff grace notes improvement
* Tuplet centering correction
* Fix crash when applying staff type change to MMRest measure
* added vtest
* When avoiding a slur, move up the entire articulations group
* Fix #16342: Added generic shortcut for note input tooltip
* take line distance into account in stem length calculation
* fix #16321
* Removed unused workflow
* Fixed assignment of users to issues
* Added vtest
* Fix cross-staff beam direction bug when starting with rest
* fix #16593
* Inspector: consistently use \"Position\" rather than \"Placement on staff\"
* Fret diagram Inspector: bring back missing Orientation property
* Fix accidentals bug on slash notation
* Added vtest
* Fix cross staff ties bug
* Fix staff name hiding bug
* fix labels to project
* Added vtest
* Fix cross system slur direction bug
* fix clipping issue
* midi-render: introduced instrument effects
* fix #14792 wide ledger lines add vtest
* Fix crash when duplicating open part
* modify Help section
* add labels to projects
* add assignees4label
* add feature request
* add regression labels
* add issue labeler
* clarify regressions and os
* fix yaml
* Update spelling, add some fields
* minor tweaks
* initial issue form
* Avoid sending a lot of notifications when marking project as saved
* Don\'t mark audio settings / view settings as saved after AutoSave
* Check minimum drag delta only _before_ starting a drag operation
* fix #16528: Absolute MuseSampler\'s path for mac os (same fix as in PR #13386)
* fixed more cases of corruption: the algorithm inside MapExcerptTracks (and Score::mapExcerptTracks) could mess up m_tracksMapping. From now on we will always use Excerpt::updateTracksMapping() to update the mapping since it is more reliable
* fix #16457: removed redundant cache that prevents tracks from updating
* Fix that previously resetted excerpts are not reopened after reopening the file
* Improve code readability
* Correct MMRest breaking (spanners can also start mid-measure!!)
* Fix disappearing mid-measure tempo changes in parts
* Fix wrong track on copy paste
* midi-render: fixed render of glissando with 1 semitone
* gp-import: updated and added tests
* Fix utests
* Introducing text settings for tempo change
* Fix MSVC compiler warnings
* Fix MSVC compiler warning
* Maintain stem direction for created tuplets
* make sure new computeUp functionality produces the correct beam dir
* Account for beams with neither a start or end chord
* Make beams respect explicit stem direction
* only use custom stem directions when stem is unbeamed
* Align line to text, not text to line
* gp-import: fixed importing dynamics by tracks for older gp versions
* Fix GH#13631: Crash in homegrown string library
* actualization draw data compare
* renamed draw object to item
* changed draw data structure to tree
* added multipage to vtests
* playback cursor optimization: do not redraw the entire score during playback
* Fix utests
* Ignore gap rests for spacing calculations
* fixed #16477: Non-multithreaded COM initialization
* Checking available devices every 5 seconds
* Continue if user agrees to save project with errors
* gp-import: fixed sound automation
* Try what happens if we replace just the Excerpt without replacing the ExcerptNotation
* Leave excerpt open when resetting it
* Add \"Reset\" for all parts; \"Delete\" only for custom parts
* Allow deleting auto-created parts
* fixed crash on deinit
* return old vtest system
* Fix disappearing systemLines when making all staves invisible
* Ignore slur offsets pre-4.0
* fixed #16449: Allow to save score corrupted upon opening
* Update MuseSampler API wrapper for v0.4 support
* midi-render: fixed pitch for octave
* Fix utests
* Delete outdated comment (referred to a thing that has been deleted)
* KeySig event should always be added even if a staff results in C
* gp-import: handling octave import without unnecessary logs
* Fix measure number bug in case of no-break group
* fix #16415: ignore grace notes when hiding/showing a chord
* gp-import: fixed import of dynamics for gp5
* fixed wrong generated fluid synth conversation tables
* Avoid multiple copies on staff with linked cloned
* Don\'t set feathering mode if property value is invalid
* Fix #340288: Concert Band template is missing
* gp-import: fixed string data for instruments with several staves
* Fix saving files on the command line
* Notify about selection changed after editing selection filter
* Fixed calculation of anchor item height
* added use utest configuration on CI
* WASAPI: use closest supported format only if an error occurred while connecting with default format
* WASAPI: use closest supported format if our favourite is not supported
* WASAPI: add proper logging of error codes
* fix #16228: fixed initialization of variables in gpbar
* optimization: removed redundant doLayout() call. It will be called inside undoStack()->commitChanges() anyway
* optimization: don\'t update the current score every time the user enters a character in the \"Abbreviated name\" field
* got rid of the qt inlude
* Fix macOS CI
* disabling some modules for utest configuration
* Fix code style
* Add \"user dir\" default paths for sampler
* fixed a crash when closing the application with active VST plugins using the Quit button from the main menu
* fix #16231: fixed a crash when unloading some VST plugins
* fix #15074: unload VST plugins in the main thread only
* fix #10930: fixed numerous problems with memory management after using Steinberg::Vst::PlugProvider::getComponent/getController
* added vst module build define
* Fix GH#16346: Stack buffer overflow vulnerability while parse MIDI file
* added the ability to build disabled ui, appshell modules
* added the ability to build disabled mpe module
* added the ability to build disabled midi module
* added the ability to build disabled accessibility modules
* added the ability to build disabled notation, project and converter modules
* fixed #15029: Reconnect to the default device after changing the default device in the system
* Fix #16385: add formatDoubleFunc
* Fix typo
* midi-render: fixed duration of dead note
* getting rid of some casts
* Changed how WorkspacesView.qml is displayed in WorkspacesDialog.qml
* Updated WorkspacesView.qml
* Error about not being able to upload newly created score
* Fixed the body for newly created score
* added the ability to manually corrupt the open score (for testing purposes)
* fix #16206
* fix #12150
* reverted PR #12152
* midi-render: fixed bend duration
* try fix build vtest on CI
* removed config.h
* removed mtest dir
* clean project configuration
* renamed some cmake project options
* removed sparkle
* cleaning project configuration
* added setup configure
* Fix #15654: Closing bracket of rtl languages right-aligned
* Fix #15666: RTL Languages break splash screen
* Fix #15667: RTL languages break mixer numbers
* midi-render: fixed let ring duration for tied note
* midi-render: rendering of slide in sounds
* Fix #16141: Add \'Text Line Spacing\' option in the Text properties panel
* Fix MSVC compiler warnings
* Fix MSCV compiler warning
* Fix MSVC compiler warning
* Update
* Format > Style: fix enabled-ness of user text style name reset button
* Introduce workaround for showing focus border on flat QPushButtons
* Move definition of String::Mutator to cpp
* Add some constexpr
* Clean up the work with surrogates and strings
* Prevent exception about invalid unicode when reading ChordList
* DockTitleBar navigation fix
* Fix keyboard navigation for DockTitleBar
* Add horizontal scrollbar in ErrorDetailsView
* Fix QML error reg. accessibility in ErrorDetailsView.qml
* Score sanity check: also check part scores
* Elide text at the borders of FlatButton
* Fix width of checkboxes in New Workspace dialog
* Fix vertical spacing in Score Upload Success dialog
* Fix text wrap in Score Upload Success dialog
* Fix QML warning in \"How would you like to save?\" dialog
* fixed #16042: Show corrupted message before saving
* Improved management of system objects upon deleting/reinserting staves
* Fix #13600: Add roles for description so this can be accessed without selecting the instrument in qml
* Revert \"Fix crash on deleting \"system object\" staff\"
* Fixed the problem of unintended panel undocking
* fixed #14356: There should be one file named \"LICENSE\" at the root of the repository
* export-midi_letring
* midi-render: fixed sound of grace chord with several notes
* midi-render: increase volume for ghost notes
* export-midi: added let ring effect to midi export
* added vtest ref data and rewrite vtest logic
* added vtest
* added disabling build importexport modules
* added isynthesizer
* disabled build some modules for vtests
* added js vtest on CI
* render midi: fixed grace and glissando combination
* Fixed paths
* Correct kerning rules for ChordLines
* Fix crash when opening old score with instruments without InstrChannels
* Fixed tests
* midi-render: lowered volume for ghost notes
* export-midi: fixed bend length of tie note in midi render
* midi-render: fixed the articulations sound
* export-midi: fixed crash
* fixed #14599: Converting fraction 1/256 from/to ticks does not work
* fix #14685 skipped score results in empty RepeatList
* Fix MSVC compiler warnings
* Fix MSVC compiler warning
* midi-export: each string has its own channel
* midi-render: fixed rendering of tied slides and glissando
* Fix MSVC compiler warning
* Fix MSVC compiler warning
* Revert \"Merge pull request #14822 from Eism/volta_crash_fix\" to re-enable remaining repeat tests
* fixed midi rendering for last measure
* Middle click will drag the score in note-input mode.
* Fixed paths after updating to Windows Server 2022 on CI
* gp-import: fixed octave pitch for grace notes
* added validation pointer to prvent crash
* export-midi: refactored MidiRender class; removed chunk logics
* export-midi: removed SND render option
* review changes
* added vtest
* Fix cross-system glissando bug
* removed _mute, _solo, _solomute fields from Instrument class
* Re-enable almost all disabled repeats tests
* Don\'t use `score->repeatList()` in Spanner::setTick
* Set repeat list dirty just after reading the score
* [diagnostics] added html report for js vtest
* Fix MSVC compiler warning
* Fix MSVC compiler warning
* Fix MSVC compiler warning
* gp-import: fixed errors with continous elements import
* [diagnostics] added some options for js vtest
* filesystem - removed method removeFolderIfEmpty, added method clear
* added score page size accessor
* Disabled nightly build for MU3
* gp-import: fixed and refactored import of continuous elements
* fix #14172: first calculate the duration of the first tied note, and then apply Swing
* fix #15844: update m_measureRepeatCount (which is stored inside MStaff) when removing measure repeats
* fixed #16028 and #15992: Cherry-pick the changes from kdab library
* render midi: fixed mistake in indexes of chord notes
* fix #15513: This crash is a consequence of the changes introduced in PR #13724: we don\'t layout closed parts anymore, so some elements (like H/Vbox) do not have a parent. Their parent (system) is dynamically created when doLayout() is executed
* Don\'t crash when deleting measures in corrupted score
* Added shadow and borders for frameless dialogs
* fixed #14147: Implemented cancel for audio exporting
* midi-renderer: fixed rendering of slides out before grace note
* [diagnostics] added vtest test case for autobot
* export-midi: fixed midi rendering of bends
* midi-renderer: not adding duplicate pitches of chord to midi events
* MixerPanelContextMenuModel: properly update enabled/checked actions
* Fix #321074: Pitch bend sounds incorrectly when export to MIDI
* fix #16124: fixed applying offsets to selected chord parts
* [diagnostics] added scripts for CI
* Fix slur voice cloning bug
* fix #15171: don\'t allow the qml GC to take control over the lifetime of the popup window
* Reset app menu navigation before menu item click handling
* midi-renderer: not breaking chunks when grace note is before beat
* midi-renderer: lower slides velocity
* Fix MinGW compiler warning
* Fix MinGW compiler warning
* Run lupdate on master branch (but don\'t push to Transifex!)
* lupdate action: add ability to switch \'-no-obsolete\' on/off
* gp-import: removed midi mapping of RSE GuitarPro drum instrument
* Added imports necessary to fix without qt windows build.
* Fix MSVC compiler warnings
* Fixed video converter compiling
* Fixed including dirs from ffmpeg
* Fixed converting current time to tick
* gp-import: disabling fret circles
* gp-import: impoting extra tremolos for tied notes
* midi-renderer: lowering glissando velocity
* Fix musescore#15779: Add rest section to properties panel
* Update the video exporter for newer ffmpeg versions
* Restore information about meta tags in header/footer tooltip
* export-midi: more careful calculation of pitch bend
* Let the Kiwis ;-) fall back to British English too
* Let the Aussies ;-) fall back to British English
* midi renderer: letting drumset sound all preset length
* Read and write MMRest properties
* [engraving] fixed determination text font
* fixed before beat midi render of grace notes
* fix #15734: disable some File menu items if there is no open project
* File menu items are now available on all pages, not only on the Score page
* removed MidiRender class to engraving/comat/midi
* fixed a crash when there are no measures in the score (also see issue #11283)
* fix #15385: update repeat lists when changing the global tempo multiplier
* Fix tuplets entry bug
* Fix #15861: Printing scores prints square the number of requested copies
* fixed render midi for grace notes
* [diagnostics] added draw data diff comands
* [diagnostics] added score data draw diff test
* fixed #15897: The C++ standard library\'s regex implementation does not support lookarounds
* added tests for undoChangeVisible and cmdToggleVisible
* Fixed version comparison for muse sampler
* Fixed version comparison when checking for updates
* MUVersion type
* Version type
* Added the ability to collect info about the specific release
* gp-import: fixed import of palm mute
* enable crashpad and symbols upload for aarch64/armv7l linux
* add wayland dependencies for armhf/arm64
* add compiling for appimageupdatetool
* add official MU4 ARMhf and ARM64 github actions
* make disabling crashpad and update modules in CI possible
* allow for specifying architecture for published builds
* allow for specifying package architecture for linux builds
* corrections to make_appimage
* lower Desktop entry spec version
* Fix MSCV compiler warnings
* Fix clicking FlatButton if you (accidentally) move the mouse between press and release
* #15684 MU4 Issue: Horizontal frame - Properties - \"Display key, brackets and braces\" should also mention \"clef\" #15684 (#16008)
* Fix #13437: Concert pitch checkbox does not update on undo
* Fix raising the main window on macOS
* fixed #15119: Correct resolving screen for dialog
* fixed #14542: Corrected the positioning of dialogs
* fixed updating the Note Head section when using the v shortcut
* offsets must be applied to the entire chord, not just to its selected parts
* fix #11740: re-implemented the v shortcut
* Fix #11573: Page size stuck in metric system
* fix #13487: implemented a more advanced algorithm for hiding note heads and attached elements
* Should process all segments
* fix #11096, #11159, #15096: from now on IElementRepositoryService::takeAllElements() returns all selected parts of notes, not just chords
* WriteScoreHook: always write excerpts to score file
* parts_tests.cpp: fix syntax error in disabled code to fix Uncrustify
* Fix those unstable Parts tests
* Prevented crashes
* Added another case in which the score is considered corrupted
* Re-enable disabled Engraving_PartsTests
* removed private fileds occupiedMidiChannels searchMidiMappingFrom from MasterScore, made it local variable
* 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2
* Fix musescore#11440: Make advanced settings\' descriptions more user friendly
* Disable another Engraving_PartsTest that just failed for me
* Fix crash when setting Chords with ledger lines invisible using Inspector
* removed some obsolete subpages from DevTools
* task #15145: added the ability to enable the dev mode in stable builds
* task #15830: added the ability to save diagnostic files (such as logs, shortcuts, etc.) into a zip archive
* accessibility support
* navigation support
* changed the format of the error messages
* implemented the ability to display error details inside the standard dialog
* implemented the ability to pass error details to the standard dialog
* marked the OK button as \"accent\" by default
* use WithIcon as the default option for errors/warnings
* use Ret instead of engraving::Err to pass more detailed information about an error
* show a more user-friendly error/warning when a score is not opened successfully
* [diagnostics] disabled score draw test
* [giagnostics] added data to diff
* [diagnostic] optomisation draw data
* [diagnostics] added draw data diff
* disabled some unstable tests: these tests fail in random PRs
* not deforming slurs over bends
* fixed palm mute position
* Fix #15873: Remove Feedback option
* Temp fix #15437: Use ISO date format instead of locale which doesn\'t work
* Fix crash when repeating non-full-measure selection when next measure is measure repeat
* fix #15473: Register AppMenuModel as PlatformAppMenuModel on macOS
* OSXAudioDriver: fix CFStringRef to std::string conversion for device names
* Fix asking about saving score when receiving Quit event
* Update window title when switching between parts
* gp-import: fixed import of ties when octave sigh is present
* Fix #11414: Fixed brace-wrapping issue
* Fix #11414: Improved NumberInputField behavior when selected
* fix #15473: Add support for platform menu bar on Linux
* fix #15473: Move macOS platform menu to separate component
* fix #15473: Add global menu check method to AppMenuModel
* fix #15473: Add Linux platform theme
* fix #15473: Add method for global menu check to platform theme
* fix #15473: Add Qt D-Bus module (on Linux)
* fix #15473: Register AppMenuModel as PlatformAppMenuModel on Linux
* Switched API calls onto new dedicated domain
* added the ability to manually reproduce #15636
* gp-import: fixed octava import when gp file is bugged
* Fix system flag on parts creation
* Fixed off by one error which incorrectly prohibits a tab note moving to a string at the highest fret.
* Allow negative values for line hook heights
* Fix playback toggle on dock/undock
* Added error after adding interval with no note selected
* Hopeful codestyle fix
* Added guard clause for changing accidentals on tablature
* Fix page size on 302 import
* Fix colornotes to allow undo even on a selection
* Sat Jan 14 2023 Update to version 4.1~git.20230113T151731.7a0bfc4b:
* try fix linux build setup on CI
* [diagnostics] added convert drawdata to image
* fixed a crash when using the \"no effect\" button on an effect that failed to load
* fix #14205: some VST plugins don\'t support more than 1 channel (we use 2 channels by default)
* fixed a broken VST window after re-opening it on windows (the problem can be reproduced, for example, with Vital Audio or Valhalla Supermassive)
* fix #13867: deinit the plugin view before calling ~AbstractVstEditorView()
* add initial score creation tempo markings to all system object staves
* fixed #12791: Fixed numpad sequences
* Fix crash on deleting \"system object\" staff
* glissando sound in midi made half of its length
* Support building for arm64 on Apple Silicon Macs with arm64 Qt version
* fixed warning about creation QEventLoop
* [diagnostic] optimization draw data json
* [diagnostic] added generation engraving draw data
* fix #15292:
* gp-import: fixed let ring length and track
* Fix duplicate system objects in parts
* WASAPI Driver: don\'t crash (or rather hang) when starting client fails
* Enabled schedule for 4.0.1
* Fixed force mode
* Added ls and ts commands for video converter
* fixed #14609: Stop playback at the end of a track
* Bumped up the version number to 4.1.0
* Update Engraving_PartsTests after #15257
* Add missing includes (mostly Qt)
* Fix MSVC compiler warning
* Fix XCode compiler warnings
* \'Fix\' MSVC compiler warning
* Fix MSVC compiler warnings
* Fix MSVC compiler warning
* Fix MSVC compiler warnings
* Fix MinGW compiler warning
* Fix MinGW compiler warning
* Fix MinGW compiler warnings
* Fix MSVC compiler warning
* Fix MinGW compiler warnings
* Fix MSVC/MinGW compiler warnings
* \'Fix\' MSVC compiler warnings
* \'Fix\' MSVC compiler warning
* Fix MSVC compiler warnings
* Fix MSVC compiler warnings
* fix #14487: use the correct tpc value regardless of the state of the concert pitch checkbox
* Move remaining stuff out of `engraving/tests_legacy`
* Move MIDI export tests to iex_midi module
* Revive Links unit tests
* Delete left-over `tests_legacy/layout_data`
* Update reference files for Parts tests
* Revive Parts unit tests
* Update reference files for Compat114 tests
* Revive Compat114 unit tests
* Update reference files for Compat206 tests
* Revive Compat206 unit tests
* Update CMakeLists.txt
* Update AboutDialog.qml
* Update LICENSE.rtf
* Updating copyright to 2023
* REFACTOR: Follow code style
* FIX 15499: remove default Qt icons
* Engraving tests: rename `utests` to `tests`
* Engraving tests: rename `tests` -> `tests_legacy`
* Revive unit tests for Repeats
* Change Hide/delete to Hide/Delete. (#15686)
* Resolve specificity of corner radius spinbox
* Correctly detect Valencian system language
* Rename `instrumentId` -> `musicXmlId` to eliminate confusion
* Plugin API: make `instrumentId` still return MusicXML id like in MS3
* Plugin API: fix the Align property type
* Update stubs for Workspace module
* Update stubs for Update module
* Update stubs for Shortcuts module
* Update stubs for Plugins module
* Update stubs for Playback module
* Update stubs for Palette module
* Update stubs for Multiinstances module
* Update stubs for Languages module
* Update stubs for InstrumentsScene module
* Update stubs for Cloud module
* Update stubs for Audio module
* Fix musescore#15415: Correct CANNOT_SPLIT_MEASURE_TOO_SHORT message
* Remove SF Pro workaround on macOS
* Allow values between 0 and 100 for corner radius in text settings
* Fix more possible crashes due to modifying segment annotations during loop
* Fix articulation glitch
* Collision correction (ignore all text-base items)
* Don\'t allow deleting the first key signature of a piece
* treated potential crashes with keysig
* Fix #14699: Align fields for old / new shortcut
* added vtest
* MMRest drawn strokes should scale in thickness with individual staff size
* Correction to staff hiding logic
* Fix inserted measures being empty/corrupt in part scores
* Sun Jan 01 2023 Hans-Peter Jansen - Sync with release package: update build and runtime requirements
* Fri Dec 30 2022 Hans-Peter Jansen - Add 8 GB disk contraints
* Fri Dec 30 2022 Update to version 4.1~git.20221229T222106.3969d797:
* Fix String::arg for strings starting with a number
* ByteArray tests: cover the `clear()` method
* ByteArray: fix Asan error in `reserve()` method
* ByteArray tests: cover the `reserve()` method
* Simplifications in ByteArray implementation
* Fix Ctrl+Number shortcuts during text editing on non-macOS
* Fix inserting elision character in Lyrics
* Fix/simplify isEditAllowed() and edit() of TextBase subclasses
* Make TextBase::isEditAllowed more fine-grained
* Remove unused `build/cmake/SetupCMakePolicy.cmake` file
* Remove obsolete `build/cmake/CreatePrecompiledHeader.cmake` file
* Remove obsolete `thirdparty/singleapp`
* Remove obsolete `share/themes` folder
* Remove obsolete `share/templates/Create_New_Score.mscz` file
* Remove obsolete `rdoc` folder
* Remove obsolete `build/` script
* Remove obsolete `build/mscore.xml` file
* Remove obsolete `build/getman` script
* Remove obsolete `build/gen-
*` files
* Remove obsolete `build/`
* Remove references to QtWebEngine
* Move plugin api to namespace mu::plugins::api
* Fix linking on Linux without Crashpad Client
* Update `peter-evans/commit-comment` to v2 to fix Node.js deprecation warning
* Update `actions/download-artifact` to v3 to fix Node.js deprecation warning
* Update `actions/upload-artifact` to v3 to fix Node.js deprecation warning
* Update `actions/cache` to v3 to fix Node.js deprecation warning
* Update `actions/checkout` to v3 to fix Node.js deprecation warning
* While at it, update `styfle/cancel-workflow-action`
* CI: replace deprecated `::set-output` with `>> $GITHUB_OUTPUT`
* fix GH#15323: Align properties can\'t save to style
* Switch to using Visual Studio 2022
* Thu Dec 29 2022 Hans-Peter Jansen - Add README.SUSE and referring notes- Enforce gcc 11 on Leaps- Fix Leap build issue (missing -ldl)- Recommend vst3sdk, if enabled
* Wed Dec 28 2022 Hans-Peter Jansen - Add jack build conditional
* Tue Dec 27 2022 Update to version 4.1~git.20221226T175010.002fd329:
* Engraving UTests: more intuitive diffs for failing tests- Add Provides/Conflicts with musescore release build
* Tue Dec 27 2022 Hans-Peter Jansen - Add vst3 build conditional
* Mon Dec 26 2022 Update to version 4.1~git.20221226T165808.81d8b627:
* Add option to specify custom crash_handler path
* Don\'t install crashpad handler if `BUILD_CRASHPAD_CLIENT` is disabled
* Fix musescore#15533: Allow setting the thickness of a text frame to zero
* Disabled schedule for release candidate
* fixed #15469: When inserting through score, an id is generated for staff
* Include the pkg-config wrapper for freetype as well
* fixed #15467: If the user cancels the dialog, the selected color is invalid
* Sat Dec 17 2022 Cor Blom - Do not build crashpad and remove the prebuilt crashpad binary
* Fri Dec 16 2022 Cor Blom - Remove explicit opus-devel require
* Fri Dec 16 2022 Cor Blom - Add Qt5QuickTemplate2 to BuildRequires- Remove opus devel files and add requires to system files
* Thu Dec 15 2022 Cor Blom - Update to 4.0: Changes in interface, graving, soundsystem, mixer, everything See Removed unused patches:
* no-webview-in-startcentre.patch
* use-system-qtwebengine-files.patch
* Sat Aug 27 2022 Cor Blom - Add soundfont and related files that cmake tries to download during build (,,, MuseScore_General.sf3) which contain newer versions of the MuseScore soundfont
* Tue Apr 27 2021 Cor Blom - Explicit cmake flag -DBUILD_WEBENGINE=\"OFF\" is needed to build without qtwebengine
* Sun Apr 25 2021 Cor Blom - Do not build with qtwebengine on ppc64 and ppc64le
* Sun Apr 25 2021 Cor Blom - Change the GenericName in the desktop file to something that is really generic: Music score typesetter
* Sat Apr 24 2021 Cor Blom - Add no-webview-in-startcentre.patch to prevent that webview is used in startcentre (boo#1181604)
* Tue Feb 09 2021 Fabian Vogt - Add compatibility with qml-autoreqprov
* Tue Feb 09 2021 Dura-Kovács - Updated to 3.6.2
* Fixed an issue with gap between staff and final barline with courtesy clef
* Fixed an issue when removing spanners from measures outside of the rewrite range
* Fixed an accessibility issue with the score migration dialog
* Fixed a crash related to QtWebEngineProcess after update
* Fixed an issue with timeline showing part name rather than instrument name
* Fixed an issue with focus of dockable windows when visibility is toggled
* Fixed an issue where custom gliss text reverts to default \"gliss\"
* Added missing Flügelhorns to instrument ordering definitions
* Fixed an issue where beams cannot be connected over quarter rests
* Fixed an issue where staff spacers do not work on last system of page
* Fixed an issue with broken swapping of notes/chords with Shift + Left/Right
* Fixed an issue with incomplete import from ScoreScan XML file
* Fixed an issue with unsaved default settings to pre-3.6 score after \'reset styles to default\'
* Fixed an issue with Banjo fifth string fret numbers
* Fixed an issue where invisible breath marks impact layout
* Fixed a crash during the opening of a score with a missing section break
* Applying tremolo is now a toggle operation
* Fixed an issue where the Mixer panel is not fully shown when opened
* Fixed an issue where an empty rehearsal mark is not deleted after entering a system break
* Fixed an issue where multi-measure rest numbers can collide with other elements
* Fixed an issue where deleting a breath/caesura leads to the wrong note being selected
* Fixed an issue when parts inherit non-default style from score
* Fixed a crash when changing time signature at the beginning of a corrupted measure
* Fixed an issue with unreadable chord symbols
* Updated the close icon for Import Midi Panel (and Find/GoTo)
* Fixed an issue with auto-sizing of vertical frames when dragging the height handle
* Fri Jan 29 2021 Balázs Dura-Kovács - Updated to 3.6.1
* Fixed a crash on open of a file with start repeat in continuous view
* Fixed an issue when switching tabs when opening a score while \"Score migration dialog\" is open
* Fixed crashes when rearranging instrument positions and changing Ordering
* Fixed an issue where the window is marked as modified, even when the last score is closed
* Fixed a crash when opening scores with large orchestration created in older versions of MuseScore
* Fixed an issue with incorrect order of Violins in Orchestra template
* Fixed a crash when hiding palettes
* Fixed an export failure when part name contains a slash
* Fixed an issue where spacers do not function when vertical justification is enabled
* Added an option to Copy SMuFL Symbol Code for symbols in Master Palette
* Clef changes are no longer visible on hidden staves
* Fixed an issue where first system indentation can cause measures to not fit on system
* Fixed an issue with wrong key signatures upon \"Reset Al Styles\" in concert pitch scores
* Display symbols\' SMuFL name in Symbols Palette
* Removed corner radius from new default rehearsal mark style
* Fixed an issue where custom style defaults are ignored when creating new score from template
* Fixed an issue where applying a key change to a selection causes a crash when transposing instruments are involved
* Fixed an issue where an incomplete voice in local time signature leads to corruption upon import
* Fixed an issue where swapping notes in a two-note tremolo causes corrupted tremolo, and crash
* Fixed an issue where two-note tremolos display incorrectly on a stave with custom scale
* Fixed an issue where measure number offset changes on reload
* It is now possible to copy/paste the LetRing, PalmMute and Vibrato elements
* The link on \"Score migration dialog\" now leads to Bilibili if using Chinese- Removed enable-build-with-qt5.15 patch as building with QT 5.15 is now enabled by upstream
* Tue Jan 19 2021 Cor Blom - From Balázs Dura-Kovács:- removed fonts/gootville/readme.txt executable bit fix, as it was fixed in upstream- install new fonts, most of them are otf- included additional third party licenses and readme files- added MUSESCORE_REVISION and MUSESCORE_BUILD_CONFIG flags, so that Musescore wouldn\'t think it\'s a dev build- tested on Tumbleweed with Qt 5.15.2. Couldn\'t reproduce issues with with palettes and migration window described here:
* Fri Jan 15 2021 Cor Blom - Update to 3.6
* Added the new default notation fonts \"Leland\"
* Added the new default text font \"Edwin\"
* Added a new dialog that suggests trying out the new engraving defaults
* Added automatic score ordering and bracketing
* Added automatic vertical justification of staves
* Added Mountain Dulcimer instrument and 3-string tab presets
* Added portamento for FLUID synthesiser
* Added Petaluma notation font
* Added mnemonics for \"Save\", \"Save As\" and \"Resource Manager\"
* And other improvements and bugfixes, for details see: Remove correct-revision.patch- Add enable-build-with-qt515.patch to enable build with Qt 5.15